Incensed harbour

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Monday 18 January 2021

In the Excited States of America, the Monday of / after an activist’s birthday is the day that his life and his ideals are celebrated.

Lady Liberty under a blue sky (cropped).jpg

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., and sometimes referred to as MLK Day) is a federal holiday in the US marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. 

It is observed on the third Monday of January each year.

King’s birthday is 15 January.

The earliest Monday for this holiday is January 15 and the latest is January 21.

King was the chief spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights Movement, which protested racial discrimination in federal and state law.

The campaign for a federal holiday in King’s honor began soon after his assassination in 1968.

Portrait of King

Above: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968)

President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983.

Ronald Reagan's presidential portrait, 1981

Above: Ronald Reagan (1

It was first observed three years later.

At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays.

It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.

Flag of the United States

Dr. King believed:

Oppressed people deal with their oppression in three characteristic ways:

Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story: Martin Luther  King: Books

One way is acquiescence:

The oppressed resign themselves to their doom.

They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression, and thereby become conditioned to it.

In every movement toward freedom some of the oppressed prefer to remain oppressed.

Almost 2,800 years ago Moses (1391 – 1271 BC) set out to lead the children of Israel from the slavery of Egypt to the freedom of the Promised Land.

He soon discovered that slaves do not always welcome their deliverers.

They become accustomed to being slaves.

They would rather bear those ills they have, as Shakespeare pointed out, than flee to others that they know not of.


Above: William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)

They prefer the “fleshpots of Egypt” to the ordeals of emancipation.

There is such a thing as the freedom of exhaustion.

Some people are so worn down by the yoke of oppression that they give up.

A few years ago in the slum areas of Atlanta, a Negro guitarist used to sing almost daily:

Been down so long that down don’t bother me.”

Slums in Negro district. Atlanta, Georgia, 1939 – Bygonely

This is the type of negative freedom and resignation that often engulfs the life of the oppressed.

But this is not the way out.

To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system.

Thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor.

Non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.

The oppressed must never allow the conscience of the oppressor to slumber.

Religion reminds every man that he is his brother’s keeper.

To accept injustice passively is to say to the oppressor that his actions are morally right.

It is a way of allowing his conscience to fall asleep.

At this moment the oppressed fails to be his brother’s keeper.

So acquiescence — while often the easier way — is not the moral way.

It is the way of the coward.

A man cannot win the respect of his oppressor by acquiescing.

He merely increases the oppressor’s arrogance and contempt.

Acquiescence is interpreted as proof of the his inferiority.

A man cannot win respect if he is willing to sell the future of his children for his personal and immediate comfort and safety.

Above: Dr. King

A second way that oppressed people sometimes deal with oppression is to resort to physical violence and corroding hatred.

Violence often brings about momentary results.

Nations have frequently won their independence in battle.

But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.

It solves no social problem.

It merely creates new and more complicated ones.

Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral.

It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all.

The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.

Yoko Ono on Twitter: ""An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" -  Mahatma Gandhi"

It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding.

It seeks to annihilate rather than to convert.

Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love.

It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible.

It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue.

Violence ends by defeating itself.

It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.

Above: Dr. King

A voice echoes through time saying to every potential Peter, “Put up your sword.”

History is cluttered with the wreckage of nations that failed to follow this command.

If victims of oppression succumb to the temptation of using violence in the struggle for freedom, future generations will be the recipients of a desolate night of bitterness, and our chief legacy to them will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos.

Violence is not the way.

Why did Jesus tell Peter to put back his sword? - Quora

The third way open to oppressed people in their quest for freedom is the way of non-violent resistance.

Like the synthesis in Hegelian philosophy, the principle of non-violent resistance seeks to reconcile the truths of two opposites — the acquiescence and violence — while avoiding the extremes and immoralities of both.

The non-violent resister agrees with the person who acquiesces that one should not be physically aggressive toward his opponent.

But he balances the equation by agreeing with the person of violence that evil must be resisted.

He avoids the non-resistance of the former and the violent resistance of the latter.

With non-violent resistance, no individual or group need submit to any wrong, no need anyone resort to violence in order to right a wrong.

 Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.

Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

Above: Portrait of Dr. King

In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps:

  • collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist
  • negotiation
  • self purification
  • direct action

Above: Dr. King

As the weeks and months went by, we realized that we were the victims of a broken promise.

As in so many past experiences, our hopes had been blasted, and the shadow of deep disappointment settled upon us.

We had no alternative except to prepare for direct action, whereby we would present our very bodies as a means of laying our case before the conscience of the local and the national community.

Mindful of the difficulties involved, we decided to undertake a process of self purification.

We began a series of workshops on nonviolence, and we repeatedly asked ourselves:

Are you able to accept blows without retaliating?

Are you able to endure the ordeal of jail?

Above: Dr. King

You may well ask:

Why direct action?

Why sit ins, marches and so forth?

Isn’t negotiation a better path?”

You are quite right in calling for negotiation.

Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action.

Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue.

It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.

My citing the creation of tension as part of the work of the nonviolent resister may sound rather shocking.

But I must confess that I am not afraid of the word “tension.”

I have earnestly opposed violent tension, but there is a type of constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth.

Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half truths to the unfettered realm of creative analysis and objective appraisal, so must we see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood.

The purpose of our direct action program is to create a situation so crisis packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.

I therefore concur with you in your call for negotiation.

Too long has our beloved land been bogged down in a tragic effort to live in monologue rather than dialogue.

My friends, I must say to you that we have not made a single gain in civil rights without determined legal and nonviolent pressure.

Lamentably, it is an historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily.

Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture, but groups tend to be more immoral than individuals.

We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.

It must be demanded by the oppressed.

Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was “well timed” in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation.

For years now I have heard the word “Wait!

It rings in the ear with piercing familiarity.

This “Wait” has almost always meant “Never.”

We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that “justice too long delayed is justice denied.”

One may well ask:

How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?

The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust.

I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws.

One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws.

Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

I would agree with St. Augustine (354 – 439) that “an unjust law is no law at all.”

Triunfo de San Agustín.jpg

Above: Augustine of Hippo

Now, what is the difference between the two?

How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust?

A just law is a manmade code that squares with the moral law or the law of God.

An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.

To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274):

An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.

Any law that uplifts human personality is just.

Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.


Above: Thomas Aquinas

Let us consider a more concrete example of just and unjust laws.

An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority group compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself.

This is difference made legal.

By the same token, a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow and that it is willing to follow itself.

This is sameness made legal.

Let me give another explanation.

A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had no part in enacting or devising the law.

Sometimes a law is just on its face and unjust in its application.

I hope you are able to see the distinction I am trying to point out.

In no sense do I advocate evading or defying the law.

That would lead to anarchy.

One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty.

I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.

Of course, there is nothing new about this kind of civil disobedience.

It was evidenced sublimely in the refusal of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to obey the laws of Nebuchadnezzar, on the ground that a higher moral law was at stake.

The Strange Tale of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

It was practiced superbly by the early Christians, who were willing to face hungry lions and the excruciating pain of chopping blocks rather than submit to certain unjust laws of the Roman Empire.

Mythbusting Ancient Rome – throwing Christians to the lions

To a degree, academic freedom is a reality today because Socrates practiced civil disobedience.

In America, the Boston Tea Party represented a massive act of civil disobedience.

The Boston Tea Party - HISTORY

We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was “legal“.

Hitler portrait crop.jpg

Everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal.”

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution - Freedom Fighters, Time's "Man of the Year"

It was “illegal” to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler’s Germany.

Even so, I am sure that, had I lived in Germany at the time, I would have aided and comforted my Jewish brothers.

Flag of Nazi Germany

If today I lived in a Communist country where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I would openly advocate disobeying that country’s antireligious laws.

Flag of the Soviet Union

Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.

A substantive and positive peace is one in which all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality.

Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension.

We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive.

We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with.

Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.

In your statement you assert that our actions, even though peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate violence.

But is this a logical assertion?

Isn’t this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery?

Isn’t this like condemning Socrates because his unswerving commitment to truth and his philosophical inquiries precipitated the act by the misguided populace in which they made him drink hemlock?

Socrates, the Enigmatic Philosopher - Famous Greek people | Greeka

Isn’t this like condemning Jesus because his unique God consciousness and never ceasing devotion to God’s will precipitated the evil act of crucifixion?

Cristo crucificado.jpg

We must come to see that, as the federal courts have consistently affirmed, it is wrong to urge an individual to cease his efforts to gain his basic constitutional rights because the quest may precipitate violence.

Society must protect the robbed and punish the robber.

Above: US Supreme Court Building

Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability.

It comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be co-workers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation.

We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.

Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform our pending national elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood.

Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever.

The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself.

Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom, and something without has reminded him that it can be gained.

Consciously or unconsciously, he has been caught up by the Zeitgeist.”

Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist - Music

Zeitgeist: the spirit of the times.

Zeitgeist, la película - WikiEducator

In the aftermath of the 2021 US Capitol storming, criminal investigations, public health concerns, and various political repercussions have occurred, most notably the second impeachment of Donald Trump.

The riot triggered a nationwide manhunt for the perpetrators by federal law enforcement, with arrests and indictments following within days.

The incident led to the resignation of leading figures within the Capitol Police (USCP) and the Trump administration. 

Cabinet officials were pressured by the media and various public figures to invoke the 25th Amendment for removing Trump from office.

Individuals identified as rioters at the Capitol have been subjected to criminal investigations, arrests, and placement on the FBI’s No Fly List.

Per his involvement in inciting the storming of the Capitol, Trump was suspended from various social media sites, including Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

In response to various posts by Trump supporters on the microblogging site Parler in favor of the riot, insurrection, and attempts to overturn the 2020 US presidential election, its cloud computing services hosted by Amazon Web Services were terminated by Amazon on 10 January.

Public health officials have highlighted the danger of this event in exacerbating the Covid-19 pandemic in the US.

Security measures were also dramatically increased for the inauguration of Joe Biden as President.

This includes the deployment of the National Guard, with a security perimeter erected around Capitol Hill.

Biden oath of office.jpg

The storming of the United States Capitol was a riot and violent attack against the 117th US Congress on 6 January 2021, carried out by a mob of supporters of US President Donald Trump in an attempt to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

After attending a political rally hosted by the president, thousands of his supporters marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol, with many breaching police perimeters and storming the building in an effort to disrupt the Electoral College vote count formalizing President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory.

The mob subsequently occupied, vandalized and looted parts of the building for several hours, leading to the evacuation and lockdown of the Capitol, as well as five deaths.

On 7 January, Michael R. Sherwin, the interim US Attorney for the District of Columbia, said rioters could be charged with seditious conspiracy or insurrection.

He said any Capitol Police officer found to have assisted the rioters would be charged.

He further suggested that Trump could be investigated for comments he made to his supporters before they stormed the Capitol and that others who “assisted or facilitated or played some ancillary role” in the events could also be investigated.

Also on 7 January, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson said that any rioter who entered the Capitol should be added to the federal No Fly List.

Former FBI director Andrew McCabe and David C. Williams argued Trump could face criminal charges for inciting the riot.

DC Attorney General Karl Racine said that he is specifically looking at whether to charge Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani and Mo Brooks with inciting the violent attack on the Capitol, and indicated that he might consider charging Donald Trump when he has left office.

Calls for Trump to be prosecuted for inciting the crowd to storm the Capitol also were made in the aftermath of the event.

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser said:

“We saw an unprecedented attack on our American democracy incited by the United States president. He must be held accountable.

His constant and divisive rhetoric led to the abhorrent actions we saw today.”

Muriel Bowser official photo.jpg

Legal experts have stated that charging Trump with incitement would be difficult under Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the Supreme Court ruling which established that for speech to be considered criminally inciting, it must have been intended to incite “imminent lawless action” and “likely to incite or produce such action“.

The day after the storming of the Capitol, the FBI and DC’s Metropolitan Police Department asked the public for help identifying the rioters.

Within days, members of the public sent the FBI more than 70,000 photo and video tips.

One individual was harassed after being incorrectly identified as a participant in the riots by members of the public.

His personal information had been doxed, and he reported receiving harassing phone calls and posts on social media.

In a press conference on 12 January, Steven D’Antuono from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the agency’s expectation to arrest hundreds more in the coming months, as it sorts through the vast amount of evidence submitted by the public.

The charge brought against most rioters would likely include accusations of sedition and conspiracy.

Federal Bureau of Investigation's seal

On 8 January, the Justice Department announced charges against 13 people in connection with the Capitol riot in federal district court.

Many more have been charged in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

The FBI and the Department of Justice were working to track down over 150 people for prosecution by 11 January, with the number expected to rise.

Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen instructed federal prosecutors to send all cases back to DC for prosecution, in a move that prosecutors across the county found “confounding”.

Seal of the United States Department of Justice.svg

As of 13 January, over 50 public sector employees and elected officials and over a dozen Capitol police officers were facing internal investigations to determine their possible complicity in the riot.

Notable arrests and charges:

  • A 70-year-old resident of Falkville, Alabama, allegedly parked a pickup truck two blocks from the Capitol containing 11 homemade incendiary devices (described as “Mason jars filled with homemade napalm” intended to “stick to the target and continue to burn” in court filings), an M4 assault rifle, a shotgun, two pistols, a crossbow, a stun gun, and camo smoke canisters, was arrested and charged under a 17-count indictment.  

Court documents said that upon being stopped by police, the man “asked officers whether they had located the bombs“, and prosecutors also “suggested an intent to provide weapons to others“.

Authorities also found handwritten notes listing “purported contact information” for Ted Cruz (R), Fox News host Sean Hannity, and radio host Mark Levin, as well as a list of “bad guys” including Seventh Circuit Judge David Hamilton and Representative André Carson (D–IN), who was referred to as “one of two Muslims in the House“. (6 January)

EXPLAINER: Who has been charged in the deadly Capitol riot?

  • The leader of a Proud Boys group in Hawaii was taken into custody. (7 January)

Proud Boys member among the latest in wave of arrests over Capitol riots |  NewsNation Now

  • A man from Colorado was arrested, with prosecutors stating that he allegedly brought a compact Tavor X95 assault rifle, two handguns, a “vial of injectable testosterone“, and about 320 rounds of armor-piercing ammunition.

He allegedly texted acquaintances that he was “gonna run that c–t Pelosi over while she chews on her gums” or “put a bullet in her noggin on live TV“, that he “may wander over to DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office and put a 5.56 in her skull“, and that he “predicts that within 12 days, many in our country will die“, as well as later texting a photo of himself in blackface. He had previously protested outside of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s home. (7 January)

  • A 60-year-old man from Gravette, Arkansas, who was photographed with his feet on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk during the storming of the Capitol, was arrested on federal charges of entering and remaining on restricted grounds, violent entry, and theft of public property. 

He will be extradited to DC to face trial. (8 January)

Arkansas town gets threats, calls to police after resident photographed at  Capitol riot | KATV

  • A 36-year-old man from Parrish, Florida, was photographed carrying a lectern from Nancy Pelosi’s office, was arrested and charged with entering a restricted building, stealing government property, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

The Miami Herald reported he had posted on social media comments that “disparaged the Black Lives Matter movement” and police “who defend First Amendment protected rights“. (8 January)

US Capitol riot photo shows Parrish FL man with House podium | Miami Herald

  • A 34-year-old man from Boise, Idaho, photographed hanging from the Senate balcony during the rampage, was listed as a person of interest by the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia.

He deleted his social media accounts following the riots, and issued an apology. (8 January)

Boise man who stormed U.S. Capitol building: 'I got caught up in the  moment' | KBOI

  • Jake Angeli, also known as the “QAnon Shaman” and pictured in many widely shared photos shirtless, wearing facepaint and a horned fur headdress, and carrying a spear, was arrested and charged with one count of entering a restricted building and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct.

Angeli’s lawyer claimed that Angeli believed himself to have acted “at the invitation of our president” since Trump had stated at the rally that he would accompany protesters to the Capitol (though he ultimately did not), and that Trump therefore ought to pardon Angeli directly.  

In a 14 January court filing, federal prosecutors sought to keep Angeli in detention, alleging that his participation in the riot was part of a failed plot “to capture and assassinate elected officials.”

While rioting inside the Capitol, Angeli wore a headdress and face paint and held a six-foot spear, and he spoke on a bullhorn. (9 January)

US Capitol riot: the myths behind the tattoos worn by 'QAnon shaman' Jake  Angeli

  • A man seen in video aggressively leading a mob up the stairs to the second floor of the Capitol was arrested by the FBI. (9 January)

If anything it's emboldened our people'; Massachusetts Trump supporter  recounts insurrection at the Capitol building -

  • A 53-year-old retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel was charged with one count of entering a restricted building and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct. (10 January).

Rioter Seen on Senate Floor in Body Armor Is Retired Air Force Lieutenant  Colonel |

  • A second man (30) told the Sunday Times the Capitol storming “was a kind of flexing of muscles” and that “the point of getting inside the building is to show them that we can, and we will.” (10 January)

  • A man who was arrested on 6 January and charged with “entering the United States Capitol Grounds against the will of the United States Capitol Police” committed suicide at his home in Alpharetta, Georgia. (10 January)

Georgia lawmakers condemn U.S. Capitol violence; Democrats seek Trump's  removal

  • A 56-year-old man was arrested in Newport News, Virginia, and charged with unlawful entry and disrupting government business. 

He had been photographed in a sweatshirt with the anit-Semitic words “Camp Auschwitz“, a “death’s head” insignia, and the slogan “work sets you free“, a phrase notoriously placed at the entrances of a number of Nazi concentration camps. 

He has been described as a long-time extremist who wore the sweatshirt regularly.  

Footage of him caused worldwide outrage, as the shirt he was wearing was the most overt sign of antisemitism seen inside the Capitol during the riot.

The International Auschwitz Committee, and survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp around the world, welcomed the arrest.

Christoph Heubner, the committee’s executive director, said that in recent days the man had become the symbol of a political subculture “that glorifies Auschwitz ever more openly and aggressively and propagates the repetition of Auschwitz.” (13 January)

Capitol rioter in 'Camp Auschwitz' sweatshirt said identified as Virginia  man | The Times of Israel

  • Klete Keller, a former Olympic gold medalist swimmer, turned himself in to officials.

He was charged with obstructing law enforcement engaged in official duties incident to civil disorder, knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol Grounds.

He was identified by his height, 6 ft 6 in (198 cm), and by wearing an official US Olympic team jacket without obscuring his face. (14 January)

Olympic gold medalist Klete Keller and anti-COVID vax doctor Simone Gold stormed  Capitol with mob | Daily Mail Online

  • A 43-year-old man from Rochester, New York was arrested on 15 January 15, and charged with illegally entering a restricted building, obstruction of an official proceeding and destruction of government property.

A widely circulated video appears to show him using a riot shield to break one of the windows in the Capitol.

After the event, he allegedly stated he “would have killed anyone they got their hands on, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Michael Pence“.  

He has previously been seen at Proud Boys protests and is an ex-marine. (15 January)

Rochester man with Proud Boys ties smashed window at Capitol riots, feds  say | RochesterFirst

  • A 42-year-old man from Coxs Creek, Kentucky, accused of breaking the window that Ashli Babbit tried climbing through before being shot, was arrested in Louisville on 16 January.

He was charged by the FBI with assaulting a federal officer, destroying government property worth over $1,000, unlawfully entering a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct.  

Per the affidavit, he is seen in a video wearing a gray sock cap and a jacket with a red hood, striking at the window with a wooden flagpole.  

A relative identified him to the FBI, stating that he had gone to a Trump rally in Washington DC in the past too and learnt of his plans for travel through Facebook.

The affidavit also states the man admitted to a friend on January 7 that he had broken a window. (16 January)

Kentucky man charged in storming of US Capitol | Lexington Herald Leader

  • Jon Schaffer, co-founder and guitarist of the heavy metal band Iced Earth, surrendered to the FBI in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Schaffer is facing six charges related to the Capital storming and is accused being engaged in acts of physical violence in the building and of being part of a group of individuals that sprayed bear repellent on Capitol Police officers. 

In the days following 6 January, Schaffer was identified by music websites as possibly having been inside the building. 

The other members of Iced Earth issued a statement on 10 January denouncing the storming of the Capitol. (17 January)

Iced Earth guitarist Jon Schaffer photographed storming the US Capitol  building during pro-Trump riot | Guitar World

  • A 22-year-old woman from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was accused of stealing a laptop from Nancy Pelosi’s office, with the intent of selling its contents to the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, the country’s main spy agency.

According to her former partner, the deal did not happen for unnamed reasons, and she may still have the laptop.

She has been charged with illegally entering the US Capitol and disorderly conduct, but not theft. The FBI is investigating the claims.

Pelosi’s chief of staff, Drew Hammill, tweeted that “a laptop that was only used for presentations” was taken from a conference room during the Capitol siege. 

The woman fled her home, telling her mother “she would be gone for a couple of weeks“, changed her telephone number, and removed all of her social media accounts. 

On 18 January, she surrendered to authorities in Pennsylvania, facing two misdemeanor charges. (18 January)

Two Suspects in Capitol Riot Turn Themselves Into The Police - The New York  Times

Historically, this day in history is a day beset with violence.

  • The Nika riots took place against Emperor Justinian I (482 – 565) in Constantinople over the course of a week in 532.

They were the most violent riots in the city’s history, with nearly half of Constantinople being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed.

Roman History på Twitter: "Today 532AD Nika riots begin in Contaninople,  revolt against Emperor Justinian, prompted by chariot racing. The most  violent riot in the history of Constantinople (Istanbul) in which around

The ancient Roman and Byzantine empires had well-developed associations, known as demes, which supported the different factions (or teams) under which competitors in certain sporting events took part.

This was particularly true of chariot racing.

There were initially four major factional teams of chariot racing, differentiated by the colour of the uniform in which they competed.

The colours were also worn by their supporters.

These were the Blues (Veneti), the Greens (Prasini), the Reds (Russati), and the Whites (Albati), although by the Byzantine era the only teams with any influence were the Blues and Greens.

The Nika Riots. How a chariot race sparked off the… | by Fearghal  Fitzgibbon | History of Yesterday | Medium

Emperor Justinian I was a supporter of the Blues.

Mosaic depicting a crowned Justinian

Above: Mosaic of Justinian I

The team associations had become a focus for various social and political issues for which the general Byzantine population lacked other forms of outlet.

They combined aspects of street gangs and political parties, taking positions on current issues, notably theological problems or claimants to the throne.

They frequently tried to affect the policy of the emperors by shouting political demands between races.

The imperial forces and guards in the city could not keep order without the cooperation of the circus factions which were in turn backed by the aristocratic families of the city.

These included some families who believed they had a more rightful claim to the throne than Justinian.

In 531 some members of the Blues and Greens had been arrested for murder in connection with deaths that occurred during rioting after a recent chariot race.

Relatively limited riots were not unknown at chariot races, similar to the football hooliganism that occasionally erupts after association football matches in modern times.

Nika Riots - The Age of Justinian

The murderers were to be executed, and most of them were.

But on January 10, 532, two of them, a Blue and a Green, escaped and were taking refuge in the sanctuary of a church surrounded by an angry mob.

Justinian was nervous:

He was in the midst of negotiating with the Persians over peace in the east at the end of the Iberian War.

