Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Thursday 28 January 2021

Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.jpg

I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation.

It is too long ago.

I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.

Trying to make some sense of it all
But I see it makes no sense at all.
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor?
I don’t think that I can take anymore.

Clowns to the left of me!
Jokers to the right!
Here I am stuck in the middle with you.

Stuck in the Middle with You.png

This could be said about the lives of everyone individually or the collective history of mankind.

We find ourselves in the middle of a situation with next to no inkling of how we got here.

We are swept up in the tide of Time and suddenly it seems the course of our lives has been set for us.

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I’d save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time

To do the things you want to do, once you find them

I’ve looked around enough to know

That you’re the one I want to go through time with.

Time in a Bottle.jpg

The clouds rolled in
And hit that shore
Now that glory train
It don’t stop here no more

Now I look at the years gone by
And wonder at the powers that be
I don’t know why fortune smiles on some
And lets the rest go free

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We are guests at the banquet of Life and the buffet breakfast has already, imperceptibly, been arranged.

We are left with only two choices: to feast like there is no tomorrow or deny ourselves now in the hopes of more promising prospects in future.

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Men find themselves married, girls become mothers, and the lost have forgotten why they left.

And as we age and Death in its eager anticipation sends shivers down our spines, thoughts of trying to finally take stock of our lives, to finally comprehend the role of driftwood in a river, come upon us in the middle of our awareness before we know that those thoughts have always been everpresent.

We race through existence, oblivious to the moments that shape us, certain of our own cleverness in blindly following standards of behaviour that we ourselves did not set.

God only knows
God makes His plan
The information’s unavailable
To the mortal man
We work our jobs
Collect our pay
Believe we’re gliding down the highway
When in fact we’re slip slidin’ away

Slip slidin’ away
Slip slidin’ away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you’re slip slidin’ away

Paulsimon slipslidinaway77.jpg

Questions are too time-consuming.

Assumptions are easier.

Nothing’s wrong as far as I can see
We make it harder than it has to be
And I can’t tell you why
No, no, baby, I can’t tell you why
I can’t tell you why

Image result for i can't tell you why eagles

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 

However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.


Above: Pride and Prejudice, first published 28 January 1813

We hapless males in our eagerness to lose ourselves in another’s embrace rarely consider that our completeness is not totally reliant upon the community wherein we find ourselves.

We seek to reach a potential that attracts admiration, little realizing that the traps we have set are for ourselves.

Baby, I’m through runnin’, it’s true
I’d be a fool to try to escape you
Maybe I’m beat, but, oh, what a sweet surrender

You keep your rights, I’ll take your nights
No one can lose when we turn the lights out
Tastin’ defeat, lovin’ that sweet surrender

I’m givin’ up myself to you
But I didn’t really lose at all
I gave the only love I’ve known
And it never hurt me to fall

Now that it’s done, so glad you won
I know our lives have only begun now
No more retreat, only my sweet surrender

Oh, Baby, I may be beat
But, oh, what a sweet surrender.

Sweet Surrender - Bread.jpg

We are blind to the guile of girls, their determination to get us into their worlds and hold us within.

They are attracted by the challenge of shaping us to their whims and then become bored once the task has been completed or annoyed should their clay figurines be not as maleable as they had hoped.

There is no fun with a playtoy too often played with or one that will not behave as is wished.

Their beauty is their blessing and their curse, their strongest tool and their greatest weapon.

I am a woman in love
And I do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It’s a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?

Image result for a woman in love barbra streisand lyrics

So seduced by what we believe is our perfect interpretation of the world there is little room or reason to consider much of the vast mystery of life.

Both male and female such fools are we!

Ain’t no livin’ in a perfect world
There ain’t no perfect world anyway
Ain’t no livin’ in a perfect world
But we’ll keep on dreamin’ of livin’ in a perfect world
Keep on dreamin’ of livin’ in a perfect world

Image result for a perfect world huey lewis

I think of the famous for whom this day the sun set its last, of those who reigned over us in one form or another.

Mighty Charlemagne and Henry VIII, poets W.B. Yeats and John McCrae, once they were the wind that shook the reeds, now forgotten breeze, save where sand was scattered across the shore.

Above: Equestrian statue of Charlemagne (748 – 28 January 814)

After Hans Holbein the Younger - Portrait of Henry VIII - Google Art Project.jpg

Above: Henry VIII (1491 – 28 January 1547)

Above: William Butler Yeats (1865 – 28 January 1939)

John McCrae in uniform circa 1914.jpg

Above: John McCrae (1872 – 28 January 1918)

On this day a mighty king with feet bloodied and body sore sought mercy from a mere man claiming to be God’s voice upon the Earth.

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Above: The excommunication of Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV (1050 – 1106), is lifted after he humbles himself before Pope Gregory VII (né Hildebrand of Sovana) (1015 – 1085), at Canossa in Italy, 28 January 1077

On this day a troublesome priest dared to debate an individual’s right to their own beliefs.

Above: Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) at the Diet of Worms (28 January to 25 May 1521)

On this day a butcher, a bastard, a pirate called privateer for blood shed beneath his country’s flag (England), sacks and burns a city (Panama Viejo) (28 January 1671), then mere centuries later another city (Shanghai) oceans away is ravaged and more blood shed in the name of (Japanese) nationalism.

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Above: Captain Morgan (1635 – 1688)

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Above: Chinese 19th Route Army in defensive position in the Battle of Shanghai (28 January – 3 March 1932)

On this day a man (Walter Arnold) becomes the first to be convicted for speeding, while years later another man (Rudolf Caracciola) is rewarded for shattering a speed record.

Rudolf Caracciola by Hugo Kühn 1928cr.jpg

Above: Rudolf Caracciola (1901 – 1959)

All is white as a theatre collapses beneath the snow.

(On 28 January 1922, the Knickerbocker was showing the silent comedy Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford

News reports estimated that 1,000 people were in the theatre that evening.

Two days before, a massive blizzard had begun and lasted 28 hours, resulting in significant accumulation of snow and ice throughout the Washington DC area.

It was the worst snowfall in the area since 1899, and much of the city was paralyzed by it.

The snow accumulation on the Knickerbocker’s flat roof put significant strain on the structure, and on the evening of the 28th, it gave way.

The collapse occurred suddenly just after 9:00 PM. 

Witnesses reported that they had no hint of danger such as creaking or loud noises beforehand.

With a loud noise, the roof of the theater collapsed onto the concrete balcony, and both in turn collapsed onto the orchestra seating section.

As a result of the collapse, 98 people died and 133 were injured.)

Above: Interior of the Knickbocker Theatre after the collapse

A man (Elvis Presley: 1935 – 1977) dressed in black shines bright as the world becomes his theatre.

You ain’t nothing but a hound dog
Crying all the time
You ain’t nothing but a hound dog
Yeah, crying all the time
Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit
And you ain’t no friend of mine

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Above: Elvis Presley’s first TV appearance on the Dorsey Brothers’ CBS Stage Show, 28 January 1956

And the sky bleeds red as a schoolteacher seeking to share the stars with a new generation of astronauts is lost in flames.

The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster was a fatal incident in the United States’ space program that occurred on 28 January 1986, when the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard.

The crew was announced on 27 January 1985, and was commanded by Francis Scobee. 

Michael Smith was assigned as the pilot, and the mission specialists were Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik  and Ronald McNair.

The two payload specialists were Gregory Jarvis, who was assigned in October as a payload specialist to conduct research for the Hughes Aircraft Company, and Crista McAuliffe, who flew as part of the Teacher in Space Project.

Above: Challenger crew: (front row) Smith, Scobee, McNair; (back row) Onizuka, McAuliffe, Jarvis, Resnik

On the 28th of January, 1986, Christa McAuliffe
Gazed in horror as the O-rings failed
And she died, and she died, and she died

For the next agonizing two minutes and forty-five long seconds
She called out the truth on her broken radio
“I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m alive”

It came as some surprise to realize that
As she lost everything
The world was revealed in a transmission so real
That she understood everything
We’re still alive

Four thousand nautical miles as the crow flies away
A home-made HAM radio in the loft of a Hampshire family home
Came alive, came alive, came alive

The four year old amateur operator thus became
The only person to hear Christa’s last desperate communique
“We’re alive, we’re alive, we’re alive”

It came as some surprise to realize
While he didn’t catch everything
The world was revealed in a transmission so real
That he understood everything
We’re still alive

Above: Challenger begins to disintegrate

In the Great White North a nation’s (Canada) unforgettable flag’s design is approved (28 January 1965) and will soon enter the world’s consciousness, then two decades later nationalism should be denied in the name of feeding the forgotten hungry as We Are the World is recorded (28 January 1985).

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all of us command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me

An album cover with "We Are the World" spelled out across the left and bottom in papier-mâché-style. To the top right of the cover is "USA for Africa" in blue text, under which names are listed against a white background

And today on this day of days in the midst of a pandemic the public attendance of a lucrative football game is planned in the West while protesters risk death to defy a lockdown in the Middle East.

Anyone visiting Tampa’s popular outdoor destinations for the Super Bowl will be required to wear a mask to help prevent the spread of the corona virus.

Super Bowl LV.png

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor signed an executive order Wednesday saying masks must be worn outside while downtown, in neighborhoods around Raymond James Stadium — where the Super Bowl will be held — and in other tourist hotspots.

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Above: Tampa Mayor Jane Castor

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Above: Raymond James Stadium, 2007

The order says those who are not wearing a mask can be cited with a “nominal civil infraction” that carries a penalty up to a $500 fine.

It will remain in place until 13 February — nearly a week after the Super Bowl ends.

There are a few exceptions, including children under 5.

We are incredibly excited to host a fun and safe Super Bowl here in Tampa — but we need everyone to do their part.

We want fans to feel confident knowing that when they come out to celebrate Super Bowl LV, they can do so safely in a city that takes this pandemic seriously,” Castor said in a statement Thursday morning.

The NFL is allowing 22,000 visitors to be inside Raymond James Stadium for the game, and all will be required to wear masks.

The stadium normally has a capacity of 75,000 fans.

Images from top, left to right: Skyline of Downtown Tampa, Amalie Arena, Ybor City, Henry B. Plant Museum, Raymond James Stadium, and Kumba at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.

Above: Images of Tampa, Florida

A man was killed in the Lebanese city of Tripoli on Thursday in clashes between security forces and protesters angry over a strict lockdown that has cut off livelihoods in a collapsing economy.

Clockwise from top left: Citadel of Raymond de Saint-Gilles, Mansouri Great Mosque minaret, Mamluk architecture, bay view, and a Syriac Catholic church

Above: Images of Tripoli, Lebanon

Omar Taybah, 30, was hit by a bullet overnight, according to a local hospital that treated him, a security source and residents.

Dozens marched at his funeral during the day.

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Witnesses and local media said police had fired live bullets as protesters tried to storm the northern city’s government building.

Scores of people were wounded.

Security forces said they fired live rounds to disperse rioters who set the building’s guard room on fire and ripped out a gate.

The violence “led to the fall of a victim,” the statement said without naming Taybah.

People poured back into Tripoli’s main square later on Thursday.

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Police fired tear gas at protesters hurling Molotov cocktails.

Flames engulfed the municipality as it caught fire just before midnight, with plumes of grey smoke billowing out of the windows.

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It was the fourth straight night of unrest in one of Lebanon’s poorest cities, after the government imposed a 24-hour curfew to curb a COVID-19 surge that has killed more than 2,500.

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Aid workers warn the lockdown is piling extra hardship on the poor, now more than half the population, with little government aid.

People are tired.

There’s poverty, misery, lockdown and there’s no work.

Our problem is the politicians,” said Samir Agha at the protest overnight.

Flag of Lebanon

Above: Flag of Lebanon

A currency crash has triggered fears of rising hunger.

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Still, Lebanese leaders have yet to launch a rescue plan or enact reforms to unlock aid, prompting rebuke including from foreign donors.

Above: Lebanese Parliament Building, Beirut

Human Rights Watch called for an investigation into Thursday’s death.

The government neglected the needs of Tripoli’s people and used brute force when the people demanded a better life,” researcher Aya Majzoub said.

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Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces said rioters threw hand grenades, including at a patrol, injuring at least nine officers.

They pledged to respond with “full severity and decisiveness.”

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Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab has said the corona virus lockdown was necessary.

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Above: Prime Minister Hassan Diab

Hospitals, fighting some of the region’s highest infection levels, were already struggling with supply shortages due to the liquidity crunch.

Lebanon’s financial meltdown, on a scale it has never seen before, erupted in 2019 into protests against leaders who oversaw decades of state graft.

Location of Lebanon

How did we get here?

What are we doing here
Such a long way away from home
We’ve been away so long
Away so long away from home.

So what are we doing here
In a place where we have no friends
All we can do is sit and cry
Let the time drag by and think of home.

Home, what a day that will be
The faces of people we love that we’ll see
The memories of what we had left will return
The present remains the past is just burned.

Image result for what are we doing here john entwistle

It seems sometimes that which attracts a crowd is that which inspires mass madness.

Perhaps the places where people congregate, where folks live in droves, are not only physically unhealthy but as well psychologically harmful.

I am no better and neither are you
We’re all the same whatever we do
You love me you hate me
You know me and then
You can’t figure out the bag I’m in
I am everyday people


For 49 years, Jinky Demarest de Rivera has lived and thrived in dense, vibrant cities.

The non-profit finance director grew up in Manhattan and for the past 16 years has made a home in Oakland, where he lives with his wife, Sara, and their dog, Onyx.

Now the family is packing everything up for a large house in New York’s rural Hudson River Valley with enough room to raise chickens.

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Above: Jinky Demarest de Rivera and Sara

Two months of sheltering in place in rented two-bedroom apartment gave the pair some unexpected clarity about what was important to them.

And new policies letting them work remotely indefinitely at their respective jobs gave them the opportunity to do something about it.

They wanted to be closer to their aging parents on the East Coast and saw no hope of ever owning a home in one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country.

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There is nowhere we want to be other than with our families right now.

It is really heartbreaking to be far away,” said Sara, who grew up in rural Maine.

We have gained a lot from living in the city, but as we get older, and going through this pandemic, we see the value of being close to family and having land.”

Flag of Maine

They aren’t the only ones making a big move.

After months of forced stillness, unable to make many major decisions or follow through on some already planned, people are jumping into one of the biggest life changes there is and moving out of cities.

For some, it is a chance to be closer to family, which feels more urgent in the midst of a global health scare.

Like a hobo.jpg

For a large swath of people in the country’s most expensive cities, it is a way to get more living space and be closer to nature, something increasingly made possible by the growing trend of remote work.

And for many others, it is not really a decision at all but a necessity in the face of growing job losses and still sky-high rents.

Midtown Manhattan facing south toward Lower Manhattan

They are part of a broader US shift after the global corona virus pandemic hit the United States, triggering a major restructuring of our lives.

To try to save lives, governments have shut down economies, prompting millions to apply for unemployment benefits.

Other workers have been sent to work remotely for months, while companies, including Twitter and Facebook, are reconsidering whether workers ever need to come back to the office or disappear completely, the pandemic is fundamentally changing the appeal, necessity and feasibility of living in a big city.

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It could be months or years before we know the pandemic’s impact on urban areas.

While many states and counties are considering again loosening their lockdown orders, there is the chance of new outbreaks and restrictions.

And the protests over police brutality that have spread across cities throughout the United States could galvanize some residents’ commitment to their cities and push others to quieter areas.

A Kaiser Family Foundation poll in May 2020 found that 34% of people with jobs said they were working from home.

And people in cities hit hard by the pandemic – New York, San Francisco and Seattle – are searching for remote work opportunities significantly more than the rest of the country, LinkedIn data shows.

Some real estate data suggests many are already considering or making a move to a smaller town or suburb.

Kaiser Family Foundation logo.jpg

It is accelerating the trend of people leaving major US cities for the past few years, demographers say – something that typically occurs as the economy recovers after an economic downturn.

The pandemic could hasten this change, especially if permanent remote work continues to catch on quickly and job losses continue to pile up across industries such as retail and restaurants.


Obviously, the Covid-19 pandemic is operating at another scale.

It is global and has affected every city rather than certain ones,” said New York University professor of sociology Eric Klinenberg.

Most importantly, the pandemic has induced a fear of closeness.

To live in a city means to be in a dense environment where you are physically close to people.

I think all those trends mean this could be different.

It is going to be a hard road to a comeback.”

New York University Seal.svg

Blake Stelle had to move out of her $1,450 studio apartment in Los Angeles when she got laid off from a job in casting for a TV project.

She had been working as a freelance producer for unscripted TV shows in LA for years, but in mid-March 2020 productions in California ground to a halt as the state issued widespread stay-at-home orders and shut down all but essential physical workplaces.

The idea of me leaving my home isn’t ideal, but it was from really a financial standpoint that I had to do it,” she said.

Stelle knows she is far from alone in economic uncertainty and is staying with family in northern New Hampshire whilse searching for jobs.

She still hopes to move back to LA if she finds a job.

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Above: Blake Stelle

It is not just the people who are changing, it is the cities around them.

As the weeks and months tick by, more small businesses are closing for good, and the very things that made cities alluring in the first place are changing, such as eating out or going to bars, parties and events.

Image result for city under lockdown

The disappearance of local restaurants and shops “takes away from the cities“, said karen Chapple, chair of city and regional planning at the University of California in Berkeley.

That is a huge loss of jobs and that is a push factor out of cities because instead of having that be part of the urban experience, it is just a delivery to your door.”

Seal of University of California, Berkeley.svg

When are you gonna come down?
When are you going to land?
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man

You know you can’t hold me forever
I didn’t sign up with you
I’m not a present for your friends to open
This boy’s too young to be singing
The blues, ah, ah

So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can’t plant me in your penthouse
I’m going back to my plough

Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh, I’ve finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
Ah, ah

Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.jpg

Soon I will be moving from the tiny hamlet of Landschlacht (population: 3,500 if you include the outlying communities / 800 if you don’t) to the Turkish city of Eskisehir (population: 650,000) – by comparison, the city of St. Gallen, where much of my Swiss employment was, has 76,000 – so, as usual, I am “swimming against the tide“.

Turkey, as I write these words, is also under lockdown, though in its own fashion, so, like Switzerland, opportunities to enjoy all the benefits cities offer might not be available to the extent the world enjoyed before the pandemic struck.

Flag of Turkey

Above: Flag of Turkey

But there is nonetheless the opportunity in Eskisehir to enjoy the benefits a rural environment offers: walking bridges, a sand beach, pedestrian paths, friendly open-minded locals, horses in the park, gondolas on the river, fresh air and rolling lawns, all within walking distance to the Ottoman Quarter with its pastel-shaded homes with distinctive overhanging storeys and wood-framed shutters hugging narrow stone lanes beneath the shadows of a mosque.

And if there is one thing I enjoy, it is following the course of a river, and joyfully the Porsuk River flows through Eskisehir at a length of 448 km (278 miles) to where it meets the mighty Sakarya River in ancient Gordium.

To be fair, lockdown (and in places, quarantine) in a metropolis is far more depressing than pandemic restrictions down rural routes.

Living in the country town of Landschlacht means that there are no theatres or museums to miss, restaurants are visited only when outsiders come a-callin’, and this village lacks both store and post office to supply even our basest of needs.

Still, buses run out to Kreuzlingen (15 km to the west) and our one-lane railroad connects Schaffhausen (46.5 km / 29 miles to the west) (with Europe’s largest cascade, the Rhine Falls) with St. Gallen (24 km / 15 miles to the southeast) (with its UNESCO monastery library).

Kreuzlingen in early-October 2009

Above: Kreuzlingen

Above: Rhine Falls

Above: Monastery library, St. Gallen

Highway 13 remains busy and civilization beckons, though involuntarily dormant these days.

But, yes, I too am pandemic weary, tired of face masks, tired of disinfectants, tired of closed shops and sealed restaurants and cafés, locked libraries and mere memories of what a museum offers, tired of the eternal uncertainty of governments hardly more knowledgeable about handling a pandemic than the average labourer, tired of half-hidden faces, tired of withholding kisses and hugs, tired of sweating behind a face mask on a train unable to read as the mask causes my reading glasses to fog, so damn tired of it all.

Image result for pandemic fatigue

But life is as it is, and even if the rules are meant merely to pacify us and the regulations feel as nonsensical as the situation we find ourselves in, if following the rules and regs has even the smallest chance of protecting me and others around me, then I will uncomplaining do what needs to be done.

The rain falls on country mouse and city mouse alike, and wherever you go, there you are.

Sources: Wikipedia / Google / Lonely Planet Turkey / Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice / Bread, “Sweet Surrender” / Jim Croce, “Time in a Bottle” / Eagles, “I Can’t Tell You Why” / Eagles, “Sad Café” / John Entwistle, “What Are We Doing Here?” / Ellen Francis, “In locked-down Lebanon, protester killed in night of unrest“, Reuters, 27 January 2021 / “Tampa Mayor Jane Castor issues outdoor mask order for Super Bowl LV“, ESPN, 28 January 2021 / Elton John, “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” / Heather Kelly and Rachel Lerman, “The pandemic is making people reconsider city living“, Washington Post, 1 June 2020 / Calixa Lavallée and Robert Stanley Weir, “O Canada” (English version) / Huey Lewis and the News, “Perfect World” / Elvis Presley, “Hound Dog” / Paul Simon, “Slip Slidin’ Away” / Sly and the Family Stone, “Everyday People” / Stealers Wheel, “Stuck in the Middle with You” / Frank Turner, “Silent Key

Canada Slim and the Napanee Sadness

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Sunday 13 December 2020

There is a creative essential I have learned:

Don’t wait until you know the meaning of life to get started.


And there is a secret I have learned:

One day a famous artist, who was much younger than he is now, picked up a call from a collector who had acquired one of his early paintings on the secondary market.

Having kept the work in storage ever since, the collector only recently discovered that there was a small area of cracked paint in the corner of the canvas, which did not look so good.

Before returning the painting to storage, the collector thought he would contact the artist and ask him whether, for a modest fee, he would repair the damage.

The artist said yes.

Treasures We Never See - How Much Art is Hidden Away in Museums Storage ? |  Widewalls

A few days later, the painting arrived at the artist’s studio.

Still in its wooden packing crate, the art handlers heaved the large-format painting up against a wall and removed the front panel so the painting faced outwards and could be worked on.

9 Famous Artists' Studios You Can Visit, from Jackson Pollock to Barbara  Hepworth - Artsy

Looking at the painting, the artist realized two things:

First of all, he didn’t like the work any more.

It was not how he remembered it.

Secondly, in order to repair the damage, the artist decided he might as well rework the entire surface and blend in any cracks, making them less visible.

What to Know About an Artist's Oil Painting Palette -- Part 1 | Teresa  Bernard Oil Paintings

Over the course of the day, he applied layer after layer of fresh paint, turning a monochromatic abstract work into a representative image of a cow in a field.

Not even a good representation.

Bad Cow" Poster by DALTONSCOINS | Redbubble

The next day, the art handlers retunred to the artist’s studio, closed the crate back up again, and the painting – now completely different – was carted off to storage.

Years have since passed and the artist has yet to hear from the collector….

The 3G4G Blog: Shunning mobiles in favour of Landlines

From the blog of Mitch Teemley, Saturday 6 June 2020:

“It is easy to vilify names, faces and images.


On social media.

In the news – real, fake or a mix of both.

The only way to know the truth is to know someone.

To listen, to learn and to care for them despite what we thought we knew.

May we ignore the sound bites and discover the real, hurting, angry misunderstood people in our midst.

Only then will there be true healing….”

So You've Been Publicly Shamed: Jon Ronson: 9780330492287:  Books

Kingston to Napanee, Ontario, Canada, Thursday 9 January 2020

The news was not good this day.

  • Islamist militants killed over 25 Nigerian soldiers in an attack on an army base in Tillabéri Region, Niger. 63 militants were also killed in the ensuing shootout.
Niger declares three days of mourning after 89 soldiers killed in attack on  military base - CNN

At least 25 Niger soldiers, 63 'terrorists' killed in attack on army base  in Tillaberi region

  • US, Canadian, British and Iraqi officials said they believed the plane crash near Tehran in which 176 were killed yesterday was likely caused accidentally by an Iranian anti-aircraft missile, while Iran says it was due to “mechanical failure“.
  • The New York Times released a verified video obtained from an Iranian citizen showing the plane being struck by what appeared to be a surface-to-air missile.
  • In a news conference, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was “too early to draw definitive conclusions” that the downing of the plane was an “act of war”. Trudeau also condemned Iran’s attacks on US bases in Iraq.

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(On 8 May 2018, the United States withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal, reinstating sanctions against Iran. 

Iran’s oil production hit a historic low as a result of these sanctions.

Iran Talks Vienna 14 July 2015 (19067069963).jpg

Above: JCPOA Iran nuclear deal agreement in Vienna. From left to right: Foreign ministers/secretaries of state Wang Yi (China), Laurent Fabius (France), Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Germany), Federica Mogherini (EU), Mohammad Javad Zarif (Iran), Philip Hammond (UK), John Kerry (USA)

According to the BBC in April 2019, US sanctions against Iran “led to a sharp downturn in Iran’s economy, pushing the value of its currency to record lows, quadrupling its annual inflation rate, driving away foreign investors, and triggering protests“.

Iranian officials have accused the US of waging hybrid warfare against the country.

Flag of Iran

Above: Flag of Iran

Tensions between Iran and the US escalated in May 2019, with the U.S. deploying more military assets to the Persian Gulf region after receiving intelligence reports of an alleged “campaign” by Iran and its “proxies” to threaten US forces and Strait of Hormuz oil shipping.

US officials cited intelligence reports that included photographs of missiles on dhows and other small boats in the Persian Gulf, supposedly put there by Iranian paramilitary forces.

The US feared the missiles could be fired at its Navy.

File:Emblem of the United States Navy.svg

The US began a buildup of its military presence in the region to deter what it regards as a planned campaign of belligerency by Iran and its non-state allies to attack American forces and interests in the Gulf and Iraq. 

The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and Kata’ib Hezbollah were targeted by US airstrikes, claiming their proxy belligerent role on the orders of Iran.

Hashd Al-Sha'abi flag.svg

Above: Flag of the PMF

Kata'ib Hezbollah logo.svg

Above: Logo of the Kata’ib Hezbollah

In June 2019, Iran shot down an American RQ-4A surveillance drone, sharply increasing tensions and nearly resulting in an armed confrontation.

Global Hawk 1.jpg

 In July 2019, an Iranian oil tanker was seized by Britain in the Strait of Gibraltar on the grounds that it was shipping oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.

A satellite image of a narrow strip of water separating two land masses

Above: Strait of Gibraltar (Spain on the left / Morocco on the right looking east to the Mediterranean Sea)

Iran later captured a British oil tanker and its crew members in the Persian Gulf.

A screengrab from Iran’s state-run English-language Press TV showing, according to the source, a foreign oil tanker smuggling fuel in the Gulf

Both Iran and the UK later released the ships.

Meanwhile, the US created the International Maritime Security Council (IMSC), which sought to increase “overall surveillance and security in key waterways in the Middle East“, according to the US Department of Defense.

International Maritime Security Construct Logo (Transparent).png

United States Department of Defense Seal.svg

The crisis escalated in late 2019 and early 2020 when members of the Kata’ib Hezbollah militia, which is part of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, allegedly killed an American contractor in an attack on an Iraqi base hosting American personnel.

In retaliation, the US conducted airstrikes against Kata’ib Hezbollah’s facilities in Iraq and Syria, killing 25 militiamen.

Kata’ib Hezbollah responded with an attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad, which prompted the US to deploy hundreds of new troops to the Middle East and announce that it would preemptively target Iran’s “proxies” in Iraq.

2019 attack on the United States embassy in Iraq 03.jpg

Days later, the commander of IRGC’s Ouds Force Oasem Soleimani and PMF commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were both killed in a US drone strike, resulting in Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei pledging to exact revenge on US forces.

The US deployed nearly 4,000 troops in response to the tensions and Israel heightened its security levels.

On 5 January 2020, Iran ended its commitments to the nuclear deal and the Iraqi parliament passed a resolution to expel all foreign troops from its territory.

Coat of arms or logo

Above: Coat of arms of Iran

The US and Iran nearly entered into an open conflict on 8 January 2020 when the IRGC launched missile attacks against two US / Iraqi military bases housing US soldiers in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani, a rare direct Iran–U.S. confrontation and the closest to the brink of war between the two nations in decades.

Upon initial assessments of no US casualties, the Trump administration curtailed tensions by temporarily ruling out a direct military response but announcing new sanctions.

It was later revealed that more than a hundred US troops sustained injuries during the attacks.

Ain al-Assad air base, 8 jan 2020.png

Above: Satellite image, showing the damage to at least five structures at Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq in a series of precision missile strikes launched by Iran

During the crisis, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was shot down after departing from Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport.)

  • A bus crashed in Iran’s Mazandaran Province, killing at least 20 passnegers and injuring 24 others.
According to a May 2017 report by the Tehran-based newspaper Financial Tribune, over 20,000 people are killed and 800,000 injured annually in road accidents in Iran [File: Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA]

Above: According to a May 2017 report by the Tehran-based newspaper Financial Tribune, over 20,000 people are killed and 800,000 injured annually in road accidents in Iran

  • Judge Ghassan Ouiedat, a Lebanese prosecutor, imposed a travel ban on former Chairman of Nissan Carlos Ghosn after he was summoned over an Interpol warrant issued by Japan seeking his arrest on financial misconduct charges.
Carlos Ghosn 2010.jpg

Above. Carlos Ghosn

  • The UK House of Commons voted 330 – 231 to pass the Withdrawl Agreement Bill authorizing Britain’s departure from the EU at the end of January 2020.

UK location in the EU 2016.svg

Are we on the brink of another war?

Is Ghosan innocent as he claims or a thief and a fraud as he is accused?

Is Britain going to continue with its insane decision to leave the EU?

Lots of questions fill my mind as the train pulls into Kingston’s VIA Rail station in the Cataraqui suburban area.

The station is staffed, with ticket sales, baggage check, snack bar, vending machines, telephones, washrooms, and wheelchair access to the station and trains.

There are two tracks, one of which is accessed through a tunnel.

Short-term and long-term parking is available on the east side of the station.

A taxi stand is located on the north side of the station.

At the platform Big J S, Queen V S and cabbie A are waiting.

A (a friend of the S family) is not there to drive me to Napanee, but she is working the station today.

The Napanee sadness has begun and I am not even in Napanee as yet.

Kingston Station ON CLIP.jpg

A is one of those people in my life that I must accept because those I know more intimately accept them.

I think everyone has folks like A in their lives and I am sure that I am like A as other people see me.

I never know how to respond to A, for truth be told A is a bit too plebian for my liking.

She speaks her mind, her opinions are fixed and she does not belong in my life any more than a goat belongs in a banquet hall.

But I say nothing of this to A, Big J or Queen V, for A is good-hearted despite her manner.

I feel the Napanee sadness, which is that feeling of not belonging to the place where I am, despite the longing to fit in.

Dundas street

Above: Dundas Street, Napanee

We drive into Kingston to pick up Princess K S (Big J and Queen V‘s only child) at the apartment she shares with a roommate and K‘s cat.

The apartment is a dark, dank disaster zone of dirt and decay, feline feces, feminine frenzy and chaotic clutter.

Why Kingston has declared a climate emergency — and what that really means

I look at the Family S and I am saddened.

Big J is age-weary, Queen V is frumpy, Princess K tragic.

They once again strike me as a sad and sorry travesty of lost potential.

But I wonder are they truly as I see them or am I putting my own doubts and fears upon them unjustifiably?

Either way I feel that I have stumbled into a pathetic purgatory of lost souls seeking salvation.