Roman-Persian Frontier in Late Antiquity.svg


And now he faced a potential crisis in his city.

Facing this, he declared that a chariot race would be held on 13 January and commuted the sentences to imprisonment.

The Blues and the Greens responded by demanding that the two men be pardoned entirely.

On 13 January 532, a tense and angry populace arrived at the Hippodrome for the races.

The Hippodrome was next to the palace complex, and thus Justinian could watch from the safety of his box in the palace and preside over the races.

From the start, the crowd had been hurling insults at Justinian.

By the end of the day, at race 22, the partisan chants had changed from “Blue” or “Green” to a unified Nika(“Win!” “Victory!” or “Conquer!“).

The crowds broke out and began to assault the palace.

For the next five days, the palace was under siege. 

The 5 Most Violent Riots Of All Time – Page 3 – Sick Chirpse

The fires that started during the tumult resulted in the destruction of much of the city, including the city’s foremost church, the Hagia Sophia (which Justinian would later rebuild).

Some of the senators saw this as an opportunity to overthrow Justinian, as they were opposed to his new taxes and his lack of support for the nobility.

The rioters, now armed and probably controlled by their allies in the Senate, also demanded that Justinian dismiss the prefect John the Cappadocian and the quaestor Tribonian.

They then declared a new emperor, Hypatius, who was a nephew of former Emperor Anastasius I.

Violence, Sex And Chariot Racing: The Story Of The Nika Riots | Only A Game

Justinian, in despair, considered fleeing, but his wife Theodora (500 – 548) is said to have dissuaded him, saying:

Those who have worn the crown should never survive its loss.

Never will I see the day when I am not saluted as Empress.”

She is also credited with adding:

Who is born into the light of day must sooner or later die, and how could an Emperor ever allow himself to be a fugitive?

Although an escape route across the sea lay open for the emperor, Theodora insisted that she would stay in the city, quoting an ancient saying:

Royalty is a fine burial shroud.

Theodora mosaic - Basilica San Vitale (Ravenna) v2.jpg

Above: Mosaic of Theodora

As Justinian rallied himself, he created a plan that involved Narses, a popular eunuch, as well as the generals Belisarius and Mundas.

Carrying a bag of gold given to him by Justinian, the slightly built eunuch entered the Hippodrome alone and unarmed against a murderous mob that had already killed hundreds.

Narses went directly to the Blues’ section, where he approached the important Blues and reminded them that Emperor Justinian supported them over the Greens.

He also reminded them that Hypatius, the man they crowned, was a Green.

Then, he distributed the gold.

The Blue leaders spoke quietly with each other and then they spoke to their followers.

Then, in the middle of Hypatius’ coronation, the Blues stormed out of the Hippodrome.

The Greens sat, stunned.

Then, Imperial troops led by Belisarius and Mundus stormed into the Hippodrome, killing any remaining rebels indiscriminately be they Blues or Greens.

About 30,000 rioters were reportedly killed.

Slaughter in the Hippodrome of Constantinople, Nika Revolt, 532 stock image  | Look and Learn

Justinian also had Hypatius executed and exiled the senators who had supported the riot.

He then rebuilt Constantinople and the Hagia Sophia and was free to establish his rule.

Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg

Above: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the 1943 act of Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during World War II to oppose Nazi Germany’s final effort to transport the remaining ghetto population to Majdanek and Treblinka death camps.

A Jewish boy surrenders in Warsaw, from the Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943

After the Grossaktion Warsaw of summer 1942, in which more than a quarter of a million Jews were deported from the ghetto to Treblinka and murdered, the remaining Jews began to build bunkers and smuggle weapons and explosives into the ghetto.

Umschlagplatz loading.jpg

The left-wing Jewish Combat Organization (ŻOB) and right-wing Jewish Military Union (ŻZW) formed and began to train.

Flag of ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization).svg

Above: ZOB flag

A small resistance effort to another roundup in January 1943 was partially successful and spurred Polish resistance groups to support the Jews in earnest.

The uprising started on 19 April when the ghetto refused to surrender to the police commander SS-Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop, who ordered the burning of the ghetto, block by block, ending on 16 May.

Jürgen Stroop.jpg

A total of 13,000 Jews died, about half of them burnt alive or suffocated.

German casualties were probably fewer than 150, with Stroop reporting 110 casualties [16 killed + 1 dead/93 wounded].

It was the largest single revolt by Jews during World War II.

The Jews knew that the uprising was doomed and their survival was unlikely. 

Marek Edelman, the only surviving ŻOB commander, said their inspiration to fight was “to pick the time and place of our deaths“.

Marek Edelman - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.jpg

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the uprising was “one of the most significant occurrences in the history of the Jewish people“.

And even on this day violence reigns….

More than 600 people have been arrested and troops have been deployed after a third consecutive night of riots in several Tunisian cities, officials said Monday.

Members of the Tunisian National Guard sit atop their armored vehicle as they deploy on a street amid clashes with demonstrators following a protest in the Ettadhamen neighborhood in the capital Tunis, on Jan. 17, 2021. (AFP Photo)

The unrest came after Tunisia imposed a nationwide lockdown to stem a rise in corona virus infections on Thursday – the same day as it marked the 10th anniversary of dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s fall from power.

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.jpg

Above: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (1936 – 2019)

Interior ministry spokesperson Khaled Hayouni said a total of 632 people were arrested, notably “groups of people between the ages of 15, 20 and 25 who burned tires and bins in order to block movements by the security forces“.

Tunisian protests shake one of the most repressive Arab regimes -

Defence ministry spokesman Mohamed Zikri meanwhile said the army has deployed reinforcements in several areas of the country.

Hayouni said that some of those arrested lobbed stones at police and clashed with security forces.

This has nothing to do with protest movements that are guaranteed by the law and the constitution,” said Hayouni.

Protests take place in broad daylight normally without any criminal acts involved,” he added.

Hayouni said two police officers were wounded in the unrest.

Riots erupt again in Tunisia | MEO

It was not immediately clear if there were injuries among the youths and Hayouni did not say what charges those arrested faced.

The clashes took place in several cities across Tunisia, mostly in working-class neighborhoods with the exact reasons for the disturbances not immediately known.

But it came as many Tunisians are increasingly angered by poor public services and a political class that has repeatedly proved unable to govern coherently a decade on from the 2011 revolution.

GDP shrank by 9% last year, consumer prices have spiraled and one-third of young people are unemployed.

The key tourism sector, already on its knees after a string of deadly jihadist attacks in 2015, has been dealt a devastating blow by the pandemic.

Flag of Tunisia

Above: Flag of Tunisia

Tunisia has registered more than 177,000 corona virus infections, including over 5,600 deaths since the pandemic erupted last year (2 March 2020)

The four-day lockdown ended on Sunday night, but it was not immediately known if other restrictions would be imposed.

(As of 22 January 2021, Tunisia has 195,274 confirmed cases, 6,054 deaths.)

SARS-CoV-2 without background.png

The army has deployed troops in Bizerte in the north, Sousse in the east and Kasserine and Siliana in central Tunisia, the defense ministry spokesperson said.

Coat of arms of Tunisia

Above: Coat of arms of Tunisia

Sousse, a coastal resort overlooking the Mediterranean, is a magnet for foreign holidaymaking that has been hit hard by the pandemic.

The health crisis and ensuing economic misery have pushed growing numbers of Tunisians to seek to leave the country.

Sousse 2021: Best of Sousse, Tunisia Tourism - Tripadvisor

Above: Sousse, Tunisia

On Sunday evening in Ettadhamen, a restive working-class neighborhood on the edge of the Tunisian capital, the mood was sombre.

I don’t see any future here,” said Abdelmoneim, a waiter, as the unrest unfolded around him.

He blamed the violence on the country’s post-revolution political class and said the rioting youths were “bored adolescents” who reflected the “failure” of politicians.

Abdelmoneim said he was determined to take a boat across the Mediterranean to Europe “as soon as possible and never come back to this miserable place.”

Employ us or kill us': Tunisian youth on the margins | Poverty and  Development News | Al Jazeera

What has caught my attention is Hong Kong….

A red circular emblem, with a white 5-petalled flower design in the centre, and surrounded by the words "Hong Kong" and "中華人民共和國香港特別行政區"

Hong Kong is like no other city on Earth.

It is a pulsating, densely populated fusion of East and West, lit by neon, fuelled by nonstop yumcha, dressed in faux Dior and serenaded by Cantopop.

And just when you think it is all too much, it is a secluded sandy beach on Lantau or a visit to a Taoist temple in the New Territories.

Despite its British colonial past, Hong Kong has always stuck to its roots.

The culture beneath the glitz is Chinese – with a twist.

Skyline at night, with building lights reflected in water

With over 7.5 million residents of various nationalities in a 1,104-square-kilometre (426 sq mi) territory, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated places in the world.

Hong Kong became a colony of the British Empire after the Qing Empire ceded Hong Kong Island at the end of the First Opium War in 1842.

Flag of Qing dynasty or Manchu dynasty

Above: Flag of the Qing Empire

The colony expanded to the Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 after the Second Opium War and was further extended when Britain obtained a 99-year lease of the New Territories in 1898. : FindingKing Hong Kong British Flag with Grommets 3ft x 5ft :  Outdoor Flags : Garden & Outdoor

Above: Flag of British Hong Kong

The whole territory was transferred to China in 1997.

Flag of China

Above: Flag of China

As a special administrative region, Hong Kong maintains separate governing and economic systems from that of mainland China under the principle of “one country, two systems“.

Countries told to respect China's HK sovereignty -

Originally a sparsely populated area of farming and fishing villages, the territory has become one of the world’s most significant financial centres and commercial ports.

It is the world’s tenth-largest exporter and ninth-largest importer.

Hong Kong has a major capitalist service economy characterised by low taxation and free trade, and its currency, the Hong Kong dollar, is the 8th most traded currency in the world.

Hong Kong is home to the second-highest number of billionaires of any city in the world, the highest number of billionaires of any city in Asia, and the largest concentration of ultra high-net-worth individuals of any city in the world.

Although the city has one of the highest per capita incomes per se, severe income inequality exists, as well as a growing housing affordability and shortage crisis among the population.

Hong Kong Dollar - Global Exchange Brazil

Hong Kong is a highly developed territory and ranks 4th on the UN Human Development Index.

The city has the largest number of skyscrapers of any city in the world.

Its residents have some of the highest life expectancies in the world.

The dense space led to a developed transportation network with public transport rates exceeding 90%.

There are three Hong Kongs.

Tourists see a Hong Kong where they cross the harbour on a crowded Star Ferry, head out for a night on Lamma Island by san-pan (night ferry), sip cocktails at sunset in a skyscraper bar overlooking the harbour, hop on the cable car at Ocean Park and enjoy the view of the cliffs down to Deep Water Bay, and ride the double-decker bus to Stanley Market.

Theirs is a Hong Kong of early morning bargains, crowds jostling for space, designer fakes, Jackie Chan, festivals all year round, expatriates, feng shui and dim sum, juk (breakfast rice pudding), cha siu bau (steamed pork buns), sinning jin yuen gain (pan-fried lemon chicken), she gang (snake soup), dong gafe (chilled coffee soft drink), bolei (green tea), Tsingdao beer, mao tai (Chinese wine), and the odd surprises that Hong Kong consumes more oranges than anywhere else on Earth.

Then there are those who feel that they are Chinese and others who feel they are Hong Kongese.

Cartoon: One Country, Two Systems - The English Blog

By the early 1990s, Hong Kong had established itself as a global financial centre and shipping hub.

The colony faced an uncertain future as the end of the New Territories lease approached, and Governor Murray MacLehose (1917 – 2000) raised the question of Hong Kong’s status with Deng Xiaoping (1904 – 1997) in 1979.

Governor Murray MacLehose.jpg

Above: Governor Murray MacLehose

Above: Statue of Deng Xiaoping

Diplomatic negotiations with China resulted in the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, in which the United Kingdom agreed to transfer the colony in 1997 and China would guarantee Hong Kong’s economic and political systems for 50 years after the transfer.

China's Breaches of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration  中國違反《1984英中聯合聲明》 | Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign

The impending transfer triggered a wave of mass emigration as residents feared an erosion of civil rights, the rule of law, and quality of life.

(So many Hong Kongese immigrated to Vancouver that the nickname “Hong-couver” came in vogue.)

Downtown Vancouver skyline

Above: Vancouver

Over half a million people left the territory during the peak migration period, from 1987 to 1996.

The Legislative Council became a fully elected legislature for the first time in 1995 and extensively expanded its functions and organisations throughout the last years of the colonial rule.

Hong Kong was transferred to China on 1 July 1997, after 156 years of British rule.

LEGCO Complex 2011 Council Block02.JPG

Above: Legislative Council Complex (Legco)

Immediately after the transfer, Hong Kong was severely affected by several crises.

The government was forced to use substantial foreign exchange reserves to maintain the Hong Kong dollar’s currency peg during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. 

Above: Countries most affected by the Asian financial crisis

Recovery from this was muted by an H5N1 avian flu outbreak and a housing surplus.

This was followed by the 2003 SARS epidemic, during which the territory experienced its most serious economic downturn.

File:Sars Cases and Deaths.pdf

Political debates after the transfer of sovereignty have centred around the region’s democratic development and the central government’s adherence to the “one country, two systems” principle.

Fighting erupted in Hong Kong's legislature over proposed changes to the  law allowing suspects to be sent to mainland China for trial. Critics  believe the proposed switch to the extradition law would

Relations between people in Hong Kong and mainland China have been relatively tense since the early 2000s.

Various factors have contributed, including:

  • different interpretations of the “one country, two systems” principle
  • policies of the Hong Kong and central governments to encourage mainland visitors to Hong Kong
  • the changing economic environment.

More broadly, there exists resentment toward mainland-Hong Kong convergence or assimilation, and toward perceived interference from mainland China in Hong Kong’s internal affairs.

Hong Kong and China: One country, two systems – Shahennews Eng

The terms agreed between the governments for the transfer included a series of guarantees for the maintenance of Hong Kong’s differing economic, political and legal systems after the transfer, and the further development of Hong Kong’s political system with a goal of democratic government.

These guarantees were set out in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and enshrined in the semi-constitutional Basic Law of Hong Kong.

Basic Law of Hong Kong Cover.svg

Initially, many Hong Kongers were enthusiastic about Hong Kong’s return to China.

However, tension has arisen between Hong Kong residents and the mainland, and in particular the central government, since 1997, and especially in the late 2000s and early 2010s. 

Controversial policies such as the Individual Visit Scheme and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hogn Kong Express Rail Link have been seized on as focal points of discontent.

Guangzhou Shenzhen Hongkong Express Rail Link en.svg

Some (2011) argue that since the Hong Kong government failed to force through the legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law, Beijing’s relatively hands-off approach to Hong Kong changed dramatically.

This view holds that the PRC’s strategy is aimed at trying to dissolve the boundary between Hong Kong and the rest of China.

Some representatives of the government of mainland China have adopted increasingly strong rhetoric perceived to be attacking Hong Kong’s political and legal systems.

More formally, the Central People’s Government released a report in 2014 that asserts that Hong Kong’s judiciary should be subordinate to, and not independent of, the government. 

The Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration guarantee the development of Hong Kong’s electoral system towards universal suffrage, but the more pro-democracy parts of the Legislative Council rejected incremental progress.

By the time the central government stepped in with a view, the so-called Pan-Democrats had adopted an all-or-nothing strategy that derailed any hope of progress in time for elections in 2008–2018.

National Emblem of China

Above: National emblem of China

Hong Kong has more international cultural values from its past as a British colony and international city, and at the same time has retained many traditional Chinese cultural values, putting it in stark contrast to the culture of many parts of mainland China, where many international cultural values have never taken root and where many traditional cultural values were done away with following the Cultural Revolution.

Hong Kong is also a multi-ethnic society with different cultural values in relation to race, languages and cultures to those held by the Chinese government and many mainland residents.

As a highly developed economy with a high standard of living, Hong Kong culture has different values in relation to hygiene and social propriety compared to mainland China.

The cultural and economic differences are widely considered as a primary cause of the conflict between Hong Kong and mainland China.

The differences between Hong Kong people and mainlanders, such as language, as well as the significant growth in number of mainland visitors, have caused tension.

Since the implementation of Individual Visit Scheme on 28 July 2003, the number of mainland visitors increased from 6.83 million in 2002 to 40.7 million in 2013, according to the statistics provided by the Hong Kong Tourism Board.

The conflict relates to issues regarding the allocation of resources between mainlanders and Hong Kong people in different sectors, such as healthcare and education.

In the final months of British rule, Hong Kong passed laws barring the extradition to mainland China due to concerns of freedoms promised under the one country, two systems formula.

Beijing began plans to reverse this law almost immediately after the handover in 1997.

In 2015, five people involved in selling books critical of the Chinese government disappeared and later reappeared in Chinese custody, becoming known as the Causeway Bay Books disappearances.

Above: The entrance of Causeway Bay Books. It has been closed since the disappearance of its fifth staff member, Lee Bo.

The Causeway Bay Books disappearances are a series of international disappearances concerning five staff members of Causeway Bay Books, a former bookstore located in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Between October and December 2015, five staff of Causeway Bay Books went missing.

At least two of them disappeared in mainland China, one in Thailand.

One member was last seen in Hong Kong, and eventually revealed to be in Shenzhen, across the Chinese border, without the travel documents necessary to have crossed the border through legal channels.

It was widely believed that the booksellers were detained in mainland China, and in February 2016 Guangdong provincial authorities confirmed that all five had been taken into custody in relation to an old traffic case involving Gui Minhai.

While response to the October disappearances had been muted, perhaps in recognition that unexplained disappearances and lengthy extrajudicial detentions are known to occur in mainland China, the unprecedented disappearance of a person in Hong Kong, and the bizarre events surrounding it, shocked the city and crystallised international concern over the possible abduction of Hong Kong citizens by Chinese public security bureau officials and their likely rendition, and the violation of several articles of the Basic Law.

Missing Hong Kong bookseller: I was kidnapped

Above: The missing booksellers

In his report to the British government and parliament in early January 2016, foreign secretary Philip Hammond said the incident was “a serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong and undermines the principle of one country, two systems“.

Official portrait of Mr Philip Hammond crop 2.jpg

Above: Philip Hammond

Following the international focus on the disappearances, there were virtual reappearances by two of the missing men, Lee Bo, in the form of letters and photographs, and Gui Minhai, in a confessional video broadcast on national television, in which they insisted that their return to mainland China was voluntary but which failed to account for their movement across national borders.

These efforts were widely derided by commentators as a farce and a charade, as they failed to satisfy concerns over the breach of “one country, two systems” and its practical and constitutional implications.

On 16 June 2016, shortly after he returned to Hong Kong, Lam Wing-kee gave a long press conference in the presence of legislator Albert Ho in which he detailed the circumstances surrounding his eight-month detention, and describing how his confession and those of his associates had been scripted and stage-managed.

Lam indicated the involvement of the Central Investigation Team, which is under direct control of the highest level of the Beijing leadership.

His revelations stunned Hong Kong and made headlines worldwide, prompting a flurry of counter-accusations and denials from mainland authorities and supporters.

Hong Kong Map and Satellite Image

The push came to a head in 2017 when a Chinese billionaire living in Hong Kong named Xiao Jianhua was abducted from his serviced apartment in Hong Kong by Chinese security forces, as a spillover of China’s paramount leader and general secretary Xi Jinping’s mass anti-graft campaign.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection had been frustrated by the fact that it had to resort to extraordinary rendition and thereafter pushed for an extradition treaty.

The extradition law would eliminate the need for PRC agents to resort to kidnappings in Hong Kong.

Why Beijing's plan to break up mysterious tycoon Xiao Jianhua's business  empire hit the buffers | South China Morning Post

In early 2018, 19-year-old Hong Kong resident Chan Tong-kai murdered his pregnant girlfriend Poon Hiu–wing in Taiwan, then returned to Hong Kong.

Chan admitted to Hong Kong police that he killed Poon, but the police were unable to charge him for murder or extradite him to Taiwan because no agreement is in place.

Hong Kong protests: Suitcase murder suspect to be released, says he will  return to Taiwan | Taiwan News | 2019/10/18

Above: Chan Tong-kai and Poon Hiu-wing

The two ordinances in Hong Kong, the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance, were not applicable to the requests for surrender of fugitive offenders and mutual legal assistance between Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Taiwan, Hongkong and China | IASbaba

The pro-Beijing flagship party Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) chairwoman Starry Lee and legislator Holden Chow pushed for a change to the extradition law in 2019 using the murder case as rationale.

Datei:Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong  logo.svg – Wikipedia

In February 2019, the government proposed changes to fugitive laws, establishing a mechanism for case-by-case transfers of fugitives by the Hong Kong Chief Executive to any jurisdiction with which the city lacks a formal extradition treaty, which it claimed would close the “legal loophole“. 

Chen Zjimin, Zhang Xiaoming, and Han Zheng of the PRC publicly supported the change and stated that 300 fugitives were living in Hong Kong.

Beijing’s involvement in the proposed bill caused great concerns in Hong Kong.

Above: The Great Hall of the People where the National People’s Congress convenes, Beijing

The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 was a proposed bill regarding extradition to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in relation to special surrender arrangements and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance so that arrangements for mutual legal assistance can be made between Hong Kong and any place outside Hong Kong.

The bill was proposed by the Hong Kong government in February 2019 to establish a mechanism for transfers of fugitives not only for Taiwan, but also for Mainland China and Macau, which are currently excluded in the existing laws.

The introduction of the bill caused widespread criticism domestically and abroad from the legal profession, journalist organisations, business groups, and foreign governments fearing the erosion of Hong Kong’s legal system and its built-in safeguards, as well as damage to Hong Kong’s business climate.

Largely, this fear is attributed to China’s newfound ability through this bill to arrest voices of political dissent in Hong Kong.

There have been multiple protests against the bill in Hong Kong and other cities abroad.

On 9 June, protesters estimated to number from hundreds of thousands to more than a million marched in the streets and called for Chief Executive Carrie Lam to step down.

On 15 June, Lam announced she would ‘suspend‘ the proposed bill. 

Ongoing protests called for a complete withdrawal of the bill and subsequently the implementation of universal suffrage, which is promised in the Basic Law.

On 4 September, after 13 weeks of protests, Lam officially promised to withdraw the bill upon the resumption of the legislative session from its summer recess.

On 23 October, Secretary for Security John Lee announced the government’s formal withdrawal of the bill.

Above: Chief Executive Carrie Lam (centre) at the press conference with Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng (left) and Secretary for Security John Lee (right) one day after the massive protest on 9 June 2019

The 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, also known as Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement, were triggered by the introduction of the Fugitive Offenders amendment bill by the Hong Kong government.

Demonstration against extradition bill, 12 June 2019.jpg

The now-aborted bill would have allowed extradition to jurisdictions with which Hong Kong did not have extradition agreements, including mainland China and Taiwan.

This led to concerns that Hong Kong residents and visitors would be exposed to the legal system of mainland China, thereby undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and infringing civil liberties.

It set off a chain of protest actions that began with a sit-in at the government headquarters on 15 March 2019, a demonstration attended by hundreds of thousands on 9 June 2019, followed by a gathering outside the Legislative Council Complex (Legco) to stall the bill’s second reading on 12 June which escalated into violence that caught the world’s attention.