You look like… a perfect fit,
For a girl in need… of a tourniquet.
But can you save me?
Come on and save me…
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone.

Aimee Mann - Save Me - Music

‘Cause I can tell… you know what it’s like.
A long farewell… of the hunger strike.
But can you save me?
Come on and save me…
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone.

Aimee Mann - "Save Me" video from Magnolia - YouTube

You struck me dumb, like radium
Like Peter Pan, or Superman,
You have come… to save me.
Come on and save me…
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
Except the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
But the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone.

Music Video Friday: Aimee Mann – Save Me (1999 Oscar Nominee) | Cinema  Parrot Disco

Come on and save me…
Why don’t you save me?
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
Except the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
Except the freaks,
Who could never love anyone.

Cult Film Wallpapers: Moon in the Gutter Wallpapers: Aimee Mann in Paul  Thomas Anderson's "Save Me" (From Magnolia)

I want to love this family whom I have known for much of my life (and certainly Princess K‘s life).

I feel I want to help and yet I am held back by an inner voice that cautions me not to judge others, not to tell others how to live their lives by my standards.

K‘s cat M is pushed into a cat carrier which she (the cat) does not like. : petisfam Top Load Cat Carrier for Medium Cats, Collapsible and  Escape Proof : Pet Supplies

The car faithfully ferries us out of town along King’s Highway #2.

King’s Highway 2, commonly referred to as Highway 2, is the lowest-numbered provincially maintained highway in Ontario (there is no numbered Ontario Highway 1) and was originally part of a series of identically numbered highways in multiple provinces which together once joined Windsor, Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

Formerly the primary east–west route across the southern portion of Ontario, most of Highway 2 in Ontario was bypassed by Ontario Highway 401, completed in 1968.

Virtually all of the 837.4 km (520.3 mi) length of Highway 2 was deemed a local route and removed from the provincial highway system on 1 January 1998, with the exception of a 1-kilometre (0.62 mi) section east of Gananoque.

The entire route remains driveable, but as County Road 2 or County Highway 2 in most regions.

Highway 2 shield

County Road 2 takes us through Loyalist Township and the towns of Odessa and Ernestown.

Odessa, originally named Millcreek, was renamed in 1855 by its postmaster to commemorate the 1854 British siege of the Black Sea port at Odessa in the Ukraine during the Crimean War (1853 – 1856). 

Counterclockwise: Monument to the Duc de Richelieu, Vorontsov Lighthouse, City garden, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Potemkin Stairs, Square de Richelieu

Above: Images of Odessa, Ukraine

The village is home to Ernestown Secondary School, which services about 650 students from Loyalist Township (formerly Ernestown Township), Napanee and Stone Mills.


Ernestown Secondary School (ESS) is a Canadian public, comprehensive school located in Odessa.

The school services about 450 students from Loyalist Township, Napanee and Stone Mills.

The town is in the eastern Ontario county of Lennox and Addington approximately 24 kilometers west of the city of Kingston.

The school offers classes for students in grades nine through twelve and is a member school of the Limestone District School Board.

The school motto at ESS is Amor Doctrinae Floreat (Let the love of learning flourish.)

Home - Ernestown Secondary School

Above: Ernestown Secondary School

As we drive through Odessa, I think of how similar-looking this school is to Laurentian Regional High School where I did my secondary studies in Lachute, Québec.

Both were built in the 1960s and one almost wonders if they were designed and built by the same architect.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board

My thoughts turn to Tenerife (one of the Canary Islands) and ESS alumni Aaron René Doornekamp, born in Napanee of Dutch heritage.

Doornekamp is a professional basketball player for Iberostar Tenerife of the Liga ACB.

Aaron Doornekamp 42 Valencia Basket EuroLeague 20180201.jpg

He was one of the greatest players in the history of the Carleton University Ravens men’s college basketball team (2004 – 2009). 


Above: Logo of the Carleton Ravens

(In men’s basketball, the Ravens have won 15 of the last 18 national men’s championships, more than any top division college in Canada or the United States.

The Ravens went on an 87-game winning streak from 2003 to 2006.

They also had a 54-game home winning streak.

The Ravens finished 2nd in the World University Basketball Championships in 2004.)

Doornekamp is also a member of the senior Canadian men’s national team.

Canada Basketball logo.svg

At a height of 2.01 m (6 ft 7 in) tall, he can play at both the small forward and power forward positions, with power forward being his main position.

I wonder:

Had my folks been not so stingy with letting me join the basketball team in Lachute (10 km away from where we lived in Marelan, which meant having to pick me up by car and fuel costs money) would I have had a sports career as successful as Doornekamp’s?

Like Doornekamp, I too towered over my classmates (6 ft 5 in) and still tower over the heads of many.

Did Doornekamp experience similar emotions to mine in his school years?

Grand Finale! Grande finale! - Laurentian Regional High School Student Info

Above: Logo of my alma mater, Laurentian Regional High School

After finishing his college career, Doornekamp signed his first pro contract in Italy, with Pepsi Caserta (Campagna, Italy – the toe of the boot that is the Italian peninsula). 

He played three years with the club.

Sporting Club JuveCaserta logo

Above: Logo of Pepsi Caserta

While sidelined with injury in the 2012 – 2013 season, Doornekamp was the assistant coach of the McMaster Marauders men’s basketball team.


Above: Logo of the McMaster Marauders, Hamilton, Ontario

In August 2013, he signed with the New Yorker Phantoms Braunschweig (Germany).

In June 2014, he parted ways with them.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Ny_phantoms_brauns.jpeg

Above: Logo (2006 – 2014)

(New Yorker, despite the American-sounding name, is a German clothing retailer headquartered in Braunschweig that primarily addresses the target group of 12- to 39-year-olds.)

New Yorker logo

On 29 June 2014, he signed with the German club Skyliners of Frankfurt, for the 2014 – 2015 season.

He won the European-wide 3rd-tier level FIBA Europe Cup’s 2015 – 2016 season championship with the team.

Fraport Skyliners logo

In June 2016, Doornekamp left Germany, to sign with the Spanish team Iberostar Tenerife.

He won the Basketball Champions League’s 2016 – 2017 season championship with the team.

He was also named to the BCL Star Lineup Best Team.

Iberostar Tenerife logo

Above: Logo of Iberostar Tenerife

On 27 June 2017, Doornekamp officially opted out of his contract with the Spanish team.

The same day, he signed a two-year contract with Valencia Basket.

On July 8, 2019, Doornekamp re-signed with Valencia Basket for another season.

Valencia Basket logo

He re-signed with Iberostar Tenerife on 15 July 2020.

With Canada’s senior team, he played at the following tournaments:

  • the 2007 Pan American Games (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2007 Pan American Games logo.svg

  • the 2008 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament (Athens, Greece)
FIBAoc08 logo.png

  • the 2009 FIBA Americas Championship (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
FIBA Americas Championship 2009 logo.png

  • the 2010 FIBA World Championship (Istanbul, Turkey)
FIBA 2010 logo.png

  • the 2011 FIBA Americas Championship (Mara del Plata, Argentina)

  • the 2013 FIBA Americas Championship (Caracas, Venezuela)
2013 FIBA Americas Championship logo.jpg

  • the 2015 Pan American Games, where he won a silver medal (Toronto)
A stylized person with agreen torso and red head with the number 20 on the body, a stylized blue ball with a 15 on it beside the person, PanAm Toronto 2015 written to the left of scene

  • the 2015 FIBA Americas Championship, where he won a bronze medal (Mexico City)
2015 FIBA Americas Championship logo.jpg

Doornekamp was married on 13 July 2013, in Burlington, Ontario, to Jasmyn Richardson.

The couple has two children.

Brant Street in Downtown Burlington

Above: Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario

I wonder:

Beyond height, would Doornekamp and I have much in common to talk about if our paths ever crossed?

Is Doornekamp’s home in Tenerife filled with trophies and medals and memorablia of past athletic achievements like my sprinter cousin’s home?

How must it be for Jasmyn and their children?

File:Sports Trophies for inter-house sporting competition held in  Annunciation Secondary School.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Another ESS alumni is Adnan Virk, a Canadian sportscaster for MLB Network and DAZN. 

He previously worked for ESPN and TSN.

Adnan Virk was fired from ESPN after a leak investigation. Now he's  starting over. - The Washington Post

Virk also produces and hosts the weekly podcast Cinephile with Adnan Virk show covering cinema news and interviews with entertainment celebrities, as well as co-hosts the football podcast The GM Shuffle with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi.

Cinephile with Adnan Virk on Stitcher

The GM Shuffle with Michael Lombardi & Adnan Virk | Cadence13

Virk was born in Toronto to Zakaria and Taherah Virk, who immigrated to Canada from Pakistan.

In 1984 the family relocated to Kingston, then in 1989 to Morven, a small town just outside Kingston, where his parents owned and operated a gas station and Zack’s Variety store. 

After graduating from Ernestown Secondary School, where he played basketball and soccer, Virk studied Radio and Television Arts at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Ryerson University Crest.png

Above: Logo of Ryerson University

From 2003 to 2009, Virk hosted several programs on The Score and was an associate producer for Sportscentre at TSN.

Above: Logo of the Score (2002 – 2013)

SportsCentre TSN logo.svg

He was also the co-host of Omniculture and Bollywood Boulevard at Omni Television.

Omniculture Communications | LinkedIn

Bollywood Blvd. (TV Series 1997– ) - IMDb

In 2009, he joined Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) as a host and reporter for Raptors TV, Leafs TV and Gol TV Canada.

MLSE logo 2014.png

In April 2010, Virk joined the ESPN family of stations in Bristol, Connecticut.

ESPN wordmark.svg

After joining ESPN, he became one of three main anchors for Baseball Tonight.

During 2014 spring training, he began calling play-by-play for an ESPN affiliate.

ESPN Baseball Tonight logo 2018.jpg

In the baseball off-season, he hosted SportsCenter and Outside the Lines.

Outside The Lines logo.png

He would also fill in for Keith Olbermann on Olbermann.

Keith Olbermann - small.jpg

Above: Keith Olbermann

He was the host of a movie podcast Cinephile on ESPN. 

Pakistani-origin sports host Adnan Virk fired by ESPN | News India Times

In addition, he was also the main studio host for ESPN College Football and also hosted College Football Final.

On 3 February 2019, Virk was fired following an investigation regarding leaks of ESPN information to the media.

Virk and ESPN later agreed not to pursue litigation against each other.

In March 2019, it was announced that Virk would host the new MLB studio program ChangeUp for DAZN, a subscription streaming media service based in London.

SN exclusive: Adnan Virk on 'ChangeUp,' adding fun in baseball coverage,  and 'Captain Marvel' | Sporting News

In addition, Virk appears on MLB Network. 


He also hosts boxing events.

Virk was born to a Pakistani Canadian Ahmadi Muslim family and considers himself a practicing Muslim.

He lives in New Jersey with his wife Eamon, whom he married in 2007.

They have four sons.

Adnan Virk to host DAZN's new MLB show 'ChangeUp' | Arabia Day

ESS has spawned not only athletes or those who cover athletic performance, but as well Gord Downie (1964 – 2017) of the Tragically Hip, and Brett Emmons of the Glorious Sons were alumni of this school in the middle of Nowhere.

(The Tragically Hip’s final tour’s final concert was held at the Rogers K-Rock Centre in Kingston, on 20 August 2016, and was broadcast and streamed live by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on television, radio and on the Internet.

It was viewed by an estimated 11.7 million people.

Even I, living in distant Switzerland, heard about this final concert and the demise of Downie to brain cancer on 17 October 2017.)

Above: Gord Downie, 2013

Union - The Glorious Sons.jpg

Thoughts of Doornekamp and Virk, Downie and Emmons, remind me that a person can rise above their origins no matter how humble the start.

The township offices and fire hall on Odessa’s Main Street do not suggest fame and fortune nor do they whisper much of a world far beyond Loyalist Township.

There is nothing to my Canadian eyes in Odessa, Ontario, that suggests the exotic.

The quiet streets of Odessa do not feel pregnant with promise.

Above: Odessa’s Main Street

There is a small fairground.

An Ontario Provincial Police detachment serves Highway 401 and home to the Tactics and Rescue Unit of Eastern Ontario.

Shoulder flash of the OPP

The water supply of the community of Odessa within the Township of Ernestown was studied in 1972, which led to the planning of infrastructure improvements.

The highest point in the village is the water tower.

Visible for several kilometres in all directions, the water tower has been outfitted as a wireless communications facility.

Canada's Water Towers — Loyalist Odessa Water Tower Odessa, Loyalist...

The village bills itself as “home of the Babcock Mill“, which historically was powered by Millhaven Creek which runs through the heart of Odessa.

The Babcock Mill planing mill and basket factory is the last standing mill, of three, at this Odessa historical site.

Known for its “Babcock baskets”, you can see where John Babcock’s designed and patented basket-making machinery in the early 1900s.

Built in 1856, this historical three-mill site once included a woolen mill (on Factory Street) and a saw mill.

Babcock Mill

 Above. Babcock Mill

Napanee is a town of nearly 16,000 people, but it feels smaller than that stat.

Napanee is approximately 45 kilometres (28 mi) west of Kingston and is the county seat of Lennox and Addington County.

Location of Lennox and Addington County

It is located on the eastern end of the Bay of Quinte,  a long, narrow bay shaped like the letter “Z” on the northern shore of Lake Ontario.

The Bay, as it is known locally, provides some of the best trophy walleye angling in North America, as well as most sport fish common to the Great Lakes.

The bay is subject to algal blooms in late summer. 

Zebra mussels as well as the other invasive species found in the Great Lakes are present.

Dreissena polymorpha.jpg

The Quinte area played a vital role in bootlegging during Prohibition in the United States, with large volumes of liquor being produced in the area, and shipped via boat on the bay to Lake Ontario finally arriving in New York State where it was distributed.

Illegal sales of liquor accounted for many fortunes in and around Belleville.

Tourism in the area is significant, especially in the summer months due to the Bay of Quinte and its fishing, local golf courses, provincial parks, and wineries.

The first recorded settlement in the area of Greater Napanee is Ganneious, an Iroquois village, settled temporarily by the Oneida from 1660 to 1690.

The village was located on or near the Hay Bay area and is one of seven Iroquois villages settled on the northern shores of Lake Ontario in the 17th century.

The exact location of the village has not been determined.

Iroquois Settlement at Fort Frontenac in the Seventeenth and Early  Eighteenth Centuries

The area was settled by Loyalists (Americans during the American Revolution who did not wish to stop being British subjects) in 1784.

Napanee was first incorporated in 1854.

The first Loyalists settlers arrived at Adolphustown on 15 June 1784.

Their landing spot and site of the first Loyalist cemetery in the area has been preserved by the Loyalists. - Loyalist Monuments - Loyalist Landing Place Plaque –  Adolphustown, Ontario

Napanee developed at the site of a waterfall, the head of navigation, on the Napanee River, where early industry could utilize the power potential of the River.

Napanee Falls

Above: Napanee Falls

The River (25 km / 15 miles long) transported logs from the interior north (up past the village of Colebrook) of the town. 

Sawmilling, gristmilling and other farm service industries were established.

Napanee was first known as Clarksville after Robert Clark, who built a grist mill there.

THE NAPANEE MILLS" - Napanee - Ontario Provincial Plaques on

Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, practised law in Napanee.

Photograph of Macdonald circa 1875 by George Lancefield.

Above: Sir John A. Macdonald (1815 – 1891)

Napanee’s downtown core (along Dundas Street) is also lined with historical buildings dating back to the 1800s.

The Town of Greater Napanee’s Self-Guided Historic Walking Tour provides locations and information on these sites as well as other historical locations nearby.

NAPANEE , Ontario , Canada , 1930s ; Dundas Street | eBay

Rural Routes - Town of Greater Napanee (Lower Tier Lennox and Addington)

At 180 Elizabeth Street, the visitor can find a ball of wood fiber paper.

This ball at the Allan Macpherson House (Lennox and Addington Museum) was preserved by John Thomson after his first successful attempt to duplicate the wood pulp process he had learned in the United States before settling here.

In 1872, on the Napanee River, Thomson built the first mill in Ontario designed to make paper from wood pulp only.

JOHN THOMSON 1837-1920" ~ Newburgh - Ontario Provincial Plaques on

The E-History Project Project -- Towns & Industry -- John Thomson's Silver  Tea Urn

Also in the Museum is a British army lieutenant’s account of a 1784 trip up the St. Lawrence River from Sillery (near Québec City) with Napanee’s first white settlers, a group of Loyalists.

St_Lawrence_Seaway_2019 | Go Next

The Museum is a many-windowed Georgian mansion built in 1826, reflecting the affluence of its original owner, Allan Macpherson, the town’s first industrialist.

Furniture includes a Regency couch and a Sheridan love seat, both dating from 1830.

Allan Macpherson House | Adventures In Mountain Time

Above: Interior of the Macpherson House

Half-cousin to first Canadian Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald, Allan Macpherson operated the grist and saw mills at Napanee Falls starting in 1818.

For almost three decades, Macpherson was one of Lennox and Addington’s most civic-minded and politically active entrepreneurs.

He created fine-quality flour shipped to Montreal and England and became Postmaster at Napanee in 1820. 

Macpherson’s gentry-inspired house, built north of Napanee Falls, remained in the family until 1896, long after he had returned to Kingston.

Allan Macpherson House - Napanee, ON - History Museums on

Macpherson House, Napanee. illustration... - Vintage Kingston | Facebook

In 1962, the Lennox and Addington Historical Society began a visionary labour of love to restore this home to its 19th century character.

True to its roots, the Macpherson House has been restored to its original splendour both inside and out. 

The Macpherson House now functions as additional gallery space for the Lennox & Addington Museum and Archives.

Macpherson House new_0.JPG

Above: Allan Macpherson House (Lennox & Addington County Museum and Archives)

Two blocks away is a privately owned house that was the Red Tavern, built in 1810.

Dundas street

The white-columned town hall dates from 1856, the courthouse from 1864.

Parks Canada - Napanee Town Hall National Historic Site of Canada

Above: Napanee Town Hall

Lennox and Addington Counties | US Courthouses

Above: Lexington & Addington County Courthouse, Napanee

Gibbard’s, the oldest furniture factory in Ontario, has operated since 1835.

Former Gibbard employee crafts reunion plan

For over 180 years, the Gibbard Furniture Factory has been an iconic landmark in Napanee.

It’s a focal point for the town that’s rich in history.

Honouring this legacy, it has been transformed into a highly anticipated waterfront community where contemporary amenities enhance the charm of small-town simplicity.

With retail opportunities and a platform for local gatherings, Gibbard District is more than a residential space where every suite is just steps away from a private kayak dock.

It’s a vibrant hub for families, friends, and neighbours, one where they can share the moments that make lasting memories.

Built on a historic foundation, Gibbard District is a local destination that will inject energy and opportunity into Napanee.

A developer has unveiled a bold vision to redevelop the former Gibbard's  Furniture Store in Napanee. | Watch News Videos Online

Above: Gibbard’s District

Napanee unfortunately shares the fate of far too many towns in Ontario.

Step away from its historic quarters and you find yourself in zones of shopping malls and fast food joints, gas stations and repair garages.

The S Family lives just beyond this zone.

We have burritos at a Quesadas before heading to their trailer home.

Daredevil by Joe Quesada : Daredevil

(Does Napanee have a local dish?)

J and V and K and I share a common problem of being heavier than we should be.

We also share the seductive sorrow of turning to things that help us only if we allow them to.

We are unwell each in our own way.


We fear that which we cannot define.

For V and K it is the uncertainty of the unknown.

I fear familarity and the fetters that fealty forces upon its followers.

K‘s phobias are more real than reality.

K is unmotivated to change her clothes, to change her ways.

Her fears paralyze her.

For J it is the fear of not being of use.

J needs to be needed and he has always remained the loyal servant in their Majesties’ service.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service-Ian Fleming.jpg

J is nearly 20 years my senior, V is 14 years older than I, K is a little over half my age.

And yet J still caters to V and K, when he is at an age and body condition that suggests he should finally be the one who is pampered.

I understand J only too well.

I will surrender to aging only when I am physically incapacitated and unwell to fend and fetch for myself.

Neither J nor I plan to exit life without a struggle.

But I see the tolls of age upon his face and frame and in his movements.

do not go gentle into that good night ~ rage, rage against the dying of the  light | Words, Dying of the light, Good night love messages

Problem is he has been of such use, such utility, that I fear that their Majesties may find themselves unable to function without him should J fall and not rise again.

His love for his ladies is too great in that their reliance on him has diminished their abilities to become self-reliant.

He is butler, valet and chauffeur.

He lifts the heavy objects, he does the dirty deeds, he is man about the house.

He remains through his pension the breadwinner of this collective.

I have always been impressed by J’s quiet strength, his unending devotion to the damsels that are his destiny.

I have always marvelled at men who presevere despite every incentive to quit.

Remains of the day.jpg

J is Endicott.

Endicott’s up by 5 o’clock
Endicott’s givin’ it all he got
Endicott’s job is six to nine but
Endicott’s home by nine O five
Endicott helps to cook the steak
Endicott helps to wash the plates
Endicott puts the kids to bed
Endicott reads a book to them

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)

Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Endicott (1985, Vinyl) | Discogs

Endicott loves Tribena sole
Endicott puts her on a pedestal
Endicott’s wish is her command but
Endicott don’t make no demands
Endicott’s always back in time
Endicott’s not the cheatin’ kind
Endicott’s full of compliment
Endicott’s such a gentleman

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)

Endicott - Kid Creole and the Coconuts - YouTube

Cause I’m free
Free of any made-to-order liabilities
Thank God I’m free
Cos it’s hard enough for me
To take care of me, oh-oh

Endicott’s carryin’ a heavy load
Endicott never really ever moans
Endicott’s not a wealthy guy but
Endicott pays the bills on time
Endicott’s got ideas and plans
Endicott’s what you call a real man
Endicott always will provide ’cause
Endicott is the family type

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)

Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Stool Pigeon (1982) [videoclip] - YouTube

Cause I’m free
Freer than a pirate on a frigate out at sea
Thank God I’m free
Driftin’ all around just like a tumbleweed, oh-oh

Maybe I need me someone
Someone who isn’t undone
Maybe an older woman
Will tolerate me
Maybe that certain someone
Older and wiser woman
Maybe the perfect someone
To satisfy me

Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Endicott ( german TV - 1985 ) - YouTube

Endicott keeps his body clean
Endicott don’t use nicotine
Endicott don’t drink alcohol
Endicott use no drug at all
Endicott don’t eat any sweet
Endicott don’t eat piggy feet
Endicott’s frame is mighty strong
Endicott make love hard and long

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)


Endicott loves Tribena sole
Endicott walks her to the sto’
Endicott likes to hold her hand
Endicott’s proud to be her man
Endicott stands for decency
Endicott means formality
Endicott’s the epitome
Endicott stands for quality

Endicott by Kid Creole & The Coconuts (Single; Sire; W8959P): Reviews,  Ratings, Credits, Song list - Rate Your Music


I’ll never be, I’ll never be like Endicott

Said I’m not.

I’ll never be, I’ll never be like Endicott.

No Endicott in me.

SD > Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Endicott [TG] [1985]

There are three things (and three fingers pointing back at myself) men need to understand if they are to get it right with women:

  1. Standing up to your wife or partner as an equal without intimidating her or being intimidated by her.
  2. Knowing the essential differences in male and female sexuality and so mastering the art of the chase
  3. Realizing she is not your mother and so making it through the long dark night

Most modern men, myself included, when faced with their wife’s anger, complaints or general unhappiness, simply submit, mumble an apology and tiptoe away.

(Which, of course, is still preferable to being the kind of man who handles his differences with violence and intimidation.)

If most modern men grumble, they do so into their beards.

For the most part we act conciliatory and apologize for being such dopes.

I’m sorry, dear!

Yes, She Who Must Be Obeyed!

SHE, A History of Adventure (1st Edition Cover), by H. Rider Haggard.jpg

Everywhere, you look around,the “husband as a lovable dope” is an agreed-upon type.

But real life doesn’t work like the comics, TV shows or movies.

Millions of men who adopt this stance find that it rarely, if ever leads, to her happiness or his.

Women with dopey husbands are not happy.

Actually they become more dissatisfied, more complaining.

Dagwood Comics.jpg

Some psychologists suggest that, often without even realizing why, the henpecking behaviour escalates – for a simple reason.

Deep down, they say, women want to be met by someone strong, as strong as many of them have to be outside the relationship.

They want to be debated with, not just agreed with, for they are not always right (despite what they may say or think).

(To be fair, they are often right.)

Funny Home Decor Sign Men To The Left Because Women Are Always Right 12" x  12" | eBay

Women hunger for men who can take the initiative sometimes, make some decisions, tell them when they are not making sense.

It’s no fun being the only adult in the room.

How can a woman relax or feel safe, when the man she is teamed with pretends to be weaker and softer than he can be, just for the sake of peace and harmony between them?

So many strong, capable women who once they finally find the sensitive, caring New Age man they thought they wanted now find themselves bored stiff with his complacency.

Bedazzled movie - Posts | Facebook

Above: Scene from Bedazzled, where Elliot Richards (Brendon Fraser) is rejected by Alison Gardner (Frances O’Connor) for being too sensitive

So many decent men are able to say to their women:

I feel your pain.

I consider your life as important as mine.

I will take care of you and comfort you.”

So many men give so much of themselves to their relationships and in the process lose the self that she fell in love with.

They can no longer say what they want and stick to it.

It is that sense of resolve that drew her to him.

It is that sense of resolve he sold out for peace with her.

Superman with his cape billowing

One of the things that marks out a mature man versus a male still not there is the discovery that women are as human as men.

Sometimes they are dead right and sometimes completely wrong.

Women are not devils (though they certainly have their moments) nor angels (despite how angelic they may appear, despite how divine they look).

They are mere normal, fallible human beings.

Movie poster for Weird Science (1985).jpg

Being married means a man must keep his head on straight.

So many men just drift along and let women decide everything.

Marriage is not an excuse to stop thinking.


A woman can be as wrong, as immature, as perverse, as prejudiced, as competitive, or as bloody-minded as any man can.

Sometimes a man and a woman will see things differently because men and women are different.

What is right for her may often be wrong for him and vice versa.

Women often don’t understand men,

(Hell, often we of either gender don’t understand ourselves.)

He said she said.jpg

You have to keep negotiating, for avoidance will not bring harmony.

To have a happy relationship, a man has to be able to state his point of view, to debate, to leave aside hysteria, to push on until something has been resolved.

4,015 Man Giving Speech Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock

To be fair, it is frightening to find strength, to speak up for oneself knowing that this may lead to confrontation with someone you fear losing.

But all that is gained by retreat or automatic compliance she that she enjoys having the upper hand and being able to manipulate her man into doing what she wants, until this becomes so facile that it becomes boring to her and futile for him.

White Flag Dido.jpg

It is not that a woman wishes a man harm (well, not always) it is just that boundaries need to be set in regards to what to what she can or cannot do regarding what is his responsibility to himself.

Often it is enough to say:

Hey, you are crowding me.

Don’t make up my mind for me.

Let me choose my own clothes.

(Good luck with that last one, lads!)

Prince Phillip vs. Prince Phillip? – Small Town Dreamer

When my King is weak, I ask my wife or children what is the right thing to do.

I have had strange adventures in buying sweaters.” (Robert Bly)

Iron John.jpg

It is a mistake to think that a perfect marriage is harmonious, sweet and loving.

If a couple is happy 100% of the time, chances are someone is lying,

The passionate, heated European-style marriage has more going for it.

Carl Jung said:

American marriages are the saddest in the whole world, because the man does all his fighting at the office.”

ETH-BIB-Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961)-Portrait-Portr 14163 (cropped).tif

Above: Carl Jung (1875 – 1961)

Conscious fighting is a great help in relationships between men and women.

When a man and a woman are standing toe-to-toe arguing, what is it that the man wants?

Often he does not know.

He wants the conflict to end, because he is afraid, because he does not know how to fight, because he “doesn’t believe in fighting“, because his boundaries are so poorly maintained that every sword thrust penetrates to very centre of his soul.

Men are afraid because they sense that both men and women have the capacity for blind rage which achieves nothing.

I have had it with men!“, she says.

Women!“, he cries, “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them!

Such frustration, to need someone so much and yet…..

All men hate all women some of the time and all women hate all men some of the time.

There is a long history of male-bashing by women and female-bashing by men.

But boundaries must be set to ensure that this hate is not more than is deserved.

Main eventposter.jpg

We must fight, debate and be true to ourselves, otherwise our closeness is merely an act.

But in fighting, we must show great restraint and respect for one another.

Laws Of Attraction Movie Trailer, Reviews and More | TV Guide

Above: Audrey Woods (Julianne Moore) / Daniel Rafferty (Pierce Brosnan), Laws of Attraction (2004)

And it is here where the outsider to someone else’s relationship knows not how to react.

I judge the Family S by my own standards.

I don’t see them as they may see themselves.

I see them as I wish they were, not as they are.

I see the present moment, not the events that led them here.

I feel that their situation is sad.

Too much TV watching, too much game playing, too little reading, too little exercise, lives unlived.

I find myself repulsed, for I see this potential in myself and I silently scream against this.

It's not an "S". On my world, it means hope. | Superman quotes, Superman  movies, Superhero quotes

The trailer home is small and I am relegated to a fold-out sofa within a space cluttered by the unnecessary stuff that people eagerly collect, more to possess than to have permanent purpose.

K‘s cat does not seek my company.

V‘s cat and I share the warmth of the sofa bed.

No words are needed between us.

The cat demands nothing from me but respect and restraint.

I expect the same from the cat.

It is peace in our time and a silent night.

Cat poster 1.jpg

I read the Napanee Beaver, hoping it will distract me from my depression.


I learn that:

  • Saturday 4 January saw Napanee’s first major snowfall of 2020
Frosty Friend

  • a fellow named Ernie will celebrate his 90th birthday in ten days’ time
90th Birthday – Ernie Pennell

  • Greater Napanee water rates could rise by 2.1% this year
Greater Napanee water rates could rise 2.1 per cent in 2020

  • bus charters and Thai massages and financial advice and all manner of goods and services are available in Napanee

  • the Napanee roller-rink celebrated its grand opening on Friday 3 January in the old arena
Napanee roller-rink celebrates grand opening in old arena

  • Life Labs experienced a cyber-attack, YOUR information is out there!
LifeLabs free credit monitoring offer has customers concerned about further  data breaches | CTV News

  • there are church services this week at 16 different churches for one God only, pick your own road to redemption
Church Services

  • opinions are expressed that women’s hockey does not get the same amount of respect as men’s hockey
Napanee Beaver - Hawks hockey girls repeat as KASSAA... | Facebook

  • Drew Daywalt’s My Tooth Is Lost and Cassandra Clare’s Ghosts of the Shadow Market and John E. Douglas’ The Killer Across the Table and Julie Andrews’ Home Work: A Memoir of my Hollywood Years and Jojo Moyes’ The Giver of Stars are well worth a read (according to the county’s friendly librarians)
My Tooth Is Lost! : Drew Daywalt : 9781338143881 Ghosts of the Shadow Market (9781534433625): Clare, Cassandra,  Rees Brennan, Sarah, Johnson, Maureen, Link, Kelly, Wasserman, Robin: Books

The Killer Across the Table: Unlocking the Secrets of Serial Killers and  Predators with the FBI's Original Mindhunter - Kindle edition by Douglas, John  E., Olshaker, Mark. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle

Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years: Andrews, Julie, Hamilton, Emma  Walton: 9780316349253: Books

The Giver of Stars: Fall in love with the enchanting 2020 Sunday Times  bestseller from the author of Me Before You: Moyes, Jojo:  9780718183202: Books

  • eight public notices indicate that the town hall is still functioning in 2020
  • 42 properties are available to purchase NOW
  • hockey deserves at least four articles in a weekly newspaper (This is Canada, after all, eh?)
  • the Lennox Community Theatre is holding auditions (The Dixie Swim Club)
Lennox Community Theatre - Events | Facebook

  • the Lennox Agricultural Society is holding its annual meeting (I wonder what they could possibly discuss: “Hey, Joe, how was your harvest on the back forty?“)
Agriculture - Greater Napanee

  • the Ontario SPCA’s Lennox & Addington Branch in Napanee is ready to spay and neuter your pets (Look at Marlon, a six-year-old domestic shorthair in the cropped photo. I wonder how he feels.)
Ontario SPCA Lennox and Addington Animal Centre - Home | Facebook

  • scooters, firewood, new and used appliances, barn repairs, livestock, boilers, water softeners, dog grooming, cars and trucks, rooms at the retirement home, apartments, real estate, mortgages, firearms courses (What do you want?)
  • five cards of thanks, six memorials, 15 obituaries (and a partridge in a pear tree)
  • the same classified page offers both baby photos and cremations, life and death encapsulated in simplicity

Napanee Beaver September 17, 2015 by The Napanee Beaver - issuu

  • A & W offers teen burgers, chubby chicken burgers, bacon & eggers, mozza burgers, three-strip combos….its own products, its own coupons, its own jargon (How do teenagers and chubby chickens find themselves sacrificed and sandwiched?)
A&W NAPANEE - Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone Number - Tripadvisor

  • tours from Kristine Geary’s Fully Escorted Maple Leaf Tours to Myrtle Beach, NYC, Atlantic City, Nashville, Memphis, Cape Cod, DC, Newfoundland, the Caribbean, Alaska, Bermuda, Hawaii and mysteriously the words “Come From Away“, which confuses me…..shouldn’t it be “go away“?
Maple Leaf Tours Inc - Opening Hours - 2937 Princess St, Kingston, ON

The cat purrs and lies across my chest.