On 16 June, just one day after the Hong Kong government suspended the bill, an even bigger protest took place to push for its complete withdrawal and in reaction to the perceived excessive use of force by the police on 12 June.

Cross Harbour Tunnel Bridge fire 20191117.jpg

As the protests progressed, activists laid out five key demands:

  • the withdrawal of the bill
  • an investigation into alleged police brutality and misconduct
  • the release of all the arrested
  • a retraction of the official characterisation of the protests as “riots
  • the resignation of Carrie Lam as chief executive along with the introduction of universal suffrage in the territory.

2019-09-13 Lion Rock, Hong Kong 04.jpg

Police inaction when suspected traid (mob) members assaulted protesters and commuters in Yuen Long on 21 July and the police storming of Prince Edward Station on 31 August further escalated the protests.

Lam withdrew the bill on 4 September, but refused to concede the other four demands.

Exactly one month later, she invoked the emergency powers to implement an anti-mask law, to counterproductive effect.

Confrontations escalated and intensified – police brutality and misconduct allegations increased, while some protesters started using petrol bombs and vandalising pro-Beijing establishments and symbols representing the government.

Rifts within society widened and activists from both sides assaulted each other.

Hong Kong protests - Panorama.jpg

The storming of the Legislative Council in July 2019, the deaths of Chow Tsz-lok (due to injuries sustained after a fall from the third floor towards the second floor of the Sheung Tak car park in Tseung Kwan O on 4 November) (1997 – 2019) and Luo Changqing (a 70-year-old government-contracted cleaner, died from head injuries sustained after he was hit by a brick thrown by Hong Kong protestors during a violent confrontation between two groups in Sheung Shui on 13 November 2019), the shooting of an unarmed protester, and the sieges of two universities in November 2019 were landmark events.

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After the conflict of Chinese University and siege of the Polytechnic University, the unprecedented landslide victory of the pro-democracy camp in the District Council elections in November and the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 brought a little respite.

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Tensions mounted again in May 2020 after Beijing’s decision to promulgate a national security bill for Hong Kong before September.

This was criticised by many as a threat to fundamental political freedoms and civil liberties ostensibly enshrined in the Hong Kong Basic Law, and prompted some in the international community to re-evaluate their policies towards Hong Kong, which they deemed as no longer autonomous.

The approval ratings of the government and the police plunged to the lowest point since the 1997 handover.

The Central People’s Government alleged that foreign powers were instigating the conflict, although the protests have been largely described as “leaderless“.

China further tightened its control in Hong Kong in 2020:

On 4 January, the State Council dismissed Wang Zhimin from the role of director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office and appointed Luo Huining as his successor.

The decision was widely linked to the poor performance of pro-government candidates at the District Council elections in November, and Wang’s perceived poor judgment of how the protests evolved.

Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office director Zhang Xiaoming was demoted and replaced by Xia Baolong in February 2020.

The new directors triggered the Basic Law Article 22 contorversy in April when they claimed that the two offices were not covered by Article 22.

In May, China announced that the NPCSC, China’s rubber stamp legislative body, would directly draft a national security law for Hong Kong and skip the local legislation procedures.

Political analysts believed that Beijing’s action would mark the end of the “one country, two systems” principle and Hong Kong’s autonomy as promised in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

On 28 May 2020, the NPC approved the controversial national security laws for Hong Kong.

The legislation allows the government’s national security agencies to operate in Hong Kong.

On 30 June 2020, China implemented “Hong Kong national security law“.

Its 66 articles target crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces, and includes serious penalties between ten years of prison to life imprisonment.

China made promises to Hong Kong to facilitate its handover from Britain, with the understanding the the one country, two systems policy would remain in effect until Hong Kong was legally assimiliated in 2047.

But a dictatorship cannot tolerate a democracy within its domains, so after the handover the Legislative Council was changed to a system wherein the Chairperson is appointed by Beijing, 40 seats of 70 were chosen by the Hong Kongese people, the remaining 30 seats are chosen by companies who are pro-Beijing.

Fear of losing the rights that China had promised compelled protests in 2003, 2014 and 2019.

One country, two systems' can continue past 2047 but the conversation has  to start now | South China Morning Post

The 2019 protests were remarkable for the protesters’ tactics and methods.

By possessing a decentralized and anonymous leadership structure, flexible tactics and a unity and cohesion of purpose, the protesters engaged with the authorities by:

  • anonymity: to prevent arrest of identifiable protesters
  • “hit and run”: start a protest, run once police spotted
  • geographical dispersal: many protests in many locales across a large area
  • non-cooperation: police not attacked but not obeyed
  • police station blockades: hard to arrest protesters if you can’t leave the station
  • human chains (at one point, 135,000 protesters formed the Hong Kong Way) across trafficked areas
  • nightly democratic chants
  • petition campaigns
  • online activism
  • doxing: the malicious Internet search for and publication of private or identifying information about a particular person
  • broadcasts via phome applications
  • advertising on posters on walls designated “Lennon walls”
  • press conferences held by protesters

There is no disputing that the protests were large.

At its largest moments over one million people joined the ranks of dissent.

But not all these protesters were violent.

A small group within the larger mass practiced acts of vandalism and violence, giving Beijing the excuse it needed to respond against these “rioters and criminals” in the name of law and order, public safety and security.

Protest violence is met with force.

And the memory of Tiananmen Square lingers.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China 1988 (1).jpg

The Tiananmen Square protests or the Tiananmen Square Incident, known in China as the June Fourth Incident, were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing during 1989.

The popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests is sometimes called the ’89 Democracy Movement.

The protests started on 15 April and were forcibly suppressed on 4 June when the government declared martial law and sent the People’s Liberation Army to occupy parts of central Beijing.

Tiananmen Square: What happened in the protests of 1989? - BBC News

In what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops armed with assault rifles and accompanied by tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military’s advance into Tiananmen Square.

Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.

Taiwan demands China apologize for Tiananmen Square massacre, Beijing balks  | Taiwan News | 2020/06/04

The protests were precipitated by the death of pro-reform Communist general secretary Hu Yaobang in April 1989 amid the backdrop of rapid economic development and social change in post-Mao China, reflecting anxieties among the people and political elite about the country’s future.

The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy that benefited some people but seriously disadvantaged others, and the one-party political system also faced a challenge to its legitimacy.

Common grievances at the time included inflation, corruption, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy, and restrictions on political participation.

Although they were highly disorganized and their goals varied, the students called for greater accountability, constitutional due process, democracy, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech.

At the height of the protests, about one million people assembled in the Square.

What you need to know about Tiananmen Square on the 29th anniversary of the  crackdown - ABC News

As the protests developed, the authorities responded with both conciliatory and hardline tactics, exposing deep divisions within the party leadership.

By May, a student-led hunger strike galvanized support around the country for the demonstrators, and the protests spread to some 400 cities.

Among the CCP top leadership, Premier Li Peng and Party Elders Li Xiannian and Wang Zhen called for decisive action through violent suppression of the protesters, and ultimately managed to win over Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping and President Yang Shangkun to their side.

On 20 May, the State Council declared martial law and mobilized as many as 300,000 troops to Beijing.

The troops advanced into central parts of Beijing on the city’s major thoroughfares in the early morning hours of 4 June, killing both demonstrators and bystanders in the process.

The military operations were under the overall command of General Yang Baibing, half-brother of President Yang Shangkun.

After 27 Years, Survivor Reflects On Tiananmen Square Massacre | Vermont  Public Radio

The international community, human rights organisations, and political analysts condemned the Chinese government for the massacre.

31 Yrs After Tiananmen Massacre, Mothers of Victims Await Answers | Voice  of America - English

Western countries imposed arms embargoes on China.

The Chinese government made widespread arrests of protesters and their supporters, suppressed other protests around China, expelled foreign journalists, strictly controlled coverage of the events in the domestic press, strengthened the police and internal security forces, and demoted or purged officials it deemed sympathetic to the protests.

Land controlled by the People's Republic of China shown in dark green; land claimed but uncontrolled shown in light green.

More broadly, the suppression ended the political reforms begun in 1986 and halted the policies of liberalization of the 1980s, which were only partly resumed after Deng Xiaoping’s Southern Tour in 1992.

Considered a watershed event, reaction to the protests set limits on political expression in China, limits that have lasted up to the present day.

Remembering the protests is widely associated with questioning the legitimacy of Communist Party rule and remains one of the most sensitive and most widely censored topics in China.

And it is the memory of Tiananmen, despite the legitimacy of the Hong Kongese protesters requests, despite how the violence on both sides marred the image of both, that has led other nations to become concerned about Hong Kong’s future as a teetering democracy within a dictatorial dominion.

Britain will not walk away from the people of Hong Kong and will have “no choice” but to offer them a route to UK citizenship if China strips them of their freedom, Boris Johnson has warned.

The Prime Minister has made offering the island’s residents “an alternative” to Chinese repression a matter of national honour in a dramatic escalation of the confrontation with Beijing.

Portrait photograph of a 55-year-old Johnson

Above: Boris Johnson

Writing in the Times, Johnson said that the Chinese imposition of a national security law on Hong Kong would “dramatically erode its autonomy” and breach the terms of its treaty with the UK.

He said that he would “willingly” implement one of the “biggest changes in our visa system in British history” to offer nearly three million Hong Kong residents extended visa-free access to Britain and the chance to obtain citizenship.

Britain would then have no choice but to uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong“, he said.

Today, about 350,000 of the territory’s people hold British National (Overseas) passports and another 2.5 million would be eligible to apply for them.

At present, these passports allow visa-free access to the United Kingdom for up to six months.

Explainer: What is a British National Overseas (BNO) passport? | by  newsdelia | annie lab | Medium

If China imposes its national security law, the British government will change our immigration rules and allow any holder of these passports from Hong Kong to come to the UK for a renewable period of 12 months and be given further immigration rights, including the right to work, which could place them on a route to citizenship.”

File:Image shows the Union and Chinese Flags together. MOD 45157410.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, told MPs yesterday that:

There is time for China to reconsider.

There is a moment for China to step back from the brink and respect China’s own international obligations.

He noted that he had already discussed contingency plans and the possibility of “burden sharing” with countries including Canada, Australia and the US in the event that the law creates a huge exodus of Hong Kongese.

Portrait photograph of Dominic Raab aged 46

Above: Dominic Raab

The Hong Kongese have been the pawn of empires less concerned about their well-being than the acquisition and maintenance of power and wealth.

The Hong Kongese have legitimate concerns and speaking against those who would remove their democratic ways is the rigth thing to do.

But protest violently committed leads to justification of repression.

Regimes do not willingly surrender their grip on power regardless of how wrong their repression may be.

Protest should continue, but change will be slower in coming if the image of national security appears threatened by violent demonstrations.

Power is maintained not only by force of arms but by the consent of the masses.

Image is everything.

Change is possible when the force that oppresses is made to realize that there is greater loss in oppression than the granting of dignity to the populace.

It takes time, but change is possible.

If enough people want it.

There is an old Chinese proverb that says a peasant must stand a long time on a hillside with his mouth open before a roast duck flies in.

But that being said, I agree with James Joyce (1882 – 1941) when he writes that movements which work revolutions in the world are born out of the dreams and visions in a peasant’s heart on a hillside.

Portrait of James Joyce

Above: James Joyce, Zürich, 1918

The bigness of China makes you wonder how much is truly understandable to the outsider.

Being mistaken is the essence of the outsider.

Discovering the reality of China is full of peculiar discoveries, but as well full of missteps and misunderstanding.

It is easy to get lost in the surrealism of that which is foreign to one’s own experience.

But somewhere between the security of convinction in what is familiar and the fear of what is different lies a land of commonality in a shared humanity.

Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind.

The advent of a world in which human beings enjoy freedom of speech and belief, freedom from fear and want, is the highest aspiration of the common people.

I truly wish that we did not have moments when we are compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebel against tyranny and oppression, to struggle for human rights that should be protected by the rule of law.

I do believe it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, but not at the cost of neglecting our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person.

I believe in the equal rights of men and women and I believe that social progress and better standards of life are possible only in a free society.

The universal declaration of human rights 10 December 1948.jpg

Sources: Wikipedia / Google / Martin Luther King, Jr., Stride toward Freedom / Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail / Frances Elliott, “PM offers hope of refuge to 3m Hong Kong people“, The Times, 3 June 2020 / United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

Canada Slim and the Napanee Sadness

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Sunday 13 December 2020

There is a creative essential I have learned:

Don’t wait until you know the meaning of life to get started.


And there is a secret I have learned:

One day a famous artist, who was much younger than he is now, picked up a call from a collector who had acquired one of his early paintings on the secondary market.

Having kept the work in storage ever since, the collector only recently discovered that there was a small area of cracked paint in the corner of the canvas, which did not look so good.

Before returning the painting to storage, the collector thought he would contact the artist and ask him whether, for a modest fee, he would repair the damage.

The artist said yes.

Treasures We Never See - How Much Art is Hidden Away in Museums Storage ? |  Widewalls

A few days later, the painting arrived at the artist’s studio.

Still in its wooden packing crate, the art handlers heaved the large-format painting up against a wall and removed the front panel so the painting faced outwards and could be worked on.

9 Famous Artists' Studios You Can Visit, from Jackson Pollock to Barbara  Hepworth - Artsy

Looking at the painting, the artist realized two things:

First of all, he didn’t like the work any more.

It was not how he remembered it.

Secondly, in order to repair the damage, the artist decided he might as well rework the entire surface and blend in any cracks, making them less visible.

What to Know About an Artist's Oil Painting Palette -- Part 1 | Teresa  Bernard Oil Paintings

Over the course of the day, he applied layer after layer of fresh paint, turning a monochromatic abstract work into a representative image of a cow in a field.

Not even a good representation.

Bad Cow" Poster by DALTONSCOINS | Redbubble

The next day, the art handlers retunred to the artist’s studio, closed the crate back up again, and the painting – now completely different – was carted off to storage.

Years have since passed and the artist has yet to hear from the collector….

The 3G4G Blog: Shunning mobiles in favour of Landlines

From the blog of Mitch Teemley, Saturday 6 June 2020:

“It is easy to vilify names, faces and images.


On social media.

In the news – real, fake or a mix of both.

The only way to know the truth is to know someone.

To listen, to learn and to care for them despite what we thought we knew.

May we ignore the sound bites and discover the real, hurting, angry misunderstood people in our midst.

Only then will there be true healing….”

So You've Been Publicly Shamed: Jon Ronson: 9780330492287:  Books

Kingston to Napanee, Ontario, Canada, Thursday 9 January 2020

The news was not good this day.

  • Islamist militants killed over 25 Nigerian soldiers in an attack on an army base in Tillabéri Region, Niger. 63 militants were also killed in the ensuing shootout.
Niger declares three days of mourning after 89 soldiers killed in attack on  military base - CNN

At least 25 Niger soldiers, 63 'terrorists' killed in attack on army base  in Tillaberi region

  • US, Canadian, British and Iraqi officials said they believed the plane crash near Tehran in which 176 were killed yesterday was likely caused accidentally by an Iranian anti-aircraft missile, while Iran says it was due to “mechanical failure“.
  • The New York Times released a verified video obtained from an Iranian citizen showing the plane being struck by what appeared to be a surface-to-air missile.
  • In a news conference, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it was “too early to draw definitive conclusions” that the downing of the plane was an “act of war”. Trudeau also condemned Iran’s attacks on US bases in Iraq.

UR-PSR (B738) at Ben Gurion Airport.jpg

(On 8 May 2018, the United States withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal, reinstating sanctions against Iran. 

Iran’s oil production hit a historic low as a result of these sanctions.

Iran Talks Vienna 14 July 2015 (19067069963).jpg

Above: JCPOA Iran nuclear deal agreement in Vienna. From left to right: Foreign ministers/secretaries of state Wang Yi (China), Laurent Fabius (France), Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Germany), Federica Mogherini (EU), Mohammad Javad Zarif (Iran), Philip Hammond (UK), John Kerry (USA)

According to the BBC in April 2019, US sanctions against Iran “led to a sharp downturn in Iran’s economy, pushing the value of its currency to record lows, quadrupling its annual inflation rate, driving away foreign investors, and triggering protests“.

Iranian officials have accused the US of waging hybrid warfare against the country.

Flag of Iran

Above: Flag of Iran

Tensions between Iran and the US escalated in May 2019, with the U.S. deploying more military assets to the Persian Gulf region after receiving intelligence reports of an alleged “campaign” by Iran and its “proxies” to threaten US forces and Strait of Hormuz oil shipping.

US officials cited intelligence reports that included photographs of missiles on dhows and other small boats in the Persian Gulf, supposedly put there by Iranian paramilitary forces.

The US feared the missiles could be fired at its Navy.

File:Emblem of the United States Navy.svg

The US began a buildup of its military presence in the region to deter what it regards as a planned campaign of belligerency by Iran and its non-state allies to attack American forces and interests in the Gulf and Iraq. 

The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and Kata’ib Hezbollah were targeted by US airstrikes, claiming their proxy belligerent role on the orders of Iran.

Hashd Al-Sha'abi flag.svg

Above: Flag of the PMF

Kata'ib Hezbollah logo.svg

Above: Logo of the Kata’ib Hezbollah

In June 2019, Iran shot down an American RQ-4A surveillance drone, sharply increasing tensions and nearly resulting in an armed confrontation.

Global Hawk 1.jpg

 In July 2019, an Iranian oil tanker was seized by Britain in the Strait of Gibraltar on the grounds that it was shipping oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.

A satellite image of a narrow strip of water separating two land masses

Above: Strait of Gibraltar (Spain on the left / Morocco on the right looking east to the Mediterranean Sea)

Iran later captured a British oil tanker and its crew members in the Persian Gulf.

A screengrab from Iran’s state-run English-language Press TV showing, according to the source, a foreign oil tanker smuggling fuel in the Gulf

Both Iran and the UK later released the ships.

Meanwhile, the US created the International Maritime Security Council (IMSC), which sought to increase “overall surveillance and security in key waterways in the Middle East“, according to the US Department of Defense.

International Maritime Security Construct Logo (Transparent).png

United States Department of Defense Seal.svg

The crisis escalated in late 2019 and early 2020 when members of the Kata’ib Hezbollah militia, which is part of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, allegedly killed an American contractor in an attack on an Iraqi base hosting American personnel.

In retaliation, the US conducted airstrikes against Kata’ib Hezbollah’s facilities in Iraq and Syria, killing 25 militiamen.

Kata’ib Hezbollah responded with an attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad, which prompted the US to deploy hundreds of new troops to the Middle East and announce that it would preemptively target Iran’s “proxies” in Iraq.

2019 attack on the United States embassy in Iraq 03.jpg

Days later, the commander of IRGC’s Ouds Force Oasem Soleimani and PMF commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were both killed in a US drone strike, resulting in Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei pledging to exact revenge on US forces.

The US deployed nearly 4,000 troops in response to the tensions and Israel heightened its security levels.

On 5 January 2020, Iran ended its commitments to the nuclear deal and the Iraqi parliament passed a resolution to expel all foreign troops from its territory.

Coat of arms or logo

Above: Coat of arms of Iran

The US and Iran nearly entered into an open conflict on 8 January 2020 when the IRGC launched missile attacks against two US / Iraqi military bases housing US soldiers in retaliation for the killing of Soleimani, a rare direct Iran–U.S. confrontation and the closest to the brink of war between the two nations in decades.

Upon initial assessments of no US casualties, the Trump administration curtailed tensions by temporarily ruling out a direct military response but announcing new sanctions.

It was later revealed that more than a hundred US troops sustained injuries during the attacks.

Ain al-Assad air base, 8 jan 2020.png

Above: Satellite image, showing the damage to at least five structures at Ain al-Assad air base in Iraq in a series of precision missile strikes launched by Iran

During the crisis, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was shot down after departing from Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport.)

  • A bus crashed in Iran’s Mazandaran Province, killing at least 20 passnegers and injuring 24 others.
According to a May 2017 report by the Tehran-based newspaper Financial Tribune, over 20,000 people are killed and 800,000 injured annually in road accidents in Iran [File: Abedin Taherkenareh/EPA]

Above: According to a May 2017 report by the Tehran-based newspaper Financial Tribune, over 20,000 people are killed and 800,000 injured annually in road accidents in Iran

  • Judge Ghassan Ouiedat, a Lebanese prosecutor, imposed a travel ban on former Chairman of Nissan Carlos Ghosn after he was summoned over an Interpol warrant issued by Japan seeking his arrest on financial misconduct charges.
Carlos Ghosn 2010.jpg

Above. Carlos Ghosn

  • The UK House of Commons voted 330 – 231 to pass the Withdrawl Agreement Bill authorizing Britain’s departure from the EU at the end of January 2020.

UK location in the EU 2016.svg

Are we on the brink of another war?

Is Ghosan innocent as he claims or a thief and a fraud as he is accused?

Is Britain going to continue with its insane decision to leave the EU?

Lots of questions fill my mind as the train pulls into Kingston’s VIA Rail station in the Cataraqui suburban area.

The station is staffed, with ticket sales, baggage check, snack bar, vending machines, telephones, washrooms, and wheelchair access to the station and trains.

There are two tracks, one of which is accessed through a tunnel.

Short-term and long-term parking is available on the east side of the station.

A taxi stand is located on the north side of the station.

At the platform Big J S, Queen V S and cabbie A are waiting.

A (a friend of the S family) is not there to drive me to Napanee, but she is working the station today.

The Napanee sadness has begun and I am not even in Napanee as yet.

Kingston Station ON CLIP.jpg

A is one of those people in my life that I must accept because those I know more intimately accept them.

I think everyone has folks like A in their lives and I am sure that I am like A as other people see me.

I never know how to respond to A, for truth be told A is a bit too plebian for my liking.

She speaks her mind, her opinions are fixed and she does not belong in my life any more than a goat belongs in a banquet hall.

But I say nothing of this to A, Big J or Queen V, for A is good-hearted despite her manner.

I feel the Napanee sadness, which is that feeling of not belonging to the place where I am, despite the longing to fit in.

Dundas street

Above: Dundas Street, Napanee

We drive into Kingston to pick up Princess K S (Big J and Queen V‘s only child) at the apartment she shares with a roommate and K‘s cat.

The apartment is a dark, dank disaster zone of dirt and decay, feline feces, feminine frenzy and chaotic clutter.

Why Kingston has declared a climate emergency — and what that really means

I look at the Family S and I am saddened.

Big J is age-weary, Queen V is frumpy, Princess K tragic.

They once again strike me as a sad and sorry travesty of lost potential.

But I wonder are they truly as I see them or am I putting my own doubts and fears upon them unjustifiably?

Either way I feel that I have stumbled into a pathetic purgatory of lost souls seeking salvation.

You look like… a perfect fit,
For a girl in need… of a tourniquet.
But can you save me?
Come on and save me…
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone.

Aimee Mann - Save Me - Music

‘Cause I can tell… you know what it’s like.
A long farewell… of the hunger strike.
But can you save me?
Come on and save me…
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone.

Aimee Mann - "Save Me" video from Magnolia - YouTube

You struck me dumb, like radium
Like Peter Pan, or Superman,
You have come… to save me.
Come on and save me…
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
Except the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
But the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone.

Music Video Friday: Aimee Mann – Save Me (1999 Oscar Nominee) | Cinema  Parrot Disco

Come on and save me…
Why don’t you save me?
If you could save me,
From the ranks of the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
Except the freaks,
Who suspect they could never love anyone,
Except the freaks,
Who could never love anyone.

Cult Film Wallpapers: Moon in the Gutter Wallpapers: Aimee Mann in Paul  Thomas Anderson's "Save Me" (From Magnolia)

I want to love this family whom I have known for much of my life (and certainly Princess K‘s life).

I feel I want to help and yet I am held back by an inner voice that cautions me not to judge others, not to tell others how to live their lives by my standards.

K‘s cat M is pushed into a cat carrier which she (the cat) does not like. : petisfam Top Load Cat Carrier for Medium Cats, Collapsible and  Escape Proof : Pet Supplies

The car faithfully ferries us out of town along King’s Highway #2.

King’s Highway 2, commonly referred to as Highway 2, is the lowest-numbered provincially maintained highway in Ontario (there is no numbered Ontario Highway 1) and was originally part of a series of identically numbered highways in multiple provinces which together once joined Windsor, Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

Formerly the primary east–west route across the southern portion of Ontario, most of Highway 2 in Ontario was bypassed by Ontario Highway 401, completed in 1968.

Virtually all of the 837.4 km (520.3 mi) length of Highway 2 was deemed a local route and removed from the provincial highway system on 1 January 1998, with the exception of a 1-kilometre (0.62 mi) section east of Gananoque.

The entire route remains driveable, but as County Road 2 or County Highway 2 in most regions.

Highway 2 shield

County Road 2 takes us through Loyalist Township and the towns of Odessa and Ernestown.

Odessa, originally named Millcreek, was renamed in 1855 by its postmaster to commemorate the 1854 British siege of the Black Sea port at Odessa in the Ukraine during the Crimean War (1853 – 1856). 

Counterclockwise: Monument to the Duc de Richelieu, Vorontsov Lighthouse, City garden, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Potemkin Stairs, Square de Richelieu

Above: Images of Odessa, Ukraine

The village is home to Ernestown Secondary School, which services about 650 students from Loyalist Township (formerly Ernestown Township), Napanee and Stone Mills.


Ernestown Secondary School (ESS) is a Canadian public, comprehensive school located in Odessa.

The school services about 450 students from Loyalist Township, Napanee and Stone Mills.

The town is in the eastern Ontario county of Lennox and Addington approximately 24 kilometers west of the city of Kingston.

The school offers classes for students in grades nine through twelve and is a member school of the Limestone District School Board.

The school motto at ESS is Amor Doctrinae Floreat (Let the love of learning flourish.)

Home - Ernestown Secondary School

Above: Ernestown Secondary School

As we drive through Odessa, I think of how similar-looking this school is to Laurentian Regional High School where I did my secondary studies in Lachute, Québec.

Both were built in the 1960s and one almost wonders if they were designed and built by the same architect.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board

My thoughts turn to Tenerife (one of the Canary Islands) and ESS alumni Aaron René Doornekamp, born in Napanee of Dutch heritage.

Doornekamp is a professional basketball player for Iberostar Tenerife of the Liga ACB.

Aaron Doornekamp 42 Valencia Basket EuroLeague 20180201.jpg

He was one of the greatest players in the history of the Carleton University Ravens men’s college basketball team (2004 – 2009). 


Above: Logo of the Carleton Ravens

(In men’s basketball, the Ravens have won 15 of the last 18 national men’s championships, more than any top division college in Canada or the United States.

The Ravens went on an 87-game winning streak from 2003 to 2006.

They also had a 54-game home winning streak.

The Ravens finished 2nd in the World University Basketball Championships in 2004.)

Doornekamp is also a member of the senior Canadian men’s national team.

Canada Basketball logo.svg

At a height of 2.01 m (6 ft 7 in) tall, he can play at both the small forward and power forward positions, with power forward being his main position.

I wonder:

Had my folks been not so stingy with letting me join the basketball team in Lachute (10 km away from where we lived in Marelan, which meant having to pick me up by car and fuel costs money) would I have had a sports career as successful as Doornekamp’s?

Like Doornekamp, I too towered over my classmates (6 ft 5 in) and still tower over the heads of many.

Did Doornekamp experience similar emotions to mine in his school years?

Grand Finale! Grande finale! - Laurentian Regional High School Student Info

Above: Logo of my alma mater, Laurentian Regional High School

After finishing his college career, Doornekamp signed his first pro contract in Italy, with Pepsi Caserta (Campagna, Italy – the toe of the boot that is the Italian peninsula). 

He played three years with the club.

Sporting Club JuveCaserta logo

Above: Logo of Pepsi Caserta

While sidelined with injury in the 2012 – 2013 season, Doornekamp was the assistant coach of the McMaster Marauders men’s basketball team.


Above: Logo of the McMaster Marauders, Hamilton, Ontario

In August 2013, he signed with the New Yorker Phantoms Braunschweig (Germany).

In June 2014, he parted ways with them.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Ny_phantoms_brauns.jpeg

Above: Logo (2006 – 2014)

(New Yorker, despite the American-sounding name, is a German clothing retailer headquartered in Braunschweig that primarily addresses the target group of 12- to 39-year-olds.)

New Yorker logo

On 29 June 2014, he signed with the German club Skyliners of Frankfurt, for the 2014 – 2015 season.

He won the European-wide 3rd-tier level FIBA Europe Cup’s 2015 – 2016 season championship with the team.

Fraport Skyliners logo

In June 2016, Doornekamp left Germany, to sign with the Spanish team Iberostar Tenerife.

He won the Basketball Champions League’s 2016 – 2017 season championship with the team.

He was also named to the BCL Star Lineup Best Team.

Iberostar Tenerife logo

Above: Logo of Iberostar Tenerife

On 27 June 2017, Doornekamp officially opted out of his contract with the Spanish team.

The same day, he signed a two-year contract with Valencia Basket.

On July 8, 2019, Doornekamp re-signed with Valencia Basket for another season.

Valencia Basket logo

He re-signed with Iberostar Tenerife on 15 July 2020.

With Canada’s senior team, he played at the following tournaments:

  • the 2007 Pan American Games (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2007 Pan American Games logo.svg

  • the 2008 FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament (Athens, Greece)
FIBAoc08 logo.png

  • the 2009 FIBA Americas Championship (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
FIBA Americas Championship 2009 logo.png

  • the 2010 FIBA World Championship (Istanbul, Turkey)
FIBA 2010 logo.png

  • the 2011 FIBA Americas Championship (Mara del Plata, Argentina)

  • the 2013 FIBA Americas Championship (Caracas, Venezuela)
2013 FIBA Americas Championship logo.jpg

  • the 2015 Pan American Games, where he won a silver medal (Toronto)
A stylized person with agreen torso and red head with the number 20 on the body, a stylized blue ball with a 15 on it beside the person, PanAm Toronto 2015 written to the left of scene

  • the 2015 FIBA Americas Championship, where he won a bronze medal (Mexico City)
2015 FIBA Americas Championship logo.jpg

Doornekamp was married on 13 July 2013, in Burlington, Ontario, to Jasmyn Richardson.

The couple has two children.

Brant Street in Downtown Burlington

Above: Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario

I wonder:

Beyond height, would Doornekamp and I have much in common to talk about if our paths ever crossed?

Is Doornekamp’s home in Tenerife filled with trophies and medals and memorablia of past athletic achievements like my sprinter cousin’s home?

How must it be for Jasmyn and their children?

File:Sports Trophies for inter-house sporting competition held in  Annunciation Secondary School.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Another ESS alumni is Adnan Virk, a Canadian sportscaster for MLB Network and DAZN. 

He previously worked for ESPN and TSN.

Adnan Virk was fired from ESPN after a leak investigation. Now he's  starting over. - The Washington Post

Virk also produces and hosts the weekly podcast Cinephile with Adnan Virk show covering cinema news and interviews with entertainment celebrities, as well as co-hosts the football podcast The GM Shuffle with former NFL executive Michael Lombardi.

Cinephile with Adnan Virk on Stitcher

The GM Shuffle with Michael Lombardi & Adnan Virk | Cadence13

Virk was born in Toronto to Zakaria and Taherah Virk, who immigrated to Canada from Pakistan.

In 1984 the family relocated to Kingston, then in 1989 to Morven, a small town just outside Kingston, where his parents owned and operated a gas station and Zack’s Variety store. 

After graduating from Ernestown Secondary School, where he played basketball and soccer, Virk studied Radio and Television Arts at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Ryerson University Crest.png

Above: Logo of Ryerson University

From 2003 to 2009, Virk hosted several programs on The Score and was an associate producer for Sportscentre at TSN.

Above: Logo of the Score (2002 – 2013)

SportsCentre TSN logo.svg

He was also the co-host of Omniculture and Bollywood Boulevard at Omni Television.

Omniculture Communications | LinkedIn

Bollywood Blvd. (TV Series 1997– ) - IMDb

In 2009, he joined Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) as a host and reporter for Raptors TV, Leafs TV and Gol TV Canada.

MLSE logo 2014.png

In April 2010, Virk joined the ESPN family of stations in Bristol, Connecticut.

ESPN wordmark.svg

After joining ESPN, he became one of three main anchors for Baseball Tonight.

During 2014 spring training, he began calling play-by-play for an ESPN affiliate.

ESPN Baseball Tonight logo 2018.jpg

In the baseball off-season, he hosted SportsCenter and Outside the Lines.

Outside The Lines logo.png

He would also fill in for Keith Olbermann on Olbermann.

Keith Olbermann - small.jpg

Above: Keith Olbermann

He was the host of a movie podcast Cinephile on ESPN. 

Pakistani-origin sports host Adnan Virk fired by ESPN | News India Times

In addition, he was also the main studio host for ESPN College Football and also hosted College Football Final.

On 3 February 2019, Virk was fired following an investigation regarding leaks of ESPN information to the media.

Virk and ESPN later agreed not to pursue litigation against each other.

In March 2019, it was announced that Virk would host the new MLB studio program ChangeUp for DAZN, a subscription streaming media service based in London.

SN exclusive: Adnan Virk on 'ChangeUp,' adding fun in baseball coverage,  and 'Captain Marvel' | Sporting News

In addition, Virk appears on MLB Network. 


He also hosts boxing events.

Virk was born to a Pakistani Canadian Ahmadi Muslim family and considers himself a practicing Muslim.

He lives in New Jersey with his wife Eamon, whom he married in 2007.

They have four sons.

Adnan Virk to host DAZN's new MLB show 'ChangeUp' | Arabia Day

ESS has spawned not only athletes or those who cover athletic performance, but as well Gord Downie (1964 – 2017) of the Tragically Hip, and Brett Emmons of the Glorious Sons were alumni of this school in the middle of Nowhere.

(The Tragically Hip’s final tour’s final concert was held at the Rogers K-Rock Centre in Kingston, on 20 August 2016, and was broadcast and streamed live by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on television, radio and on the Internet.

It was viewed by an estimated 11.7 million people.

Even I, living in distant Switzerland, heard about this final concert and the demise of Downie to brain cancer on 17 October 2017.)

Above: Gord Downie, 2013

Union - The Glorious Sons.jpg

Thoughts of Doornekamp and Virk, Downie and Emmons, remind me that a person can rise above their origins no matter how humble the start.

The township offices and fire hall on Odessa’s Main Street do not suggest fame and fortune nor do they whisper much of a world far beyond Loyalist Township.

There is nothing to my Canadian eyes in Odessa, Ontario, that suggests the exotic.

The quiet streets of Odessa do not feel pregnant with promise.

Above: Odessa’s Main Street

There is a small fairground.

An Ontario Provincial Police detachment serves Highway 401 and home to the Tactics and Rescue Unit of Eastern Ontario.

Shoulder flash of the OPP

The water supply of the community of Odessa within the Township of Ernestown was studied in 1972, which led to the planning of infrastructure improvements.

The highest point in the village is the water tower.

Visible for several kilometres in all directions, the water tower has been outfitted as a wireless communications facility.

Canada's Water Towers — Loyalist Odessa Water Tower Odessa, Loyalist...

The village bills itself as “home of the Babcock Mill“, which historically was powered by Millhaven Creek which runs through the heart of Odessa.

The Babcock Mill planing mill and basket factory is the last standing mill, of three, at this Odessa historical site.

Known for its “Babcock baskets”, you can see where John Babcock’s designed and patented basket-making machinery in the early 1900s.

Built in 1856, this historical three-mill site once included a woolen mill (on Factory Street) and a saw mill.

Babcock Mill

 Above. Babcock Mill

Napanee is a town of nearly 16,000 people, but it feels smaller than that stat.

Napanee is approximately 45 kilometres (28 mi) west of Kingston and is the county seat of Lennox and Addington County.

Location of Lennox and Addington County

It is located on the eastern end of the Bay of Quinte,  a long, narrow bay shaped like the letter “Z” on the northern shore of Lake Ontario.

The Bay, as it is known locally, provides some of the best trophy walleye angling in North America, as well as most sport fish common to the Great Lakes.

The bay is subject to algal blooms in late summer. 

Zebra mussels as well as the other invasive species found in the Great Lakes are present.

Dreissena polymorpha.jpg

The Quinte area played a vital role in bootlegging during Prohibition in the United States, with large volumes of liquor being produced in the area, and shipped via boat on the bay to Lake Ontario finally arriving in New York State where it was distributed.

Illegal sales of liquor accounted for many fortunes in and around Belleville.

Tourism in the area is significant, especially in the summer months due to the Bay of Quinte and its fishing, local golf courses, provincial parks, and wineries.

The first recorded settlement in the area of Greater Napanee is Ganneious, an Iroquois village, settled temporarily by the Oneida from 1660 to 1690.

The village was located on or near the Hay Bay area and is one of seven Iroquois villages settled on the northern shores of Lake Ontario in the 17th century.

The exact location of the village has not been determined.

Iroquois Settlement at Fort Frontenac in the Seventeenth and Early  Eighteenth Centuries

The area was settled by Loyalists (Americans during the American Revolution who did not wish to stop being British subjects) in 1784.

Napanee was first incorporated in 1854.

The first Loyalists settlers arrived at Adolphustown on 15 June 1784.

Their landing spot and site of the first Loyalist cemetery in the area has been preserved by the Loyalists. - Loyalist Monuments - Loyalist Landing Place Plaque –  Adolphustown, Ontario

Napanee developed at the site of a waterfall, the head of navigation, on the Napanee River, where early industry could utilize the power potential of the River.

Napanee Falls

Above: Napanee Falls

The River (25 km / 15 miles long) transported logs from the interior north (up past the village of Colebrook) of the town. 

Sawmilling, gristmilling and other farm service industries were established.

Napanee was first known as Clarksville after Robert Clark, who built a grist mill there.

THE NAPANEE MILLS" - Napanee - Ontario Provincial Plaques on

Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, practised law in Napanee.

Photograph of Macdonald circa 1875 by George Lancefield.

Above: Sir John A. Macdonald (1815 – 1891)

Napanee’s downtown core (along Dundas Street) is also lined with historical buildings dating back to the 1800s.

The Town of Greater Napanee’s Self-Guided Historic Walking Tour provides locations and information on these sites as well as other historical locations nearby.

NAPANEE , Ontario , Canada , 1930s ; Dundas Street | eBay

Rural Routes - Town of Greater Napanee (Lower Tier Lennox and Addington)

At 180 Elizabeth Street, the visitor can find a ball of wood fiber paper.

This ball at the Allan Macpherson House (Lennox and Addington Museum) was preserved by John Thomson after his first successful attempt to duplicate the wood pulp process he had learned in the United States before settling here.

In 1872, on the Napanee River, Thomson built the first mill in Ontario designed to make paper from wood pulp only.

JOHN THOMSON 1837-1920" ~ Newburgh - Ontario Provincial Plaques on

The E-History Project Project -- Towns & Industry -- John Thomson's Silver  Tea Urn

Also in the Museum is a British army lieutenant’s account of a 1784 trip up the St. Lawrence River from Sillery (near Québec City) with Napanee’s first white settlers, a group of Loyalists.

St_Lawrence_Seaway_2019 | Go Next

The Museum is a many-windowed Georgian mansion built in 1826, reflecting the affluence of its original owner, Allan Macpherson, the town’s first industrialist.

Furniture includes a Regency couch and a Sheridan love seat, both dating from 1830.

Allan Macpherson House | Adventures In Mountain Time

Above: Interior of the Macpherson House

Half-cousin to first Canadian Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald, Allan Macpherson operated the grist and saw mills at Napanee Falls starting in 1818.

For almost three decades, Macpherson was one of Lennox and Addington’s most civic-minded and politically active entrepreneurs.

He created fine-quality flour shipped to Montreal and England and became Postmaster at Napanee in 1820. 

Macpherson’s gentry-inspired house, built north of Napanee Falls, remained in the family until 1896, long after he had returned to Kingston.

Allan Macpherson House - Napanee, ON - History Museums on

Macpherson House, Napanee. illustration... - Vintage Kingston | Facebook

In 1962, the Lennox and Addington Historical Society began a visionary labour of love to restore this home to its 19th century character.

True to its roots, the Macpherson House has been restored to its original splendour both inside and out. 

The Macpherson House now functions as additional gallery space for the Lennox & Addington Museum and Archives.

Macpherson House new_0.JPG

Above: Allan Macpherson House (Lennox & Addington County Museum and Archives)

Two blocks away is a privately owned house that was the Red Tavern, built in 1810.

Dundas street

The white-columned town hall dates from 1856, the courthouse from 1864.

Parks Canada - Napanee Town Hall National Historic Site of Canada

Above: Napanee Town Hall

Lennox and Addington Counties | US Courthouses

Above: Lexington & Addington County Courthouse, Napanee

Gibbard’s, the oldest furniture factory in Ontario, has operated since 1835.

Former Gibbard employee crafts reunion plan

For over 180 years, the Gibbard Furniture Factory has been an iconic landmark in Napanee.

It’s a focal point for the town that’s rich in history.

Honouring this legacy, it has been transformed into a highly anticipated waterfront community where contemporary amenities enhance the charm of small-town simplicity.

With retail opportunities and a platform for local gatherings, Gibbard District is more than a residential space where every suite is just steps away from a private kayak dock.

It’s a vibrant hub for families, friends, and neighbours, one where they can share the moments that make lasting memories.

Built on a historic foundation, Gibbard District is a local destination that will inject energy and opportunity into Napanee.

A developer has unveiled a bold vision to redevelop the former Gibbard's  Furniture Store in Napanee. | Watch News Videos Online

Above: Gibbard’s District

Napanee unfortunately shares the fate of far too many towns in Ontario.

Step away from its historic quarters and you find yourself in zones of shopping malls and fast food joints, gas stations and repair garages.

The S Family lives just beyond this zone.

We have burritos at a Quesadas before heading to their trailer home.

Daredevil by Joe Quesada : Daredevil

(Does Napanee have a local dish?)

J and V and K and I share a common problem of being heavier than we should be.

We also share the seductive sorrow of turning to things that help us only if we allow them to.

We are unwell each in our own way.


We fear that which we cannot define.

For V and K it is the uncertainty of the unknown.

I fear familarity and the fetters that fealty forces upon its followers.

K‘s phobias are more real than reality.

K is unmotivated to change her clothes, to change her ways.

Her fears paralyze her.

For J it is the fear of not being of use.

J needs to be needed and he has always remained the loyal servant in their Majesties’ service.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service-Ian Fleming.jpg

J is nearly 20 years my senior, V is 14 years older than I, K is a little over half my age.

And yet J still caters to V and K, when he is at an age and body condition that suggests he should finally be the one who is pampered.

I understand J only too well.

I will surrender to aging only when I am physically incapacitated and unwell to fend and fetch for myself.

Neither J nor I plan to exit life without a struggle.

But I see the tolls of age upon his face and frame and in his movements.

do not go gentle into that good night ~ rage, rage against the dying of the  light | Words, Dying of the light, Good night love messages

Problem is he has been of such use, such utility, that I fear that their Majesties may find themselves unable to function without him should J fall and not rise again.

His love for his ladies is too great in that their reliance on him has diminished their abilities to become self-reliant.

He is butler, valet and chauffeur.

He lifts the heavy objects, he does the dirty deeds, he is man about the house.

He remains through his pension the breadwinner of this collective.

I have always been impressed by J’s quiet strength, his unending devotion to the damsels that are his destiny.

I have always marvelled at men who presevere despite every incentive to quit.

Remains of the day.jpg

J is Endicott.

Endicott’s up by 5 o’clock
Endicott’s givin’ it all he got
Endicott’s job is six to nine but
Endicott’s home by nine O five
Endicott helps to cook the steak
Endicott helps to wash the plates
Endicott puts the kids to bed
Endicott reads a book to them

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)

Kid Creole And The Coconuts - Endicott (1985, Vinyl) | Discogs

Endicott loves Tribena sole
Endicott puts her on a pedestal
Endicott’s wish is her command but
Endicott don’t make no demands
Endicott’s always back in time
Endicott’s not the cheatin’ kind
Endicott’s full of compliment
Endicott’s such a gentleman

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)

Endicott - Kid Creole and the Coconuts - YouTube

Cause I’m free
Free of any made-to-order liabilities
Thank God I’m free
Cos it’s hard enough for me
To take care of me, oh-oh

Endicott’s carryin’ a heavy load
Endicott never really ever moans
Endicott’s not a wealthy guy but
Endicott pays the bills on time
Endicott’s got ideas and plans
Endicott’s what you call a real man
Endicott always will provide ’cause
Endicott is the family type

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)

Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Stool Pigeon (1982) [videoclip] - YouTube

Cause I’m free
Freer than a pirate on a frigate out at sea
Thank God I’m free
Driftin’ all around just like a tumbleweed, oh-oh

Maybe I need me someone
Someone who isn’t undone
Maybe an older woman
Will tolerate me
Maybe that certain someone
Older and wiser woman
Maybe the perfect someone
To satisfy me

Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Endicott ( german TV - 1985 ) - YouTube

Endicott keeps his body clean
Endicott don’t use nicotine
Endicott don’t drink alcohol
Endicott use no drug at all
Endicott don’t eat any sweet
Endicott don’t eat piggy feet
Endicott’s frame is mighty strong
Endicott make love hard and long

(Why can’t you be like Endicott?)


Endicott loves Tribena sole
Endicott walks her to the sto’
Endicott likes to hold her hand
Endicott’s proud to be her man
Endicott stands for decency
Endicott means formality
Endicott’s the epitome
Endicott stands for quality

Endicott by Kid Creole & The Coconuts (Single; Sire; W8959P): Reviews,  Ratings, Credits, Song list - Rate Your Music


I’ll never be, I’ll never be like Endicott

Said I’m not.

I’ll never be, I’ll never be like Endicott.

No Endicott in me.

SD > Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Endicott [TG] [1985]

There are three things (and three fingers pointing back at myself) men need to understand if they are to get it right with women:

  1. Standing up to your wife or partner as an equal without intimidating her or being intimidated by her.
  2. Knowing the essential differences in male and female sexuality and so mastering the art of the chase
  3. Realizing she is not your mother and so making it through the long dark night

Most modern men, myself included, when faced with their wife’s anger, complaints or general unhappiness, simply submit, mumble an apology and tiptoe away.