Reading rendered impossible.

Lights out.

The purring before the loss of consciousness.

Napanee, Ontario, Friday 10 January 2020

Another sad day in the news and too much time on my hands to read it:

  • After Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested that Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was downed by an Iranian missile, Iranian authorities rejected this theory.

At a news conference on Friday, Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation (CAOI) chief Ali Abedzadeh repeated his view that a missile was not the cause of the crash.

The thing that is clear to us and that we can say with certainty is that this plane was not hit by a missile,” he told reporters.

As I said last night, this plane for more than one and a half minutes was on fire and was in the air, and the location shows that the pilot was attempting to return.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had received intelligence from multiple sources indicating the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile, adding that it was possible that this was unintentional.

This reinforces the need for a thorough investigation,” he said.

Canadians have questions and they deserve answers.

Victims of the crash included 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians as well as nationals from Sweden, the UK, Afghanistan and Germany.

But he said it was too early to apportion blame or draw any conclusions and refused to go into detail about the evidence.

(It isn’t clear whether the loved ones of the 82 Iranians, the 11 Ukrainians and the nationals from Sweden, the UK, Afghanistan and Germany deserve answers.)

  • A bombing claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS / ISIL) at a mosque in Quetta, Pakistan, killed at least 15 people and wounded 18 others, three days after a motorcycle bombing in the city killed two.

Flag of Pakistan

Above: Flag of Pakistan

A suicide bombing took place inside a Taliban-run mosque located in Ghousabad neighbourhood during Magrib (first morning) prayer in Quetta’s Satellite Town area. 

The bomb had been planted inside a seminary in the mosque. 

Bolan mosque.jpg

Among the dead was a Deputy Superintendent of Police, the apparent target of the attack, along with 14 civilians.

At least 19 others were injured.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing.

They said the bombing caused 60 casualties, including 20 dead.

Blast inside Quetta mosque claims 15 lives, injures 19 - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

(It is so easy to forget that those who cause death and destruction in the name of Islam often target more Muslims than non-Muslims.

No matter how often the name of God is used, its use does not make an act of violence godly.)

Do Terrorists Have a Religion

  • the Iraqi cleric and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani condemned both the US and Iran over the escalation of conflict in Iraq, saying it shows blatant disregard for Iraqi sovereignty and the suffering of the Iraqi people.

Ali Sistani edit1.jpg

Above: Ali al-Sistani

A lot of war talk, a lot of sabre-rattling, a lot of innocent blood waiting to be spilled by young folks sacrificed in the name of nations, represented by leaders who remain far from any chance that they themselves are in danger.

Fear-mongering, defence of country, words like honour and glory, lives betrayed so the powerful can maintain or increase their power.

What baffles me is that we are supposed to believe that Iraq is a threat to the USA.

Location of Iraq

Above: Location of Iraq

Let’s compare, shall we?

The U.S. Strategy in Iraq Could Come Back to Bite

Military power ranking: US #1 / Iraq #53

Population: US 329 million / Iraq 40 million

Manpower: US 144 million / Iraq 16 million

Fit for duty: US 119 million / Iraq 13 million

Military personnel: US 1.2 million / Iraq 165,000

Reserve forces: US 360,000 / Iraq 0

Tanks: US 6,287 / Iraq 309

Armored vehicles: US 39,000 / Iraq 4,700

Self-propelled artillery: US 992 / Iraq 44

Towed artillery: US 864 / Iraq 120

Rocket projectors: US 1,056 / Iraq 30

Air strength: US 13,400 / Iraq 327

Fighters: US 2,362 / Iraq 26

Attack aircraft: US 2,831 / Iraq 59

Transport aircraft: US 1,153 / Iraq 24

Trainer aircraft: US 2,853 / Iraq 78

Helicopters: US 5,760 / Iraq 179

Naval strength: US 415 / Iraq 60

Frigates: US 22 / Iraq 0

Destroyers: US 68 / Iraq 0

Corvettes: US 15 / Iraq 0

Submarines: US 68 / Iraq 0

Patrol craft: US 13 / Iraq 25

Mine craft: US 11 / Iraq 0

Oil production: US 9.3 million barrels / Iraq 4.4 million barrels

Oil consumption: US 825 million barrels / Iraq 19 million barrels

Oil reserves: US 142.5 million barrels / Iraq 36.5 million barrels

Labour force. US 160.4 million / Iraq 8.9 million

Merchant marine: US 3,611 / Iraq 77

Ports / terminals: US 33 / Iraq 3

Roads: US 6,586,610 km / Iraq 44,900 km

Railroads: US 224,792 km / Iraq 2,272 km

Airports: US 13,513 / Iraq 102

Defence budget: US $716 billion / Iraq $6 billion

External debt: US $17 trillion / Iraq $73 billion

Foreign gold: US $123 billion / Iraq $48 billion

Purchasing power: US $19 trillion / Iraq $680 billion

Nuclear warheads: US 4,000 / Iraq 0

By the numbers, which country is the greatest threat to the other?

ORSAM-Center for Middle Eastern Studies

I may not find the idea of the theocratic government of Iraq a comfortable notion, but let us not paint the US as an innocent victim.

Above: Imam Ali Mosque, Najaf, Iraq: One of the holiest sites in Shia Islam

  • An 11-year-old student opened fire at his school in Torreón, Mexico, killing a teacher and wounding six others before committing suicide.

At least two people have been killed and six injured after an 11-year-old boy entered a school in northern Mexico with two handguns and opened fire.

The shooting took place on Friday morning in the city of Torreón, in Coahuila state.

Collage de Torreón.jpg

Above: Images of Torréon, Mexico

Mexico school shooting: Boy, 11, kills teacher and himself in Torreón - BBC  News

One of the dead was reportedly a female teacher, with some reports suggesting she had been the shooter’s target.

The other was the shooter, who police said had killed himself.

A graphic photograph published by Mexican news outlets showed what appeared to be the body of a young boy splayed out in a pool of blood, with a handgun lying on the ground.

Mexico school shooting: Teen told classmates he would bring gun

Police chief Maurilio Ochoa told reporters six people had been wounded – five schoolchildren and a teacher – with two in a “delicate” condition in hospital.

Ochoa said the shooter was believed to have entered his school with two weapons: a small-calibre handgun and a high-calibre weapon.

The boy’s parents and grandmother, with whom he lived, had said they had no idea how he acquired the guns.

This is really regrettable,” Ochoa said, as anxious parents gathered outside the school’s entrance.

He suggested backpack searches might be needed to prevent future tragedies.

Mexico: two killed after 11-year-old opens fire at school | World news |  The Guardian

Torreón’s mayor, Jorge Zermeño, told reporters the causes of the attack were still unclear.

They tell me he was a boy who had very good grades, who lives – lived – with his grandmother and who certainly suffered some kind of family problem.

He added:

It is very serious, so, so sad, and lamentable to see a primary school student do something like this.

In an interview with the Mexican news channel Milenio TV, Zermeño called the shooting an “atypical situation” that did not speak to the “peaceful society” that was Torreón.

This is a city that likes to work and likes to live in peace,” he said.

Ayuntamiento de Torreón

Above: Jorge Zermeno

Coahuila state’s governor, Miguel Ángel Riquelme, told reporters there were suspicions the shooter had been influenced by a video game called Natural Selection.

Miguel Riquelme Solís - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Above: Miguel Ángel Riquelme

Natural Selection logo 1.png

Before carrying out the shooting the boy – who has not been identified – reputedly told classmates:

Today is the day.

Despite suffering some of the world’s highest murder rates, school shootings of the kind that blight the US remain relatively rare in Latin America.

After school shooting, Mexican bishops stress family unity – Catholic Philly

  • Thousands of people protested in Australia, calling for the resignation or ouster of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, accusing him of negligence over the Australian bushfires.

The Sack ScoMo protests, organised by Uni Students for Climate Justice, were held in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne — where the rain did little to dampen the mood of the large crowd.

They went ahead despite calls from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Victoria Police who expressed concern that police would need to be pulled away from bushfires to monitor the large crowds.

Daniel Andrews 2018.jpg

Above: Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews

Protesters in Sydney lampoon Scott Morrison for his Hawaiian holiday. Picture: Matrix.

A sea of umbrellas could be seen along the steps of Victoria’s State Library and protesters spilt across Swanston Street and towards Melbourne Central Station.

Some used megaphones to speak to small groups who sheltered from the rain.

T-shirts, selling for $40 each, read F*** SCOMO.

Placards help by protesters read:

We deserve more than your negligence.”

This is ecosystem collapse.”

We can’t breathe.”

Australia bushfires: towns face anxious wait as strong winds drive fires |  Australia news | The Guardian

Protesters told they were pleased with the turnout.

There are so many people here, despite the weather.

It proves that people really care about the cause and are tired of waiting for action,” one young woman said.

Australians protest PM Scott Morrison's climate policies amid bushfire  crisis - CNN

In Sydney, thousands more gathered outside Sydney Town Hall to hear from speakers.

Organisers Uni Students for Climate Justice wrote on Facebook they want to “make the climate criminals pay” and “keep up the pressure”.

It comes as NSW authorities warn of a “long night” with almost a dozen fires flaring up across the state.

The protests outside the Sydney Town Hall. Picture: @MichaelM_ACT/Twitter

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said besides the two new fires, everything else was playing out as forecast with the hot and windy conditions on Friday.

But she urged communities remain vigilant.

In essence, we know it’s going to be a long and difficult night,” Ms Berejiklian said.

We won’t know the extent of the impact of these fires until early tomorrow morning.”

Gladys Berejiklian NSW (cropped).jpg

Above: New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian

Starting from September 2019, fires heavily impacted various regions of the state of New South Wales, with more than 100 fires burnt across the state.

In Victoria, large areas of forest burnt out of control for four weeks before the fires emerged from the forests in late December, taking lives, threatening many towns.

Significant fires occurred in South Australia and parts of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Moderately affected areas were southeastern Queensland and areas of southwestern Western Australia, with a few areas in Tasmania being mildly impacted.

On 12 November 2019, catastrophic fire danger was declared in the Greater Sydney region for the first time since the introduction of this level in 2009 and a total fire ban was in place for seven regions of New South Wales, including Greater Sydney.

The Illawarra and Greater Hunter areas also experienced catastrophic fire dangers, as did other parts of the state, including the already fire ravaged parts of northern New South Wales.

2020 Australia Wildfires.png

Above: Images of 2019 – 2020 Australian bush fires

The political ramifications of the fire season have been significant.

A decision by the New South Wales government to cut funding to fire services based on budget estimates, as well as a holiday taken by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, during a period in which two volunteer firefighters died, and his perceived apathy towards the situation, resulted in controversy.

Scott Morrison 2019.jpg

Above: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

  • Author and self-help guru Marianne Williamson dropped out of the US Democratic Party presidential primaries.

Williamson said that her lack of elective office experience does not disqualify her from being President.

She implies that not having held office before is, in part, what makes her uniquely qualified.

She stated that the belief that only experienced politicians can lead the US is “preposterous“, arguing that experienced politicians led the US into unfounded wars, extreme income inequality and environmental harm.

Marianne Williamson (48541662667) (cropped).jpg

Above: Marianne Williamson

She has called for her expertise in empathy, differentiated thinking, and political vision to be valued on par with elected experience and cited President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1932 statement that:

The Presidency is not merely an administrative office.

That’s the least of it.

It is preeminently a place of moral leadership.”

FDR 1944 Color Portrait.jpg

Above: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 – 1945)

“Throughout her campaign, Williamson talks more about ideas than plans.

Some people might see that as an inability to lead, but when inciting the darkest parts of humanity helped win the previous election, trying to appeal to the light side doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.

She’s doing her best to move the conversation to one of peace and love instead of anger and division.

What is so laughable about that?

Campaign promises – plans for Medicare, plans for how to curb climate change – are great.

But promises without a fundamental shift in thinking will simply become empty promises.

Williamson is trying to teach us that our mind-set needs a new baseline, one of true empathy, so that it becomes impossible to deny people basic health care, so that Americans would never for one second think that separating breastfeeding mothers from their infants at the border is in any way acceptable.”

(Kerry Pieri, Harper’s Bazaar)


Williamson believes that the Presidency of Donald Trump inspired increased visibility and political participation of White nationalists and is therefore unique and requires “more” than past political experience to be defeated:

When we look at the role that emotion plays in White Nationalism, the role of emotion in those movements is undeniable.

Hate is powerful and hate is contagious.

And it is not enough to meet it simply with an intellectual analysis or rational argument.

The only way you can defeat them is by overriding them through an equal force is exerted when people are awakened to those positive feelings and positive emotions.

Williamson stressed that she meets all the requirements to be President as laid out by the US Constitution and implied that those who dismiss candidates without elective office experience are elitists impeding the country’s democratic process and values.

She has appealed for a process that excludes media favouritism in favor of bringing forth candidates to voters, allowing those candidates to “do their best” and then “allowing voters to decide for themselves through their own intelligent analysis“.

If the Founders wanted to say ‘That Presidential candidate needs to be a governor or a senator, or a congressman or a lawyer,’ then they would have.

But they didn’t, because they were leaving it to every generation to determine for itself the skillset that that generation feels is most necessary in order to address the challenges of their time.

I think we need more than someone who’s just qualified because they understand how Washington works.

We need someone today who understands how “we” work.

And I think my 35-year career gives me those qualifications.

I must admit I am torn between the idea that if any American wants to be President desire should be enough, and the importance of political experience.

  • The Tunisian Parliament votes to reject a cabinet proposed by Prime Minister-designate Habib Jemli.

President Kais Saied has ten days to select someone else to build a new government.

I can’t imagine forming a cabinet is easy.

Flag of Tunisia

Above: Flag of Tunisia

Location of Tunisia (dark blue) in Africa (light blue)

Above: Location of Tunisia

  • Omani statet television announced the death of the Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said (79).

At the time of his death, Said was the longest serving head of state in the Middle East and Arab world.

QaboosBinSaidAlSaid (cropped).jpg

Above: Qaboos bin Said al-Said (1940 – 2020)

The high military council of the Sultan of Oman’s Armed Forces called on the Omani royal family to convene to name a successor to the late Sultan within three days.

A three-day period of national mourning was declared.

Flag of Oman

Above: Flag of Oman

Location of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula (dark green)

Above: Location of Oman

I compare my life with world events since I arrived in Napanee:

  • There is little risk of being attacked by anyone.
  • I fortunately knew no one aboard Flight 752 nor in the Iranian bus crash.
  • I have no stake in the future of Nissan nor have I ever met Ghosan (or anyone famous for that matter).
  • I have no stake in Brexit though I do think it is a bad idea.
  • I knew no one in the Quetta bombing nor in the Torréon shootings.
  • The bush fires in Australia are interesting and global warming affects the globe, but beyond this I am uninvolved.
  • The US elections are interesting, but I am neither an American nor a resident in America.
  • Politics elsewhere in the world are worthwhile watching, but folks in Tunisia and Oman care little about what a Canadian residing in Switzerland thinks.

Stop Reading the News: A Manifesto for a Happier, Calmer and Wiser Life:  Dobelli, Rolf: 9781529342680: Books

Instead I watch with sadness the activities of the family S.

Happily, Big J is not as obsessed with games and TV as the females in the place.

In the early afternoon J and I walk to A & W.

I had forgotten how much I missed A & W root beer.

A&W Root Beer logo.svg

A few hours later I retrace our steps to the creek J had showed me and then treat myself at the local Denny’s.

In the evening, cabbie A with her daughter S show up and more games are played.

S is like my cousin Steve, a natural winner in any competition.

It is easy to love folks like Steve, except when competiting against them.

Hasbro Gaming The Game of Life Board Game for Families and Kids Ages 9 and  Up, Game for 2-4 Players | Indore Business

Being winter, it is difficult to play tourist in Napanee.

Winter Shadows in Napanee

Being five years apart and away from the family S means escape must be done in a manner that does not offend.

The Great Escape (film) poster.jpg

There is a great irony that dominates my thoughts before the cat and I return to the sofa bed.

I am leaving as planned tomorrow for Toronto.

From top, left to right: The CN Tower viewed from Harbourfront, the Ontario Legislative Building, the Prince Edward Viaduct, City Hall with the 3D Toronto sign, Casa Loma, the Royal Ontario Museum and the Scarborough Bluffs

Above: Images of Toronto

It will again be years before I see the family S again (barring disease or disaster unforeseen).

I am simultaneously relieved and anxious to be leaving.

I love these people and yet they fill me with sadness.

So much wasted potential, I think.

They are my soul’s mirror.

I am discomfited.

Michael Jackson- "Man In The Mirror": This song is great for this story's  concept. The song's meaning is base… | Jackson family, Songs with meaning,  Michael jackson

Napanee to Kingston, Ontario, Saturday 11 January 2020

48 hours it has been between arrival and departure at the station.

I loathe myself and my eagerness to leave.

Before we packed J, V, K, her cat and I into the family car, I gave prefunctionary presents of what I had on hand that I acquired and carried since my return to Canada nine days ago.

It is a drizzling grey day that matches my mood.

My mood lifts at seeing Canada geese in a Kingston park.

Shouldn’t they have already flown down south?

What to do when the Canada Goose gets in your way | Watch News Videos Online

We drive by the Kingston Penitentary, still impressive, still imposing.

Above: Kingston Pentientary

Somewhere on the way we stop for milkshakes (in January!).

At the convenience store next door, I buy today’s Kingston Whig Standard newspaper and two magazines on writing (something to read on the train ride to Toronto).


As K‘s cat needs medical attention (It won’t eat as it should.) I am left alone at the station one hour before departure, a farewell that felt forced, I fear my face telegraphed my feelings.

As I wait for the train, I eat the sandwiches that Big J made me last night (ham and cheddar upon leaves of lettuce between slices of dry bread).

I hope that the Napanee Sadness will eventually fade.

All I know is that as much as I love the family S, as much as they are my family, I do not belong with them.

The skies are grey, within and without.

Kingston Station ON CLIP.jpg

Sources: Wikipedia / Google / YouTube / / The Napanee Beaver, 9 January 2020 / Reader’s Digest Explore Canada / Steve Biddulph, Manhood / Frank Bodin, Do it, with love / Thomas Girst and Magnus Resch, 100 Secrets of the Art World / Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man

Rumours from my room #8

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Wednesday 28 April 2020 (Lockdown Day #44)


Münsterlingen - Wikipedia


Landschlacht is part of a larger municipality called Münsterlingen which is a union, an amalgamation of the village of Landschlacht with the town of Scherzingen.

Sometimes I ask myself:

Can any good thing come out of Münsterlingen?


Coat of arms of Münsterlingen


But I have not completely abandoned hope in this regard, for there are institutions (besides those that provide food and drink) that seek to improve our lives here.

Landschlacht has the Chapel of St. Leonhard, a Kindergarten and a Primary School.



Münsterlingen, as a whole, has a Thurgau Kantonspital, a centre for the blind and the Psychiatrische Klinkum as well as the Benedictine Monastery.



I have rarely explored Scherzingen – I have never seen the point – so I cannot with much authority tell you what Scherzingen has to offer, save for the church the Kreuzlingen bus passes.

But the one asset that Scherzingen produced, in spite of itself, is the Swiss author Peter Stamm.



Of the many words a writer produces, it is Peter Stamm’s To the Back of Beyond that I often treasure among the many books I call mine in our cluttered apartment.


To the Back of Beyond von Peter Stamm. Bücher | Orell Füssli


My wife is insisting that I have too many.

Too many books, too many DVDs, too many CDs, too many things, too much stuff.

And I have lived too many years not to know that the wisdom of women is far superior to my own.

So when my wife implores me for the millionth time to declutter and put my life in order, she is absolutely correct.

But she fails to realize that it is these things that keep me bound to where I am.


mess unorganized photos writing journal books - Google Search ...


It is my fear that without these things to hold me here I shall one day simply walk away.

And it is this impulse, rarely spoken, often felt, of simply walking away from everyone and everything that Stamm powerfully captures in To the Back of Beyond.


To the Back of Beyond : Peter Stamm : 9781590518281


Because are there not moments within us all when we have wondered how we would go about disappearing from our own lives?


“After returning from a pleasant holiday with his wife, Astrid, and their two children, Thomas leaves the house.

He walks down the street and he keeps on walking.

At first Astrid asks herself where he has gone, and then when he is coming back, and finally whether he is even alive.

‘To the Back of Beyond’ is a novel that takes away the safe foundations of a marriage and a lifestyle to ask deeper questions about identity, connection and how free we are to change our lives.”


Switzerland – Nicola's Book Club


I am a walker, and during these disease-riddled days with bookstores, cinemas, gyms, libraries, museums, restaurants and schools closed, my wise wife recommends for both my mind and body that I take a walk around the neighbourhood every day.

Though never pursued, there lies within me what I like to call the Stamm Seduction.

To find a path, a road, and follow it until I decide to stop.


You're Probably Misreading Robert Frost's Most Famous Poem ...


Each time I leave my apartment block and turn west upon the street upon which the block sits…..

Each time I follow Schulstrasse (our main street) a bit further and further through farmer’s fields and then through the neighbouring town of Altnau…..

Each time I continue straight on through Altnau on the now-named Zelglistrasse through more fields of rapeseed and grass and orchards of blossoming apple trees to reach the large greenhouse festooned with flowers for sale…..

Each time I come to the trail’s end and then ponder whether to walk north or south, but then turn back home for it is the right and proper thing to do…..


Apple Blossoms In An Orchard In April,image Of A Stock Photo ...


I am Thomas of Stamm’s novel.

The itch inside my mind, the hunger in my heart, whispers…..

“Go, go, just a bit beyond”…..


Bruce Springsteen - Hungry Heart | Veröffentlichungen | Discogs


And whispers in daylight become thoughts in darkness.


Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark (1984, Vinyl) | Discogs


“Beware thoughts that come in the night.

They aren’t tuned properly.

They come in askew, free of sense and restriction, deriving from the most remote of sources.”


Blue Highways: A Journey into America: Moon, William Least Heat ...


I am an imperfect man who by virtue of his character creates his own imperfect world.

And sometimes I think that a man who cannot make things go right can at least go.

He could quit trying to get out of the way of Life.

Chuck routine, fuck the familiar.

Live the real jeopardy of circumstance.

Live the tangible uncertainty of adventure.

Find somewhere out there the dignity somehow lost in the complaceny of the commonplace.


The Mass of Men lead lives of Quiet Desparation…What does it mean ...


And it is this impulse that is rarely communicated and never understood when a man tries to explain it to a woman.




For many men there is a division within.


Manhood by Steve Biddulph


On the one side there is love and loyalty to spouse and family, to act responsibly and morally correct, to do the right thing whether it feels right to do so or not.

It is this desire to feel less lonely, to lose oneself in something greater than oneself, that compels men to sacrifice themselves to the world of women’s whims and the mindless demands of a work world that cares little about the needs of the man, save for what blood, sweat and toil he can devote to his employer, in the name of providing for those he loves, in the dim hope that they in return will reward him for his time and effort in their regard.


Atlas, Calliope, Muse of Eloquence


On the other side there is the wild untamed beast within that drives him to act in ways that cannot and will not conform, that cannot automatically assent, that cannot easily cope with constancy and consistency.


Wolf Howling at the Moon | Lobo e lua, Desenho de lobo uivando ...


Those who seek to subjigate us to their will, by giving them all of who we are, demand we do so with no obvious complaint or discomfort.

Complain and clearly you have an attitude, you are disloyal, you don’t love us anymore.

Gain for them the world and sacrifice your soul to do so and they will love you until someone better comes along.


Feeling Burdened as a Manager? Stop Spending so Much Time Managing ...


We should sing inside our cages, celebrate our servitude and strive to improve the lives of our employers and our wives and our children regardless of the quiet desperation that darkens our days and dims our hopes through the passage of unforgiving time.


Songbird In Cage. Symbol Of Prison Stock Photo, Picture And ...


We try to compensate for the loneliness that these demands on our time creates by surrounding ourselves with things that distract us from thinking about how restless we are.

We seek to acquire what we cannot afford and don’t really need in the dim hope that the loss of time and comfort, of life and love, to get these things will somehow compensate for all that was lost.


Display in a Shop window showing and magpie collecting jewelry ...


So many men have been taught by their parents that boys don’t cry, don’t show affection, are valued only for what they can produce, must be strong and independent while simultaneously giving that strength and independence away to live a satisfactory life.


John Wayne - Medical Bag


Fathers and husbands have no time for their children and wives, for they must give their all to their employer who will abandon them the moment they are not needed.

They come home as strangers to strangers and wonder who these people are who tolerate their presence within their space as long as the income is provided that sustains them.


Cat's in the Cradle - Wikipedia


So many men lacking peace within long to climb the hills and shout obscenities at the universe, but do not do so for fear they may disturb the peace without.

We long to say how we feel to someone, to anyone, but there is no one.

Most men do not really speak in truth or in volume with other men for we have never really learned how, women listen only to hear openings in the discussion where they can interrupt and interject and influence these odd malcontents to remain within their world, and children are simply too young to understand and when they are older it is then too late.


Til Tuesday - Voices Carry | Veröffentlichungen | Discogs


And so many men, too many men, not knowing how to deal with feelings they are told they must repress, act in ways that are destructive to themselves and to those around them.

So many men seek power over someone, over something, to deny the overwhelming feeling of their true powerlessness.


Kingpin (character) - Wikipedia


I seek, much to my wife’s disappointment, neither fame nor fortune, profit or power, God or glory, but rather I seek solitude and reflection to not only understand how I as an individual am alone, even at home, even in a crowd, but how I can embrace that solitude that is my interior life, that is the undiscovered country within us all.


Unpacking a Buddhist Dedication - Change Your Mind Change Your ...


I read to discover that I am not alone in how I feel.

I write to discover how I feel and to tell others that they are not alone in how they feel.


W. Somerset Maugham at his desk at the Villa Mauresque, Cap Ferrat ...


Some seek to travel, to escape from where they are, for the promise of a better tomorrow, somewhere over the rainbow.

But the over there soon becomes over here, because wherever we go, there we are.


Thomas à Kempis Quote: “Wherever you go, there you are.” (7 ...


We are not running from places and people as much as we are trying to run away from ourselves, from an image of ourselves we don’t particularly enjoy seeing, so we seek to see something else other than the man in the mirror.

As disturbing as it is to read of the corona virus terrifying the planet, or of shootings in Nova Scotia, or of fatal police incidents in Australia, or of murdering Prime Ministers and their First Ladies in Lesotho, or of corruption in Brazil, or of displaced Rohingya refugees without homes or hopes, or of senseless civil war in Yemen in a conflict as illogical as two bald men fighting over a comb, there is still a sense of universal interconnectedness with all of the chaos that envelops all of us.


IDIC. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Another great ...


I need not travel to find a better place, for as any glance at the news will teach you, there is no such place.

We differ only in degrees and in particularities of individual circumstances.

We tell ourselves the pain and sorrow other people and places suffer could never happen to us, until one day it does.


Joan Osborne Quote: “What if God was one of us, just a slob like ...


That at least has been a benefit of Covina-19.

It reminds us that we are all mortal, that whether we are Russian or American, Saudi or Swiss, Korean or Canadian, the corona virus can kill us should it so choose.

And if the pandemic or some disease doesn’t kill us and others don’t kill us, then most of us will kill ourselves by degrees within the particularities of our individual circumstances.


Empa - Communication - Coronatest


I read the news to discover that I am not alone.

I write about the news in the hopes of learning how I feel is not unique to myself.



Map of Switzerland

Consumers in Switzerland drank around 255 million litres of wine last year – about 20% of which was homegrown white.

In 2019, wine consumption in Switzerland rose by 4.7% on 2018. This corresponds to almost 40 bottles per capita.

The popularity of Swiss wine – especially white – is growing, according to the Federal Office for Agriculture.

Federal Office for Agriculture - Swiss Water Partnership

Between 2018 and 2019, consumption of Swiss white wine increased by 10.3% to around 48 million litres.

That of Swiss red went up by 1.6 % to 44.3 million litres.

Consumption of foreign white wine also increased, but less so, and totalled around 41 million litres (+5.9 %) in 2019.


(Admittedly I am somewhat surprised to learn that less wine rather than more is not being consumed during these times that try men’s souls…..)


green grapes


A shortage of frozen butter in Switzerland has the industry wanting to import 1,000 tons.

Dairy farmers disagree.


CHF4000 for littering? New fines proposed to save Swiss cows - The ...


On Thursday an umbrella group for the dairy sector announced that it had applied to the federal authorities for permission to import 1,000 tons of butter.

There are currently 1,500 tons of frozen butter reserves in Switzerland, but the nation would need 4,000 – 5,000 tons to get through the demand for the rest of the year, says the group.

Butter production has been slow for months now, it said, and sales have increased in recent weeks.

Due to the inadequate domestic supply of milk fat, butter is likely to become slightly more expensive.

With the import of foreign butter, there would be a surcharge of up to CHF0.01 ($0.01) per kilogram of milk.


Swiss cow horn vote this weekend


The Swiss Farmers Union has reacted to the import request by calling butter imports an “absolute no-go“.

On its website, the association argues that Swiss milk producers “still have to accept deductions for the export of milk fat”.

It also says that the butter stocks have grown in recent weeks.


Swiss Farmers' Union - Swiss Farmer's Union


Around 43,000 tons of butter are sold in Switzerland every year.

Depending on the brand and packaging, Swiss butter retails at anywhere from CHF 12 to CHF 20 per kilo.

Normally, Switzerland is able to produce all of the milk-based products it needs.

However, Switzerland loses hundreds of dairy farms each year.


Swiss cow ...loved listening to their bells at night as we sat on ...


(Perhaps the never-ending destruction of independent farms of dozens of cows to competition with huge operations of huge herds with government regulations and restrictions that favour big business over solitary farmers might be a factor?

And what does it matter if butter bought in Switzerland comes from a Swiss cow, for patriotism places poorly where profits are concerned.