(Which, of course, is still preferable to being the kind of man who handles his differences with violence and intimidation.)

If most modern men grumble, they do so into their beards.

For the most part we act conciliatory and apologize for being such dopes.

I’m sorry, dear!

Yes, She Who Must Be Obeyed!

SHE, A History of Adventure (1st Edition Cover), by H. Rider Haggard.jpg

Everywhere, you look around,the “husband as a lovable dope” is an agreed-upon type.

But real life doesn’t work like the comics, TV shows or movies.

Millions of men who adopt this stance find that it rarely, if ever leads, to her happiness or his.

Women with dopey husbands are not happy.

Actually they become more dissatisfied, more complaining.

Dagwood Comics.jpg

Some psychologists suggest that, often without even realizing why, the henpecking behaviour escalates – for a simple reason.

Deep down, they say, women want to be met by someone strong, as strong as many of them have to be outside the relationship.

They want to be debated with, not just agreed with, for they are not always right (despite what they may say or think).

(To be fair, they are often right.)

Funny Home Decor Sign Men To The Left Because Women Are Always Right 12" x  12" | eBay

Women hunger for men who can take the initiative sometimes, make some decisions, tell them when they are not making sense.

It’s no fun being the only adult in the room.

How can a woman relax or feel safe, when the man she is teamed with pretends to be weaker and softer than he can be, just for the sake of peace and harmony between them?

So many strong, capable women who once they finally find the sensitive, caring New Age man they thought they wanted now find themselves bored stiff with his complacency.

Bedazzled movie - Posts | Facebook

Above: Scene from Bedazzled, where Elliot Richards (Brendon Fraser) is rejected by Alison Gardner (Frances O’Connor) for being too sensitive

So many decent men are able to say to their women:

I feel your pain.

I consider your life as important as mine.

I will take care of you and comfort you.”

So many men give so much of themselves to their relationships and in the process lose the self that she fell in love with.

They can no longer say what they want and stick to it.

It is that sense of resolve that drew her to him.

It is that sense of resolve he sold out for peace with her.

Superman with his cape billowing

One of the things that marks out a mature man versus a male still not there is the discovery that women are as human as men.

Sometimes they are dead right and sometimes completely wrong.

Women are not devils (though they certainly have their moments) nor angels (despite how angelic they may appear, despite how divine they look).

They are mere normal, fallible human beings.

Movie poster for Weird Science (1985).jpg

Being married means a man must keep his head on straight.

So many men just drift along and let women decide everything.

Marriage is not an excuse to stop thinking.


A woman can be as wrong, as immature, as perverse, as prejudiced, as competitive, or as bloody-minded as any man can.

Sometimes a man and a woman will see things differently because men and women are different.

What is right for her may often be wrong for him and vice versa.

Women often don’t understand men,

(Hell, often we of either gender don’t understand ourselves.)

He said she said.jpg

You have to keep negotiating, for avoidance will not bring harmony.

To have a happy relationship, a man has to be able to state his point of view, to debate, to leave aside hysteria, to push on until something has been resolved.

4,015 Man Giving Speech Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock

To be fair, it is frightening to find strength, to speak up for oneself knowing that this may lead to confrontation with someone you fear losing.

But all that is gained by retreat or automatic compliance she that she enjoys having the upper hand and being able to manipulate her man into doing what she wants, until this becomes so facile that it becomes boring to her and futile for him.

White Flag Dido.jpg

It is not that a woman wishes a man harm (well, not always) it is just that boundaries need to be set in regards to what to what she can or cannot do regarding what is his responsibility to himself.

Often it is enough to say:

Hey, you are crowding me.

Don’t make up my mind for me.

Let me choose my own clothes.

(Good luck with that last one, lads!)

Prince Phillip vs. Prince Phillip? – Small Town Dreamer

When my King is weak, I ask my wife or children what is the right thing to do.

I have had strange adventures in buying sweaters.” (Robert Bly)

Iron John.jpg

It is a mistake to think that a perfect marriage is harmonious, sweet and loving.

If a couple is happy 100% of the time, chances are someone is lying,

The passionate, heated European-style marriage has more going for it.

Carl Jung said:

American marriages are the saddest in the whole world, because the man does all his fighting at the office.”

ETH-BIB-Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961)-Portrait-Portr 14163 (cropped).tif

Above: Carl Jung (1875 – 1961)

Conscious fighting is a great help in relationships between men and women.

When a man and a woman are standing toe-to-toe arguing, what is it that the man wants?

Often he does not know.

He wants the conflict to end, because he is afraid, because he does not know how to fight, because he “doesn’t believe in fighting“, because his boundaries are so poorly maintained that every sword thrust penetrates to very centre of his soul.

Men are afraid because they sense that both men and women have the capacity for blind rage which achieves nothing.

I have had it with men!“, she says.

Women!“, he cries, “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them!

Such frustration, to need someone so much and yet…..

All men hate all women some of the time and all women hate all men some of the time.

There is a long history of male-bashing by women and female-bashing by men.

But boundaries must be set to ensure that this hate is not more than is deserved.

Main eventposter.jpg

We must fight, debate and be true to ourselves, otherwise our closeness is merely an act.

But in fighting, we must show great restraint and respect for one another.

Laws Of Attraction Movie Trailer, Reviews and More | TV Guide

Above: Audrey Woods (Julianne Moore) / Daniel Rafferty (Pierce Brosnan), Laws of Attraction (2004)

And it is here where the outsider to someone else’s relationship knows not how to react.

I judge the Family S by my own standards.

I don’t see them as they may see themselves.

I see them as I wish they were, not as they are.

I see the present moment, not the events that led them here.

I feel that their situation is sad.

Too much TV watching, too much game playing, too little reading, too little exercise, lives unlived.

I find myself repulsed, for I see this potential in myself and I silently scream against this.

It's not an "S". On my world, it means hope. | Superman quotes, Superman  movies, Superhero quotes

The trailer home is small and I am relegated to a fold-out sofa within a space cluttered by the unnecessary stuff that people eagerly collect, more to possess than to have permanent purpose.

K‘s cat does not seek my company.

V‘s cat and I share the warmth of the sofa bed.

No words are needed between us.

The cat demands nothing from me but respect and restraint.

I expect the same from the cat.

It is peace in our time and a silent night.

Cat poster 1.jpg

I read the Napanee Beaver, hoping it will distract me from my depression.


I learn that:

  • Saturday 4 January saw Napanee’s first major snowfall of 2020
Frosty Friend

  • a fellow named Ernie will celebrate his 90th birthday in ten days’ time
90th Birthday – Ernie Pennell

  • Greater Napanee water rates could rise by 2.1% this year
Greater Napanee water rates could rise 2.1 per cent in 2020

  • bus charters and Thai massages and financial advice and all manner of goods and services are available in Napanee

  • the Napanee roller-rink celebrated its grand opening on Friday 3 January in the old arena
Napanee roller-rink celebrates grand opening in old arena

  • Life Labs experienced a cyber-attack, YOUR information is out there!
LifeLabs free credit monitoring offer has customers concerned about further  data breaches | CTV News

  • there are church services this week at 16 different churches for one God only, pick your own road to redemption
Church Services

  • opinions are expressed that women’s hockey does not get the same amount of respect as men’s hockey
Napanee Beaver - Hawks hockey girls repeat as KASSAA... | Facebook

  • Drew Daywalt’s My Tooth Is Lost and Cassandra Clare’s Ghosts of the Shadow Market and John E. Douglas’ The Killer Across the Table and Julie Andrews’ Home Work: A Memoir of my Hollywood Years and Jojo Moyes’ The Giver of Stars are well worth a read (according to the county’s friendly librarians)
My Tooth Is Lost! : Drew Daywalt : 9781338143881 Ghosts of the Shadow Market (9781534433625): Clare, Cassandra,  Rees Brennan, Sarah, Johnson, Maureen, Link, Kelly, Wasserman, Robin: Books

The Killer Across the Table: Unlocking the Secrets of Serial Killers and  Predators with the FBI's Original Mindhunter - Kindle edition by Douglas, John  E., Olshaker, Mark. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle

Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years: Andrews, Julie, Hamilton, Emma  Walton: 9780316349253: Books

The Giver of Stars: Fall in love with the enchanting 2020 Sunday Times  bestseller from the author of Me Before You: Moyes, Jojo:  9780718183202: Books

  • eight public notices indicate that the town hall is still functioning in 2020
  • 42 properties are available to purchase NOW
  • hockey deserves at least four articles in a weekly newspaper (This is Canada, after all, eh?)
  • the Lennox Community Theatre is holding auditions (The Dixie Swim Club)
Lennox Community Theatre - Events | Facebook

  • the Lennox Agricultural Society is holding its annual meeting (I wonder what they could possibly discuss: “Hey, Joe, how was your harvest on the back forty?“)
Agriculture - Greater Napanee

  • the Ontario SPCA’s Lennox & Addington Branch in Napanee is ready to spay and neuter your pets (Look at Marlon, a six-year-old domestic shorthair in the cropped photo. I wonder how he feels.)
Ontario SPCA Lennox and Addington Animal Centre - Home | Facebook

  • scooters, firewood, new and used appliances, barn repairs, livestock, boilers, water softeners, dog grooming, cars and trucks, rooms at the retirement home, apartments, real estate, mortgages, firearms courses (What do you want?)
  • five cards of thanks, six memorials, 15 obituaries (and a partridge in a pear tree)
  • the same classified page offers both baby photos and cremations, life and death encapsulated in simplicity

Napanee Beaver September 17, 2015 by The Napanee Beaver - issuu

  • A & W offers teen burgers, chubby chicken burgers, bacon & eggers, mozza burgers, three-strip combos….its own products, its own coupons, its own jargon (How do teenagers and chubby chickens find themselves sacrificed and sandwiched?)
A&W NAPANEE - Restaurant Reviews, Photos & Phone Number - Tripadvisor

  • tours from Kristine Geary’s Fully Escorted Maple Leaf Tours to Myrtle Beach, NYC, Atlantic City, Nashville, Memphis, Cape Cod, DC, Newfoundland, the Caribbean, Alaska, Bermuda, Hawaii and mysteriously the words “Come From Away“, which confuses me…..shouldn’t it be “go away“?
Maple Leaf Tours Inc - Opening Hours - 2937 Princess St, Kingston, ON

The cat purrs and lies across my chest.

Reading rendered impossible.

Lights out.

The purring before the loss of consciousness.

Napanee, Ontario, Friday 10 January 2020

Another sad day in the news and too much time on my hands to read it:

  • After Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested that Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was downed by an Iranian missile, Iranian authorities rejected this theory.

At a news conference on Friday, Iran’s Civil Aviation Organisation (CAOI) chief Ali Abedzadeh repeated his view that a missile was not the cause of the crash.

The thing that is clear to us and that we can say with certainty is that this plane was not hit by a missile,” he told reporters.

As I said last night, this plane for more than one and a half minutes was on fire and was in the air, and the location shows that the pilot was attempting to return.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had received intelligence from multiple sources indicating the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile, adding that it was possible that this was unintentional.

This reinforces the need for a thorough investigation,” he said.

Canadians have questions and they deserve answers.

Victims of the crash included 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians as well as nationals from Sweden, the UK, Afghanistan and Germany.

But he said it was too early to apportion blame or draw any conclusions and refused to go into detail about the evidence.

(It isn’t clear whether the loved ones of the 82 Iranians, the 11 Ukrainians and the nationals from Sweden, the UK, Afghanistan and Germany deserve answers.)

  • A bombing claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS / ISIL) at a mosque in Quetta, Pakistan, killed at least 15 people and wounded 18 others, three days after a motorcycle bombing in the city killed two.

Flag of Pakistan

Above: Flag of Pakistan

A suicide bombing took place inside a Taliban-run mosque located in Ghousabad neighbourhood during Magrib (first morning) prayer in Quetta’s Satellite Town area. 

The bomb had been planted inside a seminary in the mosque. 

Bolan mosque.jpg

Among the dead was a Deputy Superintendent of Police, the apparent target of the attack, along with 14 civilians.

At least 19 others were injured.

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing.

They said the bombing caused 60 casualties, including 20 dead.

Blast inside Quetta mosque claims 15 lives, injures 19 - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

(It is so easy to forget that those who cause death and destruction in the name of Islam often target more Muslims than non-Muslims.

No matter how often the name of God is used, its use does not make an act of violence godly.)

Do Terrorists Have a Religion

  • the Iraqi cleric and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani condemned both the US and Iran over the escalation of conflict in Iraq, saying it shows blatant disregard for Iraqi sovereignty and the suffering of the Iraqi people.

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Above: Ali al-Sistani

A lot of war talk, a lot of sabre-rattling, a lot of innocent blood waiting to be spilled by young folks sacrificed in the name of nations, represented by leaders who remain far from any chance that they themselves are in danger.

Fear-mongering, defence of country, words like honour and glory, lives betrayed so the powerful can maintain or increase their power.

What baffles me is that we are supposed to believe that Iraq is a threat to the USA.

Location of Iraq

Above: Location of Iraq

Let’s compare, shall we?

The U.S. Strategy in Iraq Could Come Back to Bite

Military power ranking: US #1 / Iraq #53

Population: US 329 million / Iraq 40 million

Manpower: US 144 million / Iraq 16 million

Fit for duty: US 119 million / Iraq 13 million

Military personnel: US 1.2 million / Iraq 165,000

Reserve forces: US 360,000 / Iraq 0

Tanks: US 6,287 / Iraq 309

Armored vehicles: US 39,000 / Iraq 4,700

Self-propelled artillery: US 992 / Iraq 44

Towed artillery: US 864 / Iraq 120

Rocket projectors: US 1,056 / Iraq 30

Air strength: US 13,400 / Iraq 327

Fighters: US 2,362 / Iraq 26

Attack aircraft: US 2,831 / Iraq 59

Transport aircraft: US 1,153 / Iraq 24

Trainer aircraft: US 2,853 / Iraq 78

Helicopters: US 5,760 / Iraq 179

Naval strength: US 415 / Iraq 60

Frigates: US 22 / Iraq 0

Destroyers: US 68 / Iraq 0

Corvettes: US 15 / Iraq 0

Submarines: US 68 / Iraq 0

Patrol craft: US 13 / Iraq 25

Mine craft: US 11 / Iraq 0

Oil production: US 9.3 million barrels / Iraq 4.4 million barrels

Oil consumption: US 825 million barrels / Iraq 19 million barrels

Oil reserves: US 142.5 million barrels / Iraq 36.5 million barrels

Labour force. US 160.4 million / Iraq 8.9 million

Merchant marine: US 3,611 / Iraq 77

Ports / terminals: US 33 / Iraq 3

Roads: US 6,586,610 km / Iraq 44,900 km

Railroads: US 224,792 km / Iraq 2,272 km

Airports: US 13,513 / Iraq 102

Defence budget: US $716 billion / Iraq $6 billion

External debt: US $17 trillion / Iraq $73 billion

Foreign gold: US $123 billion / Iraq $48 billion

Purchasing power: US $19 trillion / Iraq $680 billion

Nuclear warheads: US 4,000 / Iraq 0

By the numbers, which country is the greatest threat to the other?

ORSAM-Center for Middle Eastern Studies

I may not find the idea of the theocratic government of Iraq a comfortable notion, but let us not paint the US as an innocent victim.

Above: Imam Ali Mosque, Najaf, Iraq: One of the holiest sites in Shia Islam

  • An 11-year-old student opened fire at his school in Torreón, Mexico, killing a teacher and wounding six others before committing suicide.

At least two people have been killed and six injured after an 11-year-old boy entered a school in northern Mexico with two handguns and opened fire.

The shooting took place on Friday morning in the city of Torreón, in Coahuila state.

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Above: Images of Torréon, Mexico

Mexico school shooting: Boy, 11, kills teacher and himself in Torreón - BBC  News

One of the dead was reportedly a female teacher, with some reports suggesting she had been the shooter’s target.

The other was the shooter, who police said had killed himself.

A graphic photograph published by Mexican news outlets showed what appeared to be the body of a young boy splayed out in a pool of blood, with a handgun lying on the ground.

Mexico school shooting: Teen told classmates he would bring gun

Police chief Maurilio Ochoa told reporters six people had been wounded – five schoolchildren and a teacher – with two in a “delicate” condition in hospital.

Ochoa said the shooter was believed to have entered his school with two weapons: a small-calibre handgun and a high-calibre weapon.

The boy’s parents and grandmother, with whom he lived, had said they had no idea how he acquired the guns.

This is really regrettable,” Ochoa said, as anxious parents gathered outside the school’s entrance.

He suggested backpack searches might be needed to prevent future tragedies.

Mexico: two killed after 11-year-old opens fire at school | World news |  The Guardian

Torreón’s mayor, Jorge Zermeño, told reporters the causes of the attack were still unclear.

They tell me he was a boy who had very good grades, who lives – lived – with his grandmother and who certainly suffered some kind of family problem.

He added:

It is very serious, so, so sad, and lamentable to see a primary school student do something like this.

In an interview with the Mexican news channel Milenio TV, Zermeño called the shooting an “atypical situation” that did not speak to the “peaceful society” that was Torreón.

This is a city that likes to work and likes to live in peace,” he said.

Ayuntamiento de Torreón

Above: Jorge Zermeno

Coahuila state’s governor, Miguel Ángel Riquelme, told reporters there were suspicions the shooter had been influenced by a video game called Natural Selection.

Miguel Riquelme Solís - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Above: Miguel Ángel Riquelme

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Before carrying out the shooting the boy – who has not been identified – reputedly told classmates:

Today is the day.

Despite suffering some of the world’s highest murder rates, school shootings of the kind that blight the US remain relatively rare in Latin America.

After school shooting, Mexican bishops stress family unity – Catholic Philly

  • Thousands of people protested in Australia, calling for the resignation or ouster of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, accusing him of negligence over the Australian bushfires.

The Sack ScoMo protests, organised by Uni Students for Climate Justice, were held in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne — where the rain did little to dampen the mood of the large crowd.

They went ahead despite calls from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Victoria Police who expressed concern that police would need to be pulled away from bushfires to monitor the large crowds.

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Above: Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews

Protesters in Sydney lampoon Scott Morrison for his Hawaiian holiday. Picture: Matrix.

A sea of umbrellas could be seen along the steps of Victoria’s State Library and protesters spilt across Swanston Street and towards Melbourne Central Station.

Some used megaphones to speak to small groups who sheltered from the rain.

T-shirts, selling for $40 each, read F*** SCOMO.

Placards help by protesters read:

We deserve more than your negligence.”

This is ecosystem collapse.”

We can’t breathe.”

Australia bushfires: towns face anxious wait as strong winds drive fires |  Australia news | The Guardian

Protesters told they were pleased with the turnout.

There are so many people here, despite the weather.

It proves that people really care about the cause and are tired of waiting for action,” one young woman said.

Australians protest PM Scott Morrison's climate policies amid bushfire  crisis - CNN

In Sydney, thousands more gathered outside Sydney Town Hall to hear from speakers.

Organisers Uni Students for Climate Justice wrote on Facebook they want to “make the climate criminals pay” and “keep up the pressure”.

It comes as NSW authorities warn of a “long night” with almost a dozen fires flaring up across the state.

The protests outside the Sydney Town Hall. Picture: @MichaelM_ACT/Twitter

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said besides the two new fires, everything else was playing out as forecast with the hot and windy conditions on Friday.

But she urged communities remain vigilant.

In essence, we know it’s going to be a long and difficult night,” Ms Berejiklian said.

We won’t know the extent of the impact of these fires until early tomorrow morning.”

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Above: New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian

Starting from September 2019, fires heavily impacted various regions of the state of New South Wales, with more than 100 fires burnt across the state.

In Victoria, large areas of forest burnt out of control for four weeks before the fires emerged from the forests in late December, taking lives, threatening many towns.

Significant fires occurred in South Australia and parts of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Moderately affected areas were southeastern Queensland and areas of southwestern Western Australia, with a few areas in Tasmania being mildly impacted.

On 12 November 2019, catastrophic fire danger was declared in the Greater Sydney region for the first time since the introduction of this level in 2009 and a total fire ban was in place for seven regions of New South Wales, including Greater Sydney.

The Illawarra and Greater Hunter areas also experienced catastrophic fire dangers, as did other parts of the state, including the already fire ravaged parts of northern New South Wales.

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Above: Images of 2019 – 2020 Australian bush fires

The political ramifications of the fire season have been significant.

A decision by the New South Wales government to cut funding to fire services based on budget estimates, as well as a holiday taken by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, during a period in which two volunteer firefighters died, and his perceived apathy towards the situation, resulted in controversy.

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Above: Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

  • Author and self-help guru Marianne Williamson dropped out of the US Democratic Party presidential primaries.

Williamson said that her lack of elective office experience does not disqualify her from being President.

She implies that not having held office before is, in part, what makes her uniquely qualified.

She stated that the belief that only experienced politicians can lead the US is “preposterous“, arguing that experienced politicians led the US into unfounded wars, extreme income inequality and environmental harm.

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Above: Marianne Williamson

She has called for her expertise in empathy, differentiated thinking, and political vision to be valued on par with elected experience and cited President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1932 statement that:

The Presidency is not merely an administrative office.

That’s the least of it.

It is preeminently a place of moral leadership.”

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Above: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 – 1945)

“Throughout her campaign, Williamson talks more about ideas than plans.

Some people might see that as an inability to lead, but when inciting the darkest parts of humanity helped win the previous election, trying to appeal to the light side doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.

She’s doing her best to move the conversation to one of peace and love instead of anger and division.

What is so laughable about that?

Campaign promises – plans for Medicare, plans for how to curb climate change – are great.

But promises without a fundamental shift in thinking will simply become empty promises.

Williamson is trying to teach us that our mind-set needs a new baseline, one of true empathy, so that it becomes impossible to deny people basic health care, so that Americans would never for one second think that separating breastfeeding mothers from their infants at the border is in any way acceptable.”

(Kerry Pieri, Harper’s Bazaar)


Williamson believes that the Presidency of Donald Trump inspired increased visibility and political participation of White nationalists and is therefore unique and requires “more” than past political experience to be defeated:

When we look at the role that emotion plays in White Nationalism, the role of emotion in those movements is undeniable.

Hate is powerful and hate is contagious.

And it is not enough to meet it simply with an intellectual analysis or rational argument.

The only way you can defeat them is by overriding them through an equal force is exerted when people are awakened to those positive feelings and positive emotions.

Williamson stressed that she meets all the requirements to be President as laid out by the US Constitution and implied that those who dismiss candidates without elective office experience are elitists impeding the country’s democratic process and values.

She has appealed for a process that excludes media favouritism in favor of bringing forth candidates to voters, allowing those candidates to “do their best” and then “allowing voters to decide for themselves through their own intelligent analysis“.

If the Founders wanted to say ‘That Presidential candidate needs to be a governor or a senator, or a congressman or a lawyer,’ then they would have.

But they didn’t, because they were leaving it to every generation to determine for itself the skillset that that generation feels is most necessary in order to address the challenges of their time.

I think we need more than someone who’s just qualified because they understand how Washington works.