And besides an independent farmer might have independent thought and surely that cannot be good for a cohesive society.)





In a revised forecast in the wake of the corona virus pandemic, federal authorities predict GDP will contract by 6.7% in 2020 and recover slowly in 2021.

On Thursday, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) announced that it had adjusted 2020 economic forecasts to take into account sporting events affected by the pandemic.

The original revised forecast estimated the economy would contract by 1.5%.

Unemployment is expected to average 3.9% over the year.


State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) -


In a press release, SECO warned that this would make it the biggest slump in economic activity since 1975.

This is a more dire prediction than that of the BAK Economics Institute, a Basel-based think tank, which at the end of March predicted a drop in GDP of 2.5% in 2020.

The forecast expects a modest recovery with the easing of restrictions in the next few months.

BAK Economics AG | LinkedIn

However, income losses due to high rates of partial and full unemployment as well as the considerable economic uncertainty “will limit the amount of lost ground that private consumption will be able to make up in the second half of the year”, according to the economic ministry.

Rising government debt in many countries as well as further upheaval in the financial markets and Swiss real estate sector could also exacerbate risks.

Switzerland is also heavily affected by the decision to postpone the 2020 Olympic Games and other major sporting events given the large number of sporting associations in the country.

Assuming no further restrictive measures, the Swiss economy should continue its fragile recovery in 2021, with GDP forecasted to grow by 5.2%.


Swiss Franc Is Best Bet in History of Fed Easing, JPMorgan Says ...


Unemployment is set to rise further to 4.1% in 2021, with employment only likely to see a minimal rise.

The economic lockdown measures to contain the coronavirus have led to a spike in requests for social assistance.

In the first two weeks after the government declared an “exceptional situation”, the number of welfare applications quadrupled.


Swiss parliament rejects call to return confiscated funds to ...


This is according to a study by the Zürich University of Applied Sciences, which found that those most affected were hourly wage workers, those in part-time jobs and the self-employed.


ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Digitaltag


(Nothing inspires more warm and cuddly feelings towards the news and the nation when people are reduced to numbers and statistics…..)


small Swiss coins


Researchers in Geneva and Basel have launched a clinical trial to test two drugs in the prevention of infection among people who were in contact with newly confirmed Covid-19 patients.

The trial announced on Thursday is intended to help monitor and contain any new Covid-19 outbreaks at a time when many countries, including Switzerland, are easing restrictions.

Treating these exposed people preventively is called “post-exposure ring chemoprophylaxis” and is considered a pragmatic way to slow or contain the spread of a virus at the early stages.


New coronavirus: decisions of the federal and cantonal authorities ...


Protecting contact persons from getting sick is not only desirable from an individual’s point of view but could also prove an innovative public health approach,” said Alexandra Calmy, who leads the project at the University Hospitals Geneva.


File:CH-Geneva University Hospital.JPG - Wikimedia Commons


The trial, now in Phase 3, is enrolling 400 people who were in close contact with newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients.

They will be randomly divided into three groups.


UK and Australia pour funds into coronavirus vaccine tests on humans


One of the two drugs that will be assessed is the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, which has been hotly debated by politicians and public health experts as a possible treatment to Covid-19.

Novartis’ Sandoz division is one of the largest makers of the drug and has donated doses to Swiss hospitals as part of its Covid-19 response.


Hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus: a guide to the scientific ...


Participants in the second group will receive the anti-HIV drug lopinavir/ritonavir.


HETERO RITOCOM, 30 Tablets, Rs 1000 /bottle, Surety Healthcare ...


The third group will not receive any drugs. No Drugs Workplace Poster: Office Products


Three weeks after enrolment, participants will be checked to see if they develop infection.

“If one or both of the two repurposed drugs should prove efficacious, this would allow us to react rapidly when new cases emerge thereby helping us to flatten the feared second and third waves of the pandemic,” said Niklaus Labhardt, who is a Senior Physician at the University Hospital Basel.

USB - University Hospital of Basel - Congrex Switzerland

The trial is being run by Geneva University Hospitals, Basel University Hospital and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

There are more than 60 approved research or clinical trials on Covid-19 underway in Switzerland.

This is one of five Phase 3 Trails being run at Swiss Hospitals, according to the Swiss Association of Research Ethics Committees.


(The positive aspect of using human beings as guinea pigs or lab rats is at least they can communicate how they feel…..)




Initial results from a serological antibody test in Canton Geneva has estimated that over 5% of the Geneva population – some 27,000 people – could have been infected by the novel corona virus.

That is more cases than counted by officials, but fewer than researchers had hoped for to achieve immunity.

The study released by the Geneva University Hospital on Wednesday is based on blood samples taken from 760 people in Geneva.

Serological tests were used to detect a specific antibody type G, which is directed against the pathogen.

The test confirms the presence of antibodies in the blood, but researchers caution that this does not indicate whether someone has any immunity against the virus.


Republic and State of Geneva | Geneva Internet Platform


(I do not know if any of my readers in Switzerland have been tested.

I know I have not, for at present the philiosophy – because of the expense and time required – in hospitals here seems to be you should not be tested unless you clearly look like you have the virus.

Meaning there is no telling how many of us have the disease but remain untested because we are asymptomatic.)


Coronavirus Case Confirmed in Humboldt | News Blog


Based on the sample, the researchers estimate that the sero prevalence in the population to be 5.5% on 17 April 2020, which means that 27,000 people would have been exposed to the corona virus.


Covid-19: Lithuania plans to introduce coronavirus quarantine on ...


This is much higher than the official government estimates for canton Geneva, which is around 4,900 confirmed cases on Thursday.

Geneva has been one of the hardest-hit cantons in Switzerland.

The fact that the actual number of infected people was far higher than the official positive test was expected given testing for the virus (not the antibodies) has largely focused on people displaying symptoms or at high risk of serious illness.

Some experts say, however, that this is still far off from what they had hoped in order to achieve “herd immunity” whereby a significant portion of the population (upwards of 70%) are immune to infection.

“What is already emerging is that the proportion of infected people is smaller than hoped for,” Isabella Eckerle, virologist at Geneva University Hospital, told Swiss public television SRF.




(But why is this so?

Because Geneva borders France?

Or is there more involved than location?) • View topic - Country borders accuracy (Switzerland with ...


In a press release, the hospital stated that the results of the study indicate that the serological test platform at the hospital reliably confirms exposure to Covid-19 twenty days after the onset of symptoms.


Practical Info - CAGI


Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche announced that it will be launching its own antibody test in May.

In an interview in Reuters on Wednesday, CEO Severin Schwan warned that some of the current tests marketed to tell people if they have been infected, are a “disaster”.

He told reporters, “these tests are not worth anything or have very little use”.


Datei:Hoffmann-La Roche logo.svg – Wikipedia


(No use to whom?

To the people being tested or the bottom line on Roche’s balance sheet?)


On Thursday, the Swiss School of Public Health – a consortium of 12 universities – announced the launch of a nationwide study to assess the proportion of the Swiss population with antibodies against the new corona virus.


Swiss School of Public Health | SSPH+


The study called “Corona Immunitas” is a public-private partnership supported by the Federal Office of Public Health, private companies, and individual experts.

The study, which is scheduled to run for six months, will invite 25,000 residents in Switzerland to participate in antibody blood tests.

This is intended to provide reliable data on the number of antibody carriers in different regions and in specific population groups, as well as on the extent and duration of immunity against Covid-19.




A senior epidemiologist says it will take more than 12 months for daily life in Switzerland to go back to normal if a new wave of the corona virus pandemic is to be prevented.

Marcel Tanner, a member of the government’s Covid-19 task force, does not expect a vaccine against the infectious disease to be available within 15 to 18 months at the earliest.

There won’t be any football matches with mass spectators or concerts this summer,” Tanner told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper in an interview published on Friday.

Tanner, a former professor of epidemiology at the University of Basel and director of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, expects the government to ease restrictions on public and private gatherings of  more than five people sooner.

He also said he expected that most people can go back to work in June if the necessary safety precautions are respected, including in public transport.

We can be pragmatic about this,” he said.

Personally, I’d prefer to make the wearing of masks mandatory in public transport.

Tanner is sceptical that it will be possible to resume our routines in daily life very soon.

He says it would take at least 60% of the population to develop an immunity against corona virus.

Tanner believes this could take up to the autumn of 2021.

Tanner also rejected criticism by various interest groups which want the government to ease the lockdown for the business community quickly.


Swiss TPH (@SwissTPH) | Twitter


The government strategy foresees a gradual relaxing of restrictions as of next Monday, followed by a further step on 11 June, depending on the number of new infections.

Details are to be announced next week.


Switzerland announces timetable to exit coronavirus shutdown ...


(Here is where I am torn:

Of the national population the percentage of those infected by Covid-19 is very low.

And I understand it is as low as it is because of the health measures the nation has taken.

But I cannot deny that as commendable and wise as  these measures are, they nonetheless often feel excessive and paranoiac.

I cannot stop myself from thinking that we are so scared of dying that we have become terrified of living.)


Aerial view of the annual technoparade 'Street Parade' in Zurich


Flights from India on Saturday and Africa next Wednesday will conclude the biggest repatriation operation ever mounted by the Swiss Foreign Ministry, in response to the corona virus crisis.

Nearly 7,000 people stranded abroad have been repatriated on 33 flights since the operation began on 22 March, the Ministry said on Friday.

Nearly 4,000 of these passengers are Swiss, while the rest are from other countries, mainly European.

About one third of these foreigners reside in Switzerland, according to the Ministry.

At the same time, more than 1,500 Swiss nationals have returned home on flights organised by other countries.


Federal Department of Foreign Affairs | cinfo


(I sometimes wonder if Canada could send me home…..)


Air Canada Cargo - Ship small parcels, packages or large cargo


The Foreign Ministry says the operation would not have been possible without the “professionalism and hard work” of Swiss representations around the world.

The efforts of Swiss embassy and consulate staff, working in close cooperation with local authorities, proved decisive in obtaining the necessary flight permits, means of transportation and clearances to enable Swiss nationals scattered around the world, in some cases in remote areas, to reach the airports from which the flights departed”, says the statement.

The total cost of some CHF 10 million ($10.2 million) has been covered by the Swiss Foreign Ministry but “repatriated individuals will be expected to contribute to the operation by paying the equivalent of the market rate for a standard fare”, according to the press release.


Swiss International Air Lines renews and expands its service ...


(Because, God forbid, that government that takes your money should ever give you something in return for that money.)


Now that the operation is drawing to a close, the Ministry says its main focus will shift to “providing support for Swiss citizens who, for a variety of reasons, have been unable or unwilling to return to Switzerland”.


People in plane


Almost 7,000 Swiss residents who were stuck abroad are being brought home.


The Swiss Family Robinson : J. D. Wyss : 9780141325309


A flight from India and one from Africa will conclude the largest repatriation operation ever mounted by the Swiss Foreign Ministry.

It was launched a month ago in cooperation with the airlines Swiss, Edelweiss und Helvetic.


Edelweiss Air AG - Operation Center - Kloten - Guidle


In total, 35 flights have been organised from all parts of the world, including destinations which usually have no direct flights to Switzerland.

Once the flights have touched down, the next phase will be about providing support for Swiss citizens who have been unable or unwilling to return to Switzerland.

The repatriation flights needed a lot of diplomacy, security assessments and arranging of special flight permits.

Passengers will cover the main share of the costs by paying the equivalent of the market rate for a standard fare for their flight.


Helvetic Airways verabschiedet sich vom Airbus A319 - TRAVEL INSIDE


As many activities around the world have shut down because of the corona virus, diplomats have been working overtime to get their nationals home, often in difficult circumstances.

They stressed the unprecedented nature of this crisis and the need for solidarity.


Ein Mann mit einer Gesichtsmaske, im Hintergrund eine Schweizer Fahne.


“This global crisis is unprecedented and is therefore uncharted territory for everyone,” writes Swiss Ambassador to France Livia Leu Agosti.

In the past weeks, she has been dealing almost exclusively with the corona virus crisis, “on the one hand with its effects on our fellow citizens abroad, and on the other hand with the changes in bilateral cooperation across the border”.

At the same time, the embassy’s internal procedures have had to be continually adapted, she says.

Almost all embassy staff now work from home, except for her and a few other employees.

Switzerland’s western neighbour is home to the largest community of Swiss abroad.

In addition, “thousands of tourists” from Switzerland travel through France and its overseas territories every day.

“To reach all these people and provide them with the necessary information, an intensive communication campaign was necessary via social media, the Internet and the Embassy’s newsletter,” writes Leu.

She says Swiss consuls in Marseille, Lyon and Strasbourg as well as Paris have “worked with their teams seven days a week to answer the hundreds of inquiries and to facilitate the return journey of Swiss citizens”. 

Together with the French authorities, Ambassador Leu also had to clarify the situation of some 175,000 French cross-border workers who commute to Switzerland every day for their work.

“Their continued employment in Switzerland despite closed borders is very important because many of them work in Swiss hospitals in the border regions,” she told

Leu also had to “intervene on various occasions to unblock the delivery of confiscated protective masks”. 

Asked about the importance of solidarity at this exceptional time, she says it is more important than ever.

“I am convinced that France will not forget Swiss solidarity, just as patients in Swiss hospitals will remain grateful to French healthcare staff.” 


Frau mit Kopfhörern an einem Schreibtisch, im Hintergrund ein Bildschirm.


“The pandemic is having a major impact on my daily life as an ambassador, but also on the lives of all embassy staff,” writes Swiss Ambassador Guillaume Scheurer in Morocco.

“It is almost like a revolution, in the sense that we have had to completely rethink our way of working and our way of communicating both internally and externally.” 

In dealing with the crisis and getting Swiss nationals home, diplomacy is more important than ever, he writes.

Contacts with the Moroccan government are more intense than ever “since we are in almost permanent contact, day and night” and “we are managing this crisis together with other local, Swiss and international actors”. 

There has been plenty of solidarity, he says.

“The foreign representations in Morocco are working together and trying to make it easier for all tourists to return home.

On several occasions, the Moroccan authorities have also shown a great deal of support, for example in authorising numerous repatriation flights or finding solutions for caravanners stuck in often deplorable circumstances.” 


The new Ambassador in Morocco, has a delicate Mission – view ...


Swiss nationals living in Morocco have also offered accommodation for stranded compatriots, since many hotels have closed their doors.

“It is heart-warming to see these beautiful expressions of solidarity,” Scheurer writes.

“Each successful flight, each problem solved, each passage on a ferry to France or Spain is felt as a real happiness, a personal and collective success.”


Ausschnitt eines Schreibtisches mit einem Glas, Bildern und Desinfektionsmittel.


“I have already experienced several crisis situations, but never a crisis of this magnitude, of global dimension, with a completely open time horizon,” says Swiss Ambassador to India Andreas Baum.

The crisis has changed the life of the embassy overnight, with the focus now is on finding stranded Swiss nationals “in a country that is not only huge but is in a total lockdown” and somehow getting them home.

Except for the dedicated special flights team, embassy staff are now working from home, and all meetings take place by phone or online.

Baum says this is a completely new experience for him because he usually prefers to “meet face to face to discuss things or exchange written information”.

The Ambassador, a former doctor, likes to read at night to help him sleep, but sometimes that is also when the doubts come:

“Can we all stay healthy?

Have we taken all measures to protect ourselves as a team?”


Swiss Ambassador Dr. Andreas Baum presenting at India Arch ...


Teamwork and solidarity are key, he says.

“This illness, the fear of infection, will distance us from each other and whoever gets sick is suddenly to be excluded.

Team spirit, humanity and solidarity are all the more important.” 

And for inner balance, he says he can sometimes enjoy a privilege that not many people in lockdown have, “jogging in the embassy garden, dahlias as big as plates, colourful as they can only be in India, green parrots, and the thought: what an absurdly beautiful and wonderful spring”.


Sieben Personen nehmen an einer Steh-Sitzung vor einer Karte an einer Wand teil.


Answers came from two ambassadors who job share:

  • Pedro Zwahlen, who is responsible for Australia
  • Yasmine Chatila Zwahlen, who is responsible for Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Nauru, Vanuatu and Kiribati.

Swiss travellers in these areas are often particularly adventurous, they write.

If travellers remain “blocked in the most remote areas of the world”, things can quickly become “somewhat complicated”.

“In mid-March we divided the Canberra team into two shifts, working alternately in the embassy offices,” they write.

“This increases the chance that not everyone will fall ill at the same time, should a colleague become infected.

Those who do not work in the office work online.

Apart from some chronic Internet problems, this works quite well, even if we miss the daily exchange during the coffee break.” 

They say the most complex task in recent weeks has been “to help Swiss people travel home because international air traffic has collapsed.

Countless fellow citizens have been seeking the advice of the embassy and consulate.

Together with other European diplomats, we try to assess the travel possibilities and coordinate special flights with the head office”.

Asked if they are sleeping, they reply only that “when night comes here, day begins in Bern”. 

But the crisis, they point out, has led not only to immediate operational challenges such as repatriating Swiss nationals and reorganizing embassy work.

It has changed many things in the world.

“We must also keep these in mind,” write the job share pair.

“What are the consequences of the rapid and fundamental shocks on geopolitics in our region?

What impact does the crisis have on power relations and political and social stability?

The wheel of history is turning faster.”


Eine Frau sitzt vor einem Bildschirm und telefoniert.


“I have experienced similar situations, for example during the war in Yugoslavia, but without Swiss tourists,” writes Ambassador Markus-Alexander Antonietti from Peru.

He says he sleeps “briefly, but with intense dreams”. 

Peru is also in strict lockdown.

A core team is working at the embassy and the rest from home, he says.


Sculpture Line 2017: Marcus-Alexander Antonietti (Ambassador of ...


The size of the country and the severely reduced travel possibilities within Peru have led to “big practical problems in the repatriation of tourists, who are spread all over the country (3.5 times the size of Germany, but without the infrastructure of Germany)”.

The embassy has had to organise bus convoys to bring Swiss nationals and travellers from other European countries to the capital Lima.

In this situation, solidarity is extremely important, he writes.

“In Peru, it exists between the countries of the EU and us. I have been on EU chat and in EU Skype meetings.

We have already helped dozens of EU citizens with domestic transport and repatriation, and the EU has helped us.”


Passagiere steigen in ein Flugzeug.


In times like these, all the contacts and network established in the past become particularly important, writes Ambassador Yves Rossier from Moscow.

Official meetings have become very rare, and conversations with the Russian authorities usually take place by telephone.

No online events are planned, because “a large part of non-verbal communication would be lost”. 


Russian Embassy Bern on Twitter: "Mr Yves Rossier has been ...


He also stresses the importance of solidarity.

“We communicate daily with other embassies, coordinating and comparing approaches.

Return flight options for Swiss citizens are also discussed with other diplomatic missions.

Swiss nationals in Russia are kept regularly informed of the situation, and we are in close contact with the Swiss Club of Moscow, which supports and informs Swiss people in Russia through a WhatsApp group.” 


Blick in einen Korridor, rechts an der Wand ein rotes Plakat mit Hygiene-Vorschriften.


The number of new corona virus infections continues to decline in Switzerland, but the population must remain disciplined, says the government’s delegate for Covid-19 Daniel Koch.

“The trend in the number of cases is good, but we do not want it to rise again,” Koch told a news conference on Friday.

He was speaking ahead of a first loosening of anti-corona virus measures link from Monday.

The ban remains on gatherings of more than five people, while social distancing and hygiene rules must be strictly observed, he said.

He appealed to the public’s sense of responsibility, stressing that a party in a park around a barbecue is “not on right now”.

Only if the numbers can be reduced further will it be possible to return to some kind of normality in the summer, said Koch.


Hautes écoles recadrées pour leurs directives concernant le ...


Meanwhile, the armed forces command says it has begun demobilising about 1,000  soldiers taking part in support operations over the past 40 days.

In total, about 4,000 members of the militia army have been on duty at hospitals, the Swiss borders and outside foreign embassies since mid-March.

By mid-May the number is likely to be reduced further, according to a senior army commander.


government experts at press conference


Severin Schwan talks a lot about trust.

Trust in people you live with, socialise with, work with.

And trust is not won by being nice, says the chief executive of Roche, one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies.


Roche: Wie Severin Schwan den Pharmakonzern zum Erfolg führt


(There is something comforting in getting morality lessons from an industry that gets its income from the ill.)


“There are many components to building trust,” he tells the Financial Times.

“One is that you are honest.

That means sometimes you don’t make friends and  sometimes it’s uncomfortable.

It’s difficult to tell the truth and to receive the truth.”


(And the truth shall set you free?)


This week Schwan delivered an uncomfortable truth to the UK government, saying it lagged behind other countries in dealing with the corona virus crisis, because it had not invested enough in healthcare and testing.


U.K. Parliament Maintains Restrictions After Email Hack | Data ...


(Nothing wins friends faster than telling them that they are suffering and it is their fault that they do so.)


How To Win Friends & Influence People - By Dale Carnegie ...


Speaking from lockdown in Switzerland, Schwan is not apologetic.

“I am not saying the decision not to invest is right or wrong,” he says.

“But don’t wonder when a crisis like this comes and you don’t have the infrastructure that you are in a more difficult situation.”


(Don’t ask Schwan for sympathy?)


Silver haired, but still youthful-looking for his 52 years, Mr Schwan has found himself at the centre of industry efforts to battle the crisis.

As one of the world’s leading diagnostics companies, Switzerland-based Roche aims to launch a Covid antibody test next month, while Actemra, an arthritis drug, is also being trialled as a possible treatment.


Coronavirus : l'Actemra de Roche marque un point contre le Covid ...


Amid the global attention, the Roche boss has taken the opportunity to speak his mind, even if it prompts what he calls “a shitstorm”.

That was not always the Roche approach, according to one person who knows the company well.


“Roche used to be so secretive that you could not get anything from them,” the person says.

“But now they are doing things they wouldn’t have done before.

There has been a wind of change.”


Roche - Building 1: An office building for the future


It took time for the winds to shift after Schwan’s appointment as chief executive in 2008 — a surprise nomination given his age, at 40, and background.

With a degree in economics and a doctorate in law, he joined Roche in 1993 as a graduate trainee in the corporate finance team.

Schwan worked his way quickly up the ranks, including a stint in Asia, until he became head of Roche’s diagnostics division in 2006.

From there he was chosen over the group’s pharmaceuticals boss to take charge.


Brand Centre - Logo


He was put to the test within a year, when Roche came under attack from some researchers over withholding trial data on its antiviral drug Tamiflu, which had been stockpiled by governments preparing for the swine flu pandemic.



Tamiflu: Roche und Sanofi planen OTC-Switch | PZ – Pharmazeutische ...


The debate spiralled into a public and political controversy as Roche resisted releasing the data.

Roche “did not do themselves any favours”, says another industry veteran.

“They did not communicate right.”


Schwan admits he could have approached the critics “in a different way, perhaps more proactively”.

But he remains adamant that “we were on the right side”.


Swine influenza - Wikipedia


(Because being right matters more?)


The patent has expired on Tamiflu, but its value as an efficacious flu treatment continues to be validated by regulators, he says.

To question their findings would threaten lives, he insists, even as the world approaches a new flu season that could be made worse by the corona virus.


How the coronavirus compares to SARS, swine flu, and other ...


(So, best be silent and just accept what everyone says?)


I, Robot (film) - Wikipedia


For outsiders that debate was a watershed.

“Since then they have become much more open to sharing data and in communications,” the industry veteran says.


Schwan has also developed a reputation for being a solid helmsman, taking revenues from SFr 45.6bn in 2008 to SFr 61.5bn ($63bn) last year.


Roche Stock Up 1.5% after Q1 Earnings Report, Profit Grows amid ...


(For clearly the measure of a man’s worth is set by the standard by which he increase the bank balance?)


Scales Balance Icon, Justice Scale Icon Royalty Free Cliparts ...


In its most recent results, Roche successfully offset the expiry of patents on blockbuster drugs with new treatments for multiple sclerosis and cancer.

It has arguably “the most exciting pipeline in pharma”, according to analysts at Jefferies Investment Bank, and is also building a business in gene therapy.


Haiti's top corporate donors - Jefferies & Co. (2) -


“Roche is successfully crossing its patent cliff.

That’s rather unexpected,” says one pharmaceuticals analyst.


Despite his SFr 11m pay packet last year, Schwan remains “a very down-to-earth person” — a product of a Roche culture that abhors flashy wealth, says another pharma veteran.

He is “lecturey but not arrogant”.


The Die is Cast | Church of the Lutheran Brethren


(I have to ask:

What in hell can make a man worth 11 million?)


Funny Fat Cat Sitting in the Kitchen and Probably Waiting for some ...


The Roche boss, Austrian by birth, is now a fully fledged member of the Swiss elite. : magFlags XXXL Flag Austria | Landscape Flag | 6m² ...


(Should the accident of one’s birthplace determine one’s character assessment?)


Canadian Passport Cover Art Print by Serge Averbukh


As the lead independent director at Credit Suisse, he helped to steer the bank through the recent crisis which set the board against former chief executive Tidjane Thiam.


Credit Suisse CEO, Star Banker Fell Out at Party in January: T-A ...


“Schwan’s very methodical.

No bullshit,” says a senior Swiss financier.

“With Tidjane, he kept quiet for a long time.

And then at a certain point, he thought ‘enough is enough’ and he acted.”

Partnerships & collaborations | Swisscard AECS

Schwan is not without his critics however.


“He can be simplistic and naive,” says a former colleague.

“At Credit Suisse, his big obsession was purpose, not banking.”


Swiss Regulator Orders Credit Suisse Spy Probe


The pharma analyst suggests that despite the success of new drugs, “there has not been much transformation at Roche since the acquisition of biotech group Genentech”, in 2009.

The company is still benefiting from Genentech’s oncology expertise.


Roche/Genentech General Program Update Letter to the Duchenne ...


Schwan agrees that he has profited from decisions made by predecessors.

But planning for the very long term is one of the benefits of having the founding Hoffman-Oeri families pooled into a single 45% shareholder, he says.

Schwan is now looking to develop a business focused on personalised healthcare, bringing together digital technologies with the core pharmaceuticals and diagnostics businesses.

That is a longer-term objective, but he says that after 12 years at the helm, he has built the trust with investors and staff to try.

“I would be so glad if I am long retired and my successor tells you that back in 2020 they were one of the first companies to figure out how to bring pharmaceutical, diagnostic and digital insights together.

That would be a big satisfaction.”


Severin Schwan

Masks remain a major preoccupation in Switzerland as the country gears up for a gradual easing of corona virus-related restrictions.

As of Monday, the government will supply department stores with millions of hygienic masks, leaning on the army’s pharmacy to carry out the distribution, according to the French-language Swiss daily 24 heures.

An initial supply of 75 million is ready to go.

Masks will be distributed to Swiss supermarket chains Migros and Coop.


Fotos und Logos | Medien


Migros and Coop will be charging CHF 19.7 for a batch of twenty pieces and CHF 39.90 for a set of 50 units, according to the report.


Coop - Alles für Ihren Einkauf


But not all stores are expected to have masks available on the first day and each customer will only be entitled to one package.

Retail stores Manor and Landi are also looking to stock up on textile masks by 11 May, which marks the re-opening of compulsory schools.

Manor darf neues Logo verwenden

The Swiss government has been remiss to recommend the general use of masks by the population.

“Healthy people still do not need to wear masks in public spaces,” according to the health authorities.

The use of masks, however, may be warranted on public transport during rush hour traffic or similar settings in which socially distancing is difficult to maintain.

Switzerland has experienced a shortage of protective masks due to the coronavirus crisis.

Nonetheless, companies based in the countries exported 25 tonnes of mask in the first months of 2020.

This compares to just 13 kg for the whole of 2019, according to reports by Le Matin Dimanche and the Sonntags Zeitung, which cited statistics from the customs authority.




A French artist known for massive works of graffiti on grass best seen from the air presented his latest piece on Sunday in the Swiss Alps – a corona virus-related picture of a girl looking towards the horizon.

The artist Saype, whose real name is Guillaume Legros, has painted his temporary, biodegradable images on lawns from Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast to the Champ de Mars next to the Eiffel Tower in Paris, often depicting children or a close-up of two people’s hands gripping each other’s forearms.


Saype: the artist who paints 100% biodegradable graffiti on grass ...


“Beyond crisis”, his new work on a clearing in the Swiss resort town of Leysin, shows a girl sitting, completing a chain of stick figures holding hands.

“The fresco of more than 3,000 square metres evokes the building of a world with more solidarity and more humanity,” Saype said in a statement quoted by Reuters news agency.

“There are several levels of reading but the main idea is to challenge the world that will follow after the crisis, on the importance of all looking in the same direction ”, Saype told the Swiss news agency Keystone-SDA.

“As with my other works, I want to convey an optimistic vision, a certain idea of living together.”

“Beyond Crisis” was carried out on the private land of a farmer at the Prafandaz pass, which overlooks Lake Geneva.

Saype used his usual paint, namely a 100% biodegradable product based ion chalk and charcoal.

The lifespan of his work will depend on the weather and the regrowth of the grass.

“I estimate it between two weeks to a month,” the artists told Keystone-SDA.

In 2019, Saype was listed by Forbes among the 30 most influential European personalities under the age of 30 in field of art and culture.


Saype's artwork on the Swiss Alps


Switzerland documented a record 352 cases of discrimination in 2019, reflecting an increase in racist acts in public places and attacks spurred by far-right ideologies.

Xenophobia was the main driver for racist behaviour.

Black and Muslim people are the worst affected, with 132 and 55 cases respectively registered by counselling centres in 2019.

The number of cases with a right-wing extremist connotation also rose in 2019. Every tenth attack falls under this category, notes the Blick newspaper in its Sunday edition.

“The extreme right-wing scene is on the move,” says the president of the Federal Commission against Racism (EKR) Martine Brunschwig Graf, in remarks quoted by Blick.

“This must be taken seriously.

We must not underestimate it.”

Only a small number of victims of racism, she notes, seek help from an advice centre.

The number of unreported cases is believed to be higher than the number of reported cases.

Notable racist acts in 2019 included the spraying of Nazi symbols, people making the Hitler salute and attacks against black youth.


Network SOS racism


Racial profiling is another issue highlighted by the authorities, with 23 cases reported last year.

The 352 figure represents a 27% increase relative to 2018.

The government has already published some of its main findings for 2019 but is expected to release a full report on the issue on Monday.

In its 2020 report, the Council of Europe’s Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) urged Switzerland to boost the capacity of counselling centres for victims of racism.


Muslim tourist Geneva





Australia, Wednesday 22 April 2020

Map of Australia


The horror crash that occured last night on the Eastern Freeway in Melbourne was the biggest single loss of police lives in one incident in Victorian history, the police commissioner said.

Witnesses to the accident, which occured last night after 5pm on the Eastern Freeway, near Chandler Highway, described the scene as “utter carnage’.


Emergency services on the scene of a crash in Melbourne. Picture: Aaron Francis


This morning police confirmed the Porsche driver who allegedly fled the scene after four police officers were killed was handing himself in to police this morning.

The driver had initially been pulled over by officers before 5 pm last night for speeding at more than 140km/h.

Police decided to impound the 911 Porsche and called for back-up from other officers.

After they arrived at the scene and had left their vehicle a large refrigerator truck crashed into the officers.

The Porsche was also hit and the driver of the Porsche left the scene on foot, although police did not believe he was injured.



The multi vehicle car accident involving a truck and Victoria Police on the Eastern Freeway between Chandler Hwy and Burke Road. Picture: Mark Stewart

Melbourne crash: Porsche driver who allegedly fled scene after ...



Commissioner Graham Ashton said it was the largest single loss of police lives in one incident in the history of Victoria Police.