We need someone today who understands how “we” work.

And I think my 35-year career gives me those qualifications.

I must admit I am torn between the idea that if any American wants to be President desire should be enough, and the importance of political experience.

  • The Tunisian Parliament votes to reject a cabinet proposed by Prime Minister-designate Habib Jemli.

President Kais Saied has ten days to select someone else to build a new government.

I can’t imagine forming a cabinet is easy.

Flag of Tunisia

Above: Flag of Tunisia

Location of Tunisia (dark blue) in Africa (light blue)

Above: Location of Tunisia

  • Omani statet television announced the death of the Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said (79).

At the time of his death, Said was the longest serving head of state in the Middle East and Arab world.

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Above: Qaboos bin Said al-Said (1940 – 2020)

The high military council of the Sultan of Oman’s Armed Forces called on the Omani royal family to convene to name a successor to the late Sultan within three days.

A three-day period of national mourning was declared.

Flag of Oman

Above: Flag of Oman

Location of Oman in the Arabian Peninsula (dark green)

Above: Location of Oman

I compare my life with world events since I arrived in Napanee:

  • There is little risk of being attacked by anyone.
  • I fortunately knew no one aboard Flight 752 nor in the Iranian bus crash.
  • I have no stake in the future of Nissan nor have I ever met Ghosan (or anyone famous for that matter).
  • I have no stake in Brexit though I do think it is a bad idea.
  • I knew no one in the Quetta bombing nor in the Torréon shootings.
  • The bush fires in Australia are interesting and global warming affects the globe, but beyond this I am uninvolved.
  • The US elections are interesting, but I am neither an American nor a resident in America.
  • Politics elsewhere in the world are worthwhile watching, but folks in Tunisia and Oman care little about what a Canadian residing in Switzerland thinks.

Stop Reading the News: A Manifesto for a Happier, Calmer and Wiser Life:  Dobelli, Rolf: 9781529342680: Books

Instead I watch with sadness the activities of the family S.

Happily, Big J is not as obsessed with games and TV as the females in the place.

In the early afternoon J and I walk to A & W.

I had forgotten how much I missed A & W root beer.

A&W Root Beer logo.svg

A few hours later I retrace our steps to the creek J had showed me and then treat myself at the local Denny’s.

In the evening, cabbie A with her daughter S show up and more games are played.

S is like my cousin Steve, a natural winner in any competition.

It is easy to love folks like Steve, except when competiting against them.

Hasbro Gaming The Game of Life Board Game for Families and Kids Ages 9 and  Up, Game for 2-4 Players | Indore Business

Being winter, it is difficult to play tourist in Napanee.

Winter Shadows in Napanee

Being five years apart and away from the family S means escape must be done in a manner that does not offend.

The Great Escape (film) poster.jpg

There is a great irony that dominates my thoughts before the cat and I return to the sofa bed.

I am leaving as planned tomorrow for Toronto.

From top, left to right: The CN Tower viewed from Harbourfront, the Ontario Legislative Building, the Prince Edward Viaduct, City Hall with the 3D Toronto sign, Casa Loma, the Royal Ontario Museum and the Scarborough Bluffs

Above: Images of Toronto

It will again be years before I see the family S again (barring disease or disaster unforeseen).

I am simultaneously relieved and anxious to be leaving.

I love these people and yet they fill me with sadness.

So much wasted potential, I think.

They are my soul’s mirror.

I am discomfited.

Michael Jackson- "Man In The Mirror": This song is great for this story's  concept. The song's meaning is base… | Jackson family, Songs with meaning,  Michael jackson

Napanee to Kingston, Ontario, Saturday 11 January 2020

48 hours it has been between arrival and departure at the station.

I loathe myself and my eagerness to leave.

Before we packed J, V, K, her cat and I into the family car, I gave prefunctionary presents of what I had on hand that I acquired and carried since my return to Canada nine days ago.

It is a drizzling grey day that matches my mood.

My mood lifts at seeing Canada geese in a Kingston park.

Shouldn’t they have already flown down south?

What to do when the Canada Goose gets in your way | Watch News Videos Online

We drive by the Kingston Penitentary, still impressive, still imposing.

Above: Kingston Pentientary

Somewhere on the way we stop for milkshakes (in January!).

At the convenience store next door, I buy today’s Kingston Whig Standard newspaper and two magazines on writing (something to read on the train ride to Toronto).


As K‘s cat needs medical attention (It won’t eat as it should.) I am left alone at the station one hour before departure, a farewell that felt forced, I fear my face telegraphed my feelings.

As I wait for the train, I eat the sandwiches that Big J made me last night (ham and cheddar upon leaves of lettuce between slices of dry bread).

I hope that the Napanee Sadness will eventually fade.

All I know is that as much as I love the family S, as much as they are my family, I do not belong with them.

The skies are grey, within and without.

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Sources: Wikipedia / Google / YouTube / / The Napanee Beaver, 9 January 2020 / Reader’s Digest Explore Canada / Steve Biddulph, Manhood / Frank Bodin, Do it, with love / Thomas Girst and Magnus Resch, 100 Secrets of the Art World / Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man

Rumours from my room #1

Landschlacht, Switzerland, Tuesday 24 March 2020 (Lockdown Day #8)

Starting today, a new system of blogging.

I shall keep separate current news reporting from my regular blogging.

Current news reporting will appear under the headline “Rumours from my room #…“.


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Due to the ongoing lockdown here in Switzerland all houses of worship are closed, but this does not mean that faith is faltering…..


Pope Francis said on Sunday he will this week deliver an extraordinary “Urbi et Orbi” (to the city and the world) blessing – normally given only at Christmas and Easter – and called for worldwide prayer to respond to the corona virus crisis.

Francis made the surprise announcement in his weekly Angelus message, which he has been delivering from inside the Vatican over the Internet and television instead of before crowds in St. Peter’s Square.

His decision to make an exception and give a special “Urbi et Orbi” blessing underscored the gravity of the situation worldwide but particularly in Italy, which has overtaken China as the country hardest hit by the virus outbreak.


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The Pope said that on Friday evening he would deliver the extraordinary blessing from an empty St. Peter’s Square.

The square, which is part of the Vatican, has been closed as part of a lockdown in Italy to try to contain the spread of the virus.

Catholics who receive the blessing, either in person or via the media, can, under certain conditions, receive a special indulgence.

An indulgence is remission of punishment for sins.


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On Saturday Italy recorded a jump in deaths from the corona virus of almost 800, taking the death toll in the country to nearly 5,000.


Francis also called on all Christians around the world to stop at noon Italian time on Wednesday to pray the “Our Father” together.

“We want to respond to the pandemic of the virus with the universality of prayer, of compassion, of tenderness,” he said from the papal library.

“Let’s remain united”.


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In its latest desperate effort to halt the epidemic, the Italian government ordered that all businesses must close until 3 April, with the exception of those essential to maintaining the country’s supply chain.


Here in Switzerland:

Swiss public transport has been widely reduced as of Monday, with the Federal Railways cutting back on services as part of nationwide anti-corona virus measures.

The scaling back of Europe’s most-used rail network in an effort to combat the spread of Covid-19 was announced last week as part of wider measures to reduce social contact and slow down the pace of life in the country.

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As of Monday, the density of services on various major intercity lines has been reduced, while some smaller connecting lines will be scrapped altogether.


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Federal Railways boss Andreas Meyer called it the biggest timetable change in the network’s history.


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Some cross-border routes have also been affected, including the newly inaugurated Léman Express line connecting Geneva, in southwestern Switzerland, and surrounding France.

More changes and reductions in services are planned for Thursday 26 March.


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In the meantime, timetables are being updated by 8:00 pm the previous evening on the network’s website.


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The scaling back, which also affects local bus and tram networks across the country, is a proactive measure taken under the country’s anti-corona virus strategy.

It coincides with plummeting demand as many people now work from home, if at all.

Passenger numbers were estimated to have dropped by up to 20% in the first week of March.

On Monday, this figure could reach 80%.


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Two out of five people in Switzerland are in favour of tighter restrictions by the government to stem the spread of the corona virus, according to a nationwide survey.

Younger respondents and residents in the French-speaking part of the country are especially keen for the government to clamp down harder, an online poll has found.


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The poll was carried out by the Sotomo Research Institute over the past weekend and published on Tuesday – ten days after the government began  imposing sweeping measures to shut down public life. 

The measures have included the closure of schools, restaurants and shops selling non-essential goods as well as a ban on public and private gatherings of more than five people, but no blanket curfew.

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Perhaps not surprisingly, nearly 70% of respondents in the Italian-speaking region of Ticino – which borders Italy, a hotbed of the viral infection in Europe – said the government acted too late to curb the spread of the Covid-19 disease.

This figure is slightly lower (64%) in the French-language region, while a majority in the German-speaking region (56%) found the government acted just in time.


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The survey also found that the government restrictions have had an impact on everyday life in Switzerland, although not all the urgent appeals were particularly well heeded.

“An overwhelming majority of respondents did not stay at home last week, but most of them said they had been in close contact with fewer than five people,” says Michael Hermann, director of Sotomo.

Among the 65+ age group, which was particularly targeted by the government’s precautionary health measures, only about 25% adhered fully to the restrictions.

Image result for Michael Hermann, director of Sotomo


“The crisis appears to have had a particularly negative impact on the younger generations,” says Hermann.

He also said that only a very small minority of the 30,000 respondents are confident that life in Switzerland will go back to normal before the summer.

At the moment, an absolute majority assumes the corona virus disease will affect their personal health mildly.

Only a small percentage are afraid of as a result of Covid-19.


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People aged between 15 and 44 are more pessimistic than the older generation about whether Swiss hospitals will be able to cope with an expected increase in patient numbers or whether they will face a situation like that seen in northern Italy.

Respondents in the French- and Italian-language regions are more pessimistic on this front than their fellow citizens in the main German-speaking region, the pollsters found.


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Italy’s world-topping toll from the corona virus pandemic approached 5,500 on Sunday after the Mediterranean country reported another 651 deaths.

The latest daily toll was smaller than Saturday’s record 793 fatalities but still the second-highest registered during Italy’s month-long crisis.

The number of new infections rose by 10.4 per cent to 59,138.

Italy’s death toll now stands at 5,476.


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The figures announced today are lower than those for yesterday,” Italian civil protection service chief Angelo Borrelli told reporters.

“I hope and we all hope that these figures can be borne out in the coming days.

But do not let your guard down.”


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Sunday’s figures suggest that strict containment measures imposed around the northern epicentre of the crisis near Milan on 8 March might be starting to bear fruit.

Milan’s Lombardy region reported just 30.4% of the new infections on Sunday.

It had been reporting about two-thirds of Italy’s corona virus deaths throughout the crisis.

The region of 10 million officially registered 55.5% of Sunday’s COVID-19 deaths.


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“We must not get too enthusiastic or over-interpret things,” Italian government scientific committee expert Dr. Franco Locatelli said.

But “it is a sign that we welcome positively,” he said.


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The pandemic has put northern Italy’s world-class healthcare system under massive strain.

Sunday’s figures showed the number of patients receiving intensive care rising above 3,000 for the first time.


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The Russian military will start sending medical help to Italy from Sunday to help it to battle the new corona virus after receiving an order from President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.


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Putin spoke to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Saturday, the Kremlin said, adding that the Russian leader had offered his support and help in the form of mobile disinfection vehicles and specialists to aid the worst hit Italian regions.


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Italy recorded a jump in deaths from the corona virus of almost 800 on Saturday, taking the toll in the world’s hardest-hit country to almost 5,000.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that military transport planes would deliver eight mobile brigades of military medics, special disinfection vehicles and other medical equipment to Italy from Sunday.


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Russia will also send about 100 military specialists in virology and epidemics, the Interfax news agency cited the defense ministry as saying.

Russia itself has reported 306 cases of the virus, most of them in Moscow, and one corona virus-related death.


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Holding the Cuban flag and wearing surgical masks, Cuban doctors arrived in Italy on Sunday.

The group of 36 doctors, 15 nurses and a logistics expert have been deployed to help with the corona virus at the request of the worst affected region, Lombardy.

Communist-run Cuba has one of the world’s highest ratios of physicians per capita.

Its doctors have been on the front lines in many crises, including the fight against cholera in Haiti and against ebola in West Africa, but this is their first medical mission in Cuba’s medical diplomacy to Italy.


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Leader of the group Carlos Perez-Diaz said the medical brigade is ready to support the people of Italy.

Aware of the long days ahead of them, there is no doubt that it will be a challenge to stop the spread of the virus.

This is the sixth medical brigade that Cuba has sent out in recent days.

Armies of white robes have also been sent to countries, including Jamaica, Venezuela and others.


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An earthquake has rocked Croatia’s capital Zagreb, damaging buildings and leaving cars crushed by falling chunks of masonry.

A teenager is in a critical condition after a roof collapsed, local media say.

The spire of the city’s cathedral also snapped off.


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1 critical as magnitude 5.3 earthquake hits capital of Croatia, damages buildings and iconic cathedral (VIDEO, PHOTOS)


After Sunday’s tremor, Zagreb’s mayor urged people to return to their homes given fears about the corona virus.

The 5.3-magnitude quake is the largest to affect the city in 140 years.

Aside from the teenager, another sixteen people were injured.

Panicked residents ran out into the streets when it struck around 06:00 local time and were initially told to stay out by authorities.


A man inspects the damage caused by an earthquake in Zagreb on March 22.


“Keep your distance.

Don’t gather together.

We are facing two serious crises, the earthquake and the epidemic,” Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said.


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However Mayor Milan Bandic later said they should return home.

“Eighty per cent of Zagreb residents live in structures that have reinforced concrete structures,” he said.


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Several buildings were damaged, including the parliament.

It will be out of action until further notice.


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Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic described the damage as “quite extensive”.


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The earthquake acted as a cue for some residents to head for their holiday homes on the coast.

But by early afternoon police had closed motorway toll booths and set up control points to prevent people entering coastal districts because of fears of spreading the corona virus.

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Croatia has more than 200 Covid-19 infections.


People in southern Austria and Slovenia also felt the tremor.


The strong earthquake in Croatia on Sunday caused panic, the evacuation of hospitals and widespread damage including to the capital’s iconic cathedral — all amid a partial corona virus lockdown.


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A 15-year-old was reported to be in critical condition and 16 other people were injured, authorities said.

The European seismological agency, EMSC, said the 5.3 earthquake struck a wide area north of the capital, Zagreb, at 6:23 a.m. (0523 GMT).

The epicenter was 7 kilometers (4 miles) north of Zagreb at a depth of 10 kilometers (6 miles).

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At least four weaker tremors followed the initial quake.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said the earthquake was the biggest in Zagreb in the last 140 years.


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Many buildings cracked and walls and rooftops were damaged. Streets were littered with debris.

Concrete slabs fell on cars and chimneys landed in front of entrances.


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Footage from the scene showed mothers dressed in nightgowns hugging their newborn babies in a parking lot as they evacuated a damaged maternity hospital amid freezing temperatures.

The women, newborn babies and incubators were being moved to a new location with the help of the army.


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Zagreb’s iconic cathedral was also damaged, with the top of one of its two spires collapsing.

The cathedral was rebuilt after it toppled in the 1880 earthquake.


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Power was cut as people ran out of their homes.

Several fires were also reported.

Residents shared photos of belongings falling off shelves, broken bottles and glass inside homes.


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Officials first said a 15-year-old was killed, but doctors later said that she was in critical condition and that they were fighting to save her life.

They gave no immediate details on the extent of other injuries.


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The earthquake struck amid a partial lockdown of the capital because of the spread of the corona virus.

People were told to avoid public areas, such as parks and public squares, but had little choice as they fled their residences.

Up to five people are allowed to be together while keeping a distance.


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Health Minister Vili Beros warned people to keep a 2-meter (7-foot) “social distance” as requested by decrees passed by the government in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

There are 235 corona virus cases confirmed so far in Croatia.

“Earthquakes are dangerous, but corona virus is even more so,” Beros said, as people rushed out of their homes to congregate in city parks.


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Some of Zagreb residents disagreed.

”Earthquakes are more important than the coronavirus. If the earthquake hits, and you are under a door, you worry about yourself first and then the mask later,” Paul, a man from Peru who lives in Zagreb, told a local TV station.

He gave only his first name.


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Plenkovic, the Prime Minister, urged citizens to remain calm and return to their homes where possible in the central parts of Zagreb, which sustained the most damage.

“We have two parallel crisis that contradict each other,” Plenkovic said after an emergency meeting of Croatia’s top officials.


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Croatian soldiers wearing masks and carrying shovels could be seen helping efforts to clear the damage on the streets of Zagreb.


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Top officials toured the damaged areas as some citizens criticized city authorities over the poor states of buildings in the old part of the city, some of which date to the 19th century.


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“We will try to clear the streets as soon as possible,” the Prime Minister said.

“Stay outside your homes and keep a distance.”


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Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said the situation was complicated by the restrictive virus-related measures in place.

“We face two simultaneous crises, one is unpredictable and the other is invisible,” Bozinovic said.

“There are rules for when there is an earthquake, but when there is an earthquake at the same time when there is a global pandemic, then it’s a much more complex situation,” he said.


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Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced a nationwide lockdown starting Monday 06:00 a.m.

“It must be done in time before it is too late,” Mitsotakis announced on Greek television on Sunday and added:

“In the name of the common good, I proceed with this decision.

I have informed the President of the Republic and the leaders of political parties of my decision,” he said.

Mitsotakis thanked the overwhelming majority of people who understood the threat posed by the virus and stayed home.

“I will not, however, allow some frivolous, flippant people undermine the security of the many.

Because those few can harm thousands,” the Greek prime minister said.


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All citizens are ordered to stay at home.

Exceptions are allowed for those needing to go to work and short trips to supermarkets, doctors, relatives in need, exercise (single or in pairs) or to walk their pet.


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Specifically, Greek citizens must fill out and sign certain forms that will explain the reason they are outdoors.

The Ministry of the Interior is providing online all forms needed at and by text at 13033.


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Specifically, all people who are outside must have their ID/passport on them.

They must have filled-out and signed forms of their place of residence and work.

People who commute to and from work must have a verification paper from their employer.

If they are freelancers, the must have a sworn statement signed by them and explain to their authorities where they are going.

A similar statement must be on hand if they visit a relative who is in need of help.

The same applies for visits to the supermarket, mini market, bakery and pharmacy.


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If one needs to exercise outdoors, he must do so near his place of residence.

No more than two people can exercise or jog together.

The same applies to walking a pet.

Again, ID and a signed form are needed.

People returning to their permanent place of residence are exempt from the measure as they travel.


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The move comes as health authorities earlier announced that two more people died on Sunday bringing the total number of fatalities to 15.

Confirmed cases have jumped to 624.

It is a response to many Greeks defying calls to stay at home.

Instead, over the last few days, thousands left Athens and other major cities for the countryside and the islands raising fears that they could spread the virus all over the country.


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Spain’s death toll from corona virus soared to 1,720 on Sunday from 1,326 the day before, according to latest data from the Health Ministry.

The one-day rise in deaths of 394 was higher than the previous day’s increase of 324.

Spain is grappling with Europe’s second-worst corona virus outbreak.

The number of registered cases in the country rose to 28,572 on Sunday from 24,926 in the previous tally announced on Saturday, the official data showed.

Of those, 2,575 people have been cured of the virus, while 1,785 are hospitalized in intensive care units.


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Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said on Saturday that the government would do whatever was needed to combat the pandemic and warned that “the worst is yet to come”.

The Spanish government wants to extend for another 15 days a 15-day state of emergency it imposed on 14 March to try to curb the spread of the corona virus, multiple Spanish media outlets reported on Sunday.


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London’s ExCeL centre will be turned into a makeshift 4,000-bed “field hospital” under NHS plans to cope when the peak of the corona virus epidemic leaves thousands fighting for their lives.

In a complex operation, the conference centre will be turned into a massive critical care unit far bigger than any such facility already in existence in any NHS hospital.

Staff will help those who are struggling to breathe, many of whom will be anaesthetised, intubated and put on a ventilator because their lungs have failed.

It will be staffed by a combination of military medical personnel and NHS staff.

NHS planners think they will need to press it into service in around a month’s time, when on current trends all the critical care beds in London hospitals are likely to be full, mainly with patients with Covid-19.


The conference centre will be turned into a massive critical care unit far bigger than any such facility in an NHS hospital.

The plan to convert the ExCeL has been put together by senior NHS England officials who oversee services in London.

They are rushing to expand the availability of critical care beds in the capital, which has seen proportionately many more confirmed cases of corona virus, deaths from it and also people left in intensive care because of it than anywhere else in Britain.


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“The ExCeL will become a field hospital of 4,000 critical care beds,” said one NHS official with knowledge of the plan.

“It will be staffed by military medics but it’s still unclear where all the nurses needed will come from.”


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The venue, which opened in London’s Docklands in 2000, usually stages a wide range of conferences, trade fairs and sporting events, such as boxing matches.

NHS England London region planners have been forced to prepare to use the ExCeL as an auxiliary or overflow hospital because of the sheer number of people the virus will soon be leaving seriously ill.

They fear that, with the number of people left in intensive care with Covid-19 doubling across Britain every three or four days, such a dramatic move will be needed to save lives.

“Because it’s doubling everywhere every few days, and because London is two weeks ahead of the rest of the country in the severity of the impact of the disease, the ExCeL is part of the plan because that doubling means we aren’t going to have the beds,” the official added.


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One intensive care consultant said the conversion would be difficult to achieve, given the scarcity of trained critical care staff and ventilators.

“That would be the biggest ICU on the planet.

I’m not sure how feasible this is, given how much equipment, power and facilities are required,” the medic said.


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Some of the staff of the ExCeL field hospital may be those who usually work in private healthcare.

NHS England concluded a deal with the sector at the weekend for it to put its resources at the disposal of a health service that leading doctors privately fear may well be overwhelmed by what some have said will be a “tsunami” of people who cannot breathe because of the infection.


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There is also speculation that the coming peak of the corona virus epidemic could force the NHS to also use the O2 concert arena, which is nearby, although across the Thames from the ExCeL.



Asked about the planned future use of the ExCeL, NHS England did not deny the plan.

In a statement the NHS England chief executive, Sir Simon Stevens, said:

“NHS staff are working round the clock gearing up to deal with this unprecedented global health threat.

As well as ramping up treatment capacity across all NHS hospitals, we’re getting on with other options too, including new facilities as well as a landmark deal with private hospitals which has put 20,000 staff, 8,000 beds and 1,200 ventilators at our disposal.

But it remains absolutely vital that this huge mobilisation by the NHS is matched by action from the public which means following medical advice to the letter – please stay at home to save lives.”


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A government spokesperson confirmed:

“To assist NHS England to prepare for a number of scenarios as the coronavirus outbreak unfolds, a team of military planners visited the ExCeL centre in London to determine how the centre might benefit the NHS response to the outbreak.”


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The ExCeL centre has 87,000 square metres of space, drive-in doorways, and a waiting area for 300 vehicles.

It is usually used as an exhibition and conference centre and was host to several events during the 2012 London Olympics.


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The most significant set of restrictions on British life in living memory were set in place as the Prime Minister ordered people to stay in their homes.