“It’s a very tragic night for Victoria Police and again highlights dangers that go with the every day nature of police work,” he said.

“Our thoughts are with families of officers who lost their lives tonight.”



Traffic was banked up in the area. Picture: Ten News


Premier Daniel Andrews said on Wednesday night four families’ hearts were breaking.

“Our hearts are breaking with them,” he said.

“We grieve alongside them – just as we grieve with every member of Victoria Police and every member of our emergency services family.

In the coming days, formal investigations will tell us why – how – this could possibly have happened.

But one thing is already clear – though we may not yet know their names – we will always call them heroes.”



COVID-Informer: Daniel Andrews sets the scene for the rest of ...


Police also said the Porsche driver who allegedly fled the scene put photos on Facebook of the crash scene.

“We are pursuing with Facebook that there has been some images placed on Facebook that appear to have been taken by this individual at the scene, before he has left the scene,” Mr Ashton said.

“And some of those photographs were circulating last night online.

So, I would ask if anyone is finding photographs online, not to further circulate them.

In fact we are talking to Facebook this morning about removing those images from Facebook.”



Picture: Mark Stewart



The victims are two male constables, one female senior constable and one male senior constable.



Tributes Pour In For Constable Glen Humphris And Three Other ...


It is believed one of the officers was new to the force, while the others were more “seasoned and experienced”.

The male truck driver was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

One of the cars was left trapped under the truck.

At least 16 emergency services vehicles were at the scene.


Melbourne truck driver charged in crash that killed four police ...


It is not yet known the cause of the truck crashing into the officers on the eastern freeway.

The driver is in hospital under police guard and police expect him to be there “for some time”.

Blood samples will been taken to test for alcohol or drug use.


Commissioner Ashton said it was believed the truck driver suffered a medical episode at the scene and after the crash.

“We don’t know at this stage what caused him to drive the truck into our police members,” he said.

“We just don’t know.

The truck has also made considerable contact with the Porsche.

“This is a real tragedy and so tonight will be spent notifying loved ones of our four officers.

“A very tragic night indeed we’re having to respond to.”


Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton questioned at ...


A witness told the Herald Sun the accident site was horrific.

It was carnage,” they said.

“There were civilians trying to run around and help, it was horrible.”

The newspaper said about seven people and an off duty doctor and paramedic were the first on the scene to help.


Best Mr. Rogers quotes - Insider




Bangladesh, Saturday 25 April 2020

Map of Bangladesh


The Bangladesh government has refused to allow some 500 Rohingya refugees stranded on board two fishing trawlers in the Bay of Bengal to come ashore, drawing criticism from rights groups.


According to the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, the stranded Rohingya might "have been at sea for weeks without adequate food and water" [EPA-EFE/Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency handout]


Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen told Al Jazeera on Saturday that the Rohingya refugees, who are believed to have been at sea for weeks, are “not Bangladesh’s responsibility.”

“Why you are asking Bangladesh to take those Rohingyas?

They are in the deep sea, not even in Bangladesh’s territorial water,” Momen said, adding that there are at least eight coastal countries surrounding the Bay of Bengal.

“It’s your duty to ask Myanmar government first because those are their citizens,” Momen told Al Jazeera.


Bangladeshi diplomat: Trump is a 'magic man,' but shouldn't build ...


The two trawlers – carrying an estimated 500 Rohingya women, men and children – are in the Bay of Bengal after being rejected by Malaysia, which has imposed restrictions on all boats in light of the corona virus pandemic.


Bangladesh seeks India's help to resolve Rohingya crisis - Tehran ...


According to the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, the stranded Rohingya might “have been at sea for weeks without adequate food and water.”


UNHCR - News Releases


Momen said that just weeks ago, Bangladesh rescued a total of 396 Rohingya people from a vessel that had been adrift for about two months after also failing to reach Malaysia.

“Why should Bangladesh take the responsibility every time? Momen asked.

“Bangladesh has already taken more than a million of Rohingya.

We are running out of generosity now.”


Bangladesh Flag – Colors, Symbols, Meaning -


On Saturday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the government of Bangladesh should immediately allow stranded refugees ashore and provide them with the necessary food, water, and healthcare.

“Bangladesh has shouldered a heavy burden as the result of the Myanmar military’s atrocity crimes, but this is no excuse to push boatloads of refugees out to sea to die,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at HRW.

“Bangladesh should continue to help those at grave risk and preserve the international goodwill it has gained in recent years for helping the Rohingya.”


Human Rights Watch wirft Huthi im Jemen Folter und Geiselnahme vor


Bangladesh’s coastal authorities meanwhile, denied the presence of any trawlers carrying Rohingya refugees in its territorial waters.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Lieutenant Commander Sohail Rana, Teknaf station head of Bangladesh coastguard said they had not seen any “boats carrying Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh’s territorial water in the past few days”.

“The areas that we patrol have no such boats,” Rana said.


Lockdown: 32 Rohingya Muslims dead on boat stranded at sea for ...


A Bangladeshi fisherman, however, told HRW that on 20 April he saw “two trawlers full of Rohingya coming toward the shore while I was at sea in my fishing trawler with others”.


Bangladesh rescues hundreds of Rohingya adrift at sea; 24 dead ...


The same day, a local resident posted on Facebook:

“Again, trawlers full of Rohingya are heading to Baharchara Union in Cox’s Bazar.

They are waiting at sea to enter into Bangladesh.”


Union Hospital Cox's Bazar - YouTube


It is believed that most of the Rohingya refugees on board the trawlers had left refugee camps in Bangladesh in an attempt to reach Malaysia, according to HRW.

The organisation reported that it had spoken to 10 families who said their family members had left the camps and they had not heard from them since.


The New Humanitarian | Rohingya refugees need a coronavirus ...


A mother from Kutupalong Extension Camp told HRW:

“One of my sons left the camp some two months ago.

Around 20 days back, I got a phone call from my son to pay money to smugglers.

We paid.

But we have not heard anything since.”


UN agencies helping Rohingya refugee camps brace for potentially ...


In a statement, HRW said:

“Bangladesh should continue to uphold its international obligations not to return refugees to places where they face persecution, and not to return anyone to where they would face a risk of torture or other ill-treatment.”


HRW also said that “all countries, including Malaysia and Thailand, have the responsibility under international law to respond to boats in distress, enact or coordinate rescue operations within their search and rescue operations, and not to push back asylum seekers risking their lives at sea.”


Human Rights Watch says new draft law will end rule of law in ...


Amnesty International last week called on Southeast Asian governments to launch immediate search and rescue operations for potentially hundreds more Rohingya refugees languishing at sea.

The COVID-19 pandemic, Amnesty International said, cannot be a pretext for governments to abandon their responsibilities towards refugees.

“All countries in the region have a responsibility to ensure the seas do not become graveyards for people seeking safety.

Bangladesh cannot be left to address this situation alone.

The fact that it is upholding its own obligations is not an excuse for others to abandon theirs,” said Biraj Patnaik, South Asia director at Amnesty International.


Amnesty-Logo —


The Bangladeshi foreign minister, however, pointed out that other countries need to come forward to help the Rohingya.

“Please ask the UN and other countries like the US, the UK and Canada to shoulder some responsibility.

We are ready to send Rohingya people to their country if they are willing to take them,” Momen told Al Jazeera.


40, 000 Persons Displaced By Floods In Borno – UN | Independent ...




Brazil, Friday 24 April 2020

Map of Brazil


Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro suffered the heaviest blow to his presidency so far as his popular Justice Minister quit on Friday and accused him of potentially criminal meddling in law enforcement, adding to the turmoil of a government struggling to confront a fast-growing corona virus outbreak.


Jair Bolsonaro – Wikipedia


Sergio Moro, who won broad public support for jailing corrupt politicians and businessmen as a judge, said he was resigning because Bolsonaro fired federal police chief Mauricio Valeixo for personal and political reasons.

The shocking exit and allegations from the so-called ‘super minister’ were a hammer blow for Bolsonaro, whose popularity had already slumped for downplaying the pandemic that has killed more than 3,600 Brazilians and shows signs of worsening.


Brazil′s Justice Minister Sergio Moro quits, says Bolsonaro was ...


Bolsonaro called Moro’s accusations “baseless”, denying he had interfered in investigations and insisting that he had the authority to replace federal police officials.

“The appointment is mine, the prerogative is mine and the day I have to submit to any of my subordinates I cease to be President of the Republic,” Bolsonaro said in a public address, flanked by most of his cabinet in the presidential palace.


Flag of Brazil image and meaning Brazilian flag - country flags


Moro’s accusations spurred outcry from across Brazil’s political spectrum, with former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso urging Bolsonaro to step down.


Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Brazil's former president, to visit ...


Brazil’s chief public prosecutor Augusto Aras asked the Supreme Court to open an investigation into the allegations.


Brazil public prosecutor Aras asks Supreme Court to authorize ...


Brazilian financial markets tumbled, with stocks falling nearly 10% before paring losses to 5.5% and the exchange rate slipping to a record low.


Buy Brazilian Reais online – BRL home delivery | ManorFX


Investors fear Economy Minister Paulo Guedes may be the next ‘super minister’ to exit.


Brazil economy minister defends pension reform in heated hearing ...


Moro said Bolsonaro had expressed concern about Supreme Court investigations, without giving further details, and he wanted inside information from his top cop.

“The President emphasized to me, explicitly, more than once, that he wanted someone who was a personal contact, whom he could call, from whom he could get information, intelligence reports,” Moro said.

“And really, that’s not the job of the federal police to give that information.”


Brazilian Supreme Court Inquiry into 'Fake News' Violates Freedom ...


Capitao Augusto, head of the gun lobby in Congress that has been key to the President’s threadbare coalition, said this was the “beginning of the end” for Bolsonaro.

“His position is becoming more and more untenable,” Augusto told Reuters, adding that a parliamentary investigation was certain.

“I think that after this pandemic, the first topic that will be debated will be the question of the impeachment of the President.”


Capitão Augusto (@deputadocapitao) | Twitter


The head of the Brazilian bar association OAB, Felipe Santa Cruz, also said the organization would “analyze the alleged crimes highlighted by Moro.”


Felipe Santa Cruz vai ao STF para que Bolsonaro explique ...


During the televised remarks by Moro and the president, protests rang out across Brazil, with people banging pots and pans from their apartments and shouting “Bolsonaro out!”


Brazilians protest against presidential front-runner Jair ...


Moro’s exit may alienate voters who backed Bolsonaro for his anti-corruption campaign in 2018, leaving the President reliant on conservative social activists, lawmakers interested in pork-barrel politics, and current and former generals in his cabinet.

“The exit of Minister Sergio Moro from the government shows the Bolsonaro government distancing itself from the popular desire to fight corruption.

It is the defeat of ethics,” the centrist Podemos party said in a statement.


Podemos (Brazil) - Wikipedia


The crisis comes a week after Bolsonaro fired popular Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, following clashes over how to tackle the corona virus outbreak.

Mandetta, like most health experts, had supported social distancing orders by Brazilian governors, but Bolsonaro called the measures “poison” whose economic consequences could kill more than the virus.

Brazil has registered 357 corona virus deaths in the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry said on Friday, taking the death toll to at least 3,670 as confirmed cases rose to nearly 53,000.


Brazil health minister sacked amid virus crisis - RFI


“We’re seeing the government come apart,” said Fernando Bergallo, head of currency trading at FB Capital.


FB Capital


“There are rumors that the next to go is Paulo Guedes.

With that, the government is finished.”


The Economy Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

Guedes appeared with other ministers alongside Bolsonaro during his address.


Brazil 2020: Will Wall Street Return?


In his parting remarks on Friday, Moro said he had agreed to serve in Bolsonaro’s government as long as he had free rein to appoint personnel without political pressure.

However, he said Bolsonaro had been seeking to change the top federal police officer Mauricio Valeixo since the second half of 2019 without good reason.


Demitido da PF, Valeixo diz a interlocutores estar 'muito ...


Bolsonaro said he had offered his ministers autonomy, but that he had veto power over decisions in his government.

He had been open, he said, to a compromise with Moro about the police chief replacement.


BRAZIL Presidential Palaces Brasilia - YouTube


“I don’t need to ask permission to change a director or anyone else in the hierarchical pyramid of the executive branch,” the President said, adding that he never made inappropriate inquiries or suggestions about police cases.

“I never asked the status of any case,” he said.


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is 2020 Republic Day chief ...


But Moro alleged he had never seen political interference of the kind sought by Bolsonaro over Brazil’s federal police, even under previous governments whose officials and allies were convicted of participating in sweeping corruption schemes.

For four years, Moro oversaw Brazil’s largest-ever corruption probe, which uncovered billions of dollars in bribes and jailed scores of powerful businessmen and politicians, including leftist former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.


Lula, Brazil Elections and the Left | Opinion | teleSUR English


“The President is digging his pit.

Resign before being resigned,” former President Cardoso said on Twitter.

“Let the vice-president (Hamilton Mourao) take over.”


Hamilton Mourão - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas



Canada, Tuesday 21 April 2020

Map of Canada


Twenty-two people are now confirmed dead after the shooting rampage that began Saturday in Portapique, Nova Scotia, and ended Sunday almost 100 kilometres away in Enfield.

On 18 – 19 April 2020, Gabriel Wortman committed multiple shootings and set fires at 16 locations in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, killing twenty-two people and injuring three others before the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) shot and killed him in Enfield.


Nova Scotia Shooting Kills at Least 16, Police Say - The New York ...


For part of the thirteen-hour crime spree, Wortman impersonated a police officer by driving a replica police car and wearing a police uniform.


Gunman who 'killed 18' in Canada's deadliest ever shooting ...

Above: Gabriel Wortman


The killings were not an act of terrorism and an investigation into his motives is underway.

Police are determining how he obtained guns without a possession and acquisition licence

Police were criticized for not using Alert Ready to warn the public about the killings.

An investigation into the law enforcement response to the rampage, including the decision to not use Alert Ready, has also begun.


The Government Of Canada Will Be Sending Emergency Alerts To Your ...


It is the deadliest rampage in Canadian history, surpassing the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre in which 15 people were killed.



Above: Portapique shooting victim Corrie Ellison (42)


RCMP gave the new death toll, which excludes the shooter, Tuesday night in a news release.


Above: Shooting victim RCMP officer Heidi Stevenson


The known victims include an elementary school teacher, two health-care workers, a family of three with a 17-year-old girl and an RCMP officer.



Above: Jamie and (G.B. Gas and Energy gas fitter) Greg Blair


It is not clear if police still expect the number of victims to rise.


Above: Portapique shooting victim Lisa McCully, elementary school teacher


They also confirmed the locations across the province where they have found victims — Portapique, Wentworth, Debert, Shubenacadie and Enfield.



“The investigative team is focused on learning more about this very tragic situation, including accurate victim information and whether others may have aided the suspect,” police said.


Above: West Wentworth shooting victims Sean McLeod (Corrections Canada, Springhill) and Alanna Jenkins (Corrections Canada, Nova Institution for Women, Truro)


As police investigators compile evidence from the 16 crime scenes scattered around those towns, the piles of flowers and mournful notes at memorials across Nova Scotia are growing.


Above: Portapique shooting victims Emily Tuck (17), waitress Jolene Oliver (40) and mechanic Aaron Tuck (45)


On Tuesday, police maintained a blockade at the top of Portapique Beach Road, where police were called to respond to a possible shooting and multiple structure fires around 11:30 p.m. Saturday.

They found “several” casualties at that time.


Above: Shubenacadie shooting victim denturist Gina Goulet (54)


But their pursuit of the gunman continued until almost noon the next day.

Only investigators and residents were allowed to pass through the roadblock on Tuesday, but mourners of the victims stopped just before the blockade to leave tributes.


Above: West Wentworth shooting victim Tom Bagley


Above: Wentworth shooting victim Lillian Campbell Hyslop


Gabrielle Sullivan-Sparks drove in from Great Village, a town 10 kilometres east, bringing a potted hydrangea and a solar-powered lamp to make sure the memorial would “have some light all the time, at night.”

Sullivan-Sparks said the events of the weekend were unimaginable, especially in the rural stretch of Nova Scotia where she lives.


Canada Mass Shooting Began With Assault On Female Friend, But ...


People might get into “the odd scrap”, but they usually make up over a shared drink, in the end.


Above: Shooting victim nurse/wife/mother Kristen Beaton


Above: Shooting victims Dawn Madsen and Frank Gulenchyn


The rampage ended when police shot the gunman, Gabriel Wortman, 51, who later died.

His death has been referred to the Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT), Nova Scotia’s police watchdog, for investigation.

Pin on Halifax News & Politics

SIRT is investigating one other incident related to the shooting, but police will not provide details about the second investigation.


Above: Shooting victim Joey Webber, father of three daughters


Above: Masstown shooting victim Heather O’Brien, nurse / wife / mother


The gunman was driving a replica RCMP vehicle for part of his rampage.


RCMP, civilian vehicles rammed in North Okanagan incident ...


He was also wearing an RCMP uniform, which police said was authentic, although they have not revealed how he acquired the clothing.


RCMP strip their yellow stripes in protest | CBC News


Nova Scotia RCMP Chief Supt. Chris Leather said the car and uniform are part of the reason the shooter was able to move so far and for so long without being captured.


RCMP give new details on timeline of manhunt for N.S. shooter ...


More than five structures and cars were burnt in the course of the shooting, including homes in Portapique and Wentworth that were reduced to rubble, as firefighters were unable to tend to them while the shooting continued.

Police said some victims were recovered in the remains of some of those fires.

Beyond the police roadblock on Portapique Beach Road were three of the sites where homes once stood.


Above: Portapique shooting victims Elizabeth Joanne Thomas and John Joseph Zahl


Above: Shooting victims Joy and Peter Bond


Parked around the crime scene Tuesday were military and RCMP vehicles and an excavator.

People in blue and white forensic suits moved about.


Twelve hours of terror: how the Nova Scotia shooting rampage ...


Further along the path of the rampage, near Debert, Nova Scotia, two spots along the highway also had growing memorials.

One for each Kristen Beaton and Heather O’Brien, both nurses, killed by the gunman.


Nova Scotia shooting: Victims remembered at funerals, tributes ...


At Debert Elementary School, home-crafted hearts dot a chain-link fence in memory of Lisa McCully, who taught there.



Sullivan-Sparks said the grief being felt across the province was made all the more difficult by COVID-19.

Public health orders to maintain physical distancing made her contribution to the roadside memorial feel even more important, she said.


Ottawa met en garde contre une escroquerie par message texte ...


Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer of health, said public gatherings cannot happen right now because they could contribute to further spread of Covid-19, which has killed 10 people in the province.

“Covid-19 is not going to pause because of our pain,” Strang said Monday.


Chief medical officer accuses union of fear mongering over ...


Strang and Premier Stephen McNeil have asked the public to connect virtually as they grieve the victims of the shooting.

They have also denied national and international media outlets that want to send reporters to cover the shooting, and have requested exceptions to the order for travellers to self-isolate for 14 days.

For the past two days, McNeil has been pressed about why the province did not issue an emergency alert Saturday night or Sunday morning while the shooter moved about the province.


This is a wake-up call': 1 of Nova Scotia's 5 new COVID-19 cases ...


On Monday, at the Covid-19 news briefing, McNeil said the province would have only done so if RCMP had asked, and provided the necessary details to include in the alert.

“We had staff on hand in the morning to be able to do that.

But it was not requested,” McNeil said.



(It is difficult to speak rationally about the irrational.

It is difficult to believe in a God of love when someone acts out of hate.

It is difficult to find words to capture pain that cannot be expressed.

Words in the form of thoughts and prayers cannot fill empty homes and hearts and lives.

All we can do is offer help to those in pain and determine to live lives that add love to the world rather than extinguish it.)




Congo, Friday 24 April 2020

This is a map of The Democratic Republic of the Congo. | Congo


At least 17 people, including 12 rangers were killed on Friday in an attack in Virunga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the restive east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, park authorities said.

File:UNESCO logo English.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Besides the 12 park rangers, a driver and four other civilians were killed in the attack which park authorities have attributed to a Rwandan rebel group.


“Initial investigations indicate that the rangers were on their way back to their headquarters when they encountered a civilian vehicle that had been attacked and subsequently came under a ferociously violent and sustained ambush,” park authorities said in a statement.

“We can confirm that the perpetrators of this attack were the armed group ‘FDLR-FOCA’,” it added, referring to the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, an armed rebel groups active in the DRC.




It said two civilians and three rangers were injured, one of whom was in critical condition.


Commenting on the wider context of the attack, Phil Clark, of the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, told Al Jazeera:

“FDLR is a Hutu-dominated rebel group.

The reason it is fighting the Congolese army at the moment is because the Congolese government is in the process of renewing relations with the Rwandan government.

And that is a Tutsi-dominated government.”

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) -

He added:

“Rwanda wants Congo to deal with the FDLR, which they see as a Hutu threat across the border – killing Tutsi civilians inside Congo.

The FDLR also has a history of going across the border into Rwanda.”


Congo Travel Guide from Rwanda via Goma Border | Wild Rwanda Safaris


Virunga National Park is spread more than 7,800 square kilometres (3,011 square miles) over the borders of the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda.

The park is home to a world-famous population of mountain gorillas but has been hit by rising instability and violence.


DRC: Rangers, civilians killed in attack in Virunga National Park


Inaugurated in 1925, the park has witnessed repeated attacks by rebel groups, militias and poachers.

Visits to the park have been suspended since 19 March for at least 30 days as part of the DRC’s efforts to halt the spread of the new corona virus.

The park banned visitors between May 2018 and the start of last year after two British tourists were kidnapped there.

They were later released but a ranger was killed during the abduction.


DR Congo's Virunga National Park hit by 'deadliest' attack - BBC News



Europe, Monday 20 April 2020

Europe Map and Satellite Image


Several European countries took preliminary steps on Monday towards a return to normal pre-virus life, with some shops reopening in Germany and a resumption of school for pupils slotted to take place next month.


A florist prepares her shop in Gelsenkirchen, western Germany.


Bookshops, florists, fashion stores, bike and car outlets and other shops smaller than 800 square metres were permitted to reopen on Monday morning.

In Berlin a few schools allowed final-year students to sit exams.

Pupils arrived wearing face-masks and took their seats at widely spaced desks.


Bei Instagram live: Mediziner beantwortet Ihre Fragen zum Coronavirus!


Angela Merkel, however, warned of a possible second wave of corona virus infection if lockdown measures were abandoned too rapidly.

The Chancellor urged citizens to stay “determined” and said it would be a “crying shame” if the country which has been praised for its deft handling of the crisis fell into a “relapse”.

In a video call with party colleagues Merkel said the “discussion orgies” taking place in some German federal states on relaxing curbs on were unhelpful.

She said she was “greatly concerned” the public might let its guard down.


Allemagne: Angela Merkel plus populaire que jamais - News Suisse ...


Nonetheless, the clear trend across Europe is now towards some form of normalisation.


File:Flag of Europe.svg - Wikipedia


Norway’s government reopened nurseries on Monday after a month-long closure.

It said this was possible because children were less affected by Covid-19, adding that the virus was under control.

“Going to pre-school is safe,” Norway’s Education Minister, Guri Melby, declared.

Some parents, however, have criticised the move – a sentiment also seen in Denmark, where primary schools reopened last week.

A Norwegian Facebook group called “My child should not be a guinea pig for Covid-19” has gathered nearly 30,000 signatures.

Polls suggest around a quarter of Norwegian parents do not want to send their children back to pre-school.


Norway begins reopening nurseries after month-long closure due to ...



In Poland parks and forests returned to normal on Monday, while in the Czech Republic open-air markets were allowed to resume as part of a six-week strategy to gradually lift restrictions.

“This is relief from the stress that we will have to throw away the harvest,” vegetable grower Milan Vystejn told Reuters, at his stand in Prague’s Tylovo Square.


Trhy Tylak Farmers Market | Prague Stay

(As I am about to lose my employment at Starbucks and work in my chosen profession remains scanty, harvesting suddenly seems worth considering…..)



(I understand the accusation, but I doubt any democracy wants to gain power through the death of others, especially not in Germany that learned hard lessons as to the folly and dangers of dictatorships.)


In France, meanwhile, there was unrest in the Paris suburb of Villeneuve-La-Garenne, after a motorcyclist collided with the open door of an unmarked police car during a pursuit.

Skirmishes lasted into the early hours of Sunday and resumed again on Monday.

Protesters burned cars and hurled fireworks at police, whom they accuse of heavy-handed behaviour.


Teargas, clashes in Paris as Yellow Vest protesters defy ...


In the Russian city of Vladikavkaz, meanwhile, demonstrators protested against the local authorities and the country’s continuing lockdown.

Video posted to social media appeared to show protesters pelting the police with rocks, and police making several arrests.


Hundreds Rally Against Coronavirus Lockdown in Southern Russia ...


(Here is what I have never understood…..

If the point of protesting is to generate sympathy for your cause, can burning cars and throwing rocks be wise?)


On Monday France’s Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said nurseries, primary and secondary schools would reopen on 11 May.

Philippe said the French government was considering options to implement the policy, including having half a class in rotation, or first opening schools in areas where there had been few or no Covid-19 cases.

However, he warned the French not to plan too far ahead, saying weddings, parties, and travel outside of France were not immediately on the cards.

“I don’t have answers today, given the barrier rules, it doesn’t seem reasonable that a marriage of say 200 people gathered in a confined place is to be envisaged.

For how long I don’t know,” Philippe admitted.


VIDÉO - Coronavirus : les cafés, restaurants et commerces "non ...


In Spain, with nearly 200,000 confirmed cases and more than 20,000 deaths, the authorities have said they will hold off lifting restrictions.

The rate of infection appears to be going down.

The country reported 399 corona virus deaths over the past 48 hours, lower than Sunday’s figure of 410.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is expected to ask parliament on Tuesday to extend a national lockdown until 11 May.

He has proposed that from 27 April children under the age of 12 should be allowed out for exercise – but not teenagers.


Pedro Sánchez: The rise of Spain's battle-scarred PM - BBC News




Fiji, Tuesday 21 April 2020

Map of Fiji


Fiji’s National Federation Party (NFP) is demanding the release of its president who was taken into police custody overnight.

Pio Tikoduadua was arrested at his home after posting a video on social media.


Pio Tikoduadua


Earlier Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho said police officers were being investigated over the alleged assault.

Qiliho said he had directed the Criminal Investigations Department and the Internal Affairs to carry out simultaneous investigations into the alleged incident.

The commissioner also said he would ensure the investigations were conducted thoroughly and promptly.


People found loitering will be arrested: Qiliho – FBC News


NFP leader Biman Prasad condemned the arrest and said the heavy-handed tactics by police were uncalled for.

“What we are concerned about is the way in which police went to his house in the village soon after midnight.

Mr Tikoduadua is the President of a political party.

He’s a Member of Parliament.

He’s not going to run away.

We feel this is heavy-handed.

It is bullying.”


Prasad claimed police were upset about a video on Tikoduadua’s Facebook page.

He said in the video, Tikoduadua had set out allegations of police brutality in the village of Naqia in Tailevu.

“As a result of this, a young man is alleged to have been thrown off a bridge and is in hospital with serious injuries.”


Prasad said the incident had received wide publicity and police said they were investigating

“Mr Tikoduadua called on police to rein in their bad behaviour and the only response is to arrest him.”


Prasad said police should immediately release him.

“We are in the biggest health and economic crisis since our independence.

“Everyone should be focusing on their health and people are looking at the police to use more common sense and compassion in dealing with people and their complaints with their families and communities.

And not to bully people who are passing on these messages.”


The deputy leader of the opposition in Fiji and NFP president Biman Prasad.





Germany, Thursday 23 April 2020

Map of Germany


Koblenz – The world’s first trial of a senior member of the Syrian military for war crimes got under way in Germany on Thursday, despite ongoing restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The accused – Anwar Raslan, a former colonel in the Syrian military, and co-defendant Eyad al-Gharib, who allegedly worked under Raslan, had been living in Germany as refugees and were arrested in February last year.


SNHR contributed among a human rights team work to the case ...


Because both are in custody, German law says it is important to proceed with the case quickly in the interests of justice and an efficient legal system, a spokeswoman from the Higher Regional Court in the southwestern German city of Koblenz told Al Jazeera.

“The conditions for the trial had to be adapted to current circumstances so that the schedule could be kept,” she said.


Suspects In Syrian Crimes Against Humanity Trial Will Face ...


The trial began on Thursday in Koblenz, with benches carefully spaced out in the press and public galleries.

Witnesses, lawyers and translators sat at tables separated by transparent screens.


Syria trial Germany

Above: Joint plaintiffs in the courtroom prior to the start of the trial


The process started with the indictment, about 100 pages long, being read aloud due to the German legal “principle of orality”, which requires oral evidence to be given live in an open court before the accused and judges.

It included stark details of what happened to anti-government, opposition activists after they were brought to Branch 251 of military intelligence in Damascus, where Raslan supervised investigations.


World's first Syria torture trial opens in Germany - Voice of the Cape


Reading testimony from 24 Syrian witnesses, it took two German prosecutors almost an hour to complete a list that repeatedly recounted similar methods of interrogation and torture, including being hung in stress positions from the wrists, being beaten by metal rods and electric cables, as well as electrocution and sexual violence.

Detainees were often denied medical treatment and food, and at least 58 people died at Branch 251 during that time.


A Syrian Torturer Switched Sides From Assad to the Opposition. Now ...


German prosecutors accuse Raslan of complicity in crimes against humanity and allege he was well aware of the torture, inhumane conditions and resulting deaths of anti-government activists at the branch.

Besides being in charge of investigations, Raslan’s office was in the same building, they said.


Rural Damascus: Civilians Arrested and Prevented from Returning ...


Witnesses who were jailed at Branch 251 said they often heard the screams of those being tortured.

The case against Raslan is based on the period between April 2011 and September 2012, when at least 4,000 prisoners were tortured at Branch 251.

Detainees were often denied medical treatment and food and at least 58 people died there during that time.


Syrian Civil War Fast Facts - CNN


Prosecutors expect to be able to prove the case by placing both defendants at the branch over those 17 months. 


“We believe that such crimes against civilians should not go unpunished,” Jasper Klinge, a senior public prosecutor from Germany’s Federal Supreme Court, told journalists afterwards.

“Our historical responsibility means that we Germans must pursue this kind of case, as far as it is possible for us to do so.”


Germany's Federal Supreme Court Receives GUC Advisory Council -


There are no jury trials in Germany and the entire case, which is expected to take up to two years, will be decided upon by five specially appointed judges.

The panel – three women and two men – is presided over by senior Koblenz judge, Anne Kerber.


Koblenz, Germany. 23rd Apr, 2020. Judge Anne Kerber comes to the ...


On the first day of the trial, the accused and their defence lawyers had a chance to make an opening statement to the court.

But Raslan’s lawyer declined the opportunity, saying his client was preparing a written statement which would be presented in the next few days.


Al-Gharib’s lawyer made a statement, questioning the admissibility of his client’s statements to German police, in which he admitted his own guilt.

Al-Gharib is accused of rounding up at least 30 anti-government demonstrators in the autumn of 2011 and bringing them to Branch 251, where he knew they would be tortured and mistreated.

In 2018, he had been invited to give federal police a statement about this, his lawyer told the court, but was told he would be a witness in a case to do with war crimes.

Al-Gharib was not told that the evidence he gave could be used against him, his lawyer argued.


World's first Syria torture trial opens in Germany


The case marks the first time a high-ranking official in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad‘s administration has been held to account in court.

Germany is using a legal principle called universal jurisdiction to trial Raslan and al-Gharib.

This allows German prosecutors to work on war crimes cases, whether they have a close connection to Germany or not.

Universal jurisdiction could result in an alternative means for the international community to bring war criminals to account. 