Boris Johnson announced a nationwide lockdown in a bid to stop the corona virus outbreak and warned that the police would be called in to enforce it.


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A swathe of businesses were ordered to close as part of the measures.

With notable exceptions, retailers followed pubs and restaurants in being told to shut their doors after a weekend during which many people were still out and about, despite government pleas to isolate themselves.


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There was widespread support for the measures – but there were also calls for greater clarity.

Both the Labour party, which has been calling for such measures, and trade unions largely united behind Boris Johnson as he took the drastic step in what he termed a time of “national emergency”.

But political and trade union opposition also called on No. 10 to offer the British people more detail on how, exactly, its plan will work.


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UK death toll increases to 335.

The Department of Health and Social Care released its latest figures, showing that 6,650 people have tested positive for Covid-19 and 335 patients have died.


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FCO advises all Britons abroad to return home while they still can.

The foreign secretary, Dominic Raab said the million or so British people on holiday or working abroad should return home now – before the option to do so disappears altogether.


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Emergency corona virus legislation passed the Commons.

The bill, which will hand ministers wide-ranging powers as they try to get a grip on the crisis, will pass to the Lords after MPs decided they could wave it through without the need for a vote.


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Ghana’s Ministry of Local Government as part of government’s efforts to manage the spread of the deadly corona virus, has conducted a disinfection exercise in 136 markets and other commercial parts of the Greater Accra Region.

This comes after an announcement of a planned closure of markets in the city was made by the Accra Metropolitan Assembly to pave way for the exercise conducted today.


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In an interview with, the Mayor of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Mohammed Adjei Sowah, said the exercise which was conducted with the help of the Ghana Armed Forces and the Ghana Police Service who were on hand to ensure public compliance with the one-day ban on commercial activities.

The fumigation exercise, the Mayor added 1,300 spraying officers dispatched to the various markets across the city for the exercise.

He indicated that the assembly expects the exercise to be completed by the close of today to ensure trading and commercial activities resume to normalcy from tomorrow morning.


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On the safety of the general public relative to the chemicals being used in the exercise, the Mayor told GhanaWeb that chlorine was the active chemical being used for the disinfection, which makes it safe for activities to resume the next day without any fear of human reaction to the chemical.
“It’s a chlorine, that’s what I am told of and though it is not a toxic chemical, in an operational area for health and safety purposes, we need to provide the space and comfort for the people who are working to ensure that they get the right environment to do the work.

We don’t want any chaos so that’s why markets have been totally closed temporally for today and by tomorrow morning, God willing, business will start again.”


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He said among other things that based on the advice and recommendations of the Inter-Ministerial Committee instituted by the president in the fight against COVID-19, the assembly may embark on other exercises.

Speaking on the panic buying which caused markets in the city to be overcrowded between Friday and Sunday, Adjei Sowah said the situation was a result of the misinformation done by some persons who interpreted the one-day closure of markets as a total shutdown of the city.


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South Africa will impose a nationwide lockdown for 21 days from midnight on Thursday to try to contain the corona virus outbreak, President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Monday, as the number of confirmed cases jumped by 128 to 402.


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Ramaphosa said in an address to the nation that South Africa needed to escalate its response dramatically to curb the spread of infection.

“From midnight on Thursday 26 March until midnight on Thursday 16 April, all South Africans will have to stay at home,” Ramaphosa said.

People will still be able to go out to seek medical care, buy food or collect a social grant.

“While this measure will have a considerable impact on people’s livelihoods, on the life of our society and on our economy, the human cost of delaying this action would be far, far greater.”

Ramaphosa said health workers, emergency personnel and security services would be among those exempt from the lockdown.


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All shops and businesses will be closed except for pharmacies, laboratories, banks, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, supermarkets, petrol stations and healthcare providers.

Soldiers will be deployed to support the police, and international travellers who arrived in South Africa after 9 March from “high-risk” countries will be confined to their hotels until they have completed a 14-day period of quarantine.

Furnaces and underground miners will be required to make arrangements for care and maintenance, which means operations stop but are kept in a condition to resume in future.


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Ramaphosa said a first phase of the government’s economic response would include assisting businesses in distress and a package of more than 3 billion rand (£147.5 million) of funding for industrial firms.


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South Africa has the most confirmed cases of corona virus in sub-Saharan Africa and public health experts are worried that it could overwhelm the health system if infection rates continue to rise.

The President earlier this month declared a national state of disaster over the virus, imposing travel bans affecting countries like China, Germany, Britain and the United States.


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Elsewhere on the continent, Zimbabwe closed all its borders to human traffic except returning residents after reporting its first death from the coronavirus.

The government also banned public gatherings indefinitely.


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Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, closed its land borders after also registering its first death.


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Ethiopia also closed its land borders.


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Kenya’s confirmed corona virus cases rose by one to 16.


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Senegal’s tally rose by 12 to 79.


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African finance ministers also called for a $100 billion stimulus package, including a suspension of debt service payments.


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Tunisia’s President Kais Saied on Monday ordered the army to deploy in the streets to force people to respect a lockdown imposed to halt the spread of corona virus, the office of the presidency said in a statement sent to Reuters.

Tunisia has 89 confirmed cases of the virus.

It imposed a curfew last week and a general lockdown from Sunday that keeps people in their homes except to buy necessities.


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As the number of new cases of the corona virus shows signs of abating in China, a smattering of cinemas re-opened in a handful of provinces across the country this weekend.

On Friday, there were 486 movie theaters back at work, while Saturday the total was upped to 507, local reports say.

This represents just 4.5% of the Middle Kingdom exhibition infrastructure and brought in an estimated $4,355 on Saturday, per ticketing platform.


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The biggest concentration of cinema-goers was in Xinjiang which had previously been the site of the first movie theater to open since the mainland shuttered all screens in January.

The other provinces where theaters opened include Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Qinghai, Henan, Fujian and Guangdong.


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These small steps to get China back up and running come at a time when the rest of the world’s movie theaters are essentially all closed for business.


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Today, Australia became the latest major market to shutter its cinemas.

Still in operation to a degree are Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Korea and Japan, though each with limitations.


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The expectation for China is that theatres will continue to come back online through the end of this month and into April with the overall theatrical re-opening happening in waves.


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The first is the re-release of older local titles including Wolf Warrior 2, American Dreams In China, The Wandering Earth, Wolf Totem and the Lebanese pic Capernaum.

Chinese exhibitors will keep 100% of the box office on those titles, and have been encouraged to set attractive pricing while also respecting safety measures issued by Beijing.


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Hollywood studios have also been approached to bring catalogue films back to the Middle Kingdom as it works to get back on its feet.


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Last week, Warner Bros said a new 3D 4K version of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone was due to release, though a date has yet to be set.


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A second wave of titles could come in mid-to-late-April, including Hollywood pics that were cleared pre-shutdown like 1917, Dolittle, Ford V Ferrari, Jojo Rabbit, Bad Boys For Life and Sonic the Hedgehog.


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The hope is that business finds more stability in time for the 1 May holiday.


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According to China Global Television, a recent survey by Sir Film found that most respondents do not have immediate plans to go to the cinema, largely citing fear of crowds and leaving home just yet, as well as a preference to wait for new movies to be released.


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There were 39 new COVID-19 cases reported on Sunday, China’s National Health Commission said.

Each was imported to the mainland (rather than having been transmitted domestically) where the total number of confirmed cases is 81,093 with 3,270 deaths.


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No international flights will be allowed to land in India from Sunday for a week, the government announced on Thursday escalating measures to fight the corona virus.

In a notice hours before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the nation, the government also urged work from home for most and said those below 10 and above 65 should stay home.


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Corona virus cases in India climbed to 173 on Thursday after 18 new cases were reported.

To check the spread of the corona virus, which has claimed over 8,000 lives globally and infected more than two lakh, India had already suspended visas for the vast majority of foreigners seeking to enter the country.


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Millions of people across the country stayed indoors, streets wore a deserted look and bare number of vehicles were on the road on Sunday in an unprecedented shutdown on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeal for a Janata curfew to help check the spread of the corona virus.



The Janata curfew (or People’s curfew) an effort to combat the corona virus spread, was introduced by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

On 19 March 2020, the Prime Minister implored all citizens of India to observe a self-imposed ‘curfew’ from 7 am to 9 pm IST on Sunday, 22 March 2020 to help reduce community spreading of corona virus disease in India.

The Janata curfew was a 14 hour curfew (7am-9pm) that was scheduled for 22 March 2020.

Everyone except people of ‘essential services’ such as police, medical services, media, home delivery professionals and firefighters were needed to take part in the curfew.


Deserted streets in Ottappalam, India during Janata curfew.jpg


At 5 pm (22 March 2020), all citizens were asked to stand in their doorways, balconies or windows, and clap their hands or ring their bells in appreciation for the professionals delivering these essential services.


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People belonging to the National Cadet Corps and the National Service Scheme enforced the curfew across the country.

The Prime Minister also urged youth to inform ten others about the Janata curfew and encourage everyone to observe the curfew.


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Some auto and taxi unions in Delhi stated that they would not be providing service during the Janata curfew.


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Some states took further precautions like the shutdown of Metro trains, suburban trains, buses, trams and monorail services.


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Tamil Nadu would not allow visitors in jails during the Janata curfew nor was fishing allowed.


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Only employees who work for essential services were allowed to board local trains in Mumbai.

Rail service was cut back causing the cancellation of more then 3,700 trains.

These actions however will end on 31 March.


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In the case of Telangana, while supporting the Prime Minister’s Janata curfew call, the Chief Minister of Telangana, K. Chandrashekar Rao appealed to the people of Telangana to stay indoors for 24 hours from 6 am on Sunday (22 March 2020) in order to contain the possible spread of the corona virus.


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Misinformation that the government was spreading an “anti-corona” drug in the country during the Janata curfew went viral on social media.


Film actor Mohanlal and many others shared the fake news that the vibration generated by clapping together during the Janata curfew would kill the virus.


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One viral message said that the lifetime of corona virus is only 12 hours and staying home for 14 hours during the Janata curfew would break the chain of transmission.

Another message claimed that observing the Janata curfew would result in the reduction of corona virus cases by 40%.


A tweet by Rajanikanth – an Indian film actor who works primarily in Tamil cinema – claiming that a 14-hour stay home can stop the corona virus disease going from “stage 2” to “stage 3” was classified as misinformation and was taken down by Twitter for violating community guidelines.


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Amitabh Bachchan – an Indian film actor, film producer, television host, occasional playback singer and former politician – was heavily criticised for one of his tweets, which claimed vibrations from clapping and blowing conch shells as part of Sunday’s Janata Curfew would reduce or destroy corona virus potency as it was ‘amavasya’, the darkest day of the month.


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Iraq on Sunday imposed a total nationwide lockdown until March 28 to fight the novel corona virus, as the number of cases grew and the death toll climbed to 20.

Most of Iraq’s 18 provinces had so far imposed their own local curfews, but the new measures would include the whole of the country, according to a new decision by the government’s crisis cell.

Schools, universities and other gathering places would remain closed, as would the country’s multiple international airports, it said in a statement.

Many had feared a potential influx of cases from neighboring Iran, where 1,685 people have died after contracting the COVID-19 respiratory illness.

Iraq first shut it 1,500-kilometre border with Iran about a month ago and deployed troops to enforce the decision.

The virus has killed only 20 people in Iraq while 233 others are infected but there are concerns that many cases are going undetected, as only 2,000 people of the country’s 40-million population have been tested so far.


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Tens of thousands of people flocked to a cauldron with the Olympic flame in northeastern Japan over the weekend despite concerns about the corona virus pandemic.

The flame arrived in Japan to a scaled-down welcoming ceremony on Friday as doubts grew over whether the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will go ahead on schedule as the deadly virus causes chaos around the world.


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The pandemic has already shredded the global sports calendar, with top sports leagues suspended and major tournaments postponed.


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More than 50,000 people on Saturday queued to watch the flame displayed at Sendai station in Miyagi, chosen as part of the “Recovery Olympics” to showcase the region’s revival after the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown.

Some had to stay in a 500-metre (1,650-foot) queue for several hours, local media said.


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Many of them wore masks as they took pictures with the cherry blossom-shaped cauldron.

“I queued for three hours but watching the Olympic flame was greatly encouraging,” a 70-year-old woman told public broadcaster NHK.

But organisers, concerned about the bigger-than-expected gathering, have warned the viewing event could be suspended if a crowd becomes “extremely dense”, local media reported.


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The nationwide torch relay begins on 26 March, starting from the J-Village sports complex in Fukushima that was used as a base for workers during the 2011 nuclear disaster.

But organisers have been forced to scale back the relay, closing daily ceremonies to the public and urging spectators to “avoid forming crowds” along the route.


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The death toll in Turkey due to the corona virus rose to 30, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said late on 22 March, after nine patients died of the highly contagious respiratory illness.


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Koca said on Twitter that 20,345 tests had been conducted so far, 1,236 of which came back positive.

“We are losing new lives.

The number of cases is increasing.

But it should not be forgotten that we made as many tests as possible.

With every patient under treatment, we are preventing the epidemic,” Koca said.


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The minister also urged people to stay at home.

“Let’s not take risks.

Life fits in the home,” he said.


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Long-haul carrier Emirates said Sunday it has dramatically cut its passenger flight destinations from 145 locations to just 13 countries.

It’s a pivotal move that reflects the dramatic slowdown in traffic through the airline’s hub in Dubai, the world’s busiest international airport, due to disruptions caused by the coronavirus.

The state-owned carrier said it will keep flying to the US, the UK, Japan, Australia and Canada, among a few other select destinations.

The company had just hours earlier announced a suspension of all passenger flights, but said it reversed that decision after receiving requests from governments and customers to support the repatriation of travellers.


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The United Arab Emirates, which is home to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, has all but closed its borders to travellers with exceptions for those transiting through or for returning Emirati citizens.

The state-owned carrier said it will continue to operate cargo flights through its fleet of Boeing 777 freighters for the transport of essential goods, including medical supplies across the world.

It also said the company would reduce salaries for the majority of its employees for three months, but will not cut jobs.


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Airlines around the globe have greatly reduced their capacity in response to the pandemic and travel regulations.

Many carriers are struggling to cover their costs and pay salaries with their fleets grounded and countries shutting their borders to travellers.


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Only a handful have completely suspended flights, such as Royal Jordanian, which is conducting only cargo flights to comply with government regulations and entry bans.


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Panama’s Copa Airlines announced Saturday that it has suspended all of its flights until late April.


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Austrian Airlines also terminated its regular flights this week on a temporary basis.


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But some suspensions are permanent, given the drop in demand:


Trans State Airlines, which had already planned to close by the end of the year, will cease operations in April because of the impact of the corona virus.


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In the Middle East, airlines have lost more than $7 billion in revenue as of 11 March,  according to the International Air Transport Association.

The group says 16,000 passenger flights have been cancelled in the Middle East since the end of January.


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Emirates said in a statement it has tried to maintain passenger flights “for as long as feasible” to help travellers return home amid all the travel bans, restrictions and lockdowns.

Emirates Group CEO and Chairman Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum had said in an initial statement Sunday that the company found itself in a situation where it “cannot viably operate passenger services until countries re-open their borders and travel confidence returns.”

He described the situation as “an unprecedented crisis” and said “the world has literally gone into quarantine” due to the virus and the illness it causes, called COVID-19, which has infected more than 300,000 people around the world.


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Most people only experience minor flu-like symptoms and recover within a few weeks, but the virus is highly contagious and can be spread by those who appear well.

It can cause severe illness, including pneumonia and even death in some patients, particularly in the elderly and those with underlying health problems.

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Al Maktoum said the company was doing well financially at the start of the year, but the impact from the virus “has brought all that to a sudden and painful halt over the past six weeks.”


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Emirates Group, which also operates an airport ground services company called dnata at locations around the world, had previously urged employees to take paid and unpaid leave.


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Basic salaries for the majority of Emirates Group employees were being reduced for three months, with cuts ranging from 25-50%.

The company said employees will continue to be paid other allowances during this time.

Junior-level employees would be exempt from the basic salary reduction.


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The president of Emirates, Tim Clark, and the president of dnata, Gary Chapman, will take a full basic salary cut for three months.

Emirates posted profits in its most recent fiscal year of $237 million, down from $762 million the year before.


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The airline’s aggressive expansion and growth helped transform its hub at Dubai International Airport into the world’s busiest for international passengers.

Emirates carried around 58 million passengers last year.


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Three days after the 2020 AFL premiership began, the season has officially been postponed until 31 May, the game’s chief executive officer, Gillon McLachlan, has confirmed.

McLachlan told to the media this afternoon clubs had been notified the season had been temporarily shut down.

“Today, after a meeting with the AFL commission, the AFL has moved to immediately suspend the 2020 Toyota AFL premiership season,” he said.

“We will conclude the NAB AFL women’s season as a result of the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus.

“Today’s match in Perth between the West Coast Eagles and Melbourne will be the final match before the AFL season goes into a temporary halt.

Games will be suspended until 31 May 2020.”

McLachlan suggested the AFL competition could resume later than 31 May, depending on shifting circumstances in this “unprecedented” global health crisis.



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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Sunday morning that all non-essential travel would be cancelled, sparking discussion about whether the AFL classified as “essential” or not.

However, after South Australia revealed its borders would close from 4 pm Tuesday, it quickly became apparent the competition could not continue.


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“The decision by various state governments to close their borders and travel bans and other measures meant it was time to immediately stop the AFLW and AFL competitions,” McLachlan said.

“All AFL club training will be suspended while we work with the clubs on the best way to manage players ahead of games being resumed.”

McLachlan also claimed the game was facing “the biggest financial crisis in AFL history”, but drastic measures needed to cut costs will be detailed in next 48 hours.

“Our key priority is to do everything possible to keep players, staff and supporters healthy and well through this pandemic,” he said.

“Our industry provides livelihoods for thousands and thousands of people, but our key focus at the moment, like every organisation in the country, is to do everything that needs to be done to slow the spread of this virus – to keep people as healthy as possible.

“To say that this is the most serious threat to our game in 100 years is an understatement. It is unprecedented in its impact.”

“I know that everyone involved in our game and our millions of supporters will be impacted by this decision,” McLachlan told reporters on Sunday.

“Many people will suffer significant hardship as are people right across our community.

“I want to thank the whole football community including broadcast and corporate partners of the AFL and our clubs and members, our supporters for their support and their understanding in what has been an unprecedented time in the game’s history.

“I especially want to thank our staff who have been tireless in working with everyone across football through this issue.

The only way that footy can find a way through is to continue to be agile, flexible and most importantly united.

“There are no winners today.”


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A Channel 7 spokesperson released a statement following McLachlan’s announcement.

“We fully support the decision of the AFL to suspend the season, in the interest of player and community health and safety.

While we’re as disappointed as anyone else, we’ll work with the AFL and our partners to understand best next steps,” the statement read.


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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Sunday morning all non-essential travel would be cancelled, sparking discussion about whether the AFL classifies as “essential” or not.

“We are moving immediately to recommend against all non-essential travel in Australia,” Morrison said.

“All non-essential travel should be cancelled.

“Essential travel, what we are referring to is work-related travel that could be essential, it could be compassionate grounds, but also, when it comes to essential supplies and other important arrangements needed to keep Australia running.”


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There are 40 new cases in New Zealand and three probable cases.
Six people are in hospital in a stable condition, but none have required intensive care.
There are now 155 total confirmed and probable cases.
12 people in NZ have now fully recovered.
Most cases are linked to recent overseas travel, however, there are four being treated as community transmission (three in Auckland, one in Wairarapa)
Recent overseas travel is still the main driver of new infections in NZ.
Testing facilities have been set up across the country by DHBs.
The government is locating devices for children who learning from home without the appropriate technology.
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New Zealand has been lifted to alert level three.
Alert level four will come into effect at 11.59pm on Wednesday.
All non-essential businesses must close at that time – this includes bars, restaurants, cinemas, playgrounds.
Essential services will remain open.
All indoor and outdoor events are banned.
Schools will close from tomorrow.
Supermarkets and pharmacies will remain open.
All of these measures will remain in place for about four weeks.

The government will have zero tolerance for people ignoring these restrictions, and police will be used to enforce them if required.


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Kiwis overseas are being urged by Foreign Minister Winston Peters to stay put, as travelling home has become quite difficult.
The deadline for domestic travel in New Zealand has been extended until midnight Friday to help people get home.
The government is freezing rent increases to ease the pressure of restrictions.
The wage subsidy cap has been lifted to $9.1 billion.

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A doctor has warned that increasing numbers of New Zealanders returning from overseas have corona virus symptoms and have likely been exposed to the virus.

Dr Kelvin Ward, an urgent care physician who on Sunday called on the government to trigger a level 4 lockdown of the country, said multiple returning New Zealanders had called his clinic concerned about Covid-19 symptoms.

“On Saturday and Sunday and Monday morning we were in contact with 23 NZ residents who had recently returned from overseas and who met the criteria to be swabbed for a Covid-19 test,” Ward said.

Currently, New Zealanders must self isolate for 14 days upon returning home, but this is not strictly enforced.

New Zealanders returning from Wuhan on a special chartered flight in February were placed in mandatory quarantine at Whangaparāoa Navy base.

Ward said the government needed to think about mandatory quarantine like this for returning Kiwis, given the chance that someone could break self-isolation and spread the virus.

“Why are we not quarantining these people when they’re coming from areas of the world that are being devastated by this thing?” Ward asked.

He was also concerned that many people returning from overseas would go through a hub like Auckland or Christchurch before transferring onto the domestic network of flights, potentially spreading the disease further.


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People needing to travel on domestic flights, trains and Cook Strait ferries to get home before the country moves into level 4 lock-down tomorrow night will be able to continue using the passenger services until midnight on Friday, Transport Minister Phil Twyford said Tuesday.
Domestic passenger services, particularly ferries, have been inundated with people trying to get home before the original cut-off date of midnight Wednesday for non-essential workers.
A decrease in passenger numbers to accommodate level 3 physical distancing measures has reduced the ability of passenger services to carry more people.
Twyford said it was unlikely the increased demand could be met before midnight Wednesday.
“The Government recognises New Zealanders are trying to do the right thing by returning home ahead of the country moving to level 4.”
There has been further pressure on domestic passenger services from international tourists who are completing self-isolation and declared COVID-free to move to their final destination in New Zealand.
“That’s why the Cabinet COVID Committee this afternoon agreed to extend the deadline for non-essential workers and international tourists to keep using domestic passenger services until midnight Friday.
After this time, services will only be provided to essential services and workers, including freight services.
“International travellers will only be allowed to use domestic passenger services to reach their final destination to comply with lock-down requirements.“
These airplanes, trains, and ferries are expected to implement physical distancing and other protective measures that are appropriate for their services.
“I want to thank passengers for their patience as we urgently worked through this unintended consequence of the battle to fight COVID-19,” Twyford said.
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Corona beers were clinked and the hand sanitiser flowed as one Auckland couple enjoyed a last-minute wedding before the country went into lockdown.

Lily and James Balderston were due to marry on 18 April, but decided to bring the date forward to 4 April as the Covid-19 outbreak worsened.

“Originally it was going to be 140 people in a field out in Wainui – we both work in the event industry so we had lots of big plans,” said Lily Balderston.



Then came Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s announcement on Monday that New Zealand would be going into lockdown for a minimum of four weeks.