The trouble with letting Assad 'win' – Middle East Monitor


“The trial will provide an overall picture of the crimes committed by the Syrian government,” Wolfgang Kaleck, a lawyer whose Berlin-based organisation, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, will represent 16 witnesses – Syrian survivors of torture and former detainees – said in a statement before the trial.

“This knowledge can then be used by others and in other trials, be it in Arab countries or on the international level.” 

Summer Fellowship in Human Rights – The European Center for ...

Feras Fayyad, one of the witnesses in the trial, said after proceedings ended for the day:

We need something like this to remind the people of Syria that there is justice, and there is law.

“I am 100% certain that this is a strong message to the al-Assad Regime and all the other dictatorships, elsewhere in the world.”


Map of Syria


This first session of the trial continues until Wednesday next week, before adjourning until May.



India, Wednesday 21 April 2020

India Map and Satellite Image


The Indian Council of Medical Research has advised all states to discontinue the usage of rapid test kits for the next two days after some of them were revealed to be defective.

The council is sending teams to validate kits already in use so they can assess which ones are faulty and trace them back to the manufacturers.

Raman R Gangakhedkar, the head of the council, said positive samples were showing “too much variation” and required investigating.

The rapid testing kits were deployed in India last week.

The health ministry has repeatedly said that the kits should be used only for surveillance and to determine epidemiological trends.

India had tested a total of 462,621 samples from 447,812 individuals as of 21 April, according to the council.


Indian Council of Medical Research - Wikipedia




Indonesia, Friday 24 April 2020

Map of Indonesia


An Indonesian court convicted six activists of treason for organising a protest demanding independence for the easternmost province of Papua, in a verdict slammed by rights groups.


Indonesia Maps


The peaceful protest of about 100 people had been held outside the presidential palace and military headquarters on 28 August in the capital of Jakarta and followed a period of unrest in Papua.

In a sentencing hearing on Friday held online due to the corona virus outbreak, Judge Agustinus Setya Wahyu Triwiranto said he had found the six defendants “guilty of treason”.


Indonesia convicts Papua activists of treason for holding protest ...


Activists Ambrosius Mulait, Surya Anta, Charles Kossay, Dano Tabuni, and Arina Elopere were convicted and sentenced to nine months in prison, while Isay Wenda was given an eight-month sentence.

All six have been held in prison since August.


West Papua activists found guilty of treason | Loop Samoa


Prosecutors accused them in December of organising a rally demanding the Indonesian government allow a vote in Papua to let it separate from Indonesia.


Indonesia convicts Papua activists of treason


International rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch criticised the convictions, stating that the activists had been attending a peaceful rally over perceived ethnic discrimination.

“The six who were sentenced today did nothing but attend a peaceful protest, enjoying their rights to freedom of expression and assembly,” said Amnesty International Indonesia director Usman Hamid.

Amnesty noted the six activists are part of 57 “prisoners of conscience” from Papua being held for peacefully expressing their views.


Amnesty International Indonesia: Adjudicate the Perpetrators of ...


Resource-rich Papua was a Dutch colony that was incorporated into Indonesia after a controversial U.N.-backed referendum in 1969, which has since endured decades of mostly low-level separatist conflict.

Thousands of Papuans staged rallies in August to protest an incident that saw a racist slur against Papuan students who were hit by tear gas in their dormitory and detained in the city of Surabaya.

The resulting protests were the biggest in years and triggered some calls for independence.


Indonesian court jails six Papuan activists for treason - UCA News


Oky Wiratma, the lawyer for the activists, told Reuters on Saturday the verdict was disproportionate, and the Papuan activists had “protested peacefully against racism”.

He said the six activists were expected to be released in the coming weeks based on the time already served, barring a decision by prosecutors to appeal.

Prosecutors had originally sought 18-month sentences for the activists.

Prosecutors were not immediately reachable for comment.


Indonesia convicts Papua activists of treason for holding protest ...


The Transportation Ministry will restrict all passenger travel starting on Friday as the government attempts to prevent citizens from participating in the annual Idul Fitri tradition of mudik (exodus) to curb the spread of Covid-19.

The ban will not apply to cargo transportation or to vehicles serving special purposes, such as ambulances and fire trucks.

“The ban will apply to all types of public and private transportation by air, sea, land and railway, except for vehicles carrying leaders of state institutions, police and military vehicles, ambulances, fire trucks, hearses and vehicles transporting logistical supplies, staple goods and medicines,” Ministry spokesperson Adita Irawati said in a statement on Thursday.

She added that the ban would apply to vehicles entering and leaving regions that had imposed large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and those that had been declared Covid-19 red zones.


Diangkat Jadi Stafsus Presiden, Ini Tugas Adita Irawati...


The Ministry’s air transportation director general, Novie Riyanto, said all passenger transportation to domestic and overseas destinations – both commercial and chartered flights – would be suspended starting Friday at midnight until 1 June.

The ban does not apply to flights carrying leaders of state institutions or foreign envoys, nor does it apply to aircraft engaging in special repatriation operations for Indonesians or foreign nationals.

Air cargo transportation will also be permitted.

“Air navigation services will remain in operation.

Meanwhile, airports will stay open to serve aircraft as they take off and land,” said Novie.


Direktur Utama AirNav Indonesia, Novie Riyanto Rahardjo: Butuh ...


The ministry’s land transportation director general Budi Setiyadi said toll, national and provincial roads would remain open.

However, checkpoints would be set up at several locations, guarded by police and military personnel as well as ministry officials.

The restriction on land transportation will apply until 31 May.


Dirjen Hubdar Kemenhub Budi Setiyadi: Kecelakaan Transportasi ...


Zulfikri, the Ministry’s train director general, said all train service until 15 June would be canceled and that passengers who had already purchased tickets would receive full refunds.

Passenger transportation by sea will be suspended until 8 June.

Ships are permitted to transport only goods until that time.


Indonesia Railway Network and Logistics | GBG


Adita said anyone found breaking the mudik ban would be sanctioned, as the ministerial decree on the ban stipulated punishments for violators.

The punishments ranged from being ordered to return to the point of departure to fines.


Tradisi Mudik Lebaran tak Hanya Hidup di Indonesia | Hidup ...



Iran, Wednesday 22 April 2020

Iran Political Map With Capital Tehran, National Borders, Most ...


Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard on Wednesday said it had successfully launched a military satellite into orbit after months of failed attempts, just a week after a tense encounter with US warships in the Persian Gulf.

“The first satellite of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been successfully launched into orbit by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” the Guards’ Sepahnews website reported.

“This action will be a great success and a new development in the field of space for Islamic Iran,” it added.

The Guard said the satellite had reached an orbit of 425 kilometers (264 miles) above the Earth’s surface.

The two-stage launch took place in Iran’s Central Desert, it said, adding that it is the first military satellite Iran has ever launched.

The satellite was sent into orbit using a Ghased or “Messenger” satellite carrier, the Guard said, an as-of-yet unheard of system.

The claim could not be immediately confirmed by independent sources and the Guard did not provide any verifying images or footage.


A facility where previous satellite launch attempts took place at the Khomeini Spaceport (picture-alliance/AP Photo/Iranian Defense Ministry )


Iran has made several failed attempts to launch satellites in the last months, most recently in February with the failed launch of the Zafar 1 communications satellite.

The country also experienced two failed launches in 2019, as well as a launchpad rocket explosion and a separate fire that killed three researchers at the Imam Khomeini Space Center, where Iran’s civilian space program operates.

The launch is the latest development in escalating military tensions between Iran and the US.


Iran's Guard says it launched satellite amid US tensions - ABC30 ...


In recent years, the Middle Eastern power has broken all limitations agreed upon in a 2015 denuclearization agreement after US President Donald Trump withdrew his country from the deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran.

Iran continues to allow UN inspectors to visit its sites.


Iran Revolutionary Guard Says Country's First Military Satellite ...


According to the US, such satellite launches go against a UN Security Council resolution that calls on — but does not require — Iran to refrain from activity related to ballistic missiles capable of launching nuclear weapons.

US and European powers fear that such satellite launches could help Iran develop its nuclear capabilities.

Iran is not currently thought to be capable of building a nuclear weapon small enough for a ballistic missile.

But in the last decade the country succeeded advancing its space program, launching multiple satellites as well as a monkey into orbit.

Tehran has previously claimed it does not strive to develop its nuclear arsenal.


Image Result For United Nations Security Council - Economic And ...


The Revolutionary Guard launching its own satellite raising questions about that position.

The Revolutionary Guard, which marked its 41st anniversary on Wednesday, operates its own military infrastructure alongside the country’s regular armed forces.

The hardline military group answers directly to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.


Explainer: Iranian Supreme Leader's Hidden Administration | Voice ...


It was not clear whether the country’s civilian government had been aware of plans for the launch.


File:Flag of Iran.svg - Wikimedia Commons


President Hassan Rouhani gave a 40-minute speech before his Cabinet on Wednesday without making any reference to it.


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani: "Death to America" Condemns ...


On Sunday, Iran’s military confirmed it had experienced an encounter with US warships in the Persian Gulf last week.

The Guard alleged without evidence that the US had started the incident.

On Monday, the military group announced that it had significantly upgraded the range of its anti-warship missiles.



Israel, Monday 20 April 2020

Map of Israel


Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel will begin on Monday evening at 8 P.M. and continue through Tuesday.

Due to the ban on public gatherings as a result of the corona virus, the main ceremony at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem will be held in advance and recorded for broadcast on Monday evening.

The pre-recorded footage of the ceremony, where President Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak, will be broadcast on television, radio and Facebook and on Yad Vashem’s website.




The ceremony will include the lighting of torches by Holocaust survivors in memory of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

At 9 P.M., several organizations will hold programming that the public can view by video-conference via the Zoom computer application.

It will also be broadcast on the Facebook pages of a number of organizations including the website of the Dorot Hahemshech organization.

The website will have details of other Holocaust Remembrance Day events that are being held by video-conference.


Holocaust Remembrance Day - Home | Facebook


On Tuesday at 10 A.M. there will be a nationwide siren in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, when the country’s population pauses and stands at attention.

Amcha, which provides support for Holocaust survivors, and the group Zikaron Basalon are calling on the large number of members of the public who will be at home then due to conora virus restrictions to stand on their balconies with signs reading:

“Remembering from up close, embracing from afar.”


Yad Vashem, Israel's memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, stands empty amid coronavirus restrictions, April 19, 2020




Japan, Thursday 23 April 2020

Map of Japan


Nearly 50 out of over 600 crew members on an Italian cruise ship docked for repairs in Japan’s Nagasaki have tested positive for the corona virus, raising concern about the strain on the city’s hospitals if conditions worsen for those infected.


Costa Atlantica - Itinerary Schedule, Current Position | CruiseMapper




Lebanon, Tuesday 21 April 2020

Map of Lebanon


The Lebanese parliament legalized cannabis farming for medicinal use on Tuesday, a potentially lucrative export for an economy in dire need of foreign currency as it grapples with a paralyzing financial crisis.

Although growing the plant is illegal in Lebanon, cannabis has long been farmed openly in the fertile Bekaa Valley.


Lebanon set to legalise medical, industrial cannabis cultivation ...


Parliament’s decision was “really driven by economic motives, nothing else”, said Alain Aouin, a senior MP in the Free Patriotic Movement founded by President Michel Aoun.

“We have moral and social reservations but today there is the need to help the economy by any means,” he told Reuters.

The move would bring revenue for the government and develop the agricultural sector while legalizing cultivation which was in any case going on illegally, he said.

“We don’t want to speculate on numbers, but let’s say it is worth a try”.


Alain Aoun - Home | Facebook


Hezbollah, a Shi’ite Islamist group backed by Iran, was one of the only parties to oppose the legislation approved in a session on Tuesday.

The idea of legalizing cannabis cultivation with the aim of producing high value-added medicinal products for export was explored in a report by consultancy firm McKinsey commissioned by Lebanon in 2018.


Lebanon preparing to legalize growing cannabis, says House speaker ...


Last month, Lebanese police carried out the country’s biggest drug bust when they seized about 25 tonnes of hashish that were set to be smuggled to an African state.


Lebanon foils largest smuggling operation: 25 tonnes of hashish ...


A man slaughtered his wife and shot dead eight other people, including his brother, in a Lebanese town on Tuesday in the country’s worst mass shooting in years, a security source said.

The source said authorities caught the man, who had been on the loose after killing his wife with a knife and then going on a shooting rampage in Baakline, 45 km (30 miles) south of the capital Beirut.

The shooter had used a pump-action rifle, the source and state news agency NNA said. NNA said the motive remained unclear.

The security source said that it was a suspected “honour killing” and that five of those killed were Syrian, including two children aged 15 and 10, at the house under construction where the shooting took place.


Honor Killings in Syria – syriapagebypaige





Map of Lesotho


Sunday 26 January 2020

Lesotho’s Prime Minister and his wife are caught up in a murder investigation involving allegations so sinister that they have the makings of a crime novel.

Pumza Fihlani tries to unpack the mystery from the capital of the southern African nation, Maseru.

People are going about their business in the city, vegetable vendors line the streets, taxis whizz past each rushing to the next passenger.

On the surface everything is in order but newspaper billboards plastered on shop windows and tied to lamp posts give the first indication that something is deeply wrong in Lesotho.


Billnoard saying 'police hunt first lady'


One headline reads in bold type:

“Police Hunt First Lady.”

Another says:

“Embattled PM agrees to quit.”

The country’s first couple – Prime Minister Thomas Thabane and his current wife Maesaiah Thabane – are wanted for questioning in connection with the 2017 murder of Mr Thabane’s then estranged wife, Lipolelo Thabane.


The wedding of the prime minister and Maesaiah


The 58-year-old, who had been living apart from her husband since 2012, was killed just two days before Mr Thabane was sworn in as prime minister.

One evening while returning home, she was ambushed, shot several times at close range and died on the side of a dirt road.

The murder shocked the nation.

At the time, Mr Thabane described it as a “senseless killing”.


At the time of her death, the attack was blamed on unknown armed men, but recent court papers filed by the country’s police commissioner, Holomo Molibeli, have raised further questions.


Among the court papers, seen by AFP news agency, was a copy of a letter, dated 23 December 2019, that the police chief wrote to the 80-year-old prime minister saying:

“The investigations reveal that there was a telephonic communication at the scene of the crime in question with another cell phone.

The cell phone number belongs to you.”

A warrant of arrest of was issued for 42-year-old Maesaiah Thabane on 10 January after she failed to present herself to the police for questioning.

She has not been seen publicly for two weeks and no-one seems to know where she is, well no-one willing to talk that is.


Mr Thabane, who is still in the country, has avoided any questions about his wife’s whereabouts.

The BBC contacted government officials for comment but they were unwilling to take questions on the matter.

A spokesman for the prime minister’s party said “the matter has not been addressed”.

Last week, he reluctantly agreed to be questioned by the police.

Neither Mr Thabane nor his wife have been charged.


Newly appointed Lesotho prime Minister Thomas Thabane (L), leader of the All Basotho Convention (ABC) political party, is sworn in on June 16, 2017


It says something about the separation of judicial and political power in Lesotho that a prime minister can be wanted for questioning but the police investigation has not been easy.

The police commissioner, Mr Molibeli, said the Thabane investigation was one of the most complex and dangerous cases he had worked on in his 32 years as a policeman.

“It hasn’t been easy, there have been many attempts for this investigation to not continue.

“I believe what we are doing is right, as long as my conscience is clear.

The people of Lesotho want to know the truth and it is our job to investigate and get to that truth,” he said.

People have made threats on his life for pursuing the investigation, he adds, but he insists he is not scared.

“Not at all.

I have people who support me.

In the past the people who would’ve threatened me would be the army but no, I have a good relationship with them.

“We all just want to get Lesotho out of this quagmire.”

While the police will not say what evidence they have, Mr Molibeli said the case was “strong”.


Those who knew Lipolelo say she shied away from the limelight and preferred her slow village life in Ha Masana on the outskirts of the capital.

But the months prior to her death had been filled with turmoil.

News of her protracted divorce from Mr Thabane frequently made headlines, as did a counter-suit from her to continue to be recognised as Lesotho’s rightful First Lady.

After he had separated from Lipolelo, Mr Thabane was living with Maesaiah as if she was his wife and she was enjoying all the perks that came with the position.

Lipolelo, on the other hand, had been left high and dry.


In 2015, after a long legal wrangle, the High Court ruled in Lipolelo’s favour and ordered the government to stop using state funds to support Maesaiah.

It further ruled that she was to stop “performing any functions and exercising any rights vested on the applicant Lipolelo as the First Spouse”.

It was a humiliating loss for the Prime Minister.

The ruling meant that until the divorce was finalised, Lipolelo was still legally recognised as his spouse and his government was obliged by law to take care for of her.

The divorce was never finalised.



This small country is relatively peaceful, but does have a reputation for the killing of high-ranking officials.

In the past, these have been as a result of a dispute within the military or political classes.

Mr Thabane himself once fled to South Africa supposedly because there was a hit out on him.

Mme Lipolelo, as she was known here, was neither political nor someone who had political enemies.

For many her death was always suspicious.



“I was so shocked when she died,” Maseru resident Lebohang Liballo said.

“What happened to her was so strange – even now the secrecy around it is strange.

Mme Lipolelo deserves justice.”

Although people are intrigued by the case and are following each twist and turn, there is still a sense of fear.


“It’s been a big embarrassment for the country,” said Bakwena Mofoka.

“It paints us as something we are not.

The First Lady must come back.”


But Maesaiah does not appear to be backing down.

Her legal team have been trying to have her warrant of arrest set aside.

The court is yet to rule on the matter.

Her lawyers told the Maseru High Court that the First Lady had always been willing to cooperate with the police but was busy with official duties on the day she was due to be questioned.

They have not explained why she appears to have left.

She is no stranger to controversy – in the last couple of years she has repeatedly been accused of interfering in the running of government, something the people of Lesotho have termed a “bedroom coup”.

Mr Thabane has denied the claims but the accusations have lost her favour with some in the Party.


The scandal has also had political implications for the Prime Minister.

While his supporters have questioned the timing of the investigation, claiming that their leader was the victim of a smear campaign, he has been forced to agree to step down, although he has not said when.

He said he was resigning because of his age and made no link with the investigation.


Thomas Thabane (front C), the Prime Minister of Lesotho, announced to the media during a press conference that he will resign as Prime Minister at a date to be confirmed, at the old state house in Maseru, on January 17, 2020.


The governing All Basotho Convention (ABC) is deeply divided but in the days since the scandal erupted its members have tried to present a united front – if only to keep opposition parties at bay and buy Mr Thabane time to plan his next move.

But he might not have too long.


Hundreds of people, calling themselves “concerned citizens of Lesotho”, marched in the capital last week, as part of what they promise will be a series of protests aimed at forcing the prime minister to leave immediately.

“We are determined to keep protesting until he goes.

“If that means that there is instability, so be it, it would have been brought on by the prime minister,” protest organiser Ramahoana Mathlosa said.

It was a sign of a people who are growing tired of Mr Thabane and perhaps one scandal too many.

But his resignation would not be an end to the mystery surrounding who killed Lipolelo Thabane.


People demonstrating against Thomas Thabane


Monday 20 April 2020

Lesotho’s government has agreed that Prime Minister Thomas Thabane, who is accused of murdering his estranged wife, will immediately resign.

The deal brokered with the help of South African mediators is said to promise the prime minister a “dignified and secure” exit from office.

Mr Thabane has been under pressure to resign over suspicions he was involved in the killing in 2017.

His current wife has been charged.

Both deny any involvement in the murder.

It is not yet clear if he will agree to stand down immediately, as the deal stipulates.

Gunmen shot and killed Mr Thabane’s then-wife Lipolelo Thabane on 14 June 2017.

Officials charged Mr Thabane’s current wife Maesaiah with the murder this year, and also named Mr Thabane as a suspect – although he has not yet been formally charged.


Thomas Thabane


Lesotho has been plunged into a political crisis over the accusations.

On Saturday Mr Thabane deployed the army on the streets, accusing law enforcement agencies in the kingdom of undermining democracy.

A day later, South African diplomats stepped in to try and calm tensions.


Army in Lesotho


Although the exact contents of the deal haven’t been published, the official statement appears to suggest that the 80-year-old leader would no longer be under investigation, BBC Africa regional editor Will Ross reports.

Mr Thabane appeared in court in February, where his lawyer argued that his position granted him immunity from prosecution.

The joint statement, signed by South African mediator Jeff Radebe and Lesotho Deputy Prime Minister Monyane Moleleki said:

“The coalition government of the Kingdom of Lesotho commits to effecting the implementation process or modalities for the dignified, graceful and secure retirement of the right honourable prime minister.”


Mr Radebe later told journalists that although Mr Thabane had pledged to step down in July, the timeline stipulated in the deal was “immediate”.

“There are one or two issues that need to be traversed in order to ensure that all political parties are of the same mind in terms of speeding up that parliamentary process,” he added.

Mr Thabane’s spokesman Relebohile Moyeye told Reuters news agency that he “can’t confirm if the PM agrees with all that’s in the communiqué. 

I will only know his take tomorrow”.


Wednesday 5 February 2020

The wife of the prime minister of Lesotho has been formally charged in court with murdering his previous wife.

It is the latest twist in a story that has garnered huge international interest with its mix of power and intrigue.

But who are the four characters at the centre of this drama?


Maesaiah Thabane – the accused


Maesaiah Thabane  

Many years ago, she gave up a village life to go and find work in the capital, Maseru.

This is where the 42-year-old met her future husband, Prime Minister Thomas Thabane, who is nearly twice her age.

Sometime after Mr Thabane had separated from his then-wife Lipolelo Thabane in 2012, Maesaiah began living with him and took on the duties of a first lady.

In 2017, a colourfully dressed Maesaiah accompanied him to his inauguration for a second term as prime minister.

This was just two days after Lipolelo was gunned down.

Two months later she became Mr Thabane’s third wife, marrying the prime minister in a Catholic ceremony held at a packed stadium in Maseru.

Since then, Maesaiah has been repeatedly accused of having undue influence over the government, accusations that her husband has denied.

Last month, her fortunes changed dramatically. She became a fugitive from justice, wanted in connection with the murder of Lipolelo.

Maesaiah had gone into hiding, and was believed to have spent most of her time in neighbouring South Africa, which completely surrounds Lesotho.

She eventually surrendered to police, and appeared in court on Wednesday.

She has not yet been asked to plead to the murder charge, and has been granted bail.


Lipolelo Thabane – the victim


Lipolelo Thabane  

According to a friend, she was the exact opposite of the woman accused of murdering her – a quiet and unassuming woman who played the role of a traditional housewife.

“She accommodated all the Thabane clan and family, and adopted the four children from the prime minister’s first marriage.

One child was autistic.

She raised all of them and gave them the best schooling,” said the friend, who spoke to the BBC on condition of anonymity.

Lipolelo proved to be a fighter when Mr Thabane filed for divorce, challenging the decision in court.

“She was prepared to accept that he had another woman, but divorce was out of the question because she did not want to lose the benefits that come with being a first lady,” the friend added.

Her life ended brutally on 14 June 2017 at the age of 58.

She was shot dead at close range on the side of a dirt road while returning to her home in the small village of Ha’Masana on the outskirts of Maseru.

At the time of her death, she was still fighting divorce proceedings, even though she had been living apart from her husband for five years.

Two years earlier, during her husband’s first term in office, she had won a court battle to continue to be recognised as Lesotho’s first lady.

A court overturned an instruction Mr Thabane gave to his officials to cancel Lipolelo’s spousal benefits and instead offer them to Maesaiah, who had been living with the prime minster as if she was his wife.


Thomas Thabane – the husband


In this file photo taken on May 31, 2017 Lesotho political party All Basotho Convention (ABC) leader, former Prime Minister and General Elections candidate Tom Thabane  

Prime Minister Thabane, 80, is known as a strategic operator but did not anticipate this scandal that may spell the end of his political career.

He has also been questioned in connection with Lipolelo’s murder but has made no comment on the case.

He divorced his first wife, Yayi, before marrying Lipolelo and then Maesaiah.

Mr Thabane is one of the continent’s oldest leaders and has spent most of his working life as a politician.

No stranger to political rivalry, Mr Thabane once fled to South Africa, alleging a coup plot by the military and had to be escorted back by the police to the mountain kingdom.

But now his party, the All Basotho Convention, has called on him to step down in the wake of the murder investigation.

Mr Thabane has agreed to resign but said it was because of his age and made no link with the investigation.

The BBC contacted government officials for comment but they were unwilling to take questions on the matter.

A spokesman for the prime minister’s party said:

“The matter has not been addressed.”


Holomo Molibeli – the policeman


Police inspector


He is Lesotho’s most senior policeman, and it is his investigation that has placed the prime minister and his current wife at the centre of a murder case that could bring about their downfall.

He implicated the couple in court papers filed to stop Mr Thabane from removing him from his post.

But Mr Thabane has in turn accused Mr Molibeli of presiding over a brutal police force saying that was the reason he wanted him gone.

The court ruled in the commissioner’s favour.



Thursday 23 April 2020

Lesotho Prime Minister Thomas Thabane has said he will not be told when to leave office, a national newspaper reported on Thursday, resisting efforts to defuse a political crisis with the offer of a “dignified retirement.”


The independent weekly Lesotho Times — the most popular paper in the mountainous kingdom — quoted Thabane as saying he would not be pushed out before he is ready, apparently rejecting a deal between South African mediators and his own coalition government that he would step down.

“People who I don’t report to are setting the time for my departure.

They have no right to do so,” it quoted him as saying.


Thabane, 80, has been under pressure to resign owing to a murder case in which he and his current wife are suspected of assassinating his previous wife.

They both deny this.


Last Saturday Thabane ordered soldiers and armoured vehicles onto the streets of Maseru to restore order against what he said were “rogue national elements”, prompting neighbour South Africa to step in to try to defuse tensions.


Mediators said on Monday they had agreed with the government that Thabane would go into “a dignified, graceful and secure retirement” immediately.


Thabane’s spokesman, Relebohile Moyeye, declined to comment on Thursday on what the Prime Minister’s plans were.

Thabane has previously said he will step down at the end of July, but several senior figures in his own party and in the opposition want him out immediately.

In the interview, the paper quoted him as saying that he wanted to “ensure that all the plans that we have in motion are implemented before I leave” without detailing what those were.

Pro and anti-Thabane factions within the ruling ABC party are in conflict over his future, aggravating political tensions.


“We still wish that he could leave as soon as yesterday,” Montoeli Masoetsa, spokesman of Thabane’s ABC party, said.


Lesotho has experienced several coups since gaining independence from Britain in 1966, and its conflicts often suck in South Africa, whose central mountains encircle it and to which Lesotho supplies vital drinking water.


Gunmen shot and killed Thabane’s previous wife, Lipolelo, 58, on 14 June 2017, in a case that was never solved.

This year, police charged Thabane’s current wife, Maesaiah, with her murder, and also named Thabane himself — though he has yet to be formally charged in court — plunging Lesotho into its current crisis.




Mozambique, Tuesday 21 Tuesday April 2020


economy mozambique


About 52 villagers in Mozambique’s troubled northernmost province were killed by Islamist insurgents on 7 April after they refused to be recruited to their ranks, police said on Tuesday.

“The young men were about to be recruited but they resisted, which provoked the ire of the bandits that killed the 52 indiscriminately,” police spokesman Orlando Modumane said.

The killings took place in the village of Xitaxi in Muidumbe district in the province of Cabo Delgado, home to multi-billion-dollar gas projects led by oil majors such as Total.

Last Wednesday, national police commander Bernardino Rafael said no parts of the troubled province were under the control of insurgents.

His comments came after an increase in the frequency of attacks in the province.

Security analysts say that in some cases insurgents have occupied parts of towns, villages or government buildings and hoisted a black-and-white flag.


At least 52 killed in jihadist attack in northern Mozambique ...




Myanmar Burma Political Map Stock Vektor Art und mehr Bilder von ...


Tuesday 21 April 2020

A World Health Organization (WHO) driver has been killed in a conflict-riven region of Myanmar while out collecting Covid-19 monitoring samples.

Pyae Sone Win Maung was driving a well-marked United Nations vehicle when it was hit by gunfire in Rakhine State.


WHO vehicle attacked with coronavirus samples in Myanmar - CNN


The UN says dozens of civilians have been killed as fighting between the military and the armed ethnic Arakan Army group escalated in recent weeks.

The two sides have blamed each other for the WHO driver’s death on Monday.

Both the military in Myanmar (also called Burma) and the Arakan Army deny being involved.




Myanmar’s Maj-Gen Tun Tun Nyi, a military spokesman, said his forces had no reason to attack the UN vehicle.

“They are working for us, for our country,” he told Reuters news agency.

“We have the responsibility for that.”


Govt orders crackdown on Arakan Army | The Myanmar Times


The UN office in Myanmar said it was “deeply saddened” by the 28-year-old driver’s death, near a military checkpoint in Minbya township.

According to a post on Facebook, the marked vehicle was travelling from Sittwe to Yangon bringing Covid-19 surveillance samples “in support of the Ministry of Health and Sports”.

The UN did not say who carried out the shooting, which also left a government employee injured.




The driver’s father, Htay Win Maung, said his heart was “broken”.

“I am trying to calm myself thinking he died in serving his duty at the frontline,” he added.

“He went there in the midst of fighting when many people didn’t dare to go.”


Countries including the UK and the US have called for an end to fighting amid the global corona virus pandemic.

More than 80 cases have been reported in Myanmar, along with four deaths.

The Arakan Army, ethnic Buddhists who have escalated their campaign for self-rule in the last two years, declared a month-long ceasefire, but this was rejected by the government.


Decoding The Arakan Army: Insurgent Strategies And Tactics ...


Friday 24 April 2020

The headquarters of a local government-backed militia based in Muse, Shan State was attacked by unknown gunmen Thursday night, according to local sources in the town on the China-Myanmar border.


Muse, Myanmar - Wikipedia


The Pan Say militia said the attack on their headquarters occurred after 7 p.m. when the gunmen opened fire with artillery and guns before driving away in cars and on motorbikes.

“Some artillery shells fell inside the headquarters area and some fell near the headquarters fence.

Some shells even fell down on the Chinese side of the border,” said a member of the Pan Say militia who asked to remain anonymous.


Militia groups in Muse: Swagger and impunity | Frontier Myanmar


There were reportedly no causalities from the attack.


One militia member said that some artillery shells fell on a kindergarten school just over the Chinese border in the town of Ruili, reportedly damaging three cars at the school.

Chinese Central TV reported Friday that three artillery shells and many bullets fell inside Ruili.


Wuhan Man, a Fugitive in Myanmar, Turns Himself in to Chinese ...


One militia member said they did not know why the gunmen came to attack the headquarters but added that the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), an ethnic armed group active in the area, came to the headquarters to collect taxes recently.

U Al Soe Htan Htoo, a representative at the Muse Information Department, said authorities tried to chase the gunmen, but it was difficult to find them in the night.

The TNLA denied responsibility for the attack.

“We even tried to find out who attacked them.

For us, we have already announced a unilateral ceasefire for a month, so we were not involved in the attack,” said TNLA Major Tar Aike Kyaw.

The Major added that in this time of crisis, many people already have problems due to worries about infection from the corona virus.

“For us, we did not attack to create more problems for the people,” he said.


Ta'ang Army Has to Resort to Guerrilla Warfare, Local Say - Burma Link


Muse is home to many militia and armed groups in addition to the Pan Say militia.

The militia groups are backed by the Myanmar army and many run illegal border trade businesses in the town, including open gambling operations.

Rebel ethnic armed groups, including the TNLA, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, are also based outside the town and fighting has sometimes broken out between the Myanmar army and the ethnic armed groups.


Muse (Mu Se) information |


Two weeks ago, a bomb went off at the Muse office of state-run telecom firm Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT).