“We were like, let’s just do it.”


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The couple scrambled to put together a small ceremony at home with their parents and siblings.

A friend baked them a cake, while Lily’s mum worked into the night to finish making her wedding dress.

The ceremony was livestreamed on Facebook for all the guests who couldn’t be there.

They would now spend their “honeymoon” self-isolating in their one-bedroom flat for the next four weeks.

“It will be a good test.”


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Sarah and Nigel Stevenson and their three children Libby, Ashlyn and Cooper are halfway through 14 days of self-isolation after returning home to Auckland from Sydney.

Now the rest of the country is joining them in staying home.

So what have they learnt?

“Much as staying in your pyjamas all day is a nice idea, you do need to get on with things and try to have a normal life,” says Sarah.

“I’ve not been bored, but there’s certainly parts of the house which have never been cleaned before which have had a good clean.”



Canada began to shut down on Monday.

Both Québec and Ontario announced that non-essential businesses would shut down by midnight Tuesday.

“Québec will be on hold for three weeks,” said Québec Premier François Legault.


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Provincial and territorial premiers were expected to hold a telephone call with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Monday evening to discuss further measures to contain the spread.

In a pair of back-to-back press conferences, Québec and Ontario — the two most populous provinces in the country — announced there would soon be full shutdowns of non-essential businesses as health officials grapple with the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus that has sickened more than 1,400 people in Canada and killed 20.


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“This was a very, very tough decision, but it is the right decision,” said Premier Doug Ford, looking ashen at an early afternoon press conference.

“This is not the time for half-measures, this decision was not made lightly.”

Ford, who sounded frustrated at those who are flouting advisories to remain at home and instead of going out socializing, said further details — including essential versus non-essential designations — on the shutdown would be announced Tuesday, and that the 36-hour heads up would give business time to prepare.

A news release hinted at what would remain open, such as shops that sell necessities such as groceries and medicine.

Premier Ford’s order will be in effect for 14 days, he said, with the possibility of an extension.

More than 500 cases have been identified in Ontario, and six people have died.


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A short while later, Toronto Mayor John Tory declared a state of emergency, which allows him to sidestep council in implementing unspecified measures down the road.


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In Québec, 45 people are in hospital, 20 of them in intensive care; there was a jump of 409 cases from Sunday to Monday, with the provincial total reaching 628.

Québec public health director Horacio Arruda said Quebecers must stay home.

“I am not trying to scare people but it’s a question of life and death,” Arruda said.


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The Quebec government said a full list of essential businesses would be published soon, but grocery stores, pharmacies, the news media and restaurant take-out/delivery were mentioned as essential.

The business shutdown will remain in place until at least 13 April, Premier Legault said.


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Nunavut also banned non-residents and non-critical workers from entering the territory, beginning Tuesday at 11:59 p.m., and even then, they’ll only be allowed home after a 14-day isolation in the south, and when they are symptom-free.


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The announcements came just hours after Nova Scotia put in place border controls for those coming into the province by sea, land and air, saying they would be stopped and told to self-isolate for 14 days; the province had declared a state of emergency on Sunday.

“We have no choice but to call upon the police and law enforcement agency to enforce self-isolation and social distancing,” said Nova Scotia Justice Minister Mark Furey.


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Also over the weekend, the Northwest Territories was the first jurisdiction to slam shut its borders to non-residents, after the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed.

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Yukon, which has two cases, has strongly advised against non-essential travel in and out of the province.


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Elsewhere, British Columbia Premier John Horgan announced a $5 billion financial plan to help float the economy forward.


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Premier Jason Kenney, speaking at the Alberta legislature in Edmonton, announced tax relief for business to stay liquid during the crisis.

He also slammed scammers and hoarders, demanding that people stop such activities, and hinting that fierce penalties might be put in place if people continue to flout isolation orders.


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Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Trudeau gave his sternest warning to date, speaking to the media outside of his home in Ottawa one day before parliamentarians return to address emergency legislation.

“We’ve all seen the pictures online of people who seem to think they’re invincible. Well, you’re not,” Trudeau said.

“Enough is enough.

Go home and stay home.

This is what we all need to be doing and we’re going to make sure this happens, whether by educating people more on the risks, or by enforcing the rules, if that’s needed.”


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A prison riot in Colombia’s capital Bogota late on Saturday left 23 prisoners dead and 83 injured, the justice minister said on Sunday, as detainees protested sanitary conditions amid the global outbreak of the corona virus.


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Thirty-two injured prisoners are hospitalized, Justice Minister Margarita Cabello said in a video, while seven prison guards were also injured.

Two guards are in critical condition.

The Andean country will enter a nationwide lockdown meant to stem infections from Tuesday night.

So far 231 people have been confirmed infected with the disease and two have died.

“Today is a very sad and painful day,” Cabello said.

“Last night there was a mass criminal escape attempt at the El Modelo prison and riots in various detention centers around the country.”


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Graphic cell phones videos were posted to social media late on Saturday showing what appeared to be the inside of the prisons.

Some showed small fires, others injured prisoners and guards.

In one video, a man says the incarcerated have been “abandoned like dogs” amid the virus outbreak.


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No prisoners escaped during the riots, Cabello said.

“There is not any sanitary problem that would have caused this plan and these riots.

There is not one infection nor any prisoner or custodial or administrative staffer who has corona virus.”


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The office of the human rights ombudsman called on the government to declare a prison emergency which could allow early release for older prisoners.

“This way there could be exceptional circumstances that would facilitate releases and temporary rules for those over 60 and with sentences of up to eight years,” the office said on Twitter.


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Colombia’s 132 prisons have an 81,000-inmate capacity, but house more than 121,000 prisoners, according to figures from the Justice Ministry.


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The second Colombian to die from corona virus was a 70-year-old woman in the city of Cali, the health ministry said on Sunday.

Her daughter arrived in Colombia from Cuba, where she had been in contact with a person from the United States who is positive for the virus.

The daughter currently has a cough, the ministry said in a statement, while the victim’s 74-year-old husband is hospitalized and positive for the virus.


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Inmates’ fears that prison guards are not doing enough to prevent coronavirus outbreaks inside Colombia’s notoriously overcrowded and unhygienic prisons turned violent on Saturday.

According to media, violence broke out in the prisons of Ibague, Jamundi and Combita, in two prisons in Medellin and in another two in the capital Bogota.

Videos posted on social media showed that fire had broken out in Bogota’s La Modelo prison.

Neighbors told newspaper El Espectador they heard explosions and shots from inside the prison.

Newspaper El Espectador said it had heard Whatsapp messages from one prison guard requesting armed reinforcement as the situation had spiraled out of control.


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Because the riots broke out almost simultaneously, security forces secured the neighborhoods around the prison presuming that the protests and riots could be a coordinated prison break.

Following the riots, inmates released multiple statements, demanding government action that would allow vulnerable and non-violent prisoners to be granted house arrest, reduce the prisoners’ inhumane living conditions and reduce the risk of infections with the corona virus.


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We find ourselves with limited spaces, sleeping one on top of the other and vulnerable to the spread of diseases and the transmission of viruses or bacteria because of the hygiene.

The ombudsman’s office offered to mediate between the inmates and the prison guards to seek a solution.


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Senator Rodrigo Lara urged Justice Minister Margarita Cabello on Friday to immediately grant house arrest to non-violent prisoners and inmates older than 60, and release them from the prisons that are effectively square petri dishes.


Overcrowded conditions are subhuman, very difficult and precarious and prisons are a vector for all diseases.

If we don’t take action now, we are going to have a prison crisis with great consequences.

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Lara told weekly Semana that the minister had told him the government was already considering measures after reports of prison riots in Brazil and Iran.

Prisons in the US began releasing vulnerable prisoners on Thursday after prison reform advocates indicated that inmates are at increased risk of infection.

Colombia’s justice minister took no action, however, and prisons turned into war zones on Saturday as predicted.


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Colombia’s overcrowded prisons were among the first to go into quarantine after the virus was detected in Colombia, which included a visitors’ ban.

Inmates, however, have no confidence in the prison guards of INPEC, the country’s notoriously corrupt prison authority, who are exempt from any quarantine measures.


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A massive funding package to combat the impact of corona virus did not get enough votes in a key Senate procedural vote Sunday evening.

The stalemate came hours after Democratic leaders warned that the bill did too much to bail out companies and not enough to help workers.

Stock futures cratered as the two parties failed to agree on the terms of the package.


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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell lambasted the Democrats.

“We’re fiddling with the emotions of the American people, fiddling with the markets, fiddling with our health care,” he said.

“Step up,” he added.

“Help us reach an agreement so we can do what needs to be done for the American people no later than tomorrow.” 


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The final vote tally was 47-47, well short of the 60 votes needed to advance the bill.

Republicans hold a 53-47 edge in the chamber, although several GOP senators, including Rand Paul, who had tested positive for the corona virus, were not present to vote.

Others, such as Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, were in quarantine as a precaution.


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President Donald Trump was decidedly optimistic in a corona virus task force press briefing Sunday that was unfolding as senators voted.

“I think you’ll get there,” he said.


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Senate Republicans last week rolled out a roughly $1 trillion proposal after working closely with the administration in a bid to slow the potentially catastrophic impact of the corona virus on the economy.

As on Monday, more than 35,000 have tested positive for the illness in the United States, a number that is expected to surge as more tests are distributed.

The bill included small business loans, direct payments for individuals and billions in aid for industries like airlines whose businesses have been hit hard by the virus and efforts to stop its spread.


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Republicans had hoped to come to a deal with Democrats by Monday.

Hospitals, workers, companies and states have all warned they need more resources.

The airline industry, which is expecting financial relief from the bill, has raised continued alarm that without getting money fast, it could face dire outcomes.

The pressure to forge a deal and pass the bill took on added urgency as several members of Congress have tested positive for the corona virus.


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But negotiations that carried through the weekend had hit a sour note by Sunday afternoon.

Democrats had already been frustrated that Senate Republicans drafted a bill with the administration, excluding them from the proposed bill’s original formation.


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“From my standpoint, we’re apart,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters earlier Sunday.

“Leader McConnell had to postpone his 3 p.m. cloture vote on the motion to proceed because, thanks to Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats, he did not have the 60 votes required,” Pelosi said in a statement Sunday.


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Democrats on Sunday called out a number of issues they had with the bill, including a $500 billion fund to support “severely distressed business.”

That includes $58 billion for passenger and cargo airlines and $17 billion for businesses critical to maintaining national security, according to a draft bill obtained by CNBC.

A previous draft bill allocated $150 billion for distressed businesses, in addition to $58 billion for airlines and cargo carriers.

The bill gave considerable authority to the Treasury to implement that fund.

It offered concessions to Democrats like a ban on stock buybacks for companies that receive federal aid while a loan is outstanding and maintaining payroll “to the extent practicable,” but some worried those stipulations weren’t strong enough.

One Democratic aide said opponents believe the bill gave Treasury the power to waive the ban on buybacks.

Other protections for workers and aid for hospitals were also not included.


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“In the midst of an unprecedented national crisis, Republicans can’t seriously expect us to tell people in our communities who are suffering that we shortchanged hospitals, students, workers, and small businesses but gave big corporations hundreds of billions of dollars in a secretive slush fund,” said Senator Patty Murray, whose home state of Washington is one of the hardest hit by the disease.

Murray is ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

The panel is pushing for a number of additions, including more funding for hospitals and medical equipment.

It also wants the Department of Labor to create a regulatory standard protecting front-line workers, like nurses, during health crises.


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The Democratic-led House Appropriations Committee previously criticized the Republican draft bill for “lack of supplemental funding for federal, state and local response.”


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Airline companies were also disappointed in the bill, which offered aid primarily in the form of loans and guarantees, rather than the mix of cash grants and loans they have sought.

The bill also left open the possibility of the government participating in the gains of its loans, including through warrants, stock options or equity.


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Trump has he would not be opposed to taking an equity stake in companies to which the government extends aid.


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The CEOs of American, Delta, Southwest, United and other airlines said Saturday the industry would have to furlough workers without $29 billion in “worker payroll protection grants.”

If they receive that amount in that form, they said, they wouldn’t furlough employees through 31 August.

Executives over the last week have sent out a series of grim letters to employees and congressional leadership, saying if the government doesn’t act fast, it could cost jobs.


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Several unions also came out against the bill, urging more specific provisions to protect jobs.

“The Machinists will not support any relief package that does not put airline workers first,” said Machinists union President Robert Martinez Jr.

The union represents some 140,000 airline workers.

“Unlike the bank bailout, the airline industry did not create this crisis.”


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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tried again on Monday to advance a mammoth coronavirus stimulus package, setting the vote for shortly after the markets open.
“Here’s the way ahead, colleagues.
We’re going to vote at 9:45 in the morning, the same vote we had at 6 p.m. tonight.
We’re going to vote at 9:45 in the morning, 15 minutes after the markets open, and see whether there’s a change of heart,” McConnell said on Sunday night.
His decision comes after the GOP stimulus package garnered 47 votes on Sunday, falling short of the three-fifths needed to advance.
McConnell is trying to move a “shell” bill, which he will swap text of the stimulus package into.
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Democrats, however, voted in lockstep against the bill, calling several provisions in it “non-starters.”
Among other things, Democrats say Republicans walked back an agreement on putting $250 billion into unemployment insurance, and accused them of adding a $500 billion “corporate slush fund” and leaving out their priorities like expanded paid sick leave.
The Dow futures dropped 5% on Sunday as the chances of a quick deal on a stimulus package that would provide between $1.5 to $2 trillion to combat the corona virus and bolster the economy hit fresh partisan stalemates.
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McConnell said that he would force the 9:45 a.m. vote unless negotiators are able to reach a deal before then, effectively establishing a new deadline.
I just want all our colleagues to know when the next vote will be in the absence of an agreement: 9:45 in the morning, 15 minutes after the markets open,” McConnell said.

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Republican senators say they don’t expect a vote on a $2 trillion stimulus package until Wednesday as negotiators continue to refine language in the sprawling bill.

One senior Republican senator said “legislative drafting is going to go late into the night.”

A second lawmaker said the emerging consensus within the Senate GOP conference is that while a miracle might happen and a vote is possible tonight, it’s more likely that it occurs Wednesday.

GOP leaders are giving colleagues guidance that a vote is most likely Wednesday daytime even though some rank-and-file members want to vote after midnight to give employers guidance as quickly as possible about what assistance they can expect from Washington.


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Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have a deal mostly worked out but putting conceptual agreements into legislative text has turned into a time-consuming process.

Schumer told reporters Monday evening “we expect to have a deal in the morning” but by 5 p.m. Tuesday he had yet to announce it was done.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an MSNBC interview that she expects the Senate to vote Wednesday, although she observed a Tuesday vote would “hasten” getting legislation to President Trump’s desk.

“I don’t know if they can vote today,” she said.

“You have to put in legislative language.”

She said “what I was hearing is that there’s one possibility that if they reached agreement today, they would vote tomorrow.”

Pelosi said the precise drafting of language is critical to finalizing a deal.

“It’s one thing to say we agree in principle.

It’s another thing to see the language,” she said.


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Senator Bernie Sanders was declared the winner of the Democrats Abroad primary on Monday, nearly two weeks after American voters living outside of the US cast their final ballots.

More than 58% of the votes cast went to Sanders.

Former Vice President Joe Biden received 23%.

Sanders was awarded nine of the 13 delegates at stake in the primary, and Biden received the other four.


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Sanders walked away with 69% of the vote in the primary four years ago, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won 30%.


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Biden is widely seen as the likely 2020 Democratic nominee given his massive delegate lead over Sanders.

However, it could still take a number of contests for the former vice president to win enough delegates to officially clinch the nomination.

The corona virus outbreak has caused a number of states, including Ohio, Georgia, Louisiana, Connecticut and Kentucky, to postpone their primaries.

Biden’s campaign has since gone virtual and has taken to tele-town halls, online fundraising events and daily briefings on the crisis surrounding the virus.


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Sanders’s campaign has said he will reassess his campaign but has yet to drop out of the race.

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The Tokyo Olympics are to be postponed until 2021 after talks between Japan’s prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and the International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach, led to confirmation of a decision made inevitable by the coronavirus pandemic.

Abe said they had established that cancelling the Games was out of the question, and that Bach had agreed “100%” that a postponement was the most appropriate response to the global disruption.

“We agreed that a postponement would be the best way to ensure that the athletes are in peak condition when they compete and to guarantee the safety of the spectators,” Abe told reporters shortly after his conference call with Bach, adding that the Games would be held by the summer of 2021.


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The Games “must be rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021, to safeguard the health of the athletes, everybody involved in the Olympic Games and the international community”, the IOC and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee said later in a joint statement.

The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games will continue to be called the “Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020” even when they are held next year, and the Olympic flame will stay in Japan “as a beacon of hope to the world during these troubled times”.

Some IOC members have already raised the prospect of a “cherry blossom”
Games next April, however it is more likely that they will be staged in July 2021 when there are fewer sporting events due to take place.


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World Athletics has already indicated that it will be happy to shift its 2021 championships, which are due to take place in Eugene to 2022, and Fina, the organisers of the 2021 swimming world championships, in Japan next July, have said they will also follow suit.


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The postponement is a blow to the host country, which has spent more than $12bn on the event, while huge sums are also at stake for sponsors and broadcasters.


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Goldman Sachs estimated this month that Japan would lose $4.5bn (550bn yen) in inbound and domestic consumption in 2020 if the Olympics did not take place as planned.

But the host nation greeted the IOC’s decision to postpone the Games by up to a year with a mixture of disappointment and resignation.


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Opinion polls taken before the announcement indicated that the Japanese public had already accepted that Tokyo 2020 would be sport’s biggest victims of the corona virus pandemic.


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According to a Kyodo news poll last week, almost 70% of respondents said they did not expect the Games to go ahead this summer.

One Twitter user reacted with humour, posting an image of the “new” Tokyo 2020 logo with the zero crossed out in traditional Japanese style, its replacement numeral verified by the personal seals of the organising committee head Yoshiro Mori, Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike and Abe.

View image on Twitter


Others voiced disappointment that they would have to wait another year to watch their favourite athletes compete in Tokyo.

“I’ve been looking forward to the Olympics and feel like crying,” one user tweeted.

“But I understand it’s inevitable under the circumstances.

My heart goes out to the athletes who have been striving to make the Olympics over the past four years – or even six-and-a-half years since Tokyo was chosen as the host city.”


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Yuji Ota, vice president of the Japan Fencing Federation, thanked everyone who had been involved in the Olympic preparations, telling them in a post:

“What you have done means a lot.”

He added:

“But first we have to get through the corona virus.

Health must come first.”


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Benoît Vêtu, the head coach of the Japan track cycling team, said the IOC had made the right decision.

“It’s only just been announced, so I don’t know exactly how the riders feel about it, but we’ll discuss it in the morning during training,” Vêtu told the Guardian.

“I know for sure that they will stay motivated for another year.

We have a very big group with some talented riders, and now they have an extra year to keep improving.”


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The decision was welcomed by the British Olympic Association’s chief executive, Andy Anson, who said the organisers had no choice but to cancel the Games.

“It is with profound sadness that we accept the postponement, but in all consciousness it is the only decision we can support, in light of the devastating impact Covid-19 is having on our nation, our communities and our families,” he said.

“It is time for them to stop thinking about Tokyo 2020 for now and be home and safe with their families.

It would have been unthinkable for us to continue to prepare for an Olympic Games at a time the nation and the world no less is enduring great hardship.

A postponement is the right decision.”


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Sally Munday, the CEO of UK Sport, the Olympics and Paralympics funding body, promised to fully support British athletes and coaches amid the uncertainty of a “distressing period”.

“We also realise that today’s decision has significant financial implications for our high-performance system and we are working hard to identify the wide-ranging impacts and scenarios, and are in close contact with government to establish how best to support our summer Olympic and Paralympic sports and athletes to be ready for the Games when they do take place.”


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Athletes were disappointed but broadly endorsed the delay, given health risks and disruption to their training as gyms, stadia and swimming pools shut down around the world.

“Waited eight years for this, what’s another one in the grand scheme of things?” Britain’s world champion heptathlete Katarina Johnson-Thompson wrote.

“As an athlete, it’s heartbreaking news about the Olympics being postponed until 2021, but it’s for all the right reasons and the safety of everyone!

Stay indoors!”


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However teenage Swedish pole vault world record holder Armand “Mondo” Duplantis, who was expected to be one of the stars of the Games, was more downbeat.

“It’s a bummer, it’s a bummer that I won’t be able to compete in the Olympics this year, but you have to understand the situation, understand that some things are a little bigger than sport, and I guess we’ll have it next year.”


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The Games have never before been postponed in this way, but they were cancelled in 1916 and 1940 – the latter also a planned Tokyo Games – and 1944, during the First and Second World Wars.

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Image result for 1940 olympics poster

Image result for 1944 olympics poster


So, why go to the trouble of recording all this down?

Why bother reading all that has been recorded?

Why and how does…..

  • the Pope asking for global prayer
  • the Swiss Railroad making changes
  • the Swiss opionions re: their government’s actions
  • the ongoing tragic troubles of Italy’s fight against corona
  • assistance from Russia and Cuba to Italy
  • the earthquake in Zagreb
  • the lockdown of Greece, the UK, South Africa, Tunisia, New Zealand and Canada
  • the state of emergency in Spain
  • the transforming of entertainment venues into field hospitals
  • the Janata curfew in India
  • the reopening of Chinese theatres
  • the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics
  • the airline industry’s worries
  • the prison riots in Columbia
  • the political fighting in America



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They matter because they show mankind in all of humanity’s hubris and hope, folly and faith.


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For millennia, mankind has remained uncertain of whether God exists.

And yet we pray.

We believe an invisible deity watches over everyone and that clapping might change everything.


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A disease is ravaging our nations, invisible and invincible.

And yet we fool ourselves into thinking that all our planning will somehow save us from the inevitable.


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We read of ever-worsening conditions in places near and far.

And for the briefest of moments we forget our political, national and religious differences and we help one another against disease and disaster.


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We lock up and shut down.

We close up and close down.

We disinfect our streets and defend our borders.

We keep planes on the ground and citizens at home.

We throw money around in the foolish notion that we will live beyond tomorrow.


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Babies are still being conceived and born.

Death is grappled with our final breath.


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There is no certain future.

And yet couples marry, families huddle together, sporting events are merely postponed, theatres dare to reopen.


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These are strange times and yet we find ways to adapt.


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We fight for our lives in the face of death.

We demand our dignity in the face of fear.


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And even though all is vanity and everything folly.

We fight, we struggle, we hope.


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What a piece of work is a man!

How noble in reason

How infinite in faculty, in form and moving

How express and admirable in action

How like an angel in apprehension

How like a god…..


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Who persuaded man that this admirable moving of Heaven’s vaults, that the eternal light of these lamps so fiercely rolling over his head, that the horror-moving and continual motion of this infinite vast ocean were established, and continue so many ages solely for his commodity and service?

Is it possible to imagine so ridiculous as this miserable and wretched creature, which is not so much as master of himself, exposed and subject to offences of all things, and yet dares call himself master and emperor of his own destiny?


We are such loveable fools.


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Sources: Wikipedia / Google / Swiss News