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.

While the Myanmar army is primarily in control of the town, rebel groups also exert influence and often extort taxes from businessmen despite the military’s presence.

Myanma Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) | E-SPIN Group



New Zealand, Monday 20 April 2020

Map of New Zealand


New Zealand will extend the lockdown measures in place to beat the coronavirus by a week, after which it will move to a lower level of restrictions, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday.

“New Zealand will move out of Alert Level 4 lockdown at 11.59 p.m. on Monday 27 April, one week from today,” Ardern said in a news conference.

We will then hold in Alert Level 3 for two weeks, before reviewing how we are tracking again, and making further decisions at Cabinet on 11 May,” she said.


New Zealand says it's 'eliminated' Covid-19. See what's next - CNN ...



North Korea, Tuesday 21 April 2020

Map of North Korea


South Korean and Chinese officials and sources familiar with US intelligence on Tuesday cast doubt on reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is gravely ill after a cardiovascular procedure, while the White House said it was closely monitoring the matter.


South Korea maintains Kim Jong Un health rumors are untrue


US President Donald Trump, who held unprecedented summits with Kim in 2018 and 2019 in an attempt to persuade him to give up his nuclear weapons, said the reports had not been confirmed and he did not put much credence in them.

“I just hope he’s doing fine,” Trump told a White House news conference.

“I’ve had a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un.

And I’d like to see him do well.

We’ll see how he does.

We don’t know if the reports are true.”

Asked whether he would try to reach out to Kim to check on his condition, Trump said:

“Well I may, but I just hope he’s doing fine.”


Americans will be hearing about Kim Jong Un's health soon: Trump


Daily NK, a Seoul-based website, reported late on Monday that Kim, who is believed to be about 36, was recovering after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure on 12 April.

It cited one unnamed source in North Korea.

The Daily NK - Home | Facebook

Two South Korean government officials rejected a subsequent CNN report citing an unnamed US official saying that the United States was “monitoring intelligence” that Kim was in grave danger after surgery.

South Korea’s presidential Blue House said there were no unusual signs from North Korea.

Blue House - Wikipedia


Earlier, Trump’s national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, told Fox News the White House was monitoring the reports “very closely.”

Bloomberg News quoted an unnamed US official as saying the White House was told that Kim had taken a turn for the worse after the surgery.

However, authoritative US sources familiar with US intelligence questioned the report that Kim was in grave danger.


Robert O'Brien not qualified to be national security adviser ...


A Korea specialist working for the US government said:

“Any credible direct reporting having to do with Kim would be highly compartmented intelligence and unlikely to leak to the media.”


Top 20 maps and charts that explain North Korea - Geoawesomeness


Kim is a third-generation hereditary leader who rules North Korea with an iron fist, coming to power after his father Kim Jong Il died in 2011 from a heart attack.

Reporting from inside North Korea is notoriously difficult, especially on matters concerning its leadership, given tight controls on information.

There have been past false reports regarding its leaders, but the fact Kim has no clear successor means any instability could present a major international risk.


Kim Jong Il | Biography & Facts | Britannica


Asked about how any North Korean political succession would work, O’Brien said:

“The basic assumption would be maybe it would be someone in the family.

But, again, it’s too early to talk about that because we just don’t know what condition Chairman Kim is in and we’ll have to see how it plays out.”


North Korean flags: History and meaning | Young Pioneer Tours


Trump said he had asked Kim about the succession in the past but declined to elaborate.

With no details known about Kim’s young children, analysts said his sister Kim Yo-jong and loyalists could form a regency until a successor is old enough to take over.


Kim Jong-un mystery grows on reports of train, medical team | The ...


In recent years, Kim has launched a diplomatic offensive to promote himself as a world leader, holding three meetings with Trump, four with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and five with Chinese President Xi Jinping.


China's Xi Jinping to make first state visit to North Korea - BBC News


China is North Korea’s only major ally.

Speaking to Reuters, an official at the Chinese Communist Party’s International Liaison Department expressed the belief that Kim was not critically ill.


Flag of China image and meaning Chinese flag - country flags


Daily NK said Kim was hospitalized on 12 April, hours before the cardiovascular procedure, as his health had deteriorated since August due to heavy smoking, obesity and overwork.

It said he was now receiving treatment at a villa in the Mount Myohyang resort north of the capital Pyongyang.


A look into the Mount Myohyang Region | Young Pioneer Tours


“My understanding is that he had been struggling (with cardiovascular problems) since last August but it worsened after repeated visits to Mount Paektu,” a source was quoted as saying, referring to the country’s sacred mountain.

Kim took two well-publicised rides on a stallion on the mountain’s snowy slopes in October and December.


Kim Jong-un: North Korean leader rides up Mount Paektu - BBC News


Speculation about Kim’s health first arose due to his absence from the anniversary of the birthday of North Korea’s founding father and Kim’s grandfather, Kim Il Sung, on 15 April.


Kim Il-sung – Wikipedia


North Korea’s official KCNA news agency gave no indication of his whereabouts in routine dispatches on Tuesday, but said he had sent birthday gifts to prominent citizens.

Kim has sought to have international sanctions against his country eased, but has refused to give up his nuclear weapons, which pose a threat to the United States.

Korean Central News Agency

Joseph Yun, a former US envoy to North Korea under President Barack Obama and Trump, told Reuters he believes “something really is quite amiss, quite awry right now in North Korea”.

“It’s worrisome. If he’s seriously ill and he dies, there is no succession plan,” he said.

“You could see a huge power struggle, people jockeying for position.

Their lives would depend on it.”


State Department point man on North Korea, Joe Yun, to retire ...


Yun said for all its secrecy, North Korea in recent years had been quick to respond to significant foreign news reports and it was noteworthy that it had stayed silent so far.



Russia, Tuesday 21 April 2020

Map of Russia


Russia reports 5,642 new confirmed cases and 51 more deaths from Covid-19, the highest daily death toll in the country to date, bringing Russia’s death toll to 456 and 52,763 total cases.


What does the Russian flag mean | Young Pioneer Tours




Saudi Arabia

Map of Saudi Arabia


Monday 20 April 2020

Saudi Arabia extended on Monday the suspension of praying in the Grand Mosque and Prophet’s Mosque during the fasting month of Ramadan to stem the spread of the coronavirus, the Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques’ Affairs said on Twitter.

The two mosques, which are considered the holiest places in Islam, will have Ramadan prayers but without worshippers as a precautionary measure and to intensify disinfection operations, the presidency added on Twitter.


A packed house - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg


Friday 24 April 2020

Saudi Arabia is ending flogging as a form of punishment, according to a document from the Kingdom’s top court seen by Reuters on Friday.

The decision by the General Commission for the Supreme Court, taken sometime this month, will see the punishment replaced by prison sentences or fines, or a mixture of both.

“The decision is an extension of the human rights reforms introduced under the direction of King Salman and the direct supervision of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman,” the document said.


Saudi uses execution to terrify dissent'


Flogging has been applied to punish a variety of crimes in Saudi Arabia.

Without a codified system of law to go with the texts making up sharia, or Islamic law, individual judges have the latitude to interpret religious texts and come up with their own sentences.

Rights groups have documented past cases in which Saudi judges have sentenced criminals to flogging for a range of offences, including public intoxication and harassment.


No More Flogging As Punishment” – Saudi Arabia - DTUNZ MUSIC MP3


“This reform is a momentous step forward in Saudi Arabia’s human rights agenda, and merely one of many recent reforms in the Kingdom,” the president of the state-backed Human Rights Commission (HRC) Awwad Alawwad told Reuters.


HRC: Human rights are not slogans, but practices on the ground


Other forms of corporal punishment, such as amputation for theft or beheading for murder and terrorism offences, have not yet been outlawed.


“This is a welcome change but it should have happened years ago,” said Adam Coogle, Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Division at Human Rights Watch.

“There’s nothing now standing in the way of Saudi Arabia reforming its unfair judicial system.”


A woman's life in Saudi Arabia is determined by the roll of a dice ...


Sunday 26 April 2020

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has issued an order to partially lift the curfew in all regions of the Kingdom while keeping a 24-hour curfew in Mecca and in previously isolated neighbourhoods, state news agency (SPA) said early on Sunday.

The curfew will be lifted between 9 am and 5 pm from Sunday onwards, while malls, wholesale and retail shops will be allowed to reopen from the 6th day of Ramadan to the 20th day of the holy month – 29 April to 13 May 2020.


Saudi Arabia's King Salman, a ruler in a time of change - BBC News


As of Sunday morning, Saudi Arabia recorded 16,299 infections and 136 deaths, the highest among the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


Understanding International Dynamics - 2 - The Gulf Cooperation ...


On 2 April, Riyadh imposed a 24-hour curfew in the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina, extending measures to combat the novel corona virus.


Riyadh | Geography, History, & Population | Britannica


Saudi Arabia also suspended the year-round Umrah pilgrimage over fears of the corona virus spreading to Islam’s holiest cities.

It is likely the larger Hajj pilgrimage, set for the end of July, will also be cancelled for the first time in modern history after Saudi Arabia urged Muslims to temporarily defer preparations.


Saudi Arabia suspends entry for Umrah pilgrimage, tourism amid ...


Last year, about 2.5 million people travelled to Saudi Arabia to take part in the Hajj, which all Muslims must perform at least once in their lives if able.


Star and Crescent | Moon star tattoo, Cresent moon tattoo, Star ...


Pilgrimage is big business for Saudi Arabia and the backbone of plans to expand visitor numbers under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman‘s ambitious economic reform agenda.

Cancelling the Hajj would be unprecedented in modern times, but curbing attendance from high-risk areas has happened before, including in recent years during the Ebola outbreak.


Saudi Arabia's crown prince, backed by the king, moves for ...


The Arab world’s biggest economy has also closed down cinemas, malls and restaurants and halted flights as it steps up efforts to contain the virus.

King Salman has warned of a “more difficult” fight ahead against the virus, as the Kingdom faces the economic double blow of virus-led shutdowns and crashing oil prices.


Saudi Arabia Flag


Saudi Arabia will no longer impose the death sentence on individuals who committed crimes while still minors, the state-backed Human Rights Commission (HRC) said in a statement, citing a royal decree by King Salman.

“The decree means that any individuals who received a death sentence for crimes committed while he or she is a minor can no longer face execution.

Instead, the individual will receive a prison sentence of no longer than 10 years in a juvenile detention facility,” HRC President Awwad Alawwad said in the statement.

It was not immediately clear when the decree, which was not immediately carried on state media, would take effect.


Saudi Human Rights Commission (@HRCSaudi_EN) | Twitter


Saudi Arabia, whose human rights record came under intense international scrutiny after the murder of a prominent Saudi journalist in 2018 (Jamal Khashoggi), is one of the world’s biggest executioners after Iran and China, Amnesty International said in its latest annual report.


Turkey concludes Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi killed by ...


It said the Kingdom had executed 184 people in 2019, including at least one person charged with a crime committed as a minor.

“This is an important day for Saudi Arabia,” Alawwad said.

“The decree helps us in establishing a more modern penal code, and demonstrates the Kingdom’s commitment to following through on key reforms across all sectors of our country.”


China, Iran, Saudi Arabia executed most people in 2016 | News | Al ...


The announcement came just two days after the Kingdom in effect scrapped the punishment of flogging, in a decision by the General Commission for the Supreme Court.

The punishment will instead be replaced by prison time or fines.

Capital punishment for crimes committed by people under the age of 18 runs contrary to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Saudi Arabia has ratified.


CRC session 74: Post-session report on Committee's recommendations ...


In April 2019, the Sunni-ruled Kingdom beheaded 37 men convicted of terrorism charges.

The UN human rights chief said at the time that most of them were Shi’ites who may not have had fair trials and at least three were minors when sentenced.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has launched a series of social and economic reforms aimed at modernising the conservative kingdom, which has no codified system of law to go with the texts making up sharia, or Islamic law.


File:Countries with Sharia rule.png - Wikimedia Commons



Spain, Tuesday 21 April 2020

Map of Spain


The Festival of San Fermín, which for centuries has unleashed half-ton fighting bulls into the narrow streets of Pamplona, has been suspended indefinitely as Spain battles one of the world’s deadliest outbreaks of Covid-19.


San Fermin Festival: Gorings, Crowds And So Many Bulls


“As expected as it was, it still leaves us deeply sad,” said Ana Elizalde, the acting mayor of Pamplona.

“As of today, it seems unlikely that the festival will be celebrated this year, but let’s wait and see how the events evolve.”


Apartment Mendaur, Pamplona, Spain -


Spain has recorded more than 21,000 deaths from corona virus and more than 200,000 confirmed cases of infection.


Coronavirus: Spain reports 182 deaths in a day


In the northern region of Navarra, which includes Pamplona, more than 350 people have been killed by the virus.

“In this context, there’s no place for fireworks, bullfights or bull runs,” said Elizalde.


Europe | europestyle_ on Instagram: “~ 🍃♥️💜 #pamplona Spain ...


The fiesta, long a target for animal rights activists, has been called off only a handful of times in the past century, for reasons such as civil war or other political unrest. It typically draws around a million visitors for nine days of alcohol-fuelled partying.

“It seems our beloved fiesta is at odds with the corona virus,” Elizalde said.

“We’re supposed to wear masks, keep a social distance – measures that are incompatible with what San Fermín is.”



It’s a calculation that is playing out across the country as officials attempt to maintain physical distancing.

Adding to the pressure is the outsized role that tourism plays in the Spanish economy: more than 83 million people visited Spain last year, accounting for nearly 12% of the country’s GDP.


Flag of Spain image and meaning Spanish flag - country flags


In the small town of Buñol, near Valencia, the mayor and town councillors will meet on Monday to debate what lies ahead for the world’s largest food fight.

Held each year in August, the Tomatina usually crams 20,000 people into the town to pelt each other with thousands of ripe tomatoes.


La Tomatina Official Tour & Tickets + La Tomatina Official Pre ...


In the heart of the Rioja wine region – where the corona virus outbreak has taken a particularly deadly toll – June usually heralds Haro’s wine battle, in which participants drench each other in 70,000 litres of red wine.


Besuchen Haro Wine Festival


The rapidly changing situation in Spain has left little room for concrete estimates on when tourism might return to normal.

“Our country will not start tourist activity until it is extraordinarily safe, both for those who live in Spain and who come to visit,” the government spokesperson María Jesús Montero said last week.


File:María Jesús Montero Cuadrado - 13.10.29 C.Hacienda 2.jpg ...


The government imposed strict lockdown measures in mid-March, and closed land borders to all but Spanish citizens and residents soon after.


As France and Spain unveil lockdown easing plans, here's a look at ...


The Labour Minister, Yolanda Díaz, recently suggested the tourism, culture and leisure sectors would not restart until after the summer and could expect to face “enormous difficulty”.


Coronavirus in Spain: unemployment figures worst on record - Spain ...


The Tourism Minister, Reyes Maroto, hinted that jam-packed festivals, beaches and plazas would not be seen anytime soon.

“Until there is a vaccine, nothing will be the way it was before.

Gatherings will have to be limited to maintain safe distances,” she told the newspaper El País.

“It is very important that we continue to follow health recommendations,” she added.

“We have to keep up what we are doing now; washing our hands, keeping social distance even on the beach.”


Reyes Maroto - Wikipedia


A former London rapper who stopped making music not long after his father’s extradition to face terror charges in the bombings of two US embassies was arrested Monday in southern Spain on suspicion of joining Islamic State fighters in Syria.

Two sources close to the investigation told The Associated Press that police arrested Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary and two other men at a rented apartment.

Abdel Bary is the son of an Egyptian operative of al-Qaeda who was convicted for events related to the 1998 bombings at US embassies in Africa that killed 224 people.


Abdel-Majed Abdel-Bary arrested in Spain - Business Insider


A media release from Spain’s National Police didn’t name Abdel Bary.

It described him as an Egyptian national who left Europe to fight in Syria and Iraq.

The police statement also called him “one of the most sought terrorists in Europe, both because of his criminal trajectory in the ranks of Daesh (Islamic State) and because of the high danger that he represented.”


Former British rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary arrested in Spain ...


He and the two other men were arrested overnight at the apartment in Almería, a port city in southeastern Spain, the AP learned from officials on the ground and interviews with local residents.

The three were being interrogated on Tuesday and were scheduled to appear before a National Court judge in Madrid on Wednesday, according to a spokesman for the court that usually handles terror-related case.

The spokesman who was not authorized to be named in media reports.


Almeria, Spain | Azamara


Police said the operation was the result of “international cooperation” between agents specialized in fighting terrorism who suspected that the Egyptian suspect might be traveling through Spain as he tried to return home from the Mideast.


Abdel Bary, who is believed to be 29, grew up in London to become a rapper known as Lyricist Jinn and L Jinny.

Music videos still available online show him performing raps with references to drug use, violence and his family’s experience as asylum-seekers in Britain.

His radicalization reportedly took place shortly after his father, Abdel Abdul Bary, was extradited in 2012 to the United States, where he was tried for the twin bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

The father was convicted in New York and sentenced in 2015 to a 25-year prison term.


Adel Abdul Bary - Mirror Online


In a 2013 post still viewable on what appeared to be his Facebook account, the younger Abdul Bary left a message for his fans:

“I have left everything for the sake of Allah,” he wrote.


Abdel Bary: the rising rap star who rejected drugs and chose jihad ...


One year later, in August 2014, a photo of him holding a man’s severed head was posted on Twitter

British investigators initially suspected Abdel Bary as being “Jihadi John”, the IS militant who spoke with a British accent in the video showing the execution of American journalist James Foley.

Foley, one of the Islamic State group’s early foreign victims, was decapitated.


Islamic State: Profile of Mohammed Emwazi aka 'Jihadi John' - BBC News


The real “Jihadi John” turned out to be Mohammed Emwazi, who also grew up in London.


Unmasking Jihadi John Anatomy of a Terrorist – Book and Movie Addicts


Britain’s Foreign Office declined to comment on Tuesday’s arrests, referring queries to the Spanish police.


Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Wikipedia


Shiraz Maher, an expert on radicalization at London’s King’s College, described Abdel Bary as one of the better known among a cluster of Islamist extremists that emerged in west London in the early 2010s.

He was also one of the earliest so-called “foreign fighters” to become disillusioned with ISIS.

“Disillusionment kicked in at different stages for different people.

He was known to have been disillusioned for quite a while.

And he then just disappeared off the radar,” Maher said, suggesting that Abdel Bary’s early departure doesn’t necessarily signal that he was no longer a threat.

“He was a member of ISIS and clearly participated in all kinds of horrors the group was involved in and should face punishment for those crimes,” Maher said.

“But at this stage, he is more likely to be someone who was trying to save himself in Spain.”


King's College London – Wikipedia


Abdel Bary was no stranger to Spanish law enforcement.

In 2015, a Spanish woman was arrested at an airport terminal in Madrid when she tried to travel to Turkey with a fake passport in order to meet up with and marry Abdel Bary.

At her trial, María de los Ángeles Cala Márquez said she had fallen in love with Abdel Bary after chatting with the former rapper online.

In mid-2018 she was sentenced to two years of imprisonment with reprieve.


María Ángeles Cala, una empleada de hotel convertida a la yihad ...


On Tuesday, Spanish police described Abdel Bary as having an “extremely violent” criminal profile.

His arrest took place in Cerro de San Cristóbal, a historic neighborhood in Almería known for its narrow streets dotted with nightclubs and a mix of old and new buildings leading to the city’s Alcazaba, a 10th-century fortress of Arabic origin.


Cerro De San Cristobal In Almeria High-Res Stock Photo - Getty Images


Taxi driver Ángel Vílchez told the AP that at least six police vehicles and about 30 officers, including many in plainclothes, had blocked access to several streets for most of Monday.


Radio Taxi y Tele Taxi Almería se integran en una única entidad ...


Another neighbor, who asked not to be named in media reports, said police had showed up at 3 a.m. Monday and took away at least one person handcuffed from an apartment used for short stays by tourists.


Spain’s Interior Ministry says police have arrested nearly 400 people connected to extremist religious groups since 2012.

Many of the arrests have not led to judicial convictions.


Ministry of Health (Spain) - Wikiwand




United Kingdom

United Kingdom Map | England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales


Wednesday 22 April 2020

A total of 18,100 patients have died in hospital after testing positive for corona virus in the UK, as officials report a further 759 virus-related deaths.

The update is an increase from the total death toll reported on Tuesday of 17,337.


Hospital bed


The latest Department of Health figures come as the Health Secretary said the UK had reached “the peak” of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Speaking at the first virtual PMQs, Matt Hancock also confirmed a total of fifteen social care staff had died having contracted the corona virus.

Matt Hancock said experts have “high confidence” the peak of the outbreak in the UK has been reached, but added “obviously” the number of infections need to “come down”.

The Health Secretary warned against relaxing lockdown restrictions until “five tests” were able to be met by the government.

His comments come a day after another scientific study suggested the England and Wales had reached a peak in the number of coronavirus on 8 April.

A panel convened by the Science Media Centre pointed to the date based on data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) on Tuesday.


A stretcher which had been used recently to transport a body into a temporary morgue at a mosque in Birmingham


Of the latest UK death toll, 665 patients died in hospitals in England having tested positive for the virus.

The latest NHS England figures bring the total death toll there to 16,272.

Wednesday’s reported death toll includes 119 fatalities from April 21, 254 from April 20 and 108 from April 19.

The remaining deaths in Wednesday’s updated figures took place between April 1-18, while a further nine deaths that occurred in March.

The delay in reporting can be attributed to delays in obtaining positive results, post-mortem outcomes, and for testing data to be validated.




In Scotland, a further 77 virus-related deaths have been reported bringing the death toll there to 1,062.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a total of 9,038 people have now tested positive for Covid-19 in Scotland, while 155 corona virus patients remain in critical care.




Of the latest UK figures, 15 of the deaths occurred in Wales where a total of 624 patients have now died after testing positive for the corona virus.

Wales’ Chief Medical Officer announced on Wednesday that lockdown measures there had “squashed the curve” and helped to maintain the outbreak.


Flag of Wales - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Health authorities in Northern Ireland have reported a further eight deaths in patients who had tested positive for Covid-19.

The Public Health Agency says the death toll there now stands at 250.


Flag of Northern Ireland - Wikipedia


Saturday 25 April 2020

Another 813 people have died with corona virus in UK hospitals, bringing the total to more than 20,000, the Department of Health has announced.

At the government’s daily briefing, the Home Secretary described the figure as a “tragic and terrible milestone”.


Department of Health & Social Care | UKCDR


Last month, the government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, said keeping deaths below 20,000 would be a “good outcome”.


Coronavirus: 'Possible we're beginning to see curve flattening ...


Meanwhile, the PM will return to work in Downing Street on Monday morning.


Coronavirus live updates: British PM returns to Downing Street, NY ...


It is just over two weeks since Prime Minister Boris Johnson was released from St Thomas’ hospital in London, where he was treated in intensive care for the corona virus.

He has been recuperating at his country retreat, Chequers.


Chequers – Wikipedia


According to the latest official figures, a total of 20,319 patients have died in hospital after testing positive for Covid-19.

The first virus-related death was announced in the UK 51 days ago.


Coronavirus vaccine race: volunteers to be infected in the UK ...


At the Downing Street briefing, Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

“As the deaths caused by this terrible virus pass another tragic and terrible milestone, the entire nation is grieving.”

She warned that “we are not out of the woods yet” and said people must continue to follow social distancing measures to curb the spread of the virus.

The government’s figures do not account for deaths that have happened in care homes, at home, in hospices or elsewhere in the community.

These are measured separately by the Office for National Statistics, based on death certificates, and a weekly figure is announced each Tuesday.


All migrants must earn at least £36k a year if they want to live in


Last week that figure indicated that there were at least 1,662 deaths, up to 10 April, that were above the hospital-based number.


The fact Britain has now passed the grim milestone outlined by Sir Patrick Vallance in less than two months is both a tragedy for the families affected and a worry to the rest of the country.

There are strong signs – at least in hospitals – that they have passed the peak of deaths.

The fact that may have happened without the Health Service being overwhelmed in the way Italy’s was is at least some good news.

However, the deaths in care homes, which the daily figures from government do not include, are rising rapidly and could prove very difficult to get under control.

In fact, if they included them they would have passed the 20,000 mark some time ago.


File:NHS-Logo.svg - Wikipedia


On 17 March, Sir Patrick told MPs “the hope” was to keep the death toll below 20,000.

At the time the number of deaths in UK hospitals stood at 71.


US institute revises down forecast for UK coronavirus deaths ...


That ambition was later echoed by NHS England medical director Prof Stephen Powis, who said the UK would have “done very well in this epidemic” if deaths remained below that figure.

Speaking at Saturday’s briefing, Prof Powis said it was a “very sad day for the nation”, adding that his “heart goes out to families and friends of those loved ones”.

Asked about his and Sir Patrick’s previous comments, Prof Powis said:

“What we were emphasising is that this is a new virus, a global pandemic, a once-in-a-century global health crisis.

“And this was going to be a huge challenge not just for the UK, but for every country.”

He added that it was unlikely the UK and other countries would recover from the pandemic in the next few weeks.

“This is not a sprint, this will be a marathon,” he said.


Coronavirus: UK tactics defended as cases expected to rise - BBC News


Four other countries to date have announced an official number of coronavirus-related deaths exceeding 20,000 – the US, Spain, Italy and France.

Globally, more than 200,000 people have died with corona virus, according to Johns Hopkins University, with confirmed cases standing at more than 2.8 million.


University Logo – Brand Guidelines


Ms Patel said the government was working towards returning the UK to normal, but said five tests must be met before lockdown measures can be lifted.

“Quite frankly that is not right now,” she said.


Coronavirus could be tied to a rare but serious illness in ...


The government’s five tests for ending lockdown are:

  • Making sure the NHS can cope
  • A “sustained and consistent” fall in the daily death rate
  • Rate of infection decreasing to “manageable levels”
  • Ensuring supply of tests and personal protective equipment (PPE) can meet future demand
  • Being confident any adjustments would not risk a second peak


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Prof Powis said the virus would start to “spread more” if social distancing measures were lifted.

He said it was clear that “gains” were being made by following social distancing rules and orders to avoid non-essential travel.


Social distancing is your chance to save somebody's life, medical ...


The latest UK figures include a further 47 deaths in Scotland, 23 in Wales and 16 in Northern Ireland.

Most of these were in hospitals.


Coronavirus: UK could release young adults from lockdown first


Some 28,760 corona virus tests were carried out in the UK on Friday.

The government has set a target of 100,000 tests per day by the end of April.


UK coronavirus toll could be far higher than previously shown ...


At Saturday’s daily briefing, the home secretary also took the opportunity to speak about the impact the pandemic was having on crime.

Despite a fall in overall crime during the outbreak, Ms Patel said some criminals continued to “capitalise on this horrendous crisis”.

Praising the “outstanding frontline police officers”, she singled out a successful raid earlier in the week which uncovered cocaine with a street value of £1m concealed in a shipment of face masks.

She also revealed more than 2,000 online scams linked to coronavirus had been taken down.

She criticised some “extraordinary dangerous driving” witnessed by police during lockdown, with one London driver caught doing 134 mph in a 40 mph zone.


Coronavirus: Should we all be wearing face masks now? - BBC News




United States 

Map of USA


Monday 20 April 2020

The US Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the constitutional guarantee of trial by jury requires a unanimous verdict for serious crimes, siding with a Louisiana man convicted of murder and paving the way for potentially hundreds of defendants found guilty by divided juries to receive new trials.


The Supreme Court Building - Supreme Court of the United States


Only two of the 50 states, Louisiana and Oregon, have permitted non-unanimous verdicts.


Writing for the court in the 6-3 ruling, conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch noted that the non-unanimous verdict requirement in both states traced back to past racist policies intended to reduce the power of non-white jurors to influence the outcome of trials.


Neil Gorsuch - Wikipedia


The ruling, overturning a 1972 Supreme Court precedent, means that Evangelisto Ramos, who was convicted by a 12-member jury on a 10-2 vote, is likely to get a new trial.

Ramos, found guilty in the 2014 New Orleans murder of a woman named Trinece Fedison whose body was found in a trash can, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


Man, 42, arrested in 2014 fatal stabbing, and other New Orleans ...


The justices concluded that the US Constitution’s Sixth Amendment, which guarantees the right to an impartial trial, requires that jurors be unanimous to convict in serious criminal cases.


US Constitution Fast Facts - CNN


Gorsuch noted that historically some minor crimes do not require a jury trial.

Louisiana updated its law to prohibit non-unanimous verdicts starting last year but that change did not apply retroactively.

The ruling could benefit hundreds of inmates convicted with non-unanimous verdicts in Louisiana and Oregon by leading to new trials.


Deadly Heat" in U.S. Prisons – The Intercept


“We are heartened that the court has held, once and for all, that the promise of the Sixth Amendment fully applies in Louisiana, rejecting any concept of second-class justice,” said Ben Cohen, a lawyer for Ramos.


State Flag - Louisiana - The Flag Factory


The office of Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement that the state’s priorities have not changed as a result of the ruling.

“Our law has since been changed and the Supreme Court has now issued this new ruling, yet our focus remains the same: to uphold the rule of law and protect victims of crime,” the statement said.


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry


Gorsuch said there is evidence that when the Sixth Amendment was enacted, it was assumed there must be a unanimous verdict.

“This court has repeatedly and over many years recognized that the Sixth Amendment requires unanimity,” Gorsuch wrote.


Memorize the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - YouTube


Two other conservative justices, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh, joined Gorsuch and three liberal justices – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor – in the majority.


Supreme Court of the United States - Simple English Wikipedia, the ...


A 1972 Supreme Court ruling that state court juries did not have to be unanimous drove the divisions among the justices in the case.

The majority voted to overrule that precedent, but the three dissenting justices said there was not a compelling reason to overturn it.


Writing in dissent, conservative Justice Samuel Alito wrote that the ruling “imposes a potentially crushing burden on the courts and criminal justice systems” in Louisiana and Oregon.


Samuel Alito - Wikipedia


Liberal Justice Elena Kagan and conservative Chief Justice John Roberts also were in dissent.


How the court addresses overturning its own precedents is a topic of contention, with high stakes for abortion rights.

Abortion rights activists fear that the court’s 5-4 conservative majority may seek to undermine or overturn its landmark 1973 ruling that legalized the procedure nationwide.

The court is currently weighing a challenge to Louisiana abortion restrictions that could indicate which way it is heading, with a ruling due by the end of June.


US groups sue Alabama over 'extreme' abortion ban - BBC News


Police said they dispersed crowds violating social distancing guidelines during David Guetta’s corona virus relief concert in Miami.

There were no arrests made when police broke up groups on the sidewalks far below the two-hour rooftop concert played by the DJ on Saturday, The Miami Herald reported.

Florida has prohibited gatherings of more than ten people during the pandemic.


David Guetta – Wikipedia


While some residents in downtown Miami were able to see the concert from their balconies, the relief benefit also drew in over nine million views on Facebook and nearly two million views on YouTube.

The concert raised $700,000, Guetta said in a Facebook post Sunday.

The money will go towards four organizations, including Feeding South Florida and the World Health Organization’s Solidarity Response Fund.


Crowds Dispersed During David Guetta relief concert | Time


Florida’s corona virus caseload reached 26,314 with 774 deaths as of Sunday evening, the state’s Health Department said. : Online Stores Florida Polyester Flag 3x5 - Florida ...


President Trump on Monday said he will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States amid the corona virus pandemic, an extraordinary move that prompted immediate questions about its timing and scope.


The order would mark a stunning use of executive power by Trump, who hours earlier was speaking optimistically about the ability of certain states to begin reopening their economies despite the threat of the virus.

It is likely to draw swift legal challenges.

The suspension of all immigration would serve as an extension on the travel restrictions the Trump administration has already imposed on most of Europe, China, Canada, Mexico and Iran.


Trump Says Coronavirus Response Should Be Nonpartisan, Attacks ...


It’s unclear if Trump made other nations aware of the decision before tweeting it out, but his past attempts to clamp down on immigration have led to chaos abroad and at US airports.

Trump’s tweet also did not provide details on when the suspension would go into effect or how long it would last.


100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019 - YouTube


Trump has spent much of his presidency pushing to restrict immigration into the US.

He has pursued construction of a border wall, implemented policies that limit which migrants can apply for asylum and overseen the separation of families who cross into the country illegally.

The decision to suspend all immigration is sure to draw fury from Democrats and immigrant rights groups, some of whom argue the president has continued to push controversial parts of his agenda even as the coronavirus pandemic receives the bulk of public attention.

Democratic officials late Monday accused Trump of using the pandemic as justification to cater to his base with the hardline immigration policy.


Trump wall - all you need to know about US border in seven charts ...


“This action is not only an attempt to divert attention away from Trump’s failure to stop the spread of the corona virus and save lives, but an authoritarian-like move to take advantage of a crisis and advance his anti-immigrant agenda. We must come together to reject his division,” tweeted Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), the chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.


Joaquin Castro doubles down amid backlash over tweeting names of ...


“Immigration has nearly stopped and the US has far more cases than any other country.

This is just xenophobic scapegoating,” Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) tweeted.


Congressman Don Beyer - Home | Facebook


“This is Trump broadcasting to the world that he is seeing erosion in his base from massively fumbling the pandemic response,” tweeted Dan Pfeiffer, a former Obama aide, in a message that was shared by Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii).


The move was initially met with approval by some conservatives who viewed it as a way to protect Americans facing economic hardship from the pandemic.


“22 million Americans have lost their jobs in the last month because of the China virus.

Let’s help them get back to work before we import more foreigners to compete for their jobs,” tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), one of the most outspoken critics of China throughout the pandemic.


Sen. Cotton says Chinese students shouldn't learn science in US


Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) praised Trump for putting “American citizens first.”


Rep. Mo Brooks Uses Sounds of Scalise Shooting in Campaign Ad


The corona virus has infected more than 2.4 million people around the world.

The US has by far the most confirmed cases at more than 786,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, though experts have cast doubt on China’s official total of just over 83,000 cases.


Fact check: President Trump's false claims from Tuesday's ...


The President has in recent weeks described the US as past the peak in terms of number of deaths from the pandemic, making Monday night’s announcement even more jarring.

He has spoken approvingly of protesters who oppose stay-at-home orders and other measures meant to limit the spread of the virus and mused about some states lifting those restrictions quickly with an eye toward reviving the economy.


Pro-Trump Protesters Push Back on Stay-at-Home Orders | Voice of ...


Roughly 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the last few weeks alone as the virus prompts businesses to close and states to essentially shut down.

The downturn has been a blow to Trump, whose reelection campaign centered on the strength of the economy.


Dollar strengthens, boosted by worries over coronavirus impact


Trump has throughout the pandemic made political declarations or threats unrelated to the virus that have drawn outsized coverage.

A week ago he played a campaign-style reel of video clips aimed at undercutting media coverage and later threatened to adjourn Congress so he could fill vacant positions with recess appointments.


White House Video Accidentally Reveals Trump's Failure

The President has come under unrelenting criticism over the past few months for his handling of the corona virus outbreak.

He initially downplayed its severity for January and much of February, and the US response in March was hampered by the slow rollout of testing.

He has sought to shift blame for the lack of testing and other critical equipment onto governors and the previous administration.


Trump, coronavirus et désinfectant: confusion et consternation ...


Trump has frequently portrayed his late January decision to restrict travel from China as a courageous one that likely saved thousands of American lives.

While experts have debated its net impact, the suspension of immigration entirely may not have a significant effect given the existing restrictions that are in place and the diminished international travel taking place due to the virus.


Coronavirus: Trump clings to China trade deal as Beijing backlash ...


Tuesday 21 April 2020

Some of New York City’s most emblematic parades are canceled for June, Mayor de Blasio said Monday — and they may not come back at all this year.


He said the Pride Parade, Puerto Rican Day Parade and Salute to Israel Parade — along with all city-permitted events for June — will not take place.


“Compared to people’s health and safety, food, shelter — all the things we’re trying to guarantee for New Yorkers — and especially compared to the big question of how do we come back safely [and] smartly, these kind of community events, we love them, but they’re not what we need right now,” Hizzoner said at a press conference.

“They’re not the most essential things, and we have to be smart about it.”


De Blasio considers NYC lockdown as coronavirus cases jump



Organizers had been planning a special celebration for this year’s Pride Parade, which was set to mark its 50th anniversary.

“This is definitely a difficult pill to swallow,” they wrote on Facebook.

“Since 1969, the people of NYC have celebrated our queer culture, remembered all of those who have paved the way for us to stand where we are today, and fought back against any who try to cause harm to the LGBTQIA+ community.”


“That spirit, that energy, that PRIDE is not something that can be cancelled,” they added.



NYC Pride 2020 | NYC Pride


While de Blasio said the city will work with organizers to hold parades later this year, he noted the logistics of putting on events that draw thousands could be unfeasible in the wake of a pandemic that’s claimed more than 13,000 New Yorkers’ lives.


“This is an area where we don’t know yet,” he said when asked if the parades can be rescheduled for later this year.

“We have to always plan on the worst-case scenarios, we have to protect ourselves.


“There’s also better-case scenarios that could come along and could get proven that might open up possibilities for later on — late in the summer going into the fall,” he added.


The parade cancellations came amid a series of orders that have ground city life to a halt.


NYC Puerto Rican Day Parade Guide: Street Closures, Honorees ...


Last month, Governor Cuomo and de Blasio ordered stadiums, museums and other large venues to stop hosting groups of 500 or more people.

That was quickly followed by an order barring restaurants and bars from serving customers on their premises.

Schools were closed 16 March.


The governor and mayor have emphasized they’ll take a cautious approach to reopening parts of city life as the outbreak slowly comes under control.


De Blasio tried to sound a positive note about the parade cancellations.

“The fact that they’re postponing now is actually going to help us get to that point later in the year where things can open up and be better,” he said.

“Then we’re going to work closely with them to find the right time and place to do what they do each year.


NYC ♥ NYC: Salute to Israel Parade 2010



Thursday 23 April 2020

Facebook Inc has removed “pseudoscience” as an option for advertisers that want to target audiences, a category available until this week even as the world’s largest social media network vowed to curb misinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic.


Facebook: Das ist das neue Logo – Sehen Sie den Unterschied? - WELT


The company has also paused the availability of some other interest categories while it evaluates its list, a Facebook spokeswoman confirmed in an email after Reuters found “conspiracy theory” was no longer an ad-targeting option.

The company eliminated the pseudoscience category from its “detailed targeting” list on Wednesday, the spokeswoman said by phone, after tech news site The Markup showed that it could advertise a post targeting people interested in pseudoscience.

The Markup demonstrated that Facebook was allowing such ads after saying it would police COVID-19 misinformation on its platform.

More than 78 million Facebook users were interested in “pseudoscience”, it said, citing Facebook’s ad portal.


Facebook gets rid of 'pseudoscience' ad-targeting category ...


Misinformation about the pandemic caused by the novel corona virus, from bogus cures to wide-ranging conspiracy theories, has also spread on rival social media platforms such Twitter Inc and YouTube, the video service of Alphabet Inc’s Google.


The 6 types of coronavirus misinformation to watch out for


Advocacy group Avaaz reported last week that a sample of 104 corona virus-related pieces of misinformation content on Facebook analyzed by the group had reached over 117 million estimated views.

Data gathered by ProPublica in 2016 shows that Facebook assigned “pseudoscience” to users at that time, suggesting the category has been available for several years.

The Facebook spokeswoman said in her email that the pseudoscience category should have been removed in a previous review.

“We will continue to review our interest categories,” she said.


Fake News and Coronavirus: Both Deadly - Grab a Slice - Medium


Facebook has announced several initiatives to combat the spread of false COVID-19 claims, including removing content that could cause “imminent physical harm” and alerting people who have engaged with such misinformation, with a link to the World Health Organization website.

The company has also banned exploitative tactics in ads and banned ads for medical face masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and COVID-19 test kits.


Instagram, WHO Partner To Fight Coronavirus Misinformation | Know ...


However, a test by Consumer Reports in April showed Facebook approving ads containing corona virus misinformation, including false claims that the virus was a hoax or that people could stay healthy through small daily doses of bleach.

Facebook reaches 2.5 billion users monthly on its core platform, or 2.9 billion including those on its apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger.


The Coronavirus Collection: Memes and Misinformation -


Friday 24 April 2020

The US virus death toll has surpassed 50,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, in what is the world’s deadliest Covid-19 outbreak.

More than 3,000 deaths came in the last 24 hours, and there are now over 870,000 confirmed cases nationwide.

But the US still has a lower mortality rate than most European nations based on current case counts, as the White House task force has emphasised.


Coronavirus - Mitteilungen - Bündner Kantonalverband der ...


The grim news comes as parts of the US reopen after weeks of lockdown.

Some hair salons, bowling alleys and other businesses are opening on Friday in Georgia, Alaska and Oklahoma.


Brazil edges toward being next big coronavirus hot spot - ABC News


The US has by far the highest death toll and case count in the world.

However, it has a population of 330 million, much higher than other worst affected countries such as Spain and Italy.

Dr Deborah Birx, an expert on the White House Covid-19 task force, has said the country has “one of the lowest mortality rates in the entire world“.

On a per capita basis the current reported US death rate is lower than Spain, Italy, France, Belgium and the UK.


Birx says social distancing will continue through summer - Stripes


The US is top of the grim league table for reported corona virus deaths, but that’s not the whole picture.

Part of the reason is population – many countries in Europe have reported more deaths per head of population than the US and Europe as a whole has reported more deaths overall.

But beware of comparing huge countries in this way.


The picture in New York is very different to the picture in the rest of the US and the same goes for other countries.


Italy really has two epidemics – one in the north of the country that overran healthcare and another down south that is much less advanced.

Death rates also depend on how you count – France’s figures include care homes and Belgium’s figures also include suspected Covid cases, making their figures look a lot worse.


Recent steep rises in the daily US death toll are also partly due to the inclusion of “probable” virus deaths.


The US Centers for Disease Control on 14 April said their case counts would include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths.

A probable Covid-19 death is one that meets clinical and epidemiological criteria but has not been confirmed by testing.


Graphic showing death tolls round world


It is also important to note that many mild Covid-19 cases remain unreported, so the death rate from confirmed cases is not the same as the disease’s overall death rate.

Testing efforts are key to tracking the actual mortality and spread of the disease.


How To Get Tested For Coronavirus in the U.S.


Vice-President Mike Pence, the taskforce leader, said the US has conducted 4.9 million tests thus far and is working with governors to expand testing.


Pence defends not wearing a mask when visiting the Mayo Clinic ...


The $484 bn economic stimulus bill, passed on Thursday by Congress, includes funding for testing expansion.

It is the fourth Covid-19 relief package passed by Washington, and also allocates funds towards hospitals and a small business loan programme.

President Donald Trump signed the bill into law on Friday, saying he wanted to “rush economic relief to our citizens”.


trump Archives - Coronavirus Memes


The rising death toll comes as several US states are beginning to ease economic restrictions, despite warnings from experts and President Donald Trump.


Infected with the Trump Virus? : Trump Virus


In Georgia, which has one of the fastest re-opening timetables in the country, bowling alleys, spas, hair and nail salons, tattoo parlours and other personal care businesses will be allowed to resume operations.

On Monday, Georgia will allow dine-in restaurants and theatres to re-open.


Businesses in Georgia reopen despite coronavirus concerns


During Thursday’s task force briefing, Trump said he “wasn’t at all happy” with the state’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp nor were his team of experts.

“I want the people in Georgia to be safe,” the President said.

“And I don’t want this thing to flare up, because you’re deciding to do something that is not in the guidelines.”

Kemp, after Trump’s criticism, has tightened some of the sanitation and social distancing requirements for restaurants.


Atlanta's latest coronavirus updates: Thursday, April 2 - Atlanta ...


The President is also facing backlash after he suggested injecting disinfectants as a potential corona virus treatment.


Did Donald Trump Ask About Using Disinfectant Injections to Treat ...



Wednesday 1 April 2020

It has been more than two months since the first case of the corona virus was diagnosed in the US.

Since then, the outbreak has spread across the nation, with more than 236,000 cases and over 5,600 deaths.

The US is now the global epicentre of the pandemic, surpassing the number of reported cases in China, where the virus began, and Italy, the hardest-hit European nation.

Although public health officials report that the peak of the outbreak in the US is still weeks, perhaps months, away, shortcomings in the US response – as well as some strengths – have already become apparent.

SVG US Flag Distressed Flag svg American Flag svgsvg png | Etsy

Here’s a look at some of them:


Medical supply shortages

Masks, gloves, gowns and ventilators.

Doctors and hospitals across the country, but particularly in areas hardest hit by the pandemic, are scrambling for items essential to help those stricken by the virus and protect medical professionals.

The lack of adequate supplies has forced healthcare workers to reuse existing sanitary garb or create their own makeshift gear.

A shortage of ventilators has state officials worried they will soon be forced into performing medical triage, deciding on the fly who receives the life-sustaining support – and who doesn’t.


US braces for health care supply shortages due to coronavirus ...


On Tuesday 30 March, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo complained that states, along with the federal government, were competing for equipment, driving up prices for everyone.

“It’s like being on eBay with 50 other states, bidding on a ventilator,” he said.


Watch live: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gives coronavirus ...


It didn’t have to be this way, says Jeffrey Levi, a professor of health policy and management at George Washington University.

The US government failed to adequately maintain the stockpile of supplies necessary to deal with a pandemic like this – and then moved too slowly when the nature of the current crisis became apparent.

“We lost many weeks in terms of ramping up the production capacity around personal protection equipment and never fully utilizing government authority to make sure that production took place,” he says.


Medical supply shortage in U.S. traced back to factory shutdown in ...

Testing delays

According to Professor Levi, ramping up testing at an early date – as done in nations like South Korea and Singapore – is the key to controlling a viral outbreak like Covid-19.

The inability of the US government to do so was the critical failure from which subsequent complications have cascaded.

“All of pandemic response is dependent on situational awareness – knowing what is going on and where it is happening,” he says.


The US decided to make its own coronavirus test, but the process ...


Without this information, public health officials are essentially flying blind, not knowing where the next viral hotspot will flare up.

Comprehensive testing means infected patients can be identified and isolated, limiting the need for the kind of sweeping state-wide shelter-in-place orders that have frozen the US economy and led to millions of unemployed workers.


Coronavirus testing: The US's failure has forced more social ...


Levi says the responsibility for this failure lies squarely with the Trump administration, which disregarded pandemic response plans dating back more than a decade to the George W Bush presidency and failed to fully staff its public health bureaucracy.

“The political leadership in this administration really doesn’t believe in government,” Levi says.

“That has really hampered their willingness to harness the resources the federal government had to respond at a time like this.”


US coronavirus scare prompts presidential action while communities ...


The numbers, particularly on testing, bear this out.

The initial tests sent in February to just a handful of US laboratories by the administration were faulty.

By mid-March, the administration was promising at least 5 million tests by the end of the month.

An independent analysis of totals on 30 March, however, indicate only a million tests have been conducted.

That’s more than any other country but the US population is roughly 329 million people.

What’s more, because of crush of testing that has followed the initial shortages, the labs that analyse the results have been overwhelmed, leading to delays of a week or more before tested individuals can learn if they have the virus.


Contamination at CDC lab delayed rollout of coronavirus tests

Messaging ‘whiplash’ and political squabbles

At his press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Donald Trump offered a grim outlook for the nation.

“I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead,” he said.

His public health advisers followed that statement up with charts predicting at least 100,000 American deaths from the virus even under the current mitigating efforts.

The President’s comments stood in stark contrast to remarks even just a week earlier, when he expressed hope that the US could begin to reopen businesses by the mid-April Easter Holiday.


U.S. coronavirus cases approach 1 million, one-third of global ...


In January and February, as the viral outbreak devastated Chinese manufacturing and began exacting a high toll in Italy, the president repeatedly downplayed the threat to the US.

Following the first few American cases, Trump and other administration officials said the situation was under control and would dissipate in the summer “like a miracle”.

Inconsistent messages from the top are a real problem, Professor Levi says.

“Pandemic preparedness is a constantly changing environment, and sometimes your message does change.

In this case, however, you’ve also had whiplash around messages that are not necessarily reflecting a change in the science or what’s happening on the ground, but instead reflecting political concerns.”

The President has also feuded with Democratic state governors, criticising New York’s Andrew Cuomo and belittling Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Twitter.

He said state leaders needed to be “appreciative” of the federal government.


Whitmer - Whitmer


Social-distancing failures

College students on spring break from classes packed Florida beaches.


Spring Break 2020 at Fort Lauderdale Beach | PHOTOS - South ...


New York City residents filled subway cars.


NYC subway trains move slower today than they did 10 years ago ...


A church in Louisiana continues to welcome thousands despite Pastor Tony Spell being criminally cited for violating an order limiting the size of gatherings.

“The virus, we believe, is politically motivated,” Spell told a local television station.

“We hold our religious rights dear, and we are going to assemble no matter what someone says.”


Louisiana pastor blows social distancing to hold Sunday service


Across the country, there have been numerous examples of Americans failing to heed the calls by public health professionals to avoid close social contact, sometimes abetted by local and state government officials who have been reluctant to order businesses to shutter and citizens to shelter in place.

“If I get corona, I get corona,” one Florida beachgoer told CBS News in mid-March.

“At the end of the day, I’m not going to let it stop me from partying.”


Spring-breakers express frustration over coronavirus precautions ...


Even steps taken with the best of intentions might have had adverse consequences.

Curtailing public-transportation services, such as New York’s subway, may have led to trains and buses that were more crowded.

Universities that sent students home to their families may have contributed to the spread of the virus by returning infected individuals to cities, neighborhoods and homes not yet in full lockdown.

The lack of clarity in the President’s order to halt entry into the US from Europe – which at first seemed to apply US citizens as well as foreign nationals – led to a crushing crowds at airports where unscreened infected passengers could easily transit the disease to others.

Decisions like those may have had dire consequences, hampering efforts to contain the spread of the disease throughout the nation – the public health equivalent of throwing petrol on an already raging fire.


Funniest Coronavirus Trump Memes - Meme


Stimulus Goliath

Last week (25 March) the US Congress passed a $2 trillion corona virus relief bill, which included direct cash payments to many Americans, expanded unemployment assistance, aid to states, healthcare facilities and other public services, support for hardest-hit industries, and loans to small- and medium-sized businesses that can be forgiven if they avoid layoffs.

It was a massive, record-breaking piece of legislation that was the result of negotiations involving Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress, as well as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and his deputies.


United States Capitol - Wikipedia


“This should be described as a survival bill, not a stimulus bill,” says Columbia’s Graetz, author of the book The Wolf at the Door: The Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It.

“Everybody has things they don’t like or they wish for better, no one is going to be satisfied with it,” he says, “but I think it should get pretty high marks for a beginning.”

Part of the challenge for lawmakers, Graetz says, is the current system of unemployment insurance for American workers is woefully outdated – a patchwork of state-run programmes with varying benefits and qualification requirements ill-suited for the modern economy.


Yale profs publish book on economic insecurity


Congress attempted to address this in the coronavirus legislation by ensuring that freelance and gig-economy workers are covered and temporarily supplementing the existing benefits.

“It’s going to be too little for a lot of people, but it was the only solution available,” he says.

“Congress started this process with a very weak hand in terms of a solid system of social protections or safety nets that it could build on.”

Both Trump and Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi have already talked about working on another aid bill, perhaps with infrastructure investment and additional healthcare benefits, suggesting this recent bipartisan co-operation is just a beginning.


Nancy Pelosi | TheHill

Research firepower

If the corona virus is exposing some of the flaws in the US healthcare system – high costs, a lack of universal coverage and supply chains that are unable to withstand a shock – it also could end up highlighting the strength of the nation’s research and drug development infrastructure.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical researchers are rushing to learn more about the virus in an attempt to devise new strategies to defeat the pandemic.

One company has developed a new fast-response test that can identify those carrying the virus almost immediately, ending the current testing backlog and allowing public health officials to quickly identify new outbreak hotspots and make quarantining decisions.


Expert breaks down coronavirus research: Is it worse than HIV? Is ...


“The long-term prospects around vaccine and therapeutic development is more encouraging,” Levi says.

“The science is getting done.”

He adds that pharmaceutical companies that are researching treatments and cures are receiving assurances from the government that there will be a market for their products and they will be adequately compensated for their investments.

The problem, he says, is that the efforts made today will take months – or longer – before they show results.


Coronavirus Advisory] COVID-19 & obesity: The intersection of ...


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, predicted that it would be at least a year before a widespread vaccine is available.

The goal of public health policy for now is to limit the toll the virus takes on the population until that day arrives.


SNL': Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to skit with Brad Pitt - Deseret News

State leadership

The US federal system of government, which delegates broad powers to individual states, has proven to be both a blessing and a curse.

In good times, it allows local leaders to experiment individually with various public policy solutions, testing out best practices that can then be adopted across the nation.

In the case of a deadly pandemic, however, a patchwork response can be inadequate – and result in avoidable deaths and economic disruption.

“Every governor is making decisions on their own,” Levi says.

“Some are making good decisions.

Some are not.”


United States Map and Satellite Image


He points to governors like Gavin Newsom of California and Jay Inslee of Washington, who took early steps to close schools and issue shelter-in-place orders that have resulted in a slower spread of the virus in their populations.


Newsom deserves credit for California coronavirus fight - Los ...


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has also received praise from many quarters for his decisive early moves that at the time were viewed by some as too drastic.


Governor Mike DeWine on Twitter: "I have an obligation as Governor ...


Health officials say most major US metropolitan areas were going to be hit has hard as New York City has been.

That, they said, may not end up being the case.

Some states are working hard to avoid suffering New York’s fate, but Levi warns that their efforts may be hampered by other locations not doing nearly enough.

“The problem we have in the US,” he says, ” is the capacity to respond varies so dramatically on a state-by-state basis because of the willingness to invest in public health.”

“We are only as protected as the weakest states.”


Coronavirus updates in NYC and beyond: The news on April 21-23 ...


Sunday 26 April 2020

A man shot in the 3 August 2019 attack targeting Latinos in an El Paso Walmart died after months in the hospital, raising the death toll from the attack to 23, according to a hospital official.


“After a nearly nine-month fight, our hearts are heavy as we report Guillermo ‘Memo’ Garcia, our last remaining patient being treated from the El Paso shooting, has passed away,” said Del Sol Medical Center CEO David Shimp.


Garcia and his wife Jessica Coca Garcia were fundraising for their daughter’s soccer team in the Walmart parking lot when the suspected gunman opened fire that Saturday morning.


Garcia is survived by his wife, who suffered leg wounds but recovered.

A week after the shooting, she rose from her wheelchair to give a speech across the road from the county jail where the suspected shooter was being held.


LIST: Victims of the El Paso Walmart shooting

Above: Victims of the El Paso Shooting





What are the Key Facts of Vanuatu? | Vanuatu Facts - Answers


Vanuatu’s parliament has elected a new Prime Minister, Bob Loughman.

He defeated Ralph Regenvanu in a ballot in Parliament this afternoon, with 31 votes to 21.


Bob Loughman Vanuatu's new deputy PM | RNZ News


Bob Loughman, a member of the Vanua’aku Pati, has been a Member of Parliament for Tanna since 2004.

He was nominated as a candidate by Ishmael Kalsakau, who has led the opposition bloc for the past four years.


Vanuatu elects new prime minister as country reels from ...


In a twist, the previous Prime Minister, Charlot Salwai, put forward the Port Vila MP Ralph Regenvanu to take him on.

Mr Regenvanu leads the Graon mo Jastis Pati, which won the most seats in last month’s election.

Mr Loughman has a daunting task ahead:

Swathes of the country lie in ruins after Cyclone Harold, while he also has to keep out a pandemic that has already shattered the fragile economy.


Vanuatu's newly elected prime minister Bob Loughman. April 2020





Map Of Yemen High-Res Vector Graphic - Getty Images


Friday 24 April 2020

The Saudi-led coalition on Friday said it was extending a unilateral ceasefire in Yemen by one month to support efforts to contain the corona virus pandemic, the state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported, citing a coalition spokesman.

A two-week ceasefire announced by the coalition that is battling the Iran-aligned Houthi group in Yemen expired on Thursday without leading to a permanent truce.

The Houthi group did not accept the coalition’s previous ceasefire announcement and violence has continued in several provinces, raising fears that the war will grind on and shatter Yemen’s already weakened ability to combat the corona virus.

The Houthis ousted the internationally recognized Saudi-backed government from power in the capital, Sanaa, in late 2014.

They want a lifting of air and sea blockades imposed by the coalition to the regions they control before agreeing to a ceasefire, sources have told Reuters.

“The coalition’s command reaffirms that there is still an opportunity to focus all efforts in order to achieve a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire,” coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Maliki was quoted as saying by the SPA.


Col. Malki: Houthis not serious in taking part in Geneva talks ...


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last month called for ceasefires in conflicts across the world to allow countries to focus on the Covid-19 pandemic.


Opening remarks at press conference at UN Headquarters | United ...


While Yemen has reported only one confirmed case of the novel corona virus, aid groups fear a catastrophic outbreak should the virus spread among an acutely malnourished population in a country without adequate testing capabilities.


Sunday 26 April 2020

Yemen’s main southern separatist group announced early on Sunday it would establish self-rule in areas under its control, which the Saudi-backed government warned would have “catastrophic consequences”.


The move threatens to renew conflict between the UAE-backed separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the Saudi-backed government, nominal allies in Yemen’s war, even as the United Nations is trying to secure a nationwide truce to confront the novel coronavirus.

The STC deployed its forces on Sunday in Aden, the southern port which is the interim seat of the government ousted from the capital, Sanaa, by the Iran-aligned Houthi movement.

Reuters journalists saw STC fighters in a column of pickup trucks and military vehicles riding down a main street in Aden.

The STC is one of the main groups fighting against the Houthis as part of a coalition led by Saudi Arabia.

But the separatists, long backed by Saudi coalition partner the United Arab Emirates, have clashed with government forces in the past.

In a statement, the STC announced emergency rule in Aden and all southern governorates, saying it would take control of Aden’s port and airport and other state institutions such as the Central Bank.


Southern Transitional Council - Wikipedia


The Saudi-backed government and southern regions of Shabwa, Hadhramout and Socotra, among the few areas under coalition control, issued separate statements rejecting the declaration.

Yemen’s Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadhrami said the STC announcement constituted “a resumption of its armed insurgency” and a “rejection and complete withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement”, a deal which ended a previous stand-off between the separatists and the government last year.


Yemeni FM says Soleimani history black, killed Yemenis | Debriefer


The STC “will bear alone the dangerous and catastrophic consequences for such an announcement”, he said in a statement.

STC Vice-President Hani Ali Brik accused the government of hampering the agreement.

In a Twitter post, he reiterated accusations against Hadi’s government of mismanagement and corruption, charges it denies.


Aden attack demonstrates rift in anti-Huthi alliance | MEO

Yemen has been mired in violence since the Houthis ousted Hadi’s government from power in Sanaa in late 2014, prompting the Saudi-led coalition to intervene.

The conflict, seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, has been in a military stalemate for years.

The Houthis still hold most major cities despite fighting that has killed more than 100,000 people.

The war has choked supply lines in the poorest Arabian Peninsula nation, leaving millions of people on the brink of famine and dependent on international aid.


Yemen conflict explained in 400 words - BBC News


The Saudi-led coalition has announced a unilateral ceasefire prompted by a U.N. plea to focus on the corona virus pandemic.

It extended the ceasefire on Friday for a month, but the Houthis have not accepted the truce and violence has continued.

While Yemen has reported only one confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, aid groups fear a catastrophic outbreak should it spread among a malnourished population in a country with a shattered health system and little testing.


War in Yemen | Global Conflict Tracker


The United Nations is trying to convene virtual talks to forge a permanent truce, coordinate corona virus efforts and agree on humanitarian and economic confidence-building measures to restart peace negotiations stalled since late 2018.


The STC, which has said it wants to be included in any political negotiations, in January pulled out of committees implementing the Riyadh deal.


The UAE, which like the STC opposes the Islamist Islah party that forms the backbone of Hadi’s government, largely scaled down its presence in the war last year, but retains influence through the thousands of southern fighters it backs.


Arabian Peninsula in 2020 | Arabian peninsula, Africa map, Map


Forces loyal to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Sunday declared their full control over all sovereign state institutions in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden.

In a press statement, the STC’s forces announced that they have taken control of the state vital institutions in Aden, including the city’s sole airport, the central bank, ministries, oil refinery, and the seaports.


Calls to end Yemen war renewed after US Senate bill failure | USA ...


Heavy forces backed by armored vehicles were seen deployed around the headquarters of Yemen’s Central Bank (YCB) in and near the city’s sole airport as well as the seaport.

Taking control over the vital state institutions in Aden was part of implementing the directions of the STC’s political leadership, according to the forces’ statement.


Trapped in War: Yemen, Three Years On | ISPI


Earlier in the day, the Aden-based STC declared a state of emergency and said it would begin in self-governing the country’s southern port city of Aden and other key neighboring southern provinces under its control.

The STC’s statement also included declaring a state of emergency in Aden and all other neighboring southern provinces as of Saturday midnight.


How Do You Stop The War in Yemen? | Al Bawaba


The STC assigned its own economic, legal, military, and security committees to manage the state institutions based in all the country’s southern provinces.

It also stated that “the decision to control and self-govern the country’s southern provinces came in light of the failure, mismanagement and rampant corruption practiced by the Yemeni government, which practiced the policy of subjugation and starvation of the people.”


Experts believe Saudi Arabia looking for a way out of Yemen war ...


The STC’s security units in Aden called on all citizens to cooperate with them in maintaining security and stability in Aden and not spreading rumors.


Yemen's civil war is set to drag on, with international action futile


Meanwhile, Yemen’s government based in Saudi Arabia’s capital of Riyadh issued an immediate response to the STC’s announcement saying it would have catastrophic consequences for the power-sharing deal signed in last November.


Flag of Yemen - Wikipedia


The country’s Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami said in a statement posted on Twitter that the STC’s announcement is “a resumption of its armed insurgency and an announcement of its rejection and complete withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement.”

The Yemeni minister said that “the so-called transitional council will bear alone the dangerous and catastrophic consequences for such an announcement.”


Last year, Saudi Arabia persuaded the STC and the Yemeni government to hold reconciliation talks, which succeeded in reaching a deal to form a new technocrat cabinet of no more than 24 ministers.

But numerous obstacles prevented the implementation of the deal such as forming a new government and achieving permanent stability in southern Yemen.

The deal also included the return of the exiled Yemeni government to Aden and the unification of all military units under the authority of the country’s Interior and Defense Ministries.

The Saudi-brokered deal excluded the Iranian-backed Houthis who are still controlling the capital Sanaa and other northern provinces of the war-torn Arab country.


The impoverished Arab country has been locked in a civil war since late 2014 when the Houthi rebels overran much of the country and seized all northern areas including Sanaa.


Yemen Control Map & Report - October 2019 - Political Geography Now



So much pain and suffering in so many places.

No better cure for Wanderlust than to read how sad is the rest of the world.

And yet the open road beckons…..


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  • Peter Stamm, To the Back of Beyond
  • William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways: A Journey into